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Chapter 211 The moment of life and death

"Zhang Xiaolin." Cheng Qianfan thought for a while and said with fierce eyes.

"Zhang Xiaolin...this Chinaman is extraordinary." Araki Harima said in a deep voice. He wanted to rub his temples out of habit, but he forgot that his shoulder was injured, and he groaned in pain when he raised his arm.

"Araki-kun, let's go treat the gunshot wound first." Cheng Qianfan looked worried. He took out the cigarette case, took out a cigarette and stuffed it into Araki Harima's mouth, and took out a lighter to light it for him.

"Someone has already notified the medics." Araki Harima said. He was lucky. The shot on his shoulder did not cause much damage. To be precise, the bullet grazed the muscles of his shoulder and did not cause the maximum damage.

"Why do you doubt Zhang Xiaolin?" he asked Kentaro Miyazaki.

"I killed Shao Er." Cheng Qianfan said.

"Who is Shao Er?" Araki Harima asked.

"One of Zhang Xiaolin's subordinates, this Chinese, led others to injure my crew." Cheng Qianfan also lit a cigarette and took a long puff. "I have studied Zhang Xiaolin. He is a greedy guy. I have

There is reason to suspect that he is here for Jiujiu Trading."

Zhang Xiaolin was different from other Chinese people who defected to the empire. This man was quite powerful in Shanghai. He could even do some things that the empire could not do. The empire currently needed this Chinese person.

Therefore, Araki Harima originally wanted to persuade Miyazaki Kentaro to be patient for the time being and not to continue to expand the conflict with Zhang Xiaolin.

However, after hearing Kentaro Miyazaki's words, Araki Harima shut up.

When it comes to financial interests, Zhang Xiaolin actually wants to plot Miyazaki-kun's property. With Miyazaki-kun's temperament, this is a fight to the death!

In addition, Miyazaki is a guy who attaches great importance to life safety. No matter who sends a gunman to assassinate him today, it will definitely anger Kentaro Miyazaki completely. This is also a no-win situation.

What's more, Miyazaki is just greedy for money, and there are people who want to steal Miyazaki-kun's money. As a friend of Miyazaki-kun, he has to consider Miyazaki-kun's side both emotionally and rationally.

From a distance, I saw a doctor and several assistants hurriedly coming.

Cheng Qianfan looked at the time on his watch and said, "Araki-kun, please treat your injuries first. It's almost time. I'll go see the section chief first, and then I'll come find you."

"I was accidentally shot. I almost forgot about the business." Araki Harima said quickly, "The jewelry box you handed me was not the one the section chief asked you to find. The section chief was very angry."

"What? How is it possible?" Cheng Qianfan was shocked. His eyes were half shocked and half puzzled. "I especially emphasized to Zhao Gangchen that what I wanted was the peach tree they found from Xia Houyuan's home.

Jewelry Box."

"The problem shouldn't be with you." Araki Harima analyzed and said, "Either there was a mistake when registering at the patrol room, or the item was accidentally lost, or Zhao Gangchen didn't find what you were looking for, so he looked for it elsewhere.

One to deal with you."

"Zhao Gangchen doesn't dare." Cheng Qianfan shook his head. "If he doesn't find it, he will tell me directly. Although it won't help, it won't offend me. He won't be stupid enough to deliberately use a fake to deal with me.


"You need to investigate the truth of the matter." Araki Harima said, "I came out in advance to greet you just to tell you this matter."

He spit out the cigarette butt from his mouth, "The section chief took the fake jewelry box to see Nishimura Zhongzuo. The two of them brought the jewelry box to see a Chinese man. The Chinese man pointed out that the jewelry box was fake.

, this makes the section chief lose face in front of Nishimura."

"The section chief is very angry, please be careful." Araki Harima said.

"It turns out that Mr. Araki came out specifically to tell me this, but he was implicated by me and was shot." Cheng Qianfan's eyes showed two parts of gratitude, two parts of touching, three parts of guilt, one part of surprise, and one part of sadness.

A feeling of pride.

He bowed solemnly, "For Miyazaki to have a friend like Araki-kun, this must be one of the proudest things in my life!"

"I am proud to have a friend like Miyazaki-kun. You just saved my life." Araki Harima bowed in return.

The two stood up, looked at each other, and laughed heartily.

It is enough to have a confidant in life!

That's probably what it looks like.

"Asshole!" Sanbonjiro slammed a mahogany jewelry box at Kentaro Miyazaki.

Cheng Qianfan ducked subconsciously, and the jewelry box passed him and hit the wine cabinet in the corner of the office. There was only a crash and a bottle of red wine fell and shattered on the floor.

The jewelry box was also smashed to pieces.

Seeing that Kentaro Miyazaki dared to dodge, and because of this guy's dodge, his bottle of fine red wine broke, Mimotojiro was even more angry.

