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Chapter 198 Token (asking for monthly votes)

 No. 719, Dee Siwei Road.

"Kikuchi-kun, is there any movement from Zhao Changgeng?" Nishimura Ozo looked up and asked, playing with an antique Chinese dagger in his hand.

Kikuchi Masataka, head of the investigation and liaison section of the Nishimura class, touched his mustache and said, "This person has a very determined attitude. He needs to see Xia Houyuan himself or see a token before he is willing to speak."

"Has he made any external contacts?" Nishimura Ozo asked.

"No." Kikuchi Masataka shook his head, "Apart from being reluctant to speak, Zhao Changgeng is still very cooperative."

"Kikuchi-kun, have you made any analysis or guesses about this mysterious guy?" Nishimura Ozo was a little irritated. He scratched the desk table with the antique dagger hard, leaving a mark.

"It's hard to guess." Kikuchi Masataka frowned and shook his head, "Our luck is so bad. Xia Houyuan was killed before he officially reported the matter to me."

Xia Houyuan, who is affiliated with the Investigation and Liaison Section of the Nishimura Class, used the mailbox to deliver a piece of information to Kikuchi Masataka:

Important figures in the Nationalist Party wanted to defect to the empire and sent intermediaries to contact them.

This intermediary was an old acquaintance of Xia Houyuan's hometown. He knew that he had secretly defected to the 'Empire of Japan', so he found him.

Kikuchi Shintaka was overjoyed and sent a signal asking Xia Houyuan to report the matter in person.

Then, Xia Houyuan's residence was attacked that night, and Xia Houyuan himself was shot to death.

Upon hearing the news of Xia Houyuan's "murder", Kikuchi Shintaka was shocked and immediately reported the matter to Nishimura Ozo.

Because the incident happened so suddenly, Xia Houyuan had no time to report the inside story. Nishimura Ozo and others could not even determine the true identity of the person who wanted to surrender to the 'Imperial Japanese Army'.

Not only that, they didn't even know who the middleman was who contacted Xia Houyuan about this matter.

Fortunately, according to the clues left by Xia Houyuan in the intelligence, the Nishimura Class Investigation and Liaison Section identified the middleman as Zhao Changgeng, the deputy manager of Pison & Co., whose address was No. 15, Lafeifang.

Subsequently, the Investigation and Liaison Section found Zhao Changgeng.

However, Zhao Changgeng denied knowing Xia Houyuan.

Kikuchi Masataka personally went to visit and revealed that he was the section chief of the "Nishimura Class Investigation and Liaison Section of the Locust Army Secret Service of the Empire of Japan" and Xia Houyuan's boss.

Xia Houyuan is dead, so he is the one to handle this matter.

While Kikuchi Masataka was speaking, he stared into Zhao Changgeng's eyes. He saw surprise, suspicion and fear in the other person's eyes.

Zhao Changgeng did not admit his identity as the middleman, but he acquiesced that he knew Xia Houyuan and stated that he was indeed discussing a business with Xia Houyuan.

Either Xia Houyuan himself came, or someone came with the token he gave to Xia Houyuan, otherwise he would not say anything.

"According to my judgment, Zhao Changgeng should have believed my identity, but this person should have received a death order." Kikuchi Masataka said, "Either Xia Houyuan himself or a token, otherwise he will not be with us

Continue further contact until he receives new instructions from the person behind him."

"The cowardly Chinese people are hiding their lies." Nishimura Ozo said.

"I understand this as the cleverness of Chinese people like Zhao Changgeng," Kikuchi Masataka said.

Zhao Changgeng was unwilling to speak because Xia Houyuan had previously told him that he had "already given the token to the Japanese."

Therefore, now Kikuchi Masataka cannot produce the token, which makes Zhao Changgeng very embarrassed.

However, he also revealed what the token he gave to Xia Houyuan was, implying that he would speak as long as Kikuchi Masataka brought the token next time.

This is a little clever. This person not only faithfully carried out the instructions of the people behind him, but also avoided offending the Locust Army of the Empire of Japan too much.

Zhao Changgeng's insistence made Kikuchi Masataka angry and helpless. If the other party was a captured Japanese hater, he would have arrested him and tortured him long ago.

However, this person is the 'messenger' of an important member of the Kuomintang who has taken the initiative to defect to the empire. We cannot use force until we understand the other party's intention and conditions for surrender.

"The other party is very cautious." Kikuchi Masataka said, and then scolded Xia Houyuan, who was already dead.

