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Chapter 200 Fortune Telling by a Blind Man (please vote for me)

 In the afternoon, it is the most boring and leisure time for housewives.

Mrs. Tian had a big quarrel with the good lady in the front building. She came back panting and cursing.

The glass of the window in her home was broken for no reason, and she suspected that it was her mortal enemy Qin Haopo who lived within a radius of 300 meters.

‘That’s not right’!

Mrs. Tian put down her cattail leaf fan and looked hesitant.

She knew about Qin Haopo. If it was Qin Haopo who really did this, that woman would only proudly admit it, but she would never have the courage to admit it.

Mrs. Tian thought about it in her mind and went upstairs again to look at the broken glass window.

Under the sunlight, there seemed to be shadows outside the window. She walked forward slowly, looked over, and saw several dead mice lying straight under the eaves.

'Oh my god!'

Mrs. Tian screamed in fright.

After regaining his composure, he cursed a few more times, then found a pair of pliers, put the dead mouse into the basket, and threw it out.

Sitting in the pavilion on the first floor, Mrs. Tian felt a little uneasy thinking about the suddenly broken window and the dead mouse.

The husband is not at home now, the children are in school, and the maid has gone out to buy groceries.

She took out the newspaper that her husband read and flipped through it randomly, but she could only understand the theater advertisement. On the other pages, the words just looked at her. She read them carefully for a while, but she still didn't recognize them.

, naturally not interesting.

Just when I was feeling bored, I heard three very rhythmic and ups and downs knocking sounds of "ding ding ding" coming from outside.

Mrs. Tian felt excited.

Sure enough, then I heard the sound of three-stringed strings, like weeping and complaining, sorrowful and sorrowful, as if weeping gently on the apex of people's hearts.

Mrs. Tian was certainly familiar with this voice. It was the passage of a blind fortune teller.

‘It’s boring anyway, why not call the blind man to come in and talk and arrange the eight characters’?

Mrs. Tian thought to herself, then walked to the door in a few steps, opened it, and said, "Fortune teller, come in."

The blind fortune teller wearing small round sunglasses heard the voice and said, "Look here." "There is a noble person in your house, and he will lead the way."

Hearing this, Mrs. Tian felt happy.

The blind man followed Mrs. Tian in and came to the pavilion. He found a chair and sat down slowly and carefully.

"Dare I ask my wife, who is the fortune teller for a man or a woman?"

"A man's destiny." Mrs. Tian said without thinking. Although she was very strict with men and even beat and scolded them at every turn, men were the bread and butter of the family. If a man suffered a misfortune, the family's sky would collapse.

"Let's talk about it in detail."

"My man, Tian Dai, is thirty-two years old. In the thirty-third year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty, on the third day of the fourth month of the fourth year of the Ding Dynasty, at three o'clock in the morning, you will be arranged."

The blind fortune teller flexed his fingers and muttered something.

With a solemn expression, he spoke a lot of fortune-telling terminology, including the heavenly stems and earthly branches, which defied numerology and pointed out yin and yang.

Then he played the three-stringed instrument skillfully and sang in a hoarse and rhythmic voice, "The man's destiny has been repaid just now. He is a boy descending to earth under the constellation constellation in front of the Jade Emperor's Palace. This man is destined to have no worries about food and clothing, and money will come into his house."

, Blessings come into the door, wealth and honor will be in your life, immortal luck will come to your house, you will be rich, healthy and useful all your life!"

When Mrs. Tian heard this, she was so happy that she clapped her hands and applauded.

"The man's fate is calculated, and the woman's fate is calculated."

But when he saw the blind fortune teller suddenly frowned and said, 'That's strange!'

"What's wrong?" Mrs. Tian panicked and asked hurriedly.

"It is destined that the male will be destined to be a golden boy, and the female will be destined to be a beautiful girl. They will grow old together and have many children, and they will be blessed. They were envious of each other during their lifetimes. After death, they will end up together under the same constellation as a golden boy and a beautiful girl. But -" the blind man shook his head.

