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Chapter 184 Mr. Cheng is so proud

Cao Yu, who shouted loudly, successfully attracted Cheng Qianfan's attention.

He turned the muzzle of his gun, aimed at Cao Yu, and decisively pulled the trigger.

"Ah!" Cao Yu screamed, covering his ears and lying on the ground.

Cheng Qianfan frowned, thinking that this traitor was lucky.

The man was very alert. After shouting, he retracted his head. The shot did not hit the vital point, but hit the ear.

"Cao Sang! Cao Sang!" Yoshino shouted in a low voice. He wanted to know what Cao Yu was shouting just now.

Cao Yu lay on the ground and pretended to be dead without saying a word.

"Bag duck down!" Yoshino was furious. He had just seen clearly that the shot did not hit Cao Yu's vital part, but hit his ear.

The angry Yoshino did not notice that his body had moved and was exposed to the gun.


One bullet directly knocked over Yoshino's Tianling Cap, scattering red and white all over the ground.

The corners of Cheng Qianfan's mouth raised slightly, and a proud, disdainful, and even arrogant smile appeared on his cold face.

The extremely tense and depressing lurking career has kept this ace agent's spirit in a state of high tension and various switching states.

He enjoyed the feeling of hunting enemies.

Unfortunately, given his status, such occasions are rare.

Nishizawa and Yoshino were the captains and deputy captains of the Special High School Division in this operation. Now, both of them were killed, which paralyzed the command system of this group of Japanese special forces.

Everyone was either lying in a hidden corner and not daring to move, or they were shooting back indiscriminately.


Lao Huang fired a shot, killing a Japanese special who tried to temporarily organize the team.

Cheng Qianfan saw it clearly and secretly said hello.

He was ready to target this person just now, but Lao Huang quickly beat him to it.

Both of them are action masters with great combat experience. Knowing that in this situation, they must first eliminate the other party's commander as much as possible, and then the person who tries to temporarily take over the command.

The Japanese army has strict combat discipline and obeys the front-line command of their superiors. This is not only reflected in their army, but also in the secret service. When they lose their commander, their combat capabilities will be severely weakened.

Cheng Qianfan raised his wrist and glanced at the time on his watch.

The time is almost up, if you delay any longer, the patrol will arrive.

Of course, Cheng Qianfan had every reason to believe that the gunfight here had already alerted the patrol. However, these guys were greedy for life and feared death, and they might be 'watching' the battle three blocks away from here at this moment.

It's just that we can't delay it any longer.


Cheng Qianfan shot out a street lamp.


Lao Huang also shot out a street lamp.

Cheng Qianfan glanced at Lao Huang's house and immediately began to evacuate without any further hesitation.

Opening the window on the other side of the second floor, Cheng Qianfan threw the spear out first, then flipped it out deftly and rolled around.

No shots were fired.

The enemy did not notice the windows on this side.

He slung the long gun on his back, pulled out the Mauser pistol from his waist, turned off the safety, put the short gun in a ready-to-fire state, and ran quickly on the roof with his waist bent.

Cheng Qianfan was running around on the rooftop.

In the river beside the house, He Guan pushed the stern of the boat hard, and the awning boat left the shore. Under the cover of the gunshot, the sound of the water flow seemed very soft.

Cheng Qianfan was running fast. At this moment, he stopped and lay down on the eaves, looking at the slowly approaching awning boat.

He Guan on the boat didn't know that his good brother was watching him from the eaves.

"I don't know if our comrades can evacuate safely." He Guan said worriedly.

"Don't worry, the comrades of the underground party should have been prepared for this situation, and they will definitely be able to successfully break through." Huang Xiaolan comforted her husband and said.

He Guan shook his head. Although he did not observe the gunfight with his own eyes, he could basically determine the comparison of firepower between the two sides based on the sound of gunfire. Coupled with his understanding of the terrain around the clinic, he was worried about the safety of the comrades who were covering them.


The two shooting points are located close to each other on the street. Once they are blocked from both ends by patrols arriving, it will be difficult for underground party comrades to break through.

Shang Ming also looked serious. Although he didn't see it as clearly as He Guan did, he also knew that the situation was not good.

"It would be nice if I had a gun by my side." He Guan sighed.

He was very confident in his marksmanship. With a long gun in hand, as long as the ammunition was sufficient, he could arrange for Xiaolan and Shang Ming to take the unconscious Fang Muheng to evacuate first, while he himself would make a sudden attack from the side. He was sure to cover the two

Comrades from the underground party evacuated safely.

There was a crash.

Something was suddenly thrown from the roof and landed in the river grass beside the awning boat.