According to his speculation, because he was coming to see him the next day, Xia Houyuan told Zhao Changgeng 'in advance' that the token had been submitted. It was for this reason that Zhao Changgeng insisted on talking only to Xia Houyuan himself, or

It was a Japanese person holding a souvenir who negotiated with me.

Nishimura Ozo looked thoughtful, "Kikuchi-kun, in your opinion, does this Zhao Changgeng have other identities?"

According to their investigation, Zhao Changgeng is the deputy manager of Pissen Bank, and his behavior is normal. This person should only play the role of a middleman and 'messenger', and has no other special latent identity.

However, after listening to Kikuchi Masataka's report and having further observations and understanding of Zhao Changgeng, Nishimura Ozo began to have a suspicion:

This Zhao Changgeng may not be as ordinary as he appears on the surface.

A Chinese businessman faced the imperial agents head-on. Although he showed enough awe, he was still able to stick to his 'principles'.

This is not something ordinary people can do.

"Nishimura-kun is suspicious?" Kikuchi Mataka frowned and thought, then nodded, "I understand, I will arrange for someone to investigate."

"Don't make such an omission next time." Nishimura Ozo said with a serious expression.

"Hai!" Kikuchi Shintaka saluted with a respectful expression.

The two are classmates and have a good relationship in private. They can address each other as "jun" and chat and laugh.

However, Kikuchi Masataka knows how to distinguish situations and propriety.

No. 15, Lafayette Square.

The boy from Chunfengdeyilou came out carrying a load of food boxes.

The young bastards who had been waiting in the alley for a long time came swarming over.

"Don't squeeze!"

"Don't grab it!"

The boy quickly put down his burden, hid aside, and shouted.

No one paid attention to him.

The little beggars gathered around, grabbing the leftovers and eating deliciously.

"Am I not as good-looking as those little beggars?" Ying Huaizhen found Cheng Qianfan who was smoking on the balcony. She stretched out her slender fingers and took the cigarette from Cheng Qianfan's hand. She opened her seductive red lips and took a puff.

"It's windy, don't catch cold." Cheng Qianfan smiled, his eyes fell on Ying Huaizhen, showing a thoughtful look, and then said, "Yes, this cheongsam is good--it's attractive."

Ying Huaizhen sat down on Cheng Qianfan's lap and said, "You men just like to pour ecstasy soup on us women."

"What are you pouring?" Xiao Cheng always seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

"Disgusting!" Ying Huaizhen pinched Cheng Qianfan.

"Go away." Huahua waved his baton and kicked Nail Dike's butt. "Miss, you have a good heart, or I will skin you."

The nail was kicked over, but instead of getting up and running away immediately, he knelt down and kowtowed again, saying, "Young lady is kind-hearted, and good people are rewarded."

Then he ran away as if running away.

"Thank you very much, Officer Shen and all other police officers." Tang Xiaoye thanked the several Chinese officers.

Xiu Yuman, who was on the side, looked at the expressions of the Hua arresters and immediately added, "When I see Qian Fan, I will tell him and thank you for your generous actions."

"What a big deal."

"You're too kind, Miss."

After hearing these words, several Hua captured them with happy smiles on their faces, and then left with satisfaction.

With the words of Mr. Xiao Cheng's sister, their move was worth it.

But, then again, as expected of Mr. Cheng, these sisters are so beautiful.

"Could it be that my loving sister is my loving sister?" Youhua said in a low voice as he walked away.

Then came a cheerful smile.

"I want to review this matter." Wen Guoran stood up and said.

He pressed his hand and motioned Xiu Yuman and Tang Xiaoye to sit down.

"Using wrapped pastries to convey information is a decision I made before." Wen Guoran said with a serious expression.

He was filled with fear.

"I have used this method to transmit information several times before, and there were no mistakes, so I became careless." Wen Guoran showed a ashamed expression, "This time, I ignored that our meeting point was the chaotic Zhubaosan Road.


He picked up the enamel jar and took a sip of tea. "A big accident almost happened. The responsibility lies with me. I will review this matter to the organization."

The sound of children chirping and playing came from outside the house.

This is the sensible Yang Ximei playing with Wen Guoran's grandson and granddaughter.

"I have been doing research these days, and I have also noticed the security situation in the concession." Xiu Yuman said.

"Actually, the security situation on Zhu Baosan Road is not too bad. At least in my opinion, it is not fundamentally different from other streets and alleys in the French Concession."

Xiu Yuman thought for a moment and then continued, "Miss Tang is a student of Dr. Wen. She came to the appointment with cakes, so there is no problem in itself."

"We chose to connect at Zhubao 3rd Road because we have something to do here today and we happened to be on the way. It's closer to here, so we can meet here. That's right."