"You stupid guy!" Sanbonjiro pointed at Kentaro Miyazaki and scolded angrily, "I have repeatedly told you that the jewelry box is very important, but you actually handed me a fake jewelry box!"

"I trust you so much in vain. Is this how you repay my trust?"

Cursing, Sanbonjiro picked up the folder in his hand and smashed it.

This time, Cheng Qianfan didn't dare to dodge and was hit hard with his head.

There was a bruise on his forehead immediately, and the folder bounced and fell to the ground.

"Hai!" Cheng Qianfan stood with his feet together, lowered his head, bowed, and was respectful.

Seeing that Miyazaki Kentaro didn't dare to hide away this time, Mimotojiro finally felt a little satisfied.

The folder on the floor is open.

Cheng Qianfan lowered his head and could just see part of the document.

‘Personnel from the Hangzhou Secret Service of China’s capital surrendered to the empire’.

'Bao Xiao, nicknamed Baozi, is a member of the intelligence team of the Hangzhou Station of the Secret Service and a native of Xuancheng, Anhui.'

"Ren Qing, codenamed Luobo, deputy leader of the Second Operation Team of the Secret Service Hangzhou Station, native of Wuxian County, Jiangsu Province."

"Luo Daoxing, nicknamed Nagging, leader of the third action team of the Secret Service Hangzhou Station, a native of Jinhua, Zhejiang."

Cheng Qianfan felt as if there was a bang, and something exploded in his mind.

He tried his best to control his emotions and keep his facial expression calm.

‘Nagging’ was caught by the Japanese!

And this person has already defected to the Japanese!

There was even a thin stream of cold sweat starting to form on Cheng Qianfan's back.

This is a physiological reaction and cannot be completely controlled by him.

'Nagging' was ordered by Song Fuguo to escort him to Hangzhou. He was not wearing makeup at that time. 'Nagging' had seen his true face.

Of course, it seems that all of this can be blamed on Cheng Qianfan. After all, he is now Kentaro Miyazaki, pretending to be Cheng Qianfan as the Japanese Kentaro Miyazaki.

However, there is an extremely critical issue here!

Cheng Qianfan pretended to be Kentaro Miyazaki on the train to Hangzhou, and 'met' Kawada Eikichi in this identity.

‘Nagging’ was on the train at that time.

Cheng Qianfan had a brief communication with Nagging about this matter.

Cheng Qianfan's mind was racing as he recalled.

He couldn't be sure when and where he would meet 'Nagging' who had defected to the Japanese, and such a scene might even happen the next moment.

He must recall it immediately.

Recall as many details as possible of that time.

‘Nagging’, have you ever seen Kawada Nagakichi?

Cheng Qianfan shook his head in his heart, he was not sure.

At that time, he had an idea and approached Kawada Nagakichi as Kentaro Miyazaki, a Japanese wandering poet. However, Kawada Nagakichi pushed him and knocked over the dinner plate.

This movement attracted the attention of 'Nagging' at the far end of the carriage, and 'Nagging' looked over.

Cheng Qianfan recalled carefully that he was not sure whether he could see Kawada Nagakichi's appearance clearly from the position and angle of 'Nagging'.

Then, under the signal from his eyes, ‘Nagging’ walked away.

After that, he soon came into contact with Nagging in the train restroom.

He 'talked' using pre-handwritten notes and 'nagging'.

He was thinking in advance and anticipating what Nag Nao was going to ask, so he wrote it in advance and signaled Nag Nao not to speak. He took out the notes one by one and unfolded them for Nag Nao to read.

The total is a note.

Cheng Qianfan racked his brains to remember.

The first note: "Don't speak, just nod or shake your head. Do you want to ask what happened during the day?"

'Nagging''s response was - he nodded.

The second note read: "It is true that there is a Japanese driver in the car."

'Nagging''s reaction at that time was that his face changed, and he looked at him with surprise, scrutiny, and a hint of vigilance.

The third note read: "I can understand Japanese, so I'm aware of it."

'Nagging''s reaction was to look at him.

The fourth note was: "Can you find a way to contact Hangzhou?"

‘Nagging’’s response was to shake his head.

The fifth note read: "Remember, only the two of us know about this. Don't go to the carriage over there, don't have any contact with them, and don't go see them."

'Nagging' responded by shaking his head and not intending to follow his arrangement.

Then, Cheng Qianfan took out the sixth piece of paper and unfolded it for the other party to read: "The white hair in the south is long. This is an order."

"Southern Kingdom with long white hair" is a secret code, which was told to Cheng Qianfan by Song Fuguo. When Cheng Qianfan showed this secret code, it was equivalent to gaining leadership power, and Nao must listen to him.

'Nagging' responded with an angry look on his face, but in the end he had no choice but to accept the order.

The seventh note read: "From now on, pretend not to know each other. Campbell will be under your care and let this guy shut up."

The reaction of ‘nagging’ should be – silence?!