This shocked He Guan and others.

"Give it to you!" said a hoarse voice.

He Guan looked up and saw a gray figure on the roof moving quickly, as agile as a cat. Although the running movements were a bit strange, the speed was not slow and it quickly disappeared.

Here, Shang Ming was lying on the board of the boat, reaching out to fish it out, and he grabbed a belt.

Lift it hard.

"Captain, it's a gun!" Shang Ming said in surprise.

He Guan took it and opened the magazine to see that it was full of five bullets.

Although there were only five bullets, with this 38-type rifle in hand, He Guan's heart suddenly felt extremely stable, and his chest was full of pride.

The awning boat shuttled in the river. He Guan looked back at the rows of buildings behind him, but he had long since disappeared.

Obviously, this person was one of the underground party comrades who had a gun battle with the enemy and covered their evacuation.

"He's a sharpshooter!" He speculated with concern.

Judging from the previous gunshots, the gunshots of Mauser pistols and southern pistols will decrease after the long guns are fired. This shows that the underground party comrades who use long guns have accurate marksmanship and almost no miss.

This also made He Guan extremely surprised and curious.

There is actually a sharpshooter comrade in the Shanghai underground party?

This is so rare, you should know that this kind of sharpshooter comrade is rare even in the team.

hoarse voice?

He Guan analyzed in his mind that this underground party comrade should be a middle-aged man.

Of course, it’s not necessarily the case, it could also be a deliberate sound.

In addition, he noticed that when the comrade was running quickly to evacuate from the roof just now, he seemed to have one foot higher and one foot lower:

Is this the foot of the slope?

Thinking that this comrade of the underground party who had perfect shots was most likely to be a comrade, He Guan's admiration for this comrade increased to a higher level:

A veteran who came down from the red team?

Lao Huang climbed out of the second floor window.

He lay on the roof with the muzzle of his gun sticking out.

Without aiming, he directly pulled the trigger.


"Over there!" a special agent of the Special High School pointed his gun towards the roof and fired a shot.

At first, two gunmen attacked them, but later the gunfire from a shooting point stopped. Either the person was killed by them, or the person had evacuated.

No matter what the situation is, their target now is the other gunman who has not escaped.

On the roof, Lao Huang was running around and evacuating while firing.

He is not pursuing hit rate at this time, the purpose is to attract the enemy's attention.

"Princes, Hansi Clinic." Cao Yu reminded him, covering his ears.

The guy on the roof is very cunning. It's not easy to catch him.

Of course, the main reason is that the gun battle has been going on here for a while, and the gunfire is now sparse. With the greed for life and fear of death of the patrol officers in the patrol room, it is estimated that they will soon come to the scene like 'heroes'. In this way, even if

They caught the gunman on the roof, but they couldn't take him away.

In this case, it is better to rush into Hans Clinic and arrest people first.

During the entire shootout, the door of Hans Clinic was not opened. What if the big fish inside had not had time to escape?

At this moment, a shrill whistle sounded.

A group of patrolmen approached cautiously with long guns in hand.

"Withdraw!" Among the surviving Japanese special agents, one of the most senior agents looked fiercely and finally said through gritted teeth.

The car started, and seven people, including the lightly and seriously injured, were packed into the car that could accommodate five people.

As soon as the driver stepped on the accelerator, an agent fired several shots into the sky.

Looking at the car that was escaping, the patrolman fired several shots at the taillights of the car.

"Brother Lu, do you want to chase me?" Lu Jiu asked.

"Forget it." Da Toulu shook his head.

This group of people had fired shots into the sky as an attitude, showing that they had no intention of becoming life-or-death enemies.

Judging from the intensity of the gun battle, these people are obviously very capable and are desperadoes. Everyone's safety should come first.

Besides, there's another one on the roof over there.

If you catch this person, it will be easier for you to do business.

Lao Huang looked at the police officers on the street.

At the far end, a patrolman was already trying to climb onto the roof.

Lao Huang raised his hand and fired. The patrolman who was trying to climb onto the roof was shot in the shoulder and fell down with a scream.


Da Toulu was also angry, and when he gave an order, gunshots were fired loudly.

At this moment, gunfire rang out from behind them.

"Brother Lu, there's someone behind you." Lu Jiufan, who was shot in the butt, covered his butt and screamed.

"Be careful behind you!" Da Toulu shouted hurriedly.

Then he saw a black shadow flying in the sky.

"Grenade!" Datulu shouted.

There was a roar.

Grenade explodes.

"How are the brothers?" Datou Lu shouted, covering his arms with his face ashen.

