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Chapter 226 There is a fierce bandit Jiang Mule in Shanghai

 Lu Xinge was surprised in his heart.

To be precise, I was shocked with gratitude, but also a bit of curiosity and admiration.

The opponent's timing of shooting several times was very accurate.

The first shot killed Rite who was trying to attack in a sneak attack and saved his life.

What surprised Lu Xinge the most was his keen observation of the battlefield situation, his decisiveness in shooting, and his accuracy in shooting.

tacit agreement.

Yes, it is a tacit understanding. Lu Xingge thought of this word,

Lu Xingge felt quite sympathetic to each other.

"Secretary Cheng, did the stationmaster arrange for another team to be on guard in secret?" Lu Xingge asked.

"I don't know." Cheng Xuyuan shook his head, "But as far as I know, there shouldn't be."

He looked at Lu Xinge, "Why does Team Leader Lu ask that?"

"When our troops were breaking out, someone secretly helped us," Lu Xinge said.

Cheng Xuyuan looked surprised, then fell into thinking, and finally shook his head and said nothing more.

Lu Xingge's heart moved, but he shut up and said nothing more.


"Brother Fan, I'm here."

"I have a headache. Pour me a cup of tea."

"Okay." Li Hao said, and then he saw Dumb staring at him.

"What are you doing?" Li Hao knocked on Dumb's head.

"Thirsty." Dui chuckled and said in a low voice.

"Waiting." Li Hao smiled, stood up and went to pour tea, but he heard movement at the back door. He took out his pistol from the drawer, turned off the safety, and waved his hand to signal Dumb to hide, while he quietly walked to the back door.

"Who?" Li Hao asked in a low voice.

"Haozi, it's me. Is the inspector here with you?"

Hearing the voice of Hao Zai, Li Hao quickly opened the back door.

Cheng Qianfan and Hao Zai flashed in.

"Where's the inspector?" Hao Zai asked loudly.

"Inside, Brother Fan had some wine for lunch and got drunk." Li Hao said.

After entering the room, Cheng Qianfan took the tea from Li Hao. Gudong Gudong drank half the cup, then lay on the recliner, and asked in a faint voice, "Who is it?"

"Brother Fan, it's Haozi." Li Hao said.

"What's the matter?" Cheng Qianfan wiped his mouth, "Haozi, give me another glass of water."

"I know." Li Hao then lowered his voice, "Brother Fan, there was a call this afternoon. It was from the patrol room."

"What happened? How did you handle it?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

"It's Lu Jiufan who called and reported that several thieves were caught." Li Hao said.

Then I saw Ah-Dai come out of the back room, cleared his throat, and lowered his voice and said, "Lock him up and interrogate him first. A few young Chi Laos will also come to trouble me."

"Okay, you boy can do it." Cheng Qianfan laughed loudly and knocked Dumb on the head.

This boy imitates his speech very well.

Dumb was having fun.

At this moment, the phone in the living room rang.

Li Hao was about to answer the phone. Cheng Qianfan shook his head and said, "Haozi, go and answer the phone."


"Haozi, are the inspector still there with you?" came the voice of Tou Lu, the third deputy inspector on the other end of the phone.

"Brother Lu, it's me. Brother Fan drank too much and just woke up." Hao Zai said.

"Haozi, are you also at Haozi's place?"

"Not long after I arrived," Haozi said, "There was a lot of gunfire in Xiafei District. I thought something might have happened, so I came to Haozi's house to look for Brother Fan."

"It is true that something big has happened." Da Toulu said, "Tell the inspector that there is an emergency meeting in the patrol room, and Mr. Jin will ask the inspector to come back as soon as possible."

"Okay, I understand." Hao Zai hung up the phone and turned to look at Cheng Qianfan. When Cheng Qianfan nodded, he said into the phone, "Brother Lu, Brother Fan is looking for you."

"It's me." Before answering the phone, Cheng Qianfan took a deep breath and pressed his abdomen. Then he burped, "What happened?"

