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Chapter 182 Chenzhou Fish Intestine?

 German clinic.

Cheng Qianfan thought hard, this was the most critical information he captured from Araki Harima's words.

The man who was tied up worked in a German clinic.

German clinic?

His heart tightened inexplicably, and what immediately came to his mind was Dr. Hans's clinic.

The clinic run by this Red International comrade is a secret medical stronghold of the Shanghai Party organization.

Last year, the red general "Mr. Miao" from the red base area in western Zhejiang was treated and recuperated at Hans Clinic.

The most important thing is that Cheng Qianfan knew that the wounded comrade of the New Fourth Army who was escorted to Shanghai by the comrades of the Qingdong guerrillas was at the Hans Clinic at this moment.

Is this person who was secretly arrested by the Special High School an employee of Hans Clinic?

Cheng Qianfan's expression changed slightly.

Although he did not have any evidence to support this speculation, his intuition told him that this possibility was very high.

Yes, for agents, many times, seemingly far-fetched associations, once they appear in their minds, there is a very high probability that such speculations will become reality.

Cheng Qianfan frowned slightly. Regardless of whether this guess or judgment was correct, he must pay attention to it. To be precise, it must treat it urgently as true and confirmed information.

The result of not taking it seriously may be a false alarm, or it may cost you blood and life.

"Stop on the side of the road and I'll make a call." Cheng Qianfan pointed to a public phone booth and said to the rickshaw driver.

No. 22, Xue Huali Road, Central Patrol Room.

Medical room.

Lao Huang was lying on the bed without turning on the light. He opened his eyes and looked in the dark room.

Today is a special day.

"Comrade Qiuxia, happy birthday." He said in his heart.

Yes, today is the birth anniversary of his fiancée, no, his wife, she is his wife. Although Comrade Qiuxia died before the wedding, in Lao Huang's heart, she is already his wife and the one he loves.

A lifelong lover and a firm revolutionary partner!

Qiuxia has a pair of slender and beautiful hands and plays the piano very well.

It was these piano-playing hands. When they were sacrificed, all ten fingers were chopped off...

"Axia, my current code name is 'Piano'. I chose it myself. You must like it." Lao Huang grinned.

Jingle Bell.

The phone rings.

"Who is it? It's late at night." Lao Huang yelled irritably, and casually pulled up the light cord above the bed.

If these words were heard by other people in the patrol room, they would probably scold Lao Huang for being a good guy despite getting an advantage.

The telephone in the medical room was specially approved by Mr. Xiao Cheng. The reason is that the medical room is very important. Brothers will inevitably have headaches, fever, and trauma. Installing the phone is good for everyone.

Whoever believes this is a fool.

Everyone knows that Lao Huang, an old stickman, has climbed to the top of Mr. Xiao Cheng by virtue of his ability to tinker with some folk remedies. In all likelihood, it was Lao Huang who came to Mr. Cheng and asked for a phone number.

Even though the phone was installed, Huang's speed in making visits has not improved at all. Sometimes this old guy is drunk and will unplug the phone line in order not to be disturbed when sleeping, or to sneak out to drink.

When you asked, Lao Huang still spoke plausibly. It was none of his business if the phone was broken.

In short, although there is a telephone installed in the medical room, it all depends on luck whether someone will answer the call or whether the phone will be broken.

A patrol officer called the medical room but no one answered. He was angry and thought that Huang had gone to a designated place to drink, so he angrily accused Huang of leaving his post without permission.

Knocking on the door of the medical room, I saw Old Huang opening the door drunk.

When I asked, I couldn't hear because the phone was broken.

Others have nothing to do with Lao Huang, so what do you say? Accuse Lao Huang for drinking? Is it a problem that Lao Huang drinks? It's not a problem at all.

In the past, with Qin Detai taking care of him, Lao Huang lived well. Now with Mr. Xiao Cheng taking care of him, Lao Huang continues to live well.

The policeman who made the complaint was scolded by Old Huang and even spat on. Later, he was injured during an arrest operation and was severely punished by Old Huang during the treatment process.


What an old guy, he has no justice.

However, after this incident, I will never complain to Mr. Huang again. If he is willing to answer the phone, he can answer the phone and if he is willing to pull out the phone line, just pull out the phone line. Just be happy.

It’s such a fucking thing that the Office of the Chief of Police actually wrote a praise article:

The Central Patrol Room is the first patrol room equipped with a telephone in the medical room. This reflects that the Central Patrol Room, under the leadership of Chief Inspector Jin Kemujin and Deputy Chief Inspector Cheng Qianfan, is determined to forge ahead and arm itself with advanced tools. It can be called a security police

An exemplary measure to ensure the safety of employees’ lives!