"If we could have met near here, but deliberately took a long way around, it would have aroused suspicion. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with the Zhubao three-way joint."

Xiu Yuman said analytically with a clear mind and clear logic.

"So, it was an accident that I was robbed on Zhubaosan Road this time," she continued.

Tang Xiaoye was thinking and frowned slightly.

Suddenly, she thought of it.

His fists were clenched, then loosened, then clenched, then loosened.

Finally, she plucked up the courage and said, "Teacher Wen, Sister Xiu, I know where the problem lies."

"Say." Wen Guoran nodded slightly.

"In the French Concession, these little beggars and gangsters didn't dare to rob me when they saw me carrying something," Tang Xiaoye said.

"That's right." Wen Guoran patted his head, "They all know that you are Mr. Cheng's sister, and no one dares to rob you."

"It should be like this." Tang Xiaoye nodded.

Xiu Yuman was a little surprised, "Qianfan actually has such a big reputation in Shanghai?"

"The enemy launched a sudden siege and attack on Hansi Clinic?" Luo Haoran was shocked and asked.

"Yes, it happened suddenly." He Guan nodded and said, "Of course, their target is Hans Clinic. It's just my guess at the moment."

"Comrade Fang Muheng, are you okay?" Luo Haoran immediately asked with concern.

"Comrade Mu Heng is fine, we transferred out smoothly," He Guan said.

"Tell me the details." Luo Haoran said with a serious expression.

Rafael Road.

Leaving Ying Huaizhen's residence, Cheng Qianfan walked straight to the car parked on the side of the road.

The French paulownia trees on both sides of the road are very lush.

The sun shines through the branches, casting spots.

"Brother Fan." Li Hao said.

"Drive." Cheng Qianfan closed the door of the back seat and whispered, "Don't look around and drive immediately!"

"Yes!" Li Hao also nodded seriously when he heard this.

Cheng Qianfan frowned. He did not look back at the car window. He knew that Lu Xingge must be peeping secretly.

Cheng Qianfan never expected that his eldest brother Lu Xingge would show up on Lafayette Road, and according to his speculation, it was Lu Xingge's arrangement that bribed the young boy to steal the meal.

Lu Xingge is a member of the Shanghai Station Operations Brigade of the Secret Service.

In this way, Zhao Changgeng's identity seems to be revealed.

So, here comes the problem.

What happened to Zhao Changgeng's family?

Why can't he come out in person to contact people at the Shanghai Station, but can only pass on information in this way?

Zhao Changgeng is under house arrest?

Lost your freedom?

Who placed Zhao Changgeng under house arrest?

Patrol room?

Impossible, this is the Central District, the territory of the Third Patrol. If Zhao Changgeng was secretly placed under house arrest by the patrol room, and little Mr. Cheng knew nothing about it, Cheng Qianfan should have bought a piece of tofu and killed him.

So he is a secret agent of Shuli Zhao?

People from the Qinghong Gang?

Or - Japanese?

Cheng Qianfan frowned.

He was not able to grasp what happened in his territory immediately, which made 'Mr. Xiao Cheng' feel a little irritated for no reason.

In other words, this matter involved Lu Xingge, which inevitably caused waves in Cheng Qianfan's heart.

The third brother Shen Huaiming sacrificed his life for the country. Cheng Qianfan felt so sad and uncomfortable in his heart. He was such a good, good, laughing, third brother who loved this country so much!

The third brother died. If his eldest brother Lu Xingge died for his country again, Cheng Qianfan could not imagine how sad he would be if this happened.

One more thing, that is:


Cheng Qianfan looked gloomy and shook his head.

Regardless of the reason why Zhao Changgeng was placed under house arrest, Lu Xingge should not have appeared here.

Lu Xinge could secretly arrange people to carry out this "grabbing meal" operation and plan, but he himself absolutely did not want to show his face here.

When the situation is unknown, try not to come into contact with suspicious people or things. For agents, safety comes first!

Cheng Qianfan bit his lip, let out a rough breath, and snorted coldly.

Shanghai Station, or not just Shanghai Station, the entire Secret Service has a relatively common phenomenon, that is, it promotes action on the front line, and is not cautious enough. To put it harshly, in some cases, the actions of the Secret Service can be said to be harmful.


"What is he here for?" Lu Xingge frowned and asked the men around him.

"The team leader is talking about Cheng Qianfan?" Ahu asked.

Lu Xinge nodded.

"My mistress." Ahu chuckled, "Xiao Cheng is a very romantic man. He has a mistress in Lafayette Road. Everyone knows about it."

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Happy May 4th Youth Day everyone!

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