His arm was hit by shrapnel and was bleeding profusely.

The dust was flying, and the street lights were knocked out, so no one could be seen at all, and only the screams and groans of the people could be heard.


"Si Ren Niang!" a patrol officer cursed and fired a shot in the direction where the grenade was thrown.


The other side immediately fired back, and the patrolman who fired the shot let out a scream.

"How?" Da Toulu shouted.

"Hit in the shoulder!" shouted the injured unfortunate.

"Don't move, don't shoot." Da Toulu was sweating profusely and growled in a low voice, "Lie down and don't act rashly. The other party's purpose is not to kill people."

Everyone understood what Da Toulu meant. The other party's purpose was to intimidate and warn them not to act rashly. His purpose was to rescue his accomplices.

Immediately, everyone lay down on the ground in tacit agreement, not daring to make any more moves.

They are just patrolling, not soldiers of the merchant corps of all nations, so there is no need to really fight.

Moreover, the two sides fighting today were obviously very rational, and their attitudes were very clear, and they had no intention of forming a life-or-death feud with the patrol room.

"That's right. I'm going to give Xiao Cheng some face, so don't make it difficult for me!" came a thick, hoarse voice.

"Friends, everyone knows the rules." Datou Lu roared, "If you tell me your name, it will be easier for the brothers to do business."

"Shanghai Iron-Blooded Anti-Japanese Anti-Japanese Rape Regiment!"

A cold reply came from the other side.

"Friends, you are shooting and bombing today, which is a bit too much." Da Toulu shouted, "not to mention hurting my brother..."

There was no reply from the other party.

Da Toulu shouted a few more words, but still received no reply.

"Ci Renniang!" Datou Lu got up from the ground and waved his hand, "Catch the thugs!"

The patrolmen launched a brave charge into the dark night air.

About three quarters of an hour later.


Jingle Bell.

The phone rang suddenly.

Bai Rulan's heart skipped a beat, and she turned on the bedside lamp.

"Qianfan, the phone is ringing." Bai Ruolan said softly first, then raised her voice, "Qianfan, the phone is ringing."

It seemed like someone muttered something, and then there was a grunt.

"Drink so much wine!" Bai Ruolan cursed, got out of bed, walked to the table, and picked up the phone.

"Who?" Bai Rulan asked.

"Hello, madam." Datou Lu endured the pain in his arm and said, "I am Lu Hu."

"It's Inspector Lu. It's so late. What's wrong?" Bai Ruolan asked.

"Madam, could you please call the inspector to answer the phone? Something happened here and he needs to handle it personally." Da Toulu said.

"Qianfan! Qianfan!" Bai Ruolan covered the phone, shouted several times, and said helplessly, "He drank a few too many drinks last night and couldn't wake him up. Otherwise, I'll ask him to call you back later."

"Madam, something really big has happened." Datou Lu was sweating profusely, "Please call the inspector quickly. I'm on Kaisen Road. Something really big has happened. Mr. Jin, and Mr. Xi Neng are all here."

On the way here."

"What's the big deal? This call came in the middle of the night. My head hurt when I heard the phone ringing." Bai Ruolan was extremely anxious. She tried her best to control her tone and emotion, sighed, and said, "Okay, I understand.

I'll wake him up soon."

"Who is it? It's such a restless night." A somewhat vague voice, as if she hadn't woken up from sleep, sounded in Bai Ruolan's ears.

Bai Ruolan was only busy making phone calls and racking her brains to deal with it, but she didn't notice that her husband was back.

Looking at Cheng Qianfan, Bai Ruolan's eyebrows bloomed with surprise.

"It's Inspector Lu. He said something big happened on Kaisen Road. He also said that Mr. Jin and Mr. Xi Neng were also on their way there." Bai Ruolan said to her husband, then put the microphone into Cheng Qianfan's hand, "I'll go give it to you."

Make a bowl of hangover soup in the middle of the night, what's the point?"

Cheng Qianfan looked at Bai Ruolan, and Bai Ruolan looked at him.

Her eyes were filled with worry.

Cheng Qianfan smiled softly, indicating that he was fine, then cleared his throat and said into the microphone, "I am Cheng Qianfan."

As he spoke, he yawned again, "What happened on Kaisen Road this late at night?"

PS: Please subscribe, ask for rewards, and ask for monthly votes, thank you.


I see that everyone is asking about double monthly passes, and there is indeed double monthly passes at the end of the month.

The nucleic acid test will continue tomorrow, and I feel numb. Thinking about it, it will be even harder for Dabai. I hope the epidemic can be brought under control soon.

This chapter has been completed!
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