Lao Huang walked to the table in two steps and picked up the phone receiver.

"Old Huang, it's me."

"Mr. Cheng, why are you calling so late? Could it be that someone at home is sick?" Lao Huang asked.

"You can't just expect me to get better." Cheng Qianfan said with a smile.

Old Huang on the other end of the phone laughed.

"I have a social event and I haven't gotten home yet. Can the grass you gave me last time still be fried and eaten after so many days?" Cheng Qianfan took a puff of cigarette and said, "If it can be used, I will call Ruo

Lan will boil some medicine for me. If you can’t, I’ll stop by the medicine shop and buy some.”

"What kind of grass?" Lao Huang's expression suddenly became solemn, but he yawned and said.

"It's the one you said can clear away heat and detoxify." Cheng Qianfan thought for a while and said, "That's the one you said the Miao people also use to treat snake venom."

"Han Xincao?" Lao Huang asked.

"Yes, yes, that's it." Cheng Qianfan nodded and said.

"It can be used, just decoct it and take it." Lao Huang said.

"Okay, go to sleep." Cheng Qianfan said with a smile, and then seemed to remember something and said, "If I wake you up at night, I will bring you two bottles of fine flowers in two days."

"That's a good relationship." Lao Huang chuckled and hung up the phone.

"Candy man! Candy man!"

At the entrance of an alley, under the streetlight, a craftsman making candy figures was selling in a low voice.

It was getting late, and many people had already taken a rest. He did not dare to hawk loudly, as he would be scolded.

Perhaps the old craftsman's business was not good during the day, and he hoped that he would be able to produce a few more candy men at night, and the money would be turned into rice grains for tomorrow's gruel.

"Here comes a little rabbit." Cheng Qianfan pressed the brim of his hat and said.

"Okay." The old artist said happily. Under the dim street lights, the old artist, whose skin was like old tree bark, was concentrating on making candy figures.

The so-called candy man is made of caramel mixed with red, yellow, green and other food colorings into the shape of a rooster, rabbit, Sun Wukong, etc. It is a candy and a craft.

Cheng Qianfan stared at the hand of the old man making the candy man. He was observing secretly and estimated how long it would take the old man to make a candy man.

I have a rough idea in my mind.

"Here comes the Sun Wukong, the Zhu Bajie, and the White Dragon Horse." Cheng Qianfan put the banknotes into a paint-peeled iron can, "No need to look for it, I'll get it later."

The old artist making the candy man nodded happily and bowed while holding the candy man.

Cheng Qianfan ignored it, turned around, walked a few more steps, and stood there smoking.

This is the backlight of the street lamp. Looking from the street outside the alley, unless you are deliberately looking for it, you will not pay attention to it, let alone see it clearly.

Cheng Qianfan flicked the ash from his cigarette and stretched his neck.

A little further away from him, the rickshaw driver thought the guest was looking at him and immediately smiled ingratiatingly.

The coachman would probably not be happy if the guests got off the bus and were delayed for a long time.

However, Cheng Qianfan paid for a pound of dried tofu as a reward and subsidy, which naturally made the coachman happy.

Dried tofu is a snack that is loved by men, women, old and young. It is cooked and sold at the same time. A pot of dried tofu often takes several hours to cook. It is fragrant and delicious, and is suitable for drinking and snacking.

Of course, the coachman would be reluctant to buy such snacks.

He glanced at the pound of dried tofu wrapped in brown paper. Gudong swallowed and inhaled the aroma.

He was reluctant to eat this dried tofu and planned to take it home to his wife, children and mother-in-law.

However, the coachman took another look at the brown paper bag and felt a little regretful. It would have been better if the guest had chosen to give him more money instead of buying something for him. He could have bought two more cornrows.

Then, he scratched his head and inhaled the scent of dried tofu, with a smile on his face. Yao Wa had already been craving for this bite, regardless of whether it was dried tofu.

Yendli has arrived.

"Scare the farmers, scare the farmers."

With the coachman behind him expressing his gratitude, Cheng Qianfan held several candy figures in his hands and walked on the bluestone in the alley.

As "Mr. Xiao Cheng" becomes more and more famous and powerful, and has more and more enemies, it is no longer appropriate for him to continue living in Yandli.

He is already thinking about moving.

Bai Ruolan hadn't rested yet, so she opened the door and welcomed her husband in.

"Why did you buy so many candy figures?" She took five candy figures from Cheng Qianfan's hand, glanced at her husband, and asked.

