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Chapter 229 Moyuer Lane (Everyone has a safe Dragon Boat Festival)

 French Concession, Central District.

"Pan Laojiu said that he followed the man and woman holding the child all the way to Moyuerong?" Cheng Qianfan was shocked, looked at Haozi and asked.

"Yes." Hao Zai nodded.

"Hasn't it been discovered?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

"Pan Laojiu used to do reconnaissance and tongue-catching work in the Northeast Army." Hao Zai said, "The man and woman did not find him."

"Pan Laojiu suspects that the boy is Lu Fei's son?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

"I just have a suspicion. According to what Pan Laojiu said, Lu Fei's son is named 'Xiaolong', and many people inside the Shanghai Station know it." Hao Zai said.

Cheng Qianfan didn't speak, he was thinking.

After a moment, he nodded and said, "Take the guy and follow me to Moyuer Alley."

‘Nagging’ is the biggest hidden danger at the moment. If this hidden danger is not solved as soon as possible, Cheng Qianfan will have trouble sleeping and eating.

Based on the information obtained by Pan Laojiu, Cheng Qianfan made a preliminary analysis:

The male doll may be Lu Fei’s son ‘Xiao Long’.

That woman should be Xiaolong's biological mother.

The other man might just be ‘Nagging’.

And according to Pan Laojiu's listening to the conversation between the man and the woman, this man should be the boy's uncle.

According to previous speculation, Lu Fei was called away by a phone call.

Now it is basically certain that the call was made from Lu Fei's home, and it was this call that led Lu Fei to the Internet.

Cheng Qianfan had always been puzzled before, assuming that the call was made by the woman who had instructed Lu Fei to make the call.

So, here comes the question. 'Nagging' has just returned to Shanghai after two years. How did he find Lu Fei's home so quickly and directly?

Cheng Qianfan didn't think that Lu Fei would leak his home address to "Nagging" back then. Lu Fei knew how dangerous what he was doing now was. With how much he cherished his only son, it was impossible for Lu Fei to let ordinary subordinates know his home address.


Unless - unless the relationship between this subordinate and him is not just that of superior and subordinate, but also has other close relationships.

If 'Nagging' was not only Lu Fei's subordinate back then, but also Lu Fei's brother-in-law, then everything would be explained.

"Yes." Hao Zai nodded, and then he asked again, "Team leader, do you want to see Pan Laojiu? Or ask Pan Laojiu to avoid it?"

"Tell me about this Pan Laojiu." Cheng Qianfan asked in a deep voice.

Hao Zai felt happy. What the team leader said meant that he had some objections to Pan Laojiu, but he still needed to investigate.

Hao Zai admired Pan Laojiu, and he naturally hoped that his subordinates could be reused by the team leader.

However, Brother Fan's safety is the first priority.

If one more person meets the team leader, it will be more dangerous.

Hao Zai did not dare to neglect, and after thinking carefully, he said, "Pan Laojiu is Liu Yuchu's fellow villager, and both of them were from the Northeast Army."

"When Liu Yuchu was in the Northeastern Army, he was the squad leader of the machine gun squad and he was good at shooting machine guns. Pan Laojiu was a scout. He was very skilled and he was also good at shooting guns."

Cheng Qianfan nodded slightly and signaled Haozi to continue.

What Hao Zai said can only show that Pan Laojiu is capable, but it cannot explain much.

There are so many capable people. What Cheng Qianfan values ​​most about his subordinates is loyalty, loyalty to him, loyalty to the country and the nation!

"Pan Laojiu's father, mother, mother-in-law and baby were all killed by the Japanese." Hao Zai said, "On the day Shenyang fell."

"I'll meet Pan Laojiu, please make arrangements." Cheng Qianfan was silent for a moment and said in a deep voice.

The mask covers most of the face, but does not cover the beard on the chin.

It can be seen that he is a middle-aged man in his thirties or forties.

There is still a faint smell of disinfectant on my body.

There is a little bit of inconspicuous red on the thumb of my right hand, which is due to the iodophor accidentally attached to it.

Pan Laojiu had a vague guess about the team leader's hidden identity.

This was the first time Pan Laojiu met the team leader.

Xiao Mian, the leader of the Shanghai Special Situation Team, is a name that is hated by the Japanese special forces in Shanghai. However, let alone a Japanese, only a very few people within the Shanghai Special Situation Team have met Team Leader Xiao Mian.

The brothers often chatted privately that whoever could be summoned by the group leader would be the group leader's most trusted confidant.

"I heard from Team Leader Zhong that your whole family died tragically at the hands of the Japanese?" Cheng Qianfan threw a cigarette to Pan Laojiu and asked.

"Yes." Pan Laojiu nodded, then fell silent.

He reached into his pocket and touched the matchbox.


Cheng Qianfan drew a match and handed it to Pan Laojiu.

Pan Laojiu lowered his head, lit the cigarette, and took several puffs in a row.

After the Japanese army attacked Beidaying, the arsenal and clothing factory were also occupied one after another.

