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Chapter 152 Silent Forest

 "Hahaha." Araki Harima looked at Miyazaki Kentaro gritting his teeth and said with a smile, "Miyazaki-kun doesn't know something. I arranged for someone to kidnap this gunman."

Sure enough, just as I expected!

"Really?" Cheng Qianfan showed an expression of surprise and excitement.

Seeing Araki Harima nod, he waved his clenched fist, "I must execute this despicable guy with my own hands."

Then he stared at Araki Harima, with a hint of doubt in his eyes, "Araki-kun, are you trying to tell me that this guy has surrendered to the empire and I can't touch him?"

"I also hope that this person has surrendered to the empire, but unfortunately, he is a die-hard who hates the empire extremely." Araki Harima snorted coldly and said.

"Could it be that Mr. Araki took into account that this person was injured and did not use severe punishment?" Cheng Qianfan asked with a frown.

Araki Harima had a gloomy face and shook his head, "Except for electrocution, almost all punishments were used. This man cried so loudly that he even excreted urine, but he still did not confess."

"Howling?" Cheng Qianfan showed a puzzled expression.

Araki Harima briefly described the process of torture and interrogation of Yan Chang. He said with a gloomy expression, "This person should be extremely afraid of pain, but he still did not speak after enduring such severe torture."

Cheng Qianfan's heart was trembling. He could imagine the inhumane torture this Shanghai station agent suffered.

I can completely imagine such a tragic situation in my mind. A man who is extremely afraid of pain, crying for his father and mother, covered in blood and flesh, still clenches his teeth and persists - a good man with a strong heart!

Araki Harima shook his head, "Such a Chinese is incomprehensible."

That's because in his heart is hatred for the invaders, and he is full of faith in fighting!

Cheng Qianfan roared in pain in his heart!

He did not expect that the Shanghai Station agent who was abducted by the Special High School could withstand such cruel torture...

"Why not use electrocution?" Cheng Qianfan looked cruel.

"This man himself had a gunshot wound and underwent severe interrogation. His body could not withstand the electric shock," Araki Harima said.

"Is it someone from the Red Party or the government?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

"We can't be sure at the moment." Araki Harima shook his head, "However, the section chief judged that it is more likely to be from the Secret Service."

"What's the reason?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

"During the evacuation, this person's commander was very decisive and wanted to shoot him to silence him. This is not the style of the Red Party, but more like the style of the Secret Service," Araki Harima said.

"Section Chief Gao Jian." Cheng Qianfan nodded, "Compared with the 'hypocritical' Red Party members, Dai Chunfeng's people are more ruthless and decisive."

As he spoke, he fell into deep thought.

"What are Miyazaki-kun thinking about?" Araki Harima asked.

"One thing I can't understand is that if it was really someone from the Secret Service who did it." Cheng Qianfan said thoughtfully, "Teacher Nagatomo's identity is very hidden, even though I just met the teacher, and someone from the Secret Service never

How did you know the identity of the teacher and attack him so decisively?"

"Yes, this is what the section chief is confused about." Araki Harima nodded, "Do you also think that the other party is going for Mr. Nagatomo?"

"It's basically certain that their target is Teacher Nagatomo." Cheng Qianfan nodded, "The first shot was aimed at the teacher. Generally speaking, the first shot fired by the attacker is the main target. I should just

The other party’s goal is incidental.”

"The section chief has the same view. Moreover, you were only hit by one shot. Mr. Nagatomo later encountered concentrated shooting from the opponent. This shows that their main target is Mr. Nagatomo." Araki Harima said.

"Are the people in the Secret Service crazy?" Cheng Qianfan said with hatred in his eyes, "Suppose they locked the teacher's identity through some way and they took action against the teacher. It is understandable that the Secret Service people have always been known for killing important people in the empire.

People are the target, but——”

As he said that, he shook his head, "My current identity is the deputy chief inspector of the Central Patrol Room. How could they shoot me without any scruples? Aren't they afraid of arousing the anger of the French?"

"The section chief's view is that because Cheng Qianfan has always been close to the empire, he should have been listed as a key target of attention by the Secret Service. This time you just happened to be there." Araki Harima said.

"It still doesn't make sense." Cheng Qianfan shook his head, "I have traveled in China and lurked for many years, and I know their government very well. The government has always been timid in doing things, and their chairman has always had illusions about the League of Nations' involvement in the war in China. According to common sense,

They would not act so boldly as to provoke the French."