"I didn't know which one Xiaobao liked, so I bought a few more." Cheng Qianfan picked up the enamel jar on the table, which contained the herbal tea that Bai Ruolan had chilled in advance. He drank it all in one gulp.

"Ruolan, there was some Han Xincao left at home last time. Thank you for frying it up in a while." Cheng Qianfan said.

Since he said this on the phone to Lao Huang, he must do it.

Yes, if he didn't arrange for his wife to help him boil the medicine, it doesn't seem to be anything, and there shouldn't be any problems.

However, once he enters a certain suspect list and the enemy investigates secretly, this small detail may even be the "ant nest" that leads to his exposure.

For agents, never take chances.

Or to put it more bluntly, don’t think about being lazy!

"Okay." Bai Ruolan put the candy man into the drawer, locked it, and turned to look at Cheng Qianfan.

The wife's eyes were full of worry, "I'll boil the medicine in a moment. Do you want to put more water and warm it on the stove?"

"No, after frying the medicine, just pour the concoction into a bowl and let it cool." Cheng Qianfan gently held his wife's waist.

Ruolan was extremely smart. Although he didn't say anything, Ruolan already knew that he was going out secretly.

Ruolan was worried about him, but she couldn't ask more questions, so she could only ask in such a vague way.

Seeing her husband go upstairs, Bai Ruolan sighed softly.

"Boil the soup and leave it on the table to cool down." This shows that Qianfan himself is not sure when he will come back.

He took out a Mauser pistol from the shadow box behind the bookcase and carefully checked the condition of the gun to make sure everything was normal.

I took out two more ten-round spare bridge clips.

Three German M24 grenades were wrapped in cloth.

A dagger was stuck in the leggings.

After checking the exact time, Cheng Qianfan opened the window, let the cat out, and climbed out of the study window on the second floor.

The cat lying on the window sill 'on duty' looked at its male owner who was as nimble as a civet cat, tossing and turning quickly and lightly.

Soon, Cheng Qianfan jumped down from the roof, ran at top speed, and soon disappeared into the night.

Since there were many shootings in the French Concession in the past two days, patrols in the French Concession have been stepped up these two nights.

Whether he was secretly calculating the time when he was buying candy, or he was secretly calculating the time after returning home, all of this was because he was accurately calculating the time to match the patrol shift time near his home.

Just now, when I passed by the door of my home and encountered a patrolman on patrol, Mr. Xiao Cheng stopped and said a few words to the patrolman to encourage his men who were working hard on duty.

Now, he calculated the right time to set off, and when he arrived at the checkpoint, it happened to be the shift change between the two patrol teams.

During the shift change, the bayonet was 'unattended' for about fifteen minutes.

Of course, this 'unattended' refers to a slightly farther distance.

This was because Xiao Cheng sympathized with his subordinates and ordered them to build a shed near the bayonet with a table and some chairs for the patrol officers to rest during night patrols.

This shed is about thirty or forty meters away from the bayonet.

The direct result of the existence of this shed is that when the two patrol teams change shifts, they habitually gather in the shed first, brag to each other, and even drink a few sips of wine. Anyway, the bayonet is not far away. If someone passes by, the designated

There is no way to escape the eyes of the policeman patrolling the shed.

In this way, they rest for a while before going to the checkpoint for duty.

Cheng Qianfan was as light as a civet cat, walking close to the wall, and halfway through, he quickly climbed over the wall.

The other side of the wall faces the river, but there happens to be a relatively narrow path next to this section of the wall. Cheng Qianfan can sneak through it without falling into the river.

Walking about twenty meters, there is a willow tree. Climb in through this willow tree, just in time to avoid the patrol checkpoint.

Yes, the biggest purpose of the shed built by Xiao Cheng's subordinates is to ensure the blind spot for observation at a distance of less than thirty meters!

Cheng Qianfan breathed a long sigh of relief after crossing the barrier nimbly.

Calculated based on the time he just returned home and passed through this checkpoint, these patrol officers are his time witnesses. He is at home at this moment:

From the distance from Mr. Cheng's home to here, he had no time to return. During the short period of time when he temporarily left the bayonet for the patrol change, he passed through the bayonet again. The most important thing is that everyone has "sharp eyes" and they can't leave the bayonet.

It's not far away, and with so many pairs of eyes looking at it, it's clear whether anyone has passed by.

On the second floor of a residence opposite Hans Clinic, Huang squinted his eyes and saw car lights shining in this direction from a distance.

His eyes instantly turned cold. He lay on the inside of the window sill, gently pulled the bolt, and the muzzle of the Type 38 rifle quietly poked out.

This chapter has been completed!
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