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Chapter 176 Virgo has orders

 Cardinal Zhao smoked silently.

Zhang Ping said nothing and just watched the man smoking.

He looked toward the window, looked out the window.

The rain is falling.

When Cardinal Zhao took a ship from Baodao to visit Shanghai for the first time, it happened to be Huang Meitian, and he fell in love with Huang Meitian in Shanghai and everything here.

Just because this is not my Chinese treasure island occupied by Japanese invaders.

This is the hot land of China.

Although Shanghai was still facing the white terror of the government at that time, this land was not occupied by the invaders. Even if it was sacrificed, wherever it fell, the blood flowed out and nourished the land of the motherland.

How he longed for the treasure island to return to the embrace of the motherland as soon as possible.

His sister, brother-in-law, and countless people with lofty ideals and red warriors sacrificed their lives in the hot land of Treasure Island just to help this land - go home!

A year ago, Shanghai fell, and Cardinal Zhao felt that he was sadder than anyone else.

He had experienced the life of a subjugated slave on the treasure island of his motherland, and he understood better what an occupied area meant.

Thoughts come back.

He was sad and heartbroken inside.

He didn't know Bai Feiyu's family background before, and he didn't know that this young man who also joined the anti-Japanese movement, a family of six brothers, had already sacrificed five people!

"Comrade Zhang Ping, tell me your plan." Shuli Zhao flicked the ashes from his cigarette and said, "Don't be impatient. Speak slowly. I want to understand all the details."

Zhang Ping's eyes shone with joy and excitement, "Do you agree with my plan?"

"Well, there's no agreement." Cardiff Zhao glanced at Zhang Ping and said, "Let's talk about it."

Zhang Ping explained her plans and arrangements in detail.

"A bad plan must be revised." Shuli Zhao frowned and came to a conclusion.

Zhang Ping was not angry because Cardinal Zhao criticized her plan as a bad plan, but was very happy.

"Tell me, what's wrong?" she asked, full of expectation.

"Many places." Shuli Zhao shook his head, "I will only say one thing. If Miss Fang really carries that suitcase to see Cheng Qianfan, do you know what Cheng Qianfan will do?"

"This Xiao Cheng will definitely let Bai Feiyu go." Zhang Ping thought, "I asked about the market price and found that the money is in line with Cheng Qianfan's requirements, or even slightly higher than his psychological price."

She took a puff of her cigarette and continued, "Although this Mr. Cheng is greedy for money, he has a good reputation for this kind of thing and always does things with money."

"You are right." Shu Li Zhao nodded, "Cheng Qianfan will indeed help promote Bai Feiyu. The most important thing for this kind of thing is credibility. He will not destroy his golden name, but -"

"But what?"

"One month, no, two months at the latest. When you think everything is going well and there are no sequelae, Cheng Qianfan may arrange for someone to arrest you secretly." Councilor Zhao said with a serious expression.

"You mean, he will suspect something through this incident, and then secretly investigate and find out about me. However, in order not to damage his own brand and hide his identity, Cheng Qianfan will wait for the situation to calm down before attacking me?" Zhang

Ping immediately understood what Shuli Zhao meant.

"That's right." Shu Li Zhao nodded, "Maybe there is another possibility. He found you, but he will not take action against you, but just ignore it for the time being, and wait until he thinks it is necessary, then take action, or maybe

Sell ​​you directly to the Japanese."

His speculation was not without basis.

Governor Zhao has long been secretly paying attention to Cheng Qianfan. According to the information he secretly obtained, Cheng Qianfan has been engaged in this kind of work of "taking people's money and eliminating disasters" for several years.

In most cases, this Mr. Cheng, the former Inspector Cheng, was very disciplined.

However, according to the information he received secretly, there were a few cases that were quite strange.

Cheng Qianfan did take the money and helped in the operation to release the people.

However, after a period of time, the released person and even the donor who paid the bail disappeared inexplicably.

In addition, the most important thing is that from some details, Shu Li judged based on his own surprise that most of these people had unknown origins, or to be more precise, they belonged to a certain party. In one case, he even suspected that they were released.

The person is a comrade of the Red Party.

Of course, it's just suspicion, he doesn't have any evidence.

Yes, Zhao Shuli has been the detective of the patrol room for many years and has rich experience in investigations. However, he did not catch any clear clues about Cheng Qianfan.

However, just having suspicion is enough. Councilor Zhao suspected that Cheng Qianfan first collected money to do things, and then waited for the news to pass, and then secretly took action.

