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Chapter 160 The prestigious Mr. Cheng

Ah Hai smiled and did not answer any questions.

Deep down, he also admired this unknown comrade very much.

"What should I do with the pistol?" He Guan asked in a low voice.

"Hide it, you can't bring it in." Ahai shook his head and said.

He Guan is a little reluctant to give up. For him, having a gun in his hand makes him full of courage. Without a gun, he feels psychologically insecure.

"Hide it, the gun won't pass the level." Ahai said with a serious expression.

He Guan glanced in the direction of the pier. There were Japanese troops checking people passing by. Basically, every citizen who wanted to get on the ship from the pier would be searched.

As long as the Japanese army inspects carefully, the guns cannot be hidden no matter where they are hidden.

"Okay." He Guan nodded. For them, the first priority now is to safely send Fang Muheng to the concession for treatment.

"Captain, could it be stolen?" Shang Ming asked worriedly.

His Mauser pistol was awarded to him by Captain Changgu Baoguo, and he regarded it as a treasure after receiving it.

"If it's really gone, I'll get one for you." He Guan said.

He Guan walked around and hid the three short guns in three different places in the abandoned shack.

When he came back, he saw Ah Hai pulling out a thin quilt from the truck bed under the flat wooden board and covering Fang Muheng's body.

The Japanese soldiers could confirm that Fang Muheng had suffered a gunshot wound just by looking at him. The Japanese soldiers were very sensitive to gunshot wounds and would rather kill him by mistake than let him go.

"Amu, is this okay?" He Guan asked in a low voice.

"This is the only way." Ah Hai said. He glanced at the direction of the dock and continued, "Everything has been arranged organizationally."

He Guan gritted his teeth and said, "I think it is necessary to be prepared for emergencies at any time."

"Of course." Ahai said.

In fact, he was very uneasy in his heart.

He was also full of doubts about whether he could pass the Japanese military inspection.

If Fang Muheng was sick, it would be easy to hide it, but since this was a gunshot wound, it would be difficult to hide it from the Japanese soldiers. They were too familiar with gunshot wounds.

Ah Hai could only comfort himself:

He believes that he can consider things that such a cautious and attentive comrade must not have thought of. You must trust this comrade!

At the pier, a man in shorts squatted and smoked.

Amidst the puff of smoke, he glanced at a few people pushing a wheelbarrow.

"Is it Brother Chang San?" Ah Hai walked in front and raised his hand to say hello.

"Are you Amu?" Brother Chang stood up, patted the dust on his butt, looked at it carefully, and asked.

"Yes, I am Mu Xiaohe, everyone calls me Amu." Ahai handed over the ID card in his hand.

Brother Chang San took the certificate, opened it, glanced at a few banknotes inside the certificate, nodded, and said with a smile on his face, "Sensible."

He put the banknotes into his pocket smoothly.

"Shi Lei, from Nanshi?" He held the ID in his hand, took two steps forward, and first glanced at He Guan and others.

He Guan smiled and nodded in response. Shang Ming also forced out a smile. Huang Xiaolan seemed a little scared and hid behind He Guan.

Chang Sange smiled and looked down at 'Shi Lei' on the unicycle.

"What's the matter with the injury on the body?" Brother Chang opened the thin quilt covering Shi Lei's body, his expression changed, and he asked.

"Isn't this just selling things in the streets? I had a stomachache and hid in the woods to die. I was shot as a wild boar." Ah Hai quickly explained.


"Yes Yes Yes."

"Not quite." Brother Chang shook his head.

He Wenlan tensed up, his expression unchanged, but he was already ready to attack and kill violently.

"It's more like a poisonous snake bite." Chang Sange shook his head, "This is also an unlucky guy, even shit can be bitten by a snake."

"That's right, my brother is so unlucky." Ahai reacted quickly and nodded immediately.

Brother Chang San nodded with satisfaction. He looked at 'Amu' and said, "Don't worry, you have spent the money and I will ensure that you enter the concession. However, we have agreed in advance not to talk nonsense on the road."

He looked at 'Shi Lei' on the unicycle and said, "Unless I nod, when others ask, you will say that this person was bitten by a snake. If I don't nod, if anyone else asks, you don't need to pay attention."

"Don't worry, we are all honest people. We will never speak without your instructions." Ah Hai said, taking back the ID of 'Shi Lei' from Brother Chang San.

"Relax, no one will ask." Chang Sange showed a hint of pride, "The flags sold by Mr. Xiao Cheng are unobstructed, and the Japanese will also give face."

Mr. Xiao Cheng?

He Guan glanced at Brother Chang San?

When did Shanghai have such a famous figure again?

