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Chapter 134

 First clues

No. 16, Taojia Lane.

Tao Cuifang crossed her hands in front of her and moved her two thumbs uneasily.

I saw her looking at Hao Zai anxiously from time to time.

The police officer said he wanted to question her alone, but he kept staring at her with a sullen face and did not speak.

"Daughter, are you okay?"

Outside the door, the landlady shouted with a trembling voice.

Her daughter was pretty, but she was worried that the police officer was unkind.

With a bang, the door opened.

Hao Zi said fiercely to the landlady, "It's just a few questions. If you keep asking me any more, I'll take you back to the patrol room."

The landlady didn't dare to say anything more. She glanced worriedly into the room and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that her daughter's clothes were intact.


Hao Zai closed the door, looked at Tao Cuifang, and suddenly asked, "What is your relationship with Sun Zhijie?"

"Ah, Ajie is mine, my fiancé." Tao Cuifang's voice was clear and timid.

She looked at the police officer and thought about what she would do if the other person did not recognize this identity.

Her mother's attitude towards Ajie was also very good before, but after Ajie's incident, she clearly felt that her mother's attitude towards Ajie had changed, and she was even unwilling to mention Ajie's name.

Ajie is my fiancé!

This was this little girl's last persistence and last bit of stubbornness.

"Do you know why Sun Zhijie was kidnapped?" Hao Zai naturally didn't know the inner thoughts of the young girl in front of him. He glanced at the girl and said in a deep voice.

"do not know."

"According to our understanding, this group of kidnappers is most likely related to the Jiang Mule gang." Hao Zai said thoughtfully.

"Ah, Jiang Mule?" the girl exclaimed, obviously knowing about this ruthless gangster who stirred up Shanghai, and then she felt even more worried in her heart, "It's all you, if you had caught Jiang Mule long ago,

Ajie won’t either..."

"What are you talking about!" Hao Zai seemed to be angry. He threw the cigarette butt in his hand on the ground, walked up and stepped down hard with his riding boots.

"Daughter, daughter!" outside the room, the landlady shouted again.

Hao Zi angrily opened the door again, pointed into the room, and cursed, "It's just a normal question. What are you yelling about? Do you really want everyone to know about your stupid shit?"

The landlady immediately shut up.

Hao Zai closed the door and stared at Tao Cuifang with sinister eyes, "Let me tell you the truth, the kidnappers are most likely the Jiang Mule gang. They targeted the target through the hospital and then waited for an opportunity to strike."

As he spoke, he took out the cigarette case from his body, lit a cigarette, and took a puff, "That's why your fiancé Sun Zhijie was targeted by the kidnappers."

"I, I don't understand." Tao Cuifang shook her head and said timidly.

"Double eyelids." Hao Zai pointed to Tao Cuifang's eyes, "The kidnappers are targeting clinics and hospitals, targeting those who undergo double eyelid surgery and rhinoplasty surgery."

"After locking the target, we wait for an opportunity to kidnap someone!" He snorted coldly, "Now you understand."

"I just have double eyelids. I will offend whoever I want." Tao Cuifang cried, "There are so many rich people, why us."

"It's difficult to deal with people who are too rich and have bodyguards." Hao Zai exhaled a breath of smoke, "You kind of people who have the spare money to spend money on eyelids, who are not bad and don't have bodyguards are the best fat men in the eyes of kidnappers.


Tao Cuifang listened to Hao Zai's words, and after thinking about it for a while, she felt that it made sense.

Then he started crying again, "It's my fault. It was me who hurt Ajie. I shouldn't have had double eyelids. Ajie went to the hospital to ask the doctor for me."

"You also went to Renkang Hospital?" Hao Zai asked immediately. Seeing that Tao Cuifang was still crying, he cursed irritably, "Mother Xiecheng, stop crying and answer the question quickly. If you delay for a while, just wait.

You can collect the body of your fiancé."

"It's not Renkang Hospital, it's the police hospital on Terracotta Road." Tao Cuifang was frightened by Hao Zi's fierce expression, and she actually held back her tears and said.

"Police hospital?" Hao Zai showed a surprised expression, "I never heard that the police hospital specializes in eye surgery."

"We heard that there is a doctor at the police hospital who is good at eye surgery."

"Who said that?"

"One of Ajie's friends works as a maid in a foreigner's home. She said that the girl at home had the surgery at the police hospital," Tao Cuifang said.

Anita, the second daughter of the Dutch businessman Vandel's family!

After listening to Hao Zai's report, Cheng Qianfan immediately thought of someone.