And considering that Cheng Qianfan has always hated the color red and was close to the Japanese, the identities of those who disappeared can be guessed:

Either he is an agent of the national government or a comrade of our party.

Among them, the one who impressed Cardinal Zhao quite deeply was a boss named Tao.

At that time, Cheng Qianfan was just an ordinary patrolman, so he secretly used his teacher Xiu Gongshen's relationship to get Boss Tao out of the patrol room.

The two even became friends after that.

Then one day, Cardinal Zhao suddenly discovered that Boss Tao had disappeared.

Later, he learned through his own news channels that Boss Tao might have been an agent of the National Secret Service and had died at the hands of the Japanese.

Cardinal Zhao immediately suspected that Cheng Qianfan had sold Boss Tao to the Japanese.

This was the first time he suspected Cheng Qianfan's evil nature and traitorous nature.

"What do you think?" Zhang Ping said.

"Half!" Cardinal Zhao said without hesitation, "halve this amount."

Zhang Ping showed a surprised and puzzled expression, "Why halve it? Not double it? I asked about Mr. Cheng's temperament."

"The amount of money you planned to take out at the beginning is enough to make Cheng Qianfan nod. There is no need to double it, but it will prompt Cheng Qianfan to target you in advance. This guy..." Shu Li said, looking at Zhang Ping.

"Maybe Cheng Qianfan plans to have both wealth and wealth."

Zhang Ping then smiled charmingly and rolled her eyes at Shu Li Zhao.

"As for why it was halved?" Cardiff Zhao smiled and said, "Because the other half is for my hard work."

He looked at Zhang Ping and said, "I will personally talk to Cheng Qianfan about this matter."

"No!" Zhang Ping immediately shook her head and refused, "This will expose your involvement in this matter."

"Do you think I won't be exposed if I don't come forward?" Councilor Zhao smiled bitterly, "Everyone may be deceived by Cheng Qianfan's greed for money and lust, but no one has ever thought-"

He took a long puff of cigarette and exhaled the smoke, "A young man, who became the deputy chief inspector of the Central Police Station at the age of twenty-four. On the other hand, the brothers are extremely supportive. On the other hand, Jin Kemu, who has always had a bad attitude towards the Japanese."

I also have a good attitude towards this pro-Japanese guy."

"The French also like him. He and Peter from the Political Department also run one of the most important black market businesses in the French Concession. The Youth Gang also respects him a bit."

"Those lake bandits, the guys flying around, are also brothers with him."

"Cheng Qianfan is even more friendly with the Japanese."

He also does business with Americans."

"If you carefully calculate, Cheng Qianfan is involved in every force that can be counted in the huge Shanghai beach. It can even be said that even Jin Kemu's intervention is not as effective as Cheng Qianfan's in some matters. Why should others recognize Cheng Qianfan and give him face?


"For such a person, many people were deceived by his greed for money and lust, but did not notice that this person was extremely capable and even extremely cunning!" Councilor Zhao said to Zhang Ping.

"Once Cheng Qianfan is alerted, regardless of whether he is willing to collect money to help free people, the matter itself has attracted his attention. Once he investigates Bai Feiyu, he will definitely find you. At the same time, I secretly found Mai Lan before

Even though we have been very careful in clearing up this matter, I have a hunch that this cannot be hidden from Cheng Qianfan's eyes." Shu Li Zhao's expression was solemn.

"So, you might as well just come up to the table and let Cheng Qianfan think that you came out because you took my money to help save people." Zhang Ping said.

"Yes." Shu Li Zhao nodded, "There is one more thing that may make you wronged."

"What?" Zhang Ping raised her head and looked at Shu Li Zhao.

"I will show my interest in you. This way, I can prevent Cheng Qianfan, a pervert, from having evil intentions towards you." Shu Li Zhao said, "But, in this way, it will damage your reputation..."

"I agree." Zhang Ping's eyes were bright, and she just looked into Shuli Zhao's eyes without flinching.

"That's fine. I will come to see you sometimes. It's just right to say this." Shu Li Zhao nodded.

Shuli Zhao did not dare to look at Zhang Ping's hot eyes. He was not a stupid person. Zhang Ping had a good impression of him. He knew that he also knew that he loved Zhang Ping from the bottom of his heart. However, he subconsciously avoided this almost...

A relationship that can be achieved by puncturing the window paper.

Zhang Ping smiled, feeling a little disappointed because of Shu Shu Zhao's avoidance. However, Shu Shu Zhao was thinking about her and worried that she would be entangled by Cheng Qianfan, a lecherous man. This also made Zhang Ping feel quite happy.

"Then do we still need to contact Tang Xiaoye?" Zhang Ping asked.