The three-stringed string continued to play, "I'm just wondering, where did the demon fox come from, sneak into the noble house, secretly steal the girl's life and fortune, in the long run, the girl's life will be lost, look at that demon fox, come into the house, the noble son and noble daughter will be jealous

Damn, the man’s life is lost, a good family is like this..."

"Grandma!" Mrs. Tian slapped the table and cursed, "You blind man, you are trying to scare me and try to defraud me of money."

The blind man stopped playing the three-stringed string. Without saying anything, he did not ask for fortune-telling money. He picked up the three-stringed string and walked away. He took two steps, turned around, looked around with his blind eyes, and finally glanced at the window on the second floor, and then sighed.

, shook his head and was about to leave.

"The great immortal stays!" Mrs. Tian's heart suddenly shuddered, and she imitated the opera and shouted.

The blind man did not stop.

"Master, five dollars!" Mrs. Tian shouted urgently, "Master, please save my whole family."

"Do you know what I just said?" The blind man turned around, looked at Mrs. Tian and asked.

"A vixen came in and wanted to kill me, my children, and drain my manly energy," Mrs. Tian said.

The blind man glanced at the woman and thought that the summary was really accurate.

However, you must not follow her words.

"It's not a vixen, it's a demon fox. There is demon energy in your home." The blind man said, "Also, if the male is willing, the demon fox will not drain the male's yang energy, but will leave him half alive, otherwise he will be punished by God."

"Bitch couple!" Mrs. Tian scolded and asked the blind man urgently, "Why did the immortal look at my window just now?"

"I'm not a great immortal, I'm just a common sentient being who helps the Qingluan people in trouble." The blind man said, stroking his chin and beard, "As for why I looked at that window, the female life naturally knew in her heart, why should it be difficult for me? You must know that the power of God is so bright that there are many words.

What a mistake."

Then, looking at the frightened and anxious look of the hostess, he finally sighed and said: The evil fox sneaks in, the bright mirror blocks the evil, the mirror breaks and the five poisons enter.

Mrs. Tian was so frightened that she couldn't believe it at this point!

"The spirit of the demon fox is in the warehouse in the backyard of your mansion." The blind man counted with his fingers for a long time and said with an extremely solemn expression.

Petain District, next door to Xia Houyuan's house.

Mrs. Hong looked at the blind man wearing small round sunglasses and thought to herself that it was a pity.

When this blind man was young, he was a strong and handsome young man. Now that he is older, he is still a little itchy and uncontrollable.

"Madam, please respect yourself. If it is not your fate, I will leave." The blind man stroked Mrs. Hong's hand and said seriously.

"Forget it, it's natural. It's a girl's fate. I just told you her birth date." Mrs. Hong rolled her eyes at this sanctimonious blind man, and she liked him even more. She felt much better because Xia Houyuan died and was sad.

The little Taoist priest secretly cursed in his heart, how did that bastard Qiao Chuntao find out the information? This is not a housewife who is sad for spring and autumn, she is simply a female seductress who sucks sperm and blood.

"The fate of the talented girl has been announced. She is the five fairies under the support of the Queen Mother of Heaven. She will have no worries about food and clothing throughout her life. There will be no shortage of silks and satins, and there will be a lot of gold and jade. Thank you..."

The little Taoist priest paused for a moment and frowned slightly, "This girl's life is only lacking the life of a man in the same class of immortals. That's not right -"

The little Taoist priest 'looked' at Mrs. Hong, "According to the horoscope, the girl's life was in harmony with the piano and the piano a few days ago, and she was quite comfortable when she met her opponent in chess."

PS: Tomorrow is the last day for double monthly passes. Do you still have monthly passes?


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Tomorrow is the last day for double monthly passes. Do you still have monthly passes?

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