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Chapter 170 A serious problem—Xiao Mian!

"I thought you would ask the section chief about the progress of the investigation into the murderer behind the shooting." Araki Harima asked "casually" as Kentaro Miyazaki left the Special High School Course.

The shooting he mentioned refers to the shooting attack on Nagatomo Ino and Cheng Qianfan in front of the Terrace Road Police Hospital.

"Originally, I really wanted to ask." Cheng Qianfan lit a cigarette for Araki Harima, lit it himself, took a puff, bit the cigarette holder and said, "But after thinking about it, it's okay not to mention it, no.


"Not appropriate?" Araki Harima looked puzzled.

"Teacher Nagatomo was attacked and suffered, which is heartbreaking, and the section chief was innocently implicated. It must be a shame for a proud imperial officer who has performed meritorious service." Cheng Qianfan's expression was sinister.

As he walked, he said, "The shame of the section chief is not only the shame of the special high school, but also the shame of Miyazaki! There is a saying in China that a king will humiliate his ministers to death. Unless I have a chance to find out about this matter and catch the murderer behind the scenes,

This matter will not be mentioned again!”

"Don't worry, the section chief has never given up investigating this matter, and he will definitely get to the bottom of it in the future." Araki Harima patted Kentaro Miyazaki on the shoulder, "Catch the culprit, and I will definitely hand him over to Miyazaki.

Saki-kun will take care of it."

"It's a deal!" Cheng Qianfan laughed loudly and said.

"It's a deal!" Araki Harima also looked at each other and smiled. He could understand Miyazaki-kun's smile. This was the confidence in the power of the empire. Those who only shoot guns in the back are like sewer rats, and they will be caught sooner or later.


Cheng Qianfan shook hands with Araki Harima in the yard and said goodbye.

An agent from the Special High School ran over and whispered to Araki Harima.

Cheng Qianfan vaguely heard "Zhao Rushen" and "No move".

He looked calm and did not stop. He waved to Araki Harima and left the special high school class.

"Is this how Miyazaki answered you?" Sanbonjiro asked Araki Harima.

"Yes, I am telling you exactly what I said." Araki Harima said.

Sanbonjiro nodded, it seemed that he had an allergic reaction.

Just now he asked about Kentaro Miyazaki's injury. Miyazaki only said that the injury had healed, but did not mention the attack at all.

This was not consistent with his understanding of Kentaro Miyazaki. This guy was a warrior in words, but in fact he lacked the courage to devote himself to the empire. Miyazaki cherished his own life very much.

According to his understanding of Miyazaki, this guy will definitely ask about the progress of the assassination investigation today.

Unexpectedly, Kentaro Miyazaki didn't mention it at all.

This couldn't help but make the suspicious Sanbonjiro a little surprised. Of course, it was just surprise, not doubt. Kentaro Miyazaki's loyalty to the empire was unquestionable.

Although he had never suspected anything, Sanbonjiro still had to find out, otherwise he would always feel a thorn in his heart and not be happy.

After listening to what Araki Harima said, Sanbonjiro knew the reason:

It turned out that she was thinking about him, knowing that this matter made him, the section chief, ashamed, and taking care of his emotions, so she refrained from mentioning it!

The shame of the section chief is not only the shame of the special high school class, but also the shame of Miyazaki!

The king humiliates the minister and dies!

The more he got to know Kentaro Miyazaki and how afraid of death this guy was, the more Mibonjiro felt moved at this moment.

This guy Miyazaki!

He sighed inwardly.

"The two attacks mentioned by Nishimura Ozo may be somehow related to the assassination of Nagatomo-kun." Mimotojiro said in a deep voice.

"Nani?" Araki Harima was surprised at first, then thought for a moment and nodded, "What the section chief means is that it was all done by agents of the China government."

"More than that." Sanbonjiro shook his head, "What I said is related is that there may be some potential connection between the two things themselves."

He looked at Araki Harima, "It might even be the same group of people who did it."

"Chief, I don't understand." Araki Harima frowned, "Do you have any evidence for what you said?"

Sanbonjiro then glared at Araki Harima. If this was that guy from Miyazaki, he would definitely say, "Section Chief, please forgive me for being stupid. I really can't understand. Please ask the Section Chief to clarify my confusion."

Araki Harima was somewhat puzzled by Sanbonjiro's glare. He thought for a moment and realized that there was nothing wrong with his words.

"See for yourself." Sanbonjiro threw a document bag to Araki Harima.

A few minutes later.

Araki Harima put away the document bag, showing a look of surprise and thought, "Xia Houyuan and Oku Hideo, whose pseudonym is Chang Shenyi, actually went to visit Mr. Nagatomo secretly."

"To be precise, it was Nagatomo-kun who secretly summoned them." Sanbonjiro said slowly, with a solemn expression.