The weapons and ammunition stored in the Shenyang Arsenal are enough to fully equip ten divisions.

All more than 300 workers in the arsenal were killed, including a young maintenance technician who was Pan Laojiu's younger brother.

When they occupied the airport, the military police at the airport did not put up much resistance. Most of them waited in teams with their bare hands. Because some guards failed to change their uniforms in time, the Japanese troops opened fire and killed several people.

After that, during the Japanese occupation operations, any Chinese who were seen wearing military and police uniforms were shot to death without mercy.

When the students from the Northeast Military Academy heard about the coup, many students rushed home to pack their bags and prepare to evacuate Shenyang. Most of them were killed by the Japanese army at their doorsteps or on the way home. It is said that some traitors provided the Japanese with the training from the martial arts hall in advance.

Bing's home address, with the purpose of destroying the future of the Northeastern Army.

Among the students who were killed was an 18-year-old student named Pan, who was Pan Laojiu's cousin.

Also killed were Pan Laojiu's parents.

Subsequently, on the second day of the "September 18th Incident", the Japanese army occupied Shenyang.

The Japanese troops were armed with live ammunition and ran rampant in the streets and alleys of Shenyang.

Japanese fighter planes were circling in the sky.

The Japanese armored vehicles drove at full speed in the downtown area, even taking pleasure in crushing the Shenyang people who had no time to escape.

The Japanese army set up a power grid at the junction of the Manchuria Railway annex and the commercial port, placed a Japanese artillery battery at the former site of the Drum Tower, and the Manchurian Railway Fengtian Office in the city became the Japanese army's temporary headquarters for intra-city operations.

The Japanese troops blocked various traffic intersections and inspected pedestrians with rifles and bayonets flashing.

The Japanese army shot and killed civilians who showed even the slightest resistance, and many unarmed civilians died tragically at the gunpoint and bayonets of the Japanese army.

After the Japanese army occupied Shenyang, they killed people like crazy and took pleasure in killing people.

The Japanese soldiers conducting interrogations and patrols on the streets shot pedestrians arbitrarily and often drew a large circle with white ash on the road. Pedestrians who mistakenly entered the circle were immediately stabbed to death by Japanese soldiers with bayonets.

Almost all roads on the road were painted with large circles of white ash. Pedestrians passing by were so frightened that they cried because it was impossible to pass without passing through the white circles.

The Japanese soldiers laughed and fired at the emotionally broken people.

When Pan Laojiu's son and mother-in-law were walking on the road, the Japanese soldiers came over, drew a white circle around them, and then said they had entered a forbidden area with white circles, and then shot them dead.

"I heard from fellow villagers who fled the country and found out that my father, mother, wife, children, and brothers died so miserably." Pan Laojiu's eyes were red. He didn't cry. Maybe his tears had dried up long ago.


Cheng Qianfan took out a cigarette and took a few puffs in succession.

He specifically asked about the tragic death of Pan Laojiu's family, which naturally had a purpose. It was intended to stimulate Pan Laojiu's hatred of the Japanese.

The effect was very good. Looking at Pan Laojiu's appearance, Cheng Qianfan was certain that even if such Pan Laojiu was caught by the Japanese, it was basically unlikely that he would bow down to the Japanese.

But, at the same time, he felt so painful in his heart!

Pan Laojiu's family members who died tragically at the hands of the Japanese invaders were also his compatriots!

During the training at the Xiongzhen Building in Hangzhou, in order to stimulate the students' anti-Japanese and patriotic enthusiasm, the library inside the Xiongzhen Building opened a batch of confidential information to the students, including the tragedy of the September 18th Incident.

A student who was studying at the Northeast Military Academy at that time said in an interview with a newspaper:

On Dabeimen Lane, a Chinese corpse was lying rampant. It looked like he had been stabbed to death by a Japanese soldier with a bayonet. It was too horrible to see.

This is when Japanese soldiers, led by traitors, went from house to house. They found military uniforms and hats in one house and stabbed two of them to death on the spot.

This can also confirm Pan Laojiu's statement that his cousin was brought to the house by traitors and Japanese soldiers were killed.

Cheng Qianfan saw a document in the library of Xiongzhen Building, which was secretly recorded by the Shenyang Station of the Secret Service:

“Japanese and Korean military police patrolled the streets and stabbed anyone with a gun when they encountered someone who looked like a soldier or student, had belt marks on their waist, or wore breeches.

Bodies were lying on display in the city's Drum Tower, the Little West Gate, various police stations, China Post Offices, and other major transportation thoroughfares, and no one dared to look at them.

There are three to five or even dozens of people in each place.

In front of the Sixth District Police Station, more than 20 people were lying dead, including several lurking brothers from our Secret Service."

Pan Laojiu's smoking hand was shaking, which showed the pain in his heart.

Cheng Qianfan felt guilty, but he would not regret ruthlessly uncovering Pan Laojiu's biggest scar.