"Continue to contact us." Shuli Zhao said thoughtfully, "If possible, I would like to go with Miss Fang to meet Cheng Qianfan."

As he spoke, he added, "This makes it more real."

Looking at Zhang Ping, he said, "Because my progress was too slow and you were worried about something happening to your relatives, you contacted Tang Xiaoye through your friends."

"What if Cheng Qianfan suspected why your progress was slow before?" Zhang Ping asked.

"This is a better explanation." Cardiff Zhao said with a smile, "I deliberately act slowly so that I can get more from you."

"Then why did you suddenly show up and actively get involved in this matter?" Zhang Ping continued to ask.

"It's easy to explain." Cardiff Zhao lit a cigarette, "Seeing that the cooked duck is about to fly, I said I must try my best to get my share."

Looking at the calm and unhurried Governor Zhao, Zhang Ping nodded and smiled.

Cheng Qianfan rolled down the window and threw the cigarette butt out.

Haozi, who went to the roadside to buy cigarettes, came back and handed several packs of Marlboros to Brother Fan.

Cheng Qianfan took out a note from two packs of cigarettes.

This was when Li Hao was buying cigarettes, he met Zhou Ru who was out shopping, and Zhou Ru gave it to him quietly.

Cheng Qianfan unfolded the note and read it.

His expression is serious and serious.

This is a secret message sent by Dai Chunfeng himself.

Dai Chuzuo attached great importance to the information he provided about the Japanese special forces around Zeng Zhengmin.

In the call back, Dai Chuzuo ordered the Shanghai Special Intelligence Group to find a way to send the captured Japanese agent Hideo Oku out of Shanghai to Chongqing.

Among them, the Shanghai Special Situation Team is responsible for transporting people out of Shanghai. This is also the most important and dangerous section.

Cheng Qianfan understood why Dai Chunfeng issued such a task that was extremely troublesome for frontline agents.

To transport a living person, or to be precise, a prisoner, all the way to Chongqing is much more difficult than conveying information or even transporting supplies.

Cheng Qianfan has some guesses as to the reason. On the one hand, it may be because this matter is of great importance, and the Secret Service Headquarters pays special attention to it. Maybe even the 'principal' will pay attention to this matter, so the higher-ups want to personally interrogate Hideo Oku again.


Another reason: Oku Hideo can be a witness when needed!

I understand Dai Chunfeng's consideration in issuing the order, but it does not mean that Cheng Qianfan accepts and supports this task from the bottom of his heart.

Without him, 'Kentaro Miyazaki' was too familiar with the operation of the Japanese special agencies and the deployment of checkpoints along the way out of Shanghai. It was almost impossible to transport the captured Japanese special spies out of Shanghai:

The most important thing is, Oku Hideo will definitely obey the arrangements honestly?

not necessarily!

Cheng Qianfan boasted that he had captured and interrogated many Japanese specials, and he could accurately grasp many Japanese specials, and even see through them.

However, he couldn't see through this Oku Hideo, and he always suspected that this guy was mentally ill.

Such a Hideo Oku is a time bomb.

You never know when something might go wrong.

In addition, there is another point. When Oku Hideo was interrogating Cheng Qianfan, he appeared with the appearance and identity of "Xiao Mian". Oku Hideo would not recognize his true face.

However, Hao Zai was different. Although Oku Hideo did not say it out loud, his intuition told Cheng Qianfan that the Japanese agent should have recognized Hao Zai. After all, Hao Zai was already considered the number one figure in the central patrol house of the French Concession.

In addition, Oku Hideo also met Qiao Chuntao and Yang Changnian.

Once Oku Hideo escapes or is discovered by the Japanese and taken back, the consequences will be disastrous.

In Cheng Qianfan's plan, Hideo Oku must be eliminated for safety reasons.

Hiroko once asked him privately whether it was possible to develop someone like Hideo Oku into a spy for the Japanese special team in Shanghai, just like Eguchi Hideya back then.

Cheng Qianfan flatly rejected this possibility.

It is true that there are Japanese people who may be willing to work for China and oppose Japanese imperialism.

However, as far as Cheng Qianfan knew, these were basically Japanese red fighters or comrades of the Red International.

Develop a captured Japanese agent into one of your own, and then send him back to Japan to become your own spy on the Japanese side.

Not to mention the situation that Cheng Qianfan knew, there were very few Japanese special forces who were willing to betray Japan and work for China. Even if there were captured Japanese special forces who were willing to do this, Cheng Qianfan would not dare to trust them.

Once the other party betrays you, it may bring endless disasters!

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