"Inspector, something happened on Cordier Road in Xiafei District. Mr. Jin informed us that an emergency meeting will be held in an hour." Datou Lu said.

"What happened to Lu Dazhang's territory is none of our business." Cheng Qianfan frowned and shouted to Li Hao, "Haozi, help me get another cup of sobering tea."

"The specific situation is not clear yet, but I heard that the fighting there was very fierce on Cordier Road, and many people were killed and injured," Datou Lu said.

"Okay, I got it, I'll go back in a while." Cheng Qianfan muttered, "There is no peace and quiet every day."

Then he hung up the phone.

Datou Lu Ze on the other end of the phone smiled bitterly and shook his head. He felt that this 'Mr. Xiao Cheng' seemed to be a little confused and had not sobered up.

Cheng Qianfan took the teacup handed over by Haozi, drank the tea in one gulp, and wiped his mouth.

He adjusted his armed belt again, picked up half a bottle of wine on the table, took two sips, and spilled some wine on his clothes.

Finally, he glanced at the appetizers on the table and nodded with satisfaction, "Wan Zhenxing's braised vegetables?"

"Yes." Li Hao nodded.

This is Cheng Qianfan’s favorite dish to go with wine.

Cheng Qianfan picked up the kuaizi and ate a few mouthfuls of braised pig ears. After his mouth was full of oil, he took out a handkerchief and wiped the corners of his mouth, then folded the handkerchief and put it in his pocket.

When I put the plate down, I accidentally spilled some marinade on the table. The sleeves of Cheng Qianfan's police uniform rubbed against the corner of the table, staining some of the marinade.

Cheng Qianfan burped and said, "Let's go back to the patrol room."

"Well, Haozi, follow me back after the opening." He thought for a while and then added, "Haozi, go and do your business."

"Yes." Hao Zai nodded, understanding what the team leader meant.

Cheng Qianfan looked at Dumb.

"You." Cheng Qianfan rubbed Ah-Dai's hair, "Practice calligraphy in the afternoon and write down hundreds of surnames. Haozi will check it when he comes back."

"As ordered." Dui said in a salute manner.

No. 22, Xue Huali Road.

Seeing Mr. Cheng's car arriving, the patrolman at the guard post quickly pulled up the gate and stood at attention to salute.

The entrance to the corridor on the second floor.

Su Zhe, assistant to Chief Inspector Jin Kemu, was already waiting. He looked a little impatient and looked at his watch frequently.

"Deputy Chief Inspector Cheng, you are here, Mr. Jin has been waiting for you for a long time." Su Zhe said.

Someone in the corridor heard Assistant Su's strange words and hurriedly walked faster to avoid suffering disaster.

Sure enough, Mr. Xiao Cheng gave Su Zhe a cold look, snorted coldly, and then walked towards his own office.

"Deputy Chief Inspector Cheng, Mr. Jin is waiting for you in his office." Su Zhe shouted quickly.

"I'm going to change into a police uniform." Cheng Qianfan pointed to his sleeves and said angrily.

Su Zhe glanced at it and nodded, "Vice President Cheng, hurry up."

Then I heard Mr. Cheng slam the office door with a loud bang.

After a while, Cheng Qianfan changed into a brand new senior police officer uniform and arrived at the door of Jin Kemu's office.

"President Jin, Vice President Cheng is here." Su Zhe knocked on the door.

"Please come in, Vice President Cheng."

Su Zhe made a gesture of invitation. Cheng Qianfan didn't even look at this person. He opened the door and went in. He showed a smile to Mr. Jin, turned around and closed the door, saying, "Uncle Jin, something big happened."


Jin Kemu walked around from his desk and sniffed his nose, "What does it smell like? Are you wearing perfume?"

"I drank some wine at noon." Cheng Qianfan smiled slightly awkwardly and said.

Hearing Cheng Qianfan admit that he used perfume to cover up the smell of alcohol, Jin Kemu also laughed, "I heard that you have quit smoking now. Why, you don't plan to quit drinking?"