The eighth note read: "You can leave."

'Nagging''s reaction was to look at him with a cold expression, then nodded and left.

He glanced at Cheng Qianfan coldly, nodded, turned and walked away.

His mind was running rapidly, coupled with his extremely tense inner environment, which caused Cheng Qianfan to suffer from hypoxia for a moment.

The fingers of his right hand gently lifted up and scratched the back of his neck.

His action was noticed by Sanbonjiro, who snorted coldly.

Cheng Qianfan immediately straightened his back and stood at attention without squinting.

Sanbonjiro snorted again, then opened the drawer, took out a document from the drawer and read it, ignoring Kentaro Miyazaki.

However, if you look carefully, you will see that this document has been specially processed. There is a very small round hole in the middle of the document, which can be used to observe the situation of the person opposite.

Seeing Kentaro Miyazaki standing upright and not squinting, Mimotojiro felt a little more satisfied.

Yesterday, I excitedly went to Nishimura Ozo with a fake jewelry box. Mimotojiro's original intention was to show off the efficiency of the special high class in front of that guy Nishimura, but he didn't expect that he would make a big mistake:

Zhao Changgeng directly pointed out that the jewelry box was fake. This person believed that the empire had deceived her through forgery, and later expressed doubts about the sincerity of the empire.

Nishimura Ozo made fun of Sanbonjiro.

Sanbonjiro lost face and was naturally very angry.

He was even more angry at Kentaro Miyazaki for making such a big mistake.

However, Araki Harima said two good things for Miyazaki at that time:

Araki Harima said that Miyazaki rarely makes mistakes when doing things, and he has never made such a serious mistake.

Although Kentaro Miyazaki was at fault for this matter, I believe that Miyazaki did not want this to happen. He naturally believed that the jewelry box was genuine, so he submitted it.

'Miyazaki has never seen a jewelry box. Naturally, the police station gave him this jewelry box, so he thought it was real. He couldn't tell the difference between the real thing and the fake one.'

It was Araki Harima's words that made Sanbonjiro somewhat restrain his anger towards Miyazaki Kentaro.

However, no matter what, if the subordinate messes up the task assigned to you by the superior, it is the subordinate's fault.

As for whether the superior will consider some objective reasons and give a lighter sentence, that depends on the relationship between the superior and his subordinates.

Cheng Qianfan thought over and over again in his mind.

Back and forth to confirm your own analysis and guesses.

He came to a preliminary conclusion:

One: It’s impossible to be sure whether ‘Nagging’ saw the appearance of Kawada Nagakichi at that glance.

Second: He then signaled ‘Nagging’ to stay away from Kawada Nagakichi’s side, and ‘Nagging’ did not approach him again after that.

Third: Judging from the note he showed to ‘Nagging’, he only informed ‘Nagging’ that there was a Japanese special in the car, and ordered ‘Nagging’ not to get involved in the matter.

In this way, 'Nagging' only knew that Rite was on the train at that time, and did not know about other further situations.

Fourth, and most importantly, does ‘Nagging’ know the name Kawada Nagakichi?

Cheng Qianfan’s conclusion was – ‘Nagging’ doesn’t know.

Of course, this has yet to be confirmed. The way to confirm it is to ask Yu Pingan. After the train arrived in Hangzhou, 'Nagging' first arrived at Xiongzhen Tower and reported to Yu Pingan.

Yu Ping'an knows best what 'Nagging' said, as well as whether 'Nagging' participated in the subsequent secret operation to arrest 'Kawada Nagakichi', and whether he might come into contact with some information later.

Cheng Qianfan didn't know that Sanbonjiro was observing him from behind a 'special' folder. However, out of caution and after receiving information that shocked him and directly related to his own safety, he always looked forward.

, without looking at the documents on the ground again.

Because, he knew very well in his heart that if he took another look, if Sanbonjiro found out that he had seen the documents on the ground, it might bring him great security risks and troubles.

Especially once it is necessary to 'prove one's innocence', this glance may cause a considerable degree of suspicion.

At this moment, there was a knock on the office door.

"Search, it's me." It was Xiaochi's voice.

"Come in." Sanbonjiro put down the folder in his hand and said.

Cheng Qianfan's heart moved, and he moved three steps to his right, as if to make way for Xiaochi who was about to come in.

The door was pushed open.

Brought up a gust of wind.

Without Cheng Qianfan standing there to block the wind, the files in the folder on the ground were blown to the page...

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Thank you all for your support, thank you.

In addition, I would like to explain that the place of origin of the traitors in the book is completely random. I closed my eyes, clicked on the map randomly, and then...

In that era, war was everywhere, and heroes appeared everywhere in China!

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Many years later, at a gathering of Deyun Club, with the expectant eyes of the actors from Yunhe Jiuxiao, Chen Huanyu leisurely lit a cigarette and spoke very humbly.

This chapter has been completed!
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