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Chapter 162 Opening your mouth

 ‘Xiao Mian’ enjoys destroying his enemies through psychological means.

Back then, when he was still the identity of 'Cheng Wufang', he did not use torture, but only used inner inducement and oppression to make Eguchi Hideya speak up and 'betrayed' Japan and his organization. This made people feel a feeling from the depths of their souls.

A strange feeling of pleasure.

Now, he is looking forward to using similar means to make Oku Hideo speak and surrender.

Cheng Qianfan was a little disappointed, with a trace of regret in his eyes.

The cigarette in Oku Hideo's mouth burned out and the ashes fell, but he did not open his mouth to confess.

Cheng Qianfan saw fear and wavering in Oku Hideo's eyes. Maybe at some point this man would not be able to bear the pressure and speak, but after all, he did not speak at this time.

"Let's do it." He said to Qiao Chuntao.

A hint of anticipation and excitement appeared on Taozi's cold, beautiful face, and he slowly walked towards Oku Hideo.

Yang Changnian actually followed Hao Zai's instructions and got the team leader a pot of tea, a teacup, a stack of melon seeds, a handful of peanuts, and a green and red silk mooncake. He cut it into four small pieces and placed them on a plate.


Cheng Qianfan sat on a chair with a somewhat black table in front of him. The black color was the color of the enemy's blood after it dried.

He drank tea gently, picked up a small piece of mooncake with his fingers, chewed it slowly, and when he swallowed it, he showed a satisfied expression. He didn't know whether he was satisfied with the snack or enjoying the screams in his ears.

Hao Zai came in with a suitcase. At Cheng Qianfan's signal, he placed the suitcase on the table and opened it...

These are the books, papers with writings on them, and some of this person’s personal belongings that Jiang Mulezi found from his residence.

Jiang Mulezi believed that the codebook was in the words in these books and papers, but Cheng Qianfan had reservations about this.

He took a cursory glance and found that there were not many signs of turning over the books.

He picked up an envelope and pulled out a few pages from it.

This is a letter from home.

It is a letter written by a girl named Hideko Oda to Hideo.

The letter probably means that everything is fine at home. She and her children are very happy after receiving the money from Hideo. The house at home has also been renovated. The neighbors are envious of having a warrior who is fighting for the country in China.

There are also words from Hideko encouraging Hideo to work hard and achieve greater success in China, as well as some words of longing.

Cheng Qianfan's eyes were cold. From Oda Hideko's letter, we can see the general support and welcome attitude of the Japanese people towards Japanese imperialism's invasion of China.

Hideo Oku's wife and children enjoyed the "benefits" brought by his espionage activities on Chinese soil.

The Japanese military stipulates that those who serve as spies will enjoy a certain level of living security for their families. After completing the mission, they will be awarded medals and consolation payments. After retirement, they will be assigned a well-paying career. In particular, Japanese state-owned enterprises will give priority to hiring.

If someone is killed in the line of duty, the military will publicize it in newspapers and give his family a large pension.

If he surrenders, his family will be severely punished.

It is not difficult to see from Oda Hideko's letter that although the Japanese army's recruitment and training of spies were somewhat coercive and coercive, the Japanese family members were extremely supportive of their relatives engaging in this espionage activity.

Cheng Qianfan glanced at Hideo Oku, who was being carefully served by Taozi, and shook his head.

Oku Hideo was afraid of death, but he was still able to temporarily resist the pressure and inducement in his heart. It was obvious that he was a professionally trained Japanese agent.

Cheng Qianfan then thought of Li Yuan, who had just confessed in this underground torture room, and of Changyou Cunnan.

Oku Hideo was also secretly interviewed by Nagatomo Akio. So, one possibility is that Oku Hideo was also a graduate of the Japanese special training camp where Nagatomo Akio served as an instructor?

This possibility is relatively high.

For professional agent Oku Hideo, it is very unprofessional behavior to keep this letter that should have been sent by his wife from Japan.

Moreover, in itself, the spy's working place and mailing address are also confidential and should not be disclosed to his family in Japan. There is no doubt that Oku Hideo's wife can send such a letter from Japan. It should be Oku Hideo.

He secretly informed his wife of a hidden address in Shanghai where he could send and receive letters, and then there was a reply from Hideko Oda from China.

This is a professional agent who is afraid of death but can persevere to a certain extent. He is also a guy who has committed serious violations of espionage disciplines.

This shows the specialness and importance of Hideko Oda and her children in Hideo Oku's heart.

"Ojiu-kun, Xiuzi must be a beautiful lady." Cheng Qianfan raised the letter in his hand and asked with a smile.

"You are not allowed to mention Hideko!" Hideo Oku roared.

Three steel needles were nailed into one of his arms at equal intervals. His voice was hoarse due to the severe pain.

"From what I can see from the letter, your wife and children are living well in Japan. They have a new house and are quite wealthy." Cheng Qianfan peeled off a peanut and chewed it slowly, which made his voice crackle.

Getting hoarse.

"It's a pity." He shook his head, "A beautiful widow with a child and a relatively generous family fortune must be targeted by many men."

"Shut up, shut up, you dirty Chinaman." Hideo Oku roared.

"Sleep with your woman, beat your children, live in your house, and spend the pension you worked hard for... tsk tsk." He shook his head, "It's so comfortable."

"You devil, shut up." Oku Hideo struggled desperately.

Qiao Chuntao frowned slightly. He picked up the small hammer in his hand and hit Oku Hideo's abdomen with the hammer handle.

Oku Hideo immediately screamed and started vomiting.

"What a cute rag doll." Cheng Qianfan didn't even look at Oku Hideo. He picked up a rag doll in the suitcase.

This is a slightly rough-made, but very interesting, rag doll. It even has hair sewn on with thin strips of cloth.

"Let go of Masako, let go of Masako! You are not allowed to touch that doll!" Qiao Chuntao grabbed Oku Hideo's hair. He happened to see Cheng Qianfan holding the doll in his hand, and the man shouted like crazy.

"What a cute little girl." Xiao Mian showed a smile. He gently squeezed the doll with both hands and his tone became softer. "I heard that you Japanese people are the least polite and shameless people. Many stepfathers bully stepdaughters.

I'm really worried about this poor child."

"Bag duck falls! Bag duck falls! Shut up, shut up!" Oku Hideo roared, "You are not allowed to touch Masako!"

Cheng Qianfan suddenly raised his head and stared at Hideo Oku's face.

Then, with a sinister and strange smile on his face, he stood up from his seat.

Holding a letter in one hand and a doll in the other.

He came to the brazier and said coldly, "I'll count to three. If you don't speak, I will tear Hideko to pieces and burn Masako to death!"



Cheng Qianfan didn't shout "One", he tore the letter into pieces, and the pieces of paper fell one after another, fell into the brazier, and turned into ashes.

"Despicable and shameless, you didn't shout '一'!" Oku Hideo looked like a madman, twisting his body desperately, while Qiao Chuntao tried her best to hold down his head.

"This is China, my land, I have the final say." Cheng Qianfan said coldly, and then he clicked his tongue, "Xiuzi, he's dead! He was killed by you!"

As he spoke, he raised the rag doll in his hand as if to throw it into the brazier.

"Goodbye, little girl, your father won't save you." 'Xiao Mian' said with a cruel smile on his lips.

"No! Don't!" Oku Hideo shouted, "I said, I said, I said!"

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