It was precisely because he learned from Peter that Anita had undergone eye surgery at the police hospital that he initially targeted the plastic surgeon as a suspect.

Cheng Qianfan had initially judged that there should be nothing wrong with Sun Zhijie, and the possibility of this person being an agent could basically be ruled out.

However, there was one thing he couldn't figure out.

Obviously, the mysterious doctor at the police hospital used his identity as a doctor as a cover, and it can be inferred that he communicated with other people by consulting patients.

In addition, the identity that Dr. Mao arranged for himself is very clever:

Surgical experts, especially those who specialize in ophthalmology, are not well-known in Shanghai because they come to Shanghai to work as a temporary surgeon. They only work in a relatively small area. Therefore, only a few well-informed people know about this.

The existence of experts.

In this way, Dr. Mao can not only receive patients normally without arousing suspicion, but also limit the number of patients to a very small number.

Among the patients that Dr. Mao has treated, Chang Shenyi and one other person are suspicious, while the other three are initially ruled out of suspicion.

These five people have one thing in common. They all have relatives or friends who are doctors, and they can learn through the grapevine that there is such an expert in eye surgery in the police hospital.

However, Sun Zhijie and Tao Cuifang did not have such information channels in their social circles.

Therefore, what Cheng Qianfan had always puzzled over was how these two people found the police hospital for double eyelid surgery.

Now, the doubts are cleared.

This further rules out the possibility that Sun Zhijie and Tao Cuifang are agents.

"This girl is really passionate about Sun Zhijie," Hao Zai said. "I told her that the reason why Sun Zhijie was kidnapped was because she was targeted by the kidnappers when she had her double eyelids done."

"Tao Cuifang chose to believe this statement. After that, she basically said whatever she asked."

"Have you obtained any useful information?" Cheng Qianfan asked casually, playing with a snuff bottle in his hand.

This snuff bottle was given to Qin Detai, the chief inspector of the Central Patrol Office and the actual head of the Shanghai Special Administrative Region of the National Party Affairs Investigation Office, who escaped. The patrol office searched Qin Detai's home.

In this case, some "confiscated assets" including this snuff bottle fell into the hands of Mr. Xiao Cheng.

"The ophthalmologist is about thirty years old."

"There is a small scar on the doctor's wrist, like a burn."

"Tao Cuifang also said that this doctor is the cleanest doctor she has ever seen, and his clothes are as white as snowflakes."

Cheng Qianfan nodded slightly and motioned for Haozi to continue.

At the same time, his mind was rapidly digesting this information.

"There is a book on the doctor's desk, and it seems that he reads it often." Hao Zai said, "I asked Tao Cuifang to write down the title of the book."

Cheng Qianfan took the record book handed over by Hao Zai and opened it to read:

"Picking up flowers in the morning and evening".

"A book by Zhou Zhangshou?" Cheng Qianfan was slightly surprised.

"Brother Fan, who is this person?" Hao Zai asked immediately, "Is there any question?"

"I told you, you don't recognize it either." Cheng Qianfan said, he frowned slightly, always feeling that it would be a bit awkward to have Zhou Zhangshou's book on the desk of such a key figure suspected of being a Japanese special figure.

Of course, he also knew that Mr. Zhou Zhangshou's works were also very popular in Japan, and some Japanese literati also highly praised Mr. Zhou Zhangshou.

Even among Japanese, some people like to collect and read this gentleman's books.

It seems unsurprising.

However, he still felt a little inconsistent in his heart.

"Have you asked what I told you?" Cheng Qianfan asked Haozi.

"Asked." Hao Zai nodded.

The team leader specifically asked him to ask Tao Cuifang about her first impression of the plastic surgeon.

"Clean!" Hao Zai said, "Tao Cuifang said that this doctor pays special attention to hygiene. In Tao Cuifang's words, even his clothes are as white as snowflakes."

"In addition, this doctor also likes to wash his hands."

"Wash your hands?" Cheng Qianfan's heart moved and asked, "Wash your hands with disinfectant?"

"Yes!" Hao Zai glanced at the team leader in surprise, "According to Tao Cuifang, the doctor kept washing her hands with disinfectant after treating her, over and over again."

"According to her, Sun Zhijie once ran back to the doctor to ask for medical advice and accidentally touched the doctor's hand. The doctor was very angry and scolded Sun Zhijie. When Sun Zhijie apologized, the doctor picked up the disinfectant and washed his hands repeatedly."

Hao Zai paused and continued.

This guy has mysophobia!

Cheng Qianfan immediately came to a conclusion.

The first time he learned about the term "hergephobia" was when he was a student at Dong-A Douwen College.