"So, Section Chief, do you judge that this attack on Xia Houyuan and Oku Hideo is most likely a follow-up to the assassination of Mr. Nagatomo?" Araki Harima said.

"This is what I'm worried about." Sanbonjiro nodded, "It's also what I'm looking forward to."

'Worried' is because, if this is true, it means that the other party has already been eyeing Nagatomo Inao, and it also means that the attack on Nagatomo Inao is far more complicated than he imagined. In addition, the other party actually waited for more than a month.

They only took action against Xia Houyuan and Oku Hideo in the past two months, which shows that the other parties are extremely patient and cautious enough.

Such an opponent is the most difficult to deal with.

The expectation is because the other party will take action again this time. The more they do, the greater the possibility of loopholes. This gives Sanbonjiro the opportunity to seize the other party and avenge his previous humiliation.

"The other party is very patient." Sanbonjiro said, "They waited for such a long time. They probably judged that the news of Nagatomo-kun's murder has passed, and then they took action."

"Indeed, we are very cautious." Araki Harima showed a serious expression, "Section Chief, we previously judged that the person who attacked Mr. Nagatomo was the Shanghai Station of the Secret Service. However, now it seems that the other party may be our old rival, the Shanghai Special Situation Team.


"Yes, Araki, your mind is getting smarter and smarter. It seems that more contact with that guy Miyazaki will be of great benefit." Sanbonjiro laughed and said.

Although Araki Harima said that the Shanghai Special Situation Team is an old rival of the Special High School Class, this is actually not the case. The Special High School Class has only one old rival in Shanghai, and that is the Shanghai Station of the Secret Service.

For the old rival of Shanghai Station, Sanbonjiro and the special high class are quite familiar with it, especially Ruan Zhiyuan who had defected to the empire before. This person has completely revealed the list of Shanghai Station's senior and middle-level personnel, his personality, acting style, etc.

Therefore, it can be said that Mimotojiro is extremely familiar with the current leadership of Shanghai Station.

Zheng Lijun is good at action and assassination. He is ruthless and decisive in his actions. However, he is rough in his actions. If this person is behind the command, after they attack Changyou Cunnan, they will attack Xia Houyuan and Da Da at the same time or later.

Jiuyingfu took action because he couldn't wait for so long.

Zheng Lijun’s acting style is rough, not only because of his personality, but also for deep-seated reasons:

Be bold and do it directly. Only in this way can you expand the results in the shortest time and make great achievements. Only by making meritorious deeds can you be promoted and make a fortune.

Therefore, from this point of view, if the two agents of the Nishimura squad were attacked by the same group as the one who attacked Nagatomo Inao, then Zheng Lijun can basically be ruled out as a suspect.

According to Ruan Zhiyuan's confession, Cheng Xuyuan, another high-level executive of the Shanghai Station and the Secretary of the Shanghai Station, acted very cautiously. However, he was not decisive enough in his actions and was somewhat hesitant.

In addition, the most important thing is that, according to Ruan Zhiyuan, Cheng Xuyuan has no "military power." With Zheng Weilong being arrested, Ruan Zhiyuan speculated that the operational power of the entire Shanghai Station will be firmly controlled by Zheng Lijun, who is also the new station chief of Shanghai Station.

The most powerful contender.

Based on this information, Sanbonjiro concluded that in this case, Zheng Lijun would not assign the right of action to Cheng Xuyuan, so the possibility of Cheng Xuyuan commanding the action was extremely low.

In this way, the two senior leaders of the Secret Service Shanghai Station, Zheng Lijun and Cheng Xuyuan, are not consistent with his speculation, and can be initially ruled out.

So, who else in Shanghai has the ability to launch an attack of this scale?

There is only one answer:

Shanghai Special Situation Group.

In the past year and a half, Sanbonjiro was surprised to find that the Shanghai Special Intelligence Team, an agency directly affiliated with the Secret Service Headquarters in Shanghai, although its number and strength are far inferior to that of the Shanghai Station of the Secret Service, it has brought a lot to the Special Higher Education Course.

The threat is far greater than that of the powerful Shanghai Station.

Xiao Mian!

This native of Liling, Hunan, the leader of the Shanghai special situation team, has now been regarded by Sanbonjiro as the number one enemy of the anti-Japanese forces in Shanghai!

After careful consideration, Mimoto Jiro became more and more inclined to believe that the murder of Nagatomo Akio and the attack on the two agents of Nishimura's squad were the reasons why the commander of this series of actions had a very similar style to Xiao Mian's.

In short, he highly suspected that the mastermind behind this series of anti-Japanese actions was:

Xiao Mian and his Shanghai special team!

"Araki." Sanbonjiro said with a gloomy expression, "Xiao Mian and the Shanghai Special Agents Group have become a serious threat to the empire's long-term stability in Shanghai and must be eradicated at all costs!"

