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Chapter 233 Silent Woods

"I ordered Araki not to inform you." Sanbonjiro said, "Cordier Road is in the Joffre District and is not your jurisdiction. You are not suitable to intervene."

"Section Chief Mingjian." Cheng Qianfan showed a grateful look, "Thank you very much, Chief, for understanding the difficulties of my subordinates."

Sanbonjiro was very satisfied with Kentaro Miyazaki's attitude. He hesitated for a moment and then told Kentaro Miyazaki about the roundup in Cordier Road.

"Section Chief, my subordinates are a little confused." Cheng Qianfan frowned and thought, "According to what the Chief said, this operation was decided suddenly, and the possibility of temporary leakage is unlikely. Why did the Shanghai Station of the Secret Service notice it in advance?


"This is exactly what I am puzzled by." Sanbonjiro shook his head.

According to reports from Araki Harima and others, before the Special High School took action, the Shanghai Station seemed to have noticed something was wrong and suddenly began to evacuate from Hongyun Building.

Araki Harima carefully questioned his subordinates, and everyone always denied the possibility that the action was exposed due to careless handling.

According to Araki Harima, before he gave the signal to start the operation, all the people were ambush nearby and did not get too close to the opponent, so they should not arouse the opponent's alert.

"Search, could it be that Lu Fei..." Cheng Qianfan put forward his guess.

"No." Sanbonjiro shook his head, "Lu Fei should have sincerely surrendered to the empire."

Sanbonjiro had suspected Lu Fei, but if Lu Fei pretended to surrender, there was no way he would have to reveal the secret base of Shanghai Station. This was an extremely dangerous act. The Special High School could directly control Lu Fei and prevent him from letting him go.

Participate in this arrest operation to eliminate any possibility of leaking intelligence.

In a word, the cost of Lu Fei's false surrender is too high and cannot be afforded by Shanghai Station.

In addition, the most important thing is that Lu Fei was also seriously injured. If he had not been fatal, he would have been killed by the explosion, or he would have fallen into the river and drowned.

"That Luo Daoxing, is this person suspicious?" Cheng Qianfan continued to ask without giving up.

Sanbonjiro then glared at Kentaro Miyazaki. Miyazaki was a very stubborn guy and had always had a very bad attitude towards the Chinese people. Even the Chinese people who worked for the empire, Kentaro Miyazaki was skeptical.

"Luo Daoxing should have sincerely surrendered to the empire." Sanbonjiro said, "Moreover, Luo Daoxing was killed last night."

"Killed?" Cheng Qianfan looked surprised, "