He had been away from Shanghai for many days, but he didn't know that his good brother Cheng Qianfan had been promoted to "Xiao Cheng Inspector" and "Xiao Cheng Chief".

Ah Hai, however, knew that 'Mr. Little Cheng' was Cheng Qianfan, and it dawned on him at this moment that the organization was following the path of Cheng Qianfan's Jiujiu Trading.

Cheng Qianfan is pro-Japanese and is said to have some internal connections with the Japanese army. His Jiujiu trade is basically unimpeded in Shanghai, and even the Japanese army will basically not face difficulties.

Some people flying around, as well as other people with shady identities, tried to bribe the shippers under Jiujiu Trading to pass the checkpoint.

Cheng Qianfan was famous for being greedy for money and lustful, and his subordinates also had the greedy nature of "cannot afford to start early without profit". What Ah Hai thought was that the organization must have spent a lot of money.

However, now that he knew that he had taken the path of 'Ms. Xiao Cheng', Ah Hai felt inexplicably relieved.

Cheng Qianfan is greedy and lustful, and he preys on the citizens. However, Cheng Qianfan does one thing well. "Little Mr. Cheng" has always used people's money to eliminate disasters, which is also the creed of Jiujiu Trading.

These subordinates of "Mr. Xiao Cheng" are willing to make money from anything, and they are often very open-minded. However, business continues because as long as they take the money, they will try their best to do it well.

Brother Chang took out a crumpled cigarette case from his body. Upon seeing this, Ah Hai quickly took out an unopened Marlboro from his body and stuffed it into Brother Chang's hand, "Brother Third, there is one here, smoke mine."

Chang Sange glanced at the Marlboro in his hand, smiled and nodded, "Let's go."

The Japanese soldiers, armed with live ammunition, were ferociously checking the passers-by.

"Tuck the quilt in." Brother Chang whispered.

"I understand, I understand." Ah Hai winked at Huang Xiaolan, "Sister, tuck your brother into bed."

"I got it." Huang Xiaolan agreed and quickly tucked in the quilt.

The Japanese checkpoint was getting closer and closer. Several people tried their best to keep their expressions calm, but their hearts became more and more nervous.

Shang Ming clenched his fists slightly and swallowed.

"Okay, Brother Leizi, it's okay, don't think about it so much." He Guan glanced at Shang Ming and sighed.

"Yeah." Shang Ming immediately realized his problem. He pretended to wipe the corners of his eyes and rubbed his face again, but he still couldn't keep his face as normal. He was also a smart guy, so he simply lowered his head and acted worried and sad. appearance.

"Remember, when you see the locust army, you must bow and salute, and you are not allowed to stare at them." Brother Chang San said, "You must smile."

As he said that, he glanced at Shang Ming and said, "Yes, it's okay if you don't laugh."

"I understand." Several people quickly nodded in agreement.

The rigorous interrogation that A Hai, He Guan and others imagined and feared did not appear.

When it was his turn to check on them, Brother Chang stepped forward with a smile, took out a small flag from his body, and walked over holding the small flag.

Seeing this small flag, the fierce-looking Japanese soldiers also softened their expressions, and some soldiers waved hello to Brother Chang San.

Chang Sange took out a pack of cigarettes from his body. It was not the pack that Ah Hai gave him, but another pack of cigarettes. He opened the cigarettes, spread them around the Japanese soldiers, and finally put away most of the remaining pack of cigarettes. into the hands of Japanese military officers.

The sergeant lowered his head and looked at the cigarette box in his hand, his face darkened.

Chang Sange cursed secretly in his heart and took out the pack of Marlboros given to him by Ah Hai. He smiled flatteringly and put the pack of cigarettes in the hands of the Japanese military officer, "Taijun, there are more."

"Very good." The Japanese military officer nodded with satisfaction and pointed to the small flag in Brother Chang's hand, "Mr. Xiao Cheng is very good."

Then, with a wave of his hand, he motioned for Ah Hai and others to come over.

Brother Chang took out the ID card of "Shi Lei", pointed at the wheelbarrow, and said something to the Japanese military officer.

The Japanese military officer nodded, but did not go up to check Fang Muheng on the wheelbarrow, and waved his hand.

Brother Chang San just pushed the wheelbarrow through the checkpoint alone.

Ah Hai vaguely heard the words "cargo", "escort" and other words that Chang Sange said to the sergeant.

The searches of a few people were obviously much looser than that of other ordinary people, and they only touched their bodies symbolically.

Only when searching for Huang Xiaolan, a Japanese soldier obviously had a bad look in his eyes and started to use hands and feet.

He Guan's face changed slightly, and he suppressed the anger in his heart.

"Mr. Soldier, please respect yourself." Huang Xiaolan suddenly said in halting Japanese.