"Yes, there are too many confusing things about this matter. If the China gunman spoke, all doubts would be solved. It's a pity that this person is a die-hard." Araki Harima said with a sullen face.

"After I am discharged from the hospital, I will personally interrogate this Chinese man." Cheng Qianfan said with a fierce look in his eyes.

"I'm afraid Miyazaki-kun will be disappointed." Araki Harima shook his head.

Looking at Cheng Qianfan's questioning eyes, he continued, "The section chief has no patience anymore. If this Chinese man doesn't speak again at noon today, the section chief will order him to be electrocuted."

"Although I have not seen this person's current condition with my own eyes, judging from what Mr. Araki said, this person may die under electric shock." Cheng Qianfan frowned, "In this case, we still cannot get a confession."

"There is no time. Something happened to Mr. Nagatomo. The impact of this incident is too bad. The section chief must find out the truth as soon as possible." Araki Harima said, "The section chief also knows that this person may die under electrocution, but even if there is only

If there is even the slightest possibility, we must give it a try.”

As he spoke, he showed a look of hope, "If this person does not die under electric shock and cannot speak even after being tortured, that would be the best outcome."

"I hope so." Cheng Qianfan nodded, his eyes serious, "I also want to know who dares to attack me!"

Seeing Kentaro Miyazaki's expression full of hatred, Araki Harima comforted him and said, "Miyazaki-kun is my friend. If they attack you, it's like they attack me. If this Chinese man speaks, I will inform Miyazaki of the situation as soon as possible."


"Araki-kun, thank you very much." Cheng Qianfan said with a grateful expression.

"Miyazaki-kun, please rest in peace and recover." Araki Harima looked at his watch and was about to stand up to leave. However, when he saw Kentaro Miyazaki hesitated to speak, he sat down again and asked, "Miyazaki-kun, is there anything else?"

Cheng Qianfan showed hesitation.

"It's okay, Miyazaki-kun," Araki Harima said.

"I heard from my subordinates that when the Chinese gunman was kidnapped, the patrolman responsible for guarding him happened to be taking a meal shift. This was Lu Hu's arrangement. I know Lu Hu. He is always cautious..." Cheng Qianfan looked at

Looking at Araki Harima, "Araki-kun, is Lu Hu secretly serving the empire?"

Seeing Araki Harima's thoughtful look, Cheng Qianfan shook his head and said, "If this matter involves secrets, don't be embarrassed, Araki-kun."

"This matter..." Araki Harima pondered for a moment, "Miyazaki-kun is one of our own, so there is nothing that cannot be said."

As he said that, he nodded, "Lu Hu is indeed working for the empire."

Seeing Kentaro Miyazaki about to speak, he waved his hand and said, "Miyazaki-kun, don't get me wrong. Although the Special High School did arrange for someone to get close to Lu Hu, because he is your subordinate, we did not really accept him.


"This person has not completely surrendered to the empire before. This is Lu Hu's first time working for the empire." Araki Harima said, "The matter was urgent. Miyazaki-kun was shot and fell unconscious at the time, so he did not inform him immediately. I hope Miyazaki

Don’t mind it.”

Cheng Qianfan looked at Araki Harima, his expression was a little gloomy, but then he smiled, "I can understand, but if something like this happens again, Araki-kun had better ventilate it with me first to avoid misunderstandings."

"Miyazaki-kun, I believe you." Cheng Qianfan nodded solemnly, "Araki-kun, please rest assured that anything that happens will not affect our private friendship."

Araki Harima took a deep look at Kentaro Miyazaki and nodded seriously.

"Miyazaki-kun, rest in peace and recover." Araki Harima said, "I'm leaving."

"Araki-kun, walk slowly." Cheng Qianfan smiled and said.

After leaving the ward, Araki Harima nodded to Li Hao, who was guarding him in the corridor, and then left straight away.

Li Hao glanced at the back of Araki Harima as he left. He did not enter the ward immediately. He knew Brother Fan. Araki Harima must have said something to Brother Fan, and Brother Fan needed to think quietly now.

After leaving the ward area, Araki Harima's expression darkened.

He knew that Lu Hu's incident had already caused Kentaro Miyazaki's displeasure.

He knew that maybe Miyazaki-kun didn't believe his guarantee.

Of course, he can also understand Kentaro Miyazaki's mood.