"I haven't quit smoking." Cheng Qianfan took out the cigarette case from his pocket, offered Jin Kemu a cigarette, stuffed a cigarette into his own mouth, took out a lighter and lit cigarettes for himself and Jin Kemu.

He took a light puff and continued, "Ruolan couldn't smell the smell of cigarettes after she became pregnant, so I rarely smoked."

"You old Cheng family is a single generation of three generations. You should have a boy as soon as possible so that your ancestors can rest assured." Jin Kemu said with a smile.

The two chatted for a while, and Jin Kemu flicked the ashes of his cigarette. "The Japanese crossed the border and entered Cordier Road in Xiafei District. They arrested people from the Shanghai Station of the Secret Service. There was a fierce exchange of fire between the two sides."

"I heard from Hao Zi that he seemed to be beaten very fiercely?"

"It's comparable to a small battle." Jin Kemu said, "The news half an hour ago was that both sides suffered heavy casualties. There were thirty-five corpses on the scene, of which about 70% were from Chongqing."

"Are there any injuries?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

"The Japanese took away the wounded. Some wounded were left behind in Chongqing and have been sent to Terraston Road for custody and treatment." Jin Kemu said, "Also, it is said that as many as 20 citizens were injured.

, the thirty-five corpses I just mentioned do not include the citizens who accidentally entered the fighting area and died."

"In addition, it is said that some Japanese fell into the river and were stoned to death. Many people drowned and their bodies were washed away."

"Falled into the river?" Cheng Qianfan looked surprised.

"People from Chongqing blew up a bridge and a car fell into the river," Jin Kemu said.

Cheng Qianfan immediately understood in his heart that Wu Shunjia must have done this, well done.

He was thinking, did the Japanese car fall into the river?

Whose car is it?

In other words, who is in the car?

Araki Harima?

"Those who can ride in a car are not ordinary Japanese." Cheng Qianfan said as he puffed out faint smoke from his nose.

"They deserve to die." Jin Kemu sneered, "We didn't invite them to China either."

Cheng Qianfan smiled.

Because of the "Sickle" plan, Mimotojiro ordered him to appropriately alienate his "Japanese friends" and at the same time show some dissatisfaction with the Japanese.

Shanghai Station has not officially taken the bait, but Jin Kemu has a better impression of him.

"The Japanese went too far this time. One of their military police squads disguised themselves as civilians and entered the French Concession carrying weapons." Jin Kemu looked indignant and said, "They even brought in crooked light machine guns."

"Light machine gun? This is indeed too arrogant!" Cheng Qianfan was surprised, then frowned and said.

"Yes, it's too arrogant." Jin Kemu sighed, "They were sure that the French would not really fall out with them."

"What did the higher ups say?" Cheng Qianfan asked after hearing this.

"The Jiang Mule gang attacked Cordier Road. The patrol house and the brave Japanese martyrs jointly defeated the Jiang Mule gang's evil deeds." Jin Kemu said with a sneer.

"This..." Cheng Qianfan was stunned for a moment, then thought for a moment and said, "The Japanese gave in."

"Yes, it's rare for the Japanese to give in." Jin Kemu nodded.

It was obvious that the Japanese carried heavy weapons and entered the French Concession as soldiers disguised as civilians and launched attacks on residential areas in the French Concession. However, the French could only hold their noses and admit that they were attacked by Jiang Mule bandits, and even called Japanese agents and

Military police are Japanese martyrs who act bravely for justice.

It seemed that the French were greatly humiliated.

However, both Cheng Qianfan and Jin Kemu knew that this was a concession by the Japanese.

First of all, this battle is pushed to the Jiang Mule gang, which is responsible for most of the vicious crimes in Shanghai. This is because both sides have a way out and there is no need to quarrel.

The most important point is that the Japanese recognized that this was the work of the Jiang Mulezi gang, and Jiang Mulezi was a wanted criminal in the French Concession. This fell under the "internal security jurisdiction" of the French Concession, so the Japanese could no longer use the excuse of "introducing enemies".