"Can you speak Japanese?" The sergeant who was smoking next to him looked surprised and walked over to ask.

"My father is Japanese and my mother is Chinese," Huang Xiaolan said.

Although the tone was a bit strange, the Japanese sergeant could understand it.

Hearing Huang Xiaolan say that her father was Japanese, the sergeant's face looked better.

He waved his hand towards the soldier who touched Huang Xiaolan and stopped his behavior. Then he looked at Huang Xiaolan and frowned slightly, "Your Japanese is not good."

"Mr. Officer, I will work hard to learn the language of my motherland." Huang Xiaolan said.

"Very good." Sergeant laughed and nodded with satisfaction.

He waved his hand and said, "Go over there, hurry up."

Ah Hai took the lead, and several others bowed to the Japanese soldiers, and then walked over in two steps to catch up with Brother Chang who was waiting in front.

Several people carried Fang Muheng and moved the wheelbarrow onto a small steamer waiting on the shore carrying the French flag.

There were seven or eight people on board the small fire wheel. Except for a few people who seemed to be from Jiujiu Trading, three of them looked like people who spent money to buy their way like Ah Hai and others.

The small steamer blew its whistle.

Left the pier.

Chang Sange breathed a sigh of relief. He lowered his voice and said angrily, "What did I say just now? Don't talk, don't talk. Why didn't you listen?"

When he spoke, he looked at Huang Xiaolan.

"That Japanese soldier obviously had evil intentions, and there was nothing my girl could do about it." Ah Hai quickly explained in a low voice.

"What are you afraid of? If you are touched by a Japanese, you will die." Brother Chang cursed, glared at a few people, and walked away.

They collect money to do things. Now that the other party has successfully boarded the ship, the small steamer with the French flag will sail along the Huangpu River into the Suzhou River and then enter the concession. Unless there is something wrong, the Japanese will not come to inspect the concession.

The marine police will not provoke Mr. Cheng's fleet.

Therefore, basically from now on, he has nothing to do with these.

Although he didn't know the identities of these people, his experience and intuition told him that these people were not good friends. They had no money and money, so it was best to have nothing to do with them.

"Well done." Ah Hai looked at Huang Xiaolan and gave a thumbs up.

Arrangements were made for Huang Xiaolan, who knew some Japanese, to speak Japanese and pass the checkpoint. This was a decision made by Ah Hai after discussing with He Guan and Huang Xiaolan.

This is because the Japanese soldiers at the checkpoint often bullied Chinese women. Just last month, two sisters were forcibly abducted by the Japanese army in broad daylight as they passed the checkpoint. It was later said that they were tortured to death.

Now it seems that fortunately they were prepared, otherwise they would have been in trouble.

"Who is 'Mr. Xiao Cheng'?" He Guan looked around and asked in a low voice.

"'Mr. Xiao Cheng' is 'Inspector Xiao Cheng' Cheng Qianfan of the Central Patrol House of the French Concession." Ah Hai said in a low voice, "This man is greedy for money and lust, and bullies merchants and citizens. There is a lot of public outrage. His Jiujiu business is illegal."

One of the two largest trading companies in the black market in the concession."

"Cheng Qianfan is close to the Japanese, and Jiujiu Trading's caravan is traveling unimpeded on Shanghai Beach. Brother and the others should have spent money to buy Jiujiu Trading's route." Ah Hai continued to explain.

‘Mr. Xiao Cheng’ is actually Qian Fan?

He Guan was extremely surprised.

"Cheng Qianfan got promoted?" he asked.

"Promoted, Jin Kemu, you must have heard of it. This person used to be the Deputy Chief Inspector of the Central Patrol Room, and now he is the Chief Inspector. Cheng Qianfan became the Deputy Chief Inspector of the Central Patrol Room, known as 'Mr. Xiao Cheng'

'." Ahai said.

"'Inspector Xiao Cheng', 'Mr. Xiao Cheng'." He Guan looked at the river and said, "He is becoming more prestigious."

"It's indeed majestic." Ah Hai nodded, "This person is trusted by the French, and he is also quite close to the Japanese. It is said that he also has some contacts with the British and Americans. Now the name of 'Mr. Xiao Cheng' is in Shanghai

The beach is noisy."

"Did Cheng Qianfan defect to the Japanese?" He Guan asked.

"I don't know. This person is very close to the Japanese. This is an iron fact." Ah Hai closed his mouth and waited for someone to pass by before continuing in a low voice, "However, everyone said that Cheng Qianfan would be a traitor sooner or later."

Underground torture chamber.

"I am not a 'traitor'!" Chang Shenyi said.

He was trembling, grinning in pain, and on the verge of tears, "I, Hideo Oku, am a warrior of the Japanese Empire."

This chapter has been completed!
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