"Hai!" Araki Harima lowered his head and said with a fierce expression, "The two incidents between Xia Houyuan and Oku Hideo happened in the French Concession. Fortunately, we have Mr. Miyazaki in the concession to act as an internal correspondent. I will definitely discuss it with Mr. Miyazaki.

Keep communicating, this time we will definitely catch Xiao Mian by the tail! We will kill all the Shanghai Special Agents!"

"Although this guy Miyazaki is only thinking about doing business and making money, he is extremely smart and a capable guy." Sanbonjiro nodded slightly, "You two work together to capture the Shanghai special agent.

Team up with Xiao Mian!"


No. 22, Xue Huali Road, Central Patrol Room.

This is the first time Mr. Cheng has come to work in the patrol room after recovering from his injury.

Ever since Cheng Qianfan came to the deputy chief inspector's office, there has been an endless stream of visitors.

At this moment, he personally sent away the visiting 'master' Ma Yishou, returned to his office, and stretched himself.

It finally calmed down and he could calm down and think.

This time I reported work to Sanbonjiro and 'ran into' Nishimura Ozo from afar while visiting Sanbonjiro. This was an 'unexpected reward'.

Previously, he also obtained some information about Nishimura Class from Oku Hideo's mouth.

However, this information is only superficial.

Oku Hideo only knew that the monitor of Nishimura's class was Nishimura Ozo, and he had never even met Nishimura.

Oku Hideo is affiliated with the Nishimura class municipal class. He does not know the situation of other classes. He only knows some relevant information of the municipal class to which he belongs:

The person in charge of the Municipal Government Section is Yajiro Kai, while Hideo Oku's immediate supervisor in the Municipal Government Section is Fumio Kojima.

Other than that, Oku Hideo could not provide any more information.

This time, he got more information about Nishimura Class from the mouths of Sanbonjiro and Araki Harima:

Xia Houyuan, who was shot dead by Taozi's men, turned out to be an agent of the Nishimura Class Investigation and Liaison Section, and this person was not a Japanese pretending to be Chinese, but a traitor agent.

Qiu Xing, the wife of Chang Shenyi, also confirmed from Sanbonjiro's mouth that she was indeed Nite.

As for whether Qiu Xing also belongs to the Nishimura class, Sanbonjiro did not clarify this point, and it remains to be investigated.

In addition, there is another point, that is, Nishimura Ozo did not mention another missing person in the attack to Sanbonjiro - Li Yuan!

Why is this?

There are two possibilities:

First, Li Yuan was not an agent of Nishimura's squad. Nishimura Ozo did not know about the other attack that occurred in the French Concession, or he knew about it and did not pay too much attention or association.

So the question is, which Japanese special agency does Li Yuan belong to?

During the previous interrogation of Li Yuan, this person did not even know which secret service agency he belonged to, so Cheng Qianfan concluded that he was a sleeper.

In other words, this is an 'unlucky' sleeper. This time he was summoned by Nagatomo Akio. This was the first time he was awakened, and then he was exposed.

Cheng Qianfan was very interested in the Japanese secret service behind Li Yuan. This kind of secret service that was patient enough to arrange sleepers was, in a sense, more harmful and more difficult to deal with.

Another possibility is that Li Yuan also belonged to the Nishimura class, but for some reason and consideration, Nishimura Ozo concealed the attack from Mimotojiro.

Cheng Qianfan was spinning a cigarette in his hand, and he was thinking, if this was the reason, why did Nishimura Ozo hide it from Sanbonjiro?

There are two answers:

One is that Li Yuan is irrelevant and not worth mentioning.

One is that Li Yuan is very important, and there are extremely confidential things about him. Nishimura Ozo is wary of Sanbonjiro and the special high school class.

This is normal. There are many secret service agencies in Japan, but they actually do not communicate with each other. They even restrict each other or even become hostile. There have even been cases of secretly stabbing each other.

In addition, from the words of Araki Harima and Sanbonjiro, Cheng Qianfan obtained first-hand information about Nishimura Ozo.

This person is extremely conceited.

Extremely petty.

It seems that this person had previously expressed disdain for the Special Higher Education Course or other Japanese special agencies.

Well, the relationship between Sanbonjiro and Nishimura Ozo is actually not good, and there is even a rift between them?

This is his preliminary judgment based on an expression of Sanbonjiro, and this needs to be verified.

Of course, what interested Cheng Qianfan the most was the jewelry box in Xia Houyuan's home that Sanbonjiro mentioned.

It can make Nishimura Ozo, who has always been conceited, come to ask for help from Sanbonjiro;

Sanbonjiro ‘happily’ agreed and personally sent Nishimura Ozo away;

Later, he personally issued a formal order to him, asking him to find out the whereabouts of the jewelry box.

There is only one reason:

The jewelry box is very important, or in other words, it is most likely something inside the jewelry box——

Extremely important!

This chapter has been completed!
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