His 'senpai', Eiichi Kagesa, the leader among Japanese students, is very particular about hygiene and sometimes washes his hands dozens of times a day. It is said that senior Kagesa's bed has students taking turns to help clean it every day to ensure it is spotless.

It was at that time that he heard someone use the word "hergephobia" to describe Kage Sa Eiichi.

This mysterious plastic surgeon must have extremely severe mysophobia, and in Cheng Qianfan's opinion, this person's mysophobia is as bad as Ying Zuoying's.

Seeing Cheng Qianfan deep in thought, Hao Zai scratched his head and said, "Brother Fan, Tao Cuifang is cooperative, but her confession is of little use at the moment."

After saying that, he first apologized, "Maybe I didn't ask something."

Cheng Qianfan glanced at Hao Zai, who looked uneasy, and shook his head, "This woman was basically intimidated by you and led by your nose. She has already said everything she needs to say."

He patted Hao Zai on the shoulder and said, "These confessions are very useful."

Hearing what Cheng Qianfan said, Haozi immediately became happy. He had almost blind respect and extremely strong confidence in the team leader.

The inspector said that Tao Cuifang's confession was very useful, that is to say, it was really useful. It was not surprising that he did not notice it, as the team leader was much more powerful than him.

"Your question revolves around the doctor. Does Tao Cuifang have any suspicion?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

"I told the girl that I suspected that a doctor from another hospital might be colluding with the Jiang Mule gang." Hao Zai said, "The girl told me everything."

Cheng Qianfan laughed.

"Where's the confidentiality work?" he asked Hao Zai.

"I told the girl that if the content of my question was leaked, not only would Sun Zhijie die, but she and her mother would also be arrested."

Cheng Qianfan chuckled and nodded. Hao Zai's approach was quite rough, but it was very effective.

Cheng Qianfan now highly suspects that this plastic surgeon who has a mysophobia and uses a lot of disinfectant to wash his hands is the person Araki Harima secretly met.

At the same time, it was this person who gave Araki Harima the plan and order to set up a trap with witnesses and attract the agents who punished Ruan Zhiyuan to silence him.

However, because this matter was 'unintentionally' revealed by Cheng Qianfan, the plan of the Extra-High School to lure him into a trap came to nothing.

He said that the confession Hao Zai obtained from Tao Cuifang was very useful because of two pieces of information:

The doctor is mysophobic!

The doctor washes his hands with plenty of disinfectant.

Especially the 'disinfectant water' reminded him of the mysterious person who had come into contact with Araki Harima.

In addition, because the person who can give orders to Araki Harima must be Japanese!

There is no doubt that even those big traitors who seem to be in high positions do not have the right to give orders to officers of the Special High School Course like Araki Harima.

Or, to put it more bluntly, even if a traitor "can't see clearly" and suddenly gives orders to Araki Harima, Araki Harima will not pay attention at all, and will even sneer at him.

First assume that the doctor is Japanese, and then work backwards from there.

Cheng Qianfan had a new judgment about the doctor using large amounts of disinfectant to wash his hands, especially the incident mentioned by Tao Cuifang:

It is inevitable that doctors themselves are mysophobic.

Sun Zhijie accidentally touched the doctor's hand. At heart, the doctor was a Japanese agent who extremely despised the Chinese. Such a person with a mysophobia would feel disgust from the bottom of his heart if his hands were touched by a Chinese, so he would immediately

Wash your hands with plenty of disinfectant.

It is still unclear whether ‘doctors’ also show such disdain for Chinese people’s mysophobia in their daily lives and in the outside world.

However, from the current point of view, when this person exists as a doctor, his bastard mysophobia is very serious.

In this way, he basically made a preliminary judgment on the doctor’s identity:

A senior Japanese special with a high status!

Then here comes the problem.

Why did this senior agent, who even Araki Harima had to obey, secretly inquire about his situation, or to put it more directly, why did this person pay so much attention to him.

Cheng Qianfan thought carefully.

He went through the whole thing from beginning to end, and now he had a feeling:

First of all, it can be ruled out that this person's concern for himself is due to doubts about his identity. Otherwise, he would have been in the torture room of the Special Higher Education Course by now.

It's not like it's because of official business, there's no need to be secretive about official business, and considering the 'respect' Sanbonjiro has for him, and the fact that Araki Harima is a friend in the extra-high school class, there's no need to hide it from him.

So, when the doctor inquired about his condition, it seemed...more like it came from selfish reasons.

As soon as this idea appeared in his mind, he was shocked:

Does this person know me?

To be precise, this person knows Kentaro Miyazaki?

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