In this troubled world, the hatred of the country and the family——

"The hatred of the country and the family." Cheng Qianfan threw the cigarette butt at his feet and crushed it with the sole of his shoe. He patted Pan Laojiu on the shoulder, "Stay alive, follow me and kill the Japanese!"

He didn't say anything about condolences or take care.

For Pan Laojiu, they feel in their hearts that the meaning of their lives is revenge and killing the Japanese.

Pan Laojiu is like this, Taozi is like this.

"I heard Team Leader Zhong praise you and say you are good at using your brain." Cheng Qianfan said, "What do you think is the possibility that that boy is Lu Fei's son Xiaolong?"

"70% to 80% sure." Pan Laojiu said.

"Oh?" Cheng Qianfan looked surprised, "What's the reason?"

"My subordinate went to a nearby grocery store to buy cigarettes and saw Sichuan Daqu wine in the grocery store." Pan Laojiu said, "I pretended to be curious and asked."

"The shopkeeper said it was for the shop on No. 33."

"He said that the men in that family like to drink Daqu. This wine is not easy to buy, but it can be obtained."

Looking at Xiao Mian, Pan Laojiu said, "Zheng Lijun likes to drink Daqu. After the fall of Shanghai, it was not easy to buy Daqu. Lu Fei always helped him get Daqu to drink."

Cheng Qianfan nodded when he heard this, and was filled with admiration for Pan Laojiu's astuteness and observation.

From the aspect of Daqu Liquor, we can connect with Lu Fei.

In addition, the little boy's name is Xiaolong, and he can also be connected with Lu Fei.

One could say it was a coincidence.

The chance that the two are coincidences is too low.

In fact, just a little bit of contact is enough to attract Cheng Qianfan's attention and action.

"What does the child's 'uncle' look like?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

This is what he focuses on the most.

‘Nagging’ is the first goal of this trip.

In other words, even if it could be proven that the woman was Lu Fei's woman and the boy was Lu Fei's child, Cheng Qianfan would not take action if the man was not 'Nagging'.

Cheng Qianfan has always held the view that the more hands you take, the greater the possibility of exposure.

In addition, according to the common practice of the Military Command Bureau, unless there is a real order, generally speaking, whoever has a traitor will clean up the house by himself.

This is to take care of the face of the unit involved in the accident. The most important thing is that this is also a default rule of ‘paying for one’s merits’:

Let's take Lu Fei as an example. He was from the Shanghai Station. He almost harmed the Shanghai Station and was wiped out by the Japanese. This was a great shame and humiliation for the Shanghai Station and also a great shame for Zheng Lijun.

Zheng Lijun arranged an operation to kill Lu Fei. This was Zheng Lijun's opportunity to atone for his sins.

If others kill Lu Fei without saying hello, this will be a violation of the rules and will greatly 'offend' Zheng Lijun and Shanghai Station.

Cheng Qianfan will inform the Chongqing headquarters of the information and ask the headquarters to contact the Shanghai Station to lure Lu Fei out and get rid of this person and his family.

Yes, the military command bureau's treatment of traitors is to get the whole family on the road together!

Cheng Qianfan is naturally not afraid of offending Zheng Lijun, he just has his own considerations.

"Medium size. It was too dark to see clearly. However, when I passed the street light, I flashed by and felt that the person's face was a little swollen."

Face swollen?

Cheng Qianfan thought.

'Nagging' was arrested by the Japanese military police in Hangzhou and must have been tortured. His injuries must not have fully healed.

After the human body is tortured, the blood will not flow smoothly. Even if the injury can be covered up, swelling in some parts of the limbs is inevitable, and even activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis will take time.

"Tell me about this family's situation." Cheng Qianfan asked.

No. 19, Luojiawan, Chongqing.




Dai Chunfeng was walking in a hurry, and the nails of his calfskin shoes clicked on the wooden floor, making a clicking sound.

When he arrived at the door of his office, he saw Qi Wu waiting respectfully at the door.

Opening the office door, Dai Chunfeng went straight in, while Qi Wu closed the door behind him.

"What happened at Shanghai Station?" Dai Chunfeng asked.

He had just received an urgent call from Qi Wu, informing him that something had happened at the Shanghai Station. He couldn't say much on the phone, so Dai Chunfeng hurried back to the Luojiawan headquarters.

"The Japanese suddenly sneaked into the French Concession in large numbers and surrounded the secret stronghold on Cordier Road. There was a fierce exchange of fire between the two sides. The Shanghai Station successfully broke out under the leadership of Zheng Lijun, but suffered a lot of casualties." Qi Wu said, as he handed over the message

He handed his hands to Dai Chunfeng.

"Absurd! Incompetent! Extremely stupid!" Dai Chunfeng took the telegram and read it carefully. Then he slammed the telegram on the table, "My hometown is surrounded by people, and the Japanese are ready to make dumplings. Things are about to happen.

He just knew that! How stupid!”

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I wish everyone a healthy Dragon Boat Festival and a happy family.

This chapter has been completed!
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