He also understood the meaning of Miyazaki Kentaro's last words, and Miyazaki also understood that what he did was a business matter, expressed his understanding, and did not want this matter to affect the private friendship between the two.

Miyazaki, this guy, still values ​​his business more. Araki Harima smiled bitterly.

Miyazaki's business also relies on him and Araki Harima a lot, so naturally he doesn't want their personal relationship to be affected.

This Miyazaki-kun is good at everything, but he values ​​money too much. Araki Harima shook his head.

However, this is fine, such a pure Kentaro Miyazaki can indeed be called a good friend.

Of course, Araki Harima is not willing to cause more conflicts with Miyazaki Kentaro and affect their sincere and valuable friendship in private.

This matter needs to be reported to the section chief. Maybe the section chief's words can put Miyazaki-kun at ease.

After Araki Harima left, Cheng Qianfan fell into deep thought.

The last words were made after he made a temporary decision, but they were not a hasty move, but a decision made after careful consideration.

Araki Harima was trying to win over and recruit Oturu without telling him, and he had to respond.

The most important thing is that after this incident, if the Special Higher Education Department makes any move around him, they will definitely consider it and may inform him in advance.

This can also prevent the Japanese from planting nails around him to the greatest extent.

There were Japanese spies around him, which made him feel like a light on his back.

Although Sanbonjiro's original intention was not to plant nails around him, after all, his identity is Japanese Kentaro Miyazaki, but this will inevitably affect his potential safety.

Then, he thought of the agent from the Shanghai Station who was being brutally tortured in the torture room of the Special High School at this very moment.

He didn't know this person's name, but that didn't stop him from respecting him.

They are all good men!

Li Hao came in, turned around and closed the door.

"Brother Fan." Li Hao looked at Cheng Qianfan's expression and noticed the sadness in Brother Fan's eyes.

"It is certain that the brother from Shanghai Station was abducted by the Special Higher Education Course." Cheng Qianfan said softly, "This brother has endured severe torture and has always been unyielding."

Li Hao's expression changed, and he took a deep breath, "Brother Fan, can you?"

"No." Cheng Qianfan knew what Li Hao was going to say, and he shook his head, "No one can save him! His best destination is to die for the country!"

There was silence in the room.

"Brother Fan, do you want to call the headquarters and ask the headquarters to inform the Shanghai Station that the crisis has been resolved?" Li Hao asked again.

"Wait a little longer." Cheng Qianfan slowly shook his head.

The brother at the Shanghai Station endured severe torture and remained unyielding. After all, this was just what Araki Harima said. If there was fraud, it would be bad.

And we learned from Araki Harima that the Special High School Division planned to use electrocution on this person. It would be terrible if this brother from the Shanghai Station opened his mouth under electrocution.

Cheng Qianfan discovered that he could only hope that this heroic anti-Japanese warrior would be sacrificed by electrocution. This was the best ending.

This thought made Cheng Qianfan extremely irritable.

"Haozi, am I not too cold-blooded?" Cheng Qianfan asked Li Hao.

"Brother Fan, the Japanese are so hateful." Haozi said after being silent for a while.

"Yes, the invaders are so hateful." Cheng Qianfan sighed, "For national independence and the anti-Japanese plan, we have sacrificed too much, and we will sacrifice more in the future."

He looked at Haozi, "But this is also the historical mission of our countrymen! In order not to be slaves to the subjugation of our country, we must fight with death!"

At this time, he thought of Yu Zheliu again and the gloomy grove in the extra-high school class.

Extraordinary courses.

Torture chamber.

Yan Chang did not survive the electrocution.

A huge electric current passed through his body, and he let out a shrill scream.

What he shouted was, "Mom, let's go!"

Then, after a few violent twitches, his body became completely motionless.

"Section Chief, this Chinese man is dead."

Sanbonjiro glanced at the victim who had no good flesh on his body, and there was a look of violence in his eyes.

The furious Sanbonjiro picked up the whip and whipped the body of the martyred man in a manner of venting his anger.

Half an hour later, agents from the Special High School buried the bloody Yan Chang in a grove.

Right next door to Comrade Maizi.

A ray of sunlight shines through the branches and onto the somewhat dark soil.

The martyrs under the soil lay there quietly, with the blue sky above their heads.

Their bodies are integrated with the land!

This is the heaven and earth they protect throughout their lives!

This is their motherland!

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This chapter has been completed!
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