In the name of the Japanese, they requested the French Concession to introduce the wounded from the Shanghai Station of the Secret Service to the Japanese side.

Therefore, both Jin Kemu and Cheng Qianfan said that this was a concession by the Japanese.

In addition, because the French Concession's attitude towards the Japanese was too soft, anti-Japanese elements were extradited to Japan many times, which aroused strong dissatisfaction between the national and red parties——

From a certain perspective, this time the Japanese made concessions and the French kept the people in the Secret Service. This can be understood as a major victory for the French against Japan that the French showed to the government.

Of course, this does not mean that the French Concession will let the arrested Shanghai Station personnel go lightly. The French will try and sentence them in accordance with the laws of the French Concession.

However, just because of this, the government can regard it as a victory.

It is so sad that the country is weak.

Subsequently, a high-level meeting was held in the central patrol room. In this conference room, Chief Inspector Jin Kemu and Deputy Chief Inspector Cheng Qianfan successively made important speeches.

The Central Patrol Office issued a notice to the entire jurisdiction, strongly condemning the Jiang Mule gang's attack on innocent citizens on Cordier Road, and vowed to arrest and bring the evil-doing Jiang Mule gang to justice as soon as possible.

"Brother Fan." Li Hao poured a cup of tea for Cheng Qianfan, "But many people know that there was a big fight between the Japanese and Chongqing."

"So what if you know?" Cheng Qianfan asked back.

This is a consensus reached between the French Concession and the Japanese. Even regarding this consensus, Chongqing, another party involved in this battle, had to remain silent to express its acquiescence to this official position.

"Will the newspaper office..." Li Hao asked.

"No." Cheng Qianfan shook his head.

What the newspaper can see in the newspaper is what they can report!

Sanbonjiro's face was extremely gloomy. He looked at Araki Harima, whose head was wrapped like a rice dumpling. He was so angry that he didn't know where to vent his anger.

"Section Chief, my subordinates are not doing their jobs well," Araki Harima said. His face was swollen and he struggled to speak.

"Why did you miss it?" Sanbonjiro asked in a deep voice, "Didn't it mean that we have determined the stronghold of Shanghai Station and can capture them all in one go?"

At this moment, in another ward, 'Nagging' looked at his brother-in-law Lu Fei whose head was also wrapped like a rice dumpling, but he couldn't help laughing.

"You are still laughing, your brother-in-law is so injured, and you are still laughing." Zhao Xin said with tears.

"My brother-in-law is injured, so I'm naturally sad, but..." 'Nagging' glanced at Lu Fei again, with a smile on his lips, "I just couldn't help it."


'Nagging' glanced at her cousin and said, "Cousin, take Xiaolong out first. I have something important to discuss with my brother-in-law."

Zhao Xin looked at her man.

Lu Fei blinked, thought for a while, and nodded.

After Zhao Xin left the ward with the sleeping child in her arms, 'Nagging' came to the door again, made sure that the door was closed and no one was eavesdropping, and then returned to sit beside Lu Fei's bed.

"Brother-in-law, are these people who suddenly appeared out of nowhere really not from Shanghai Station?" asked 'Nagging'.

"No." Lu Fei struggled to say, "If there is such a group of people at Shanghai Station, there is no way I wouldn't know about it."

"Do you have any suspicion about this group of people?" 'Nagging' asked again.

Lu Fei shook his head, "However, the Japanese suspect that this is the work of the Shanghai Special Intelligence Team?"

"Shanghai Special Situation Unit?" "Nagging" looked surprised. He had never heard of this unit before.

"It's a lurking team independent of Shanghai Station." Lu Fei said, "The team leader is called Xiao Mian, he is a very powerful guy."

'Nagging' didn't speak, but fell into some kind of thought.

After a while, 'Nagging' raised his head and looked at Lu Fei, "Brother-in-law, I want to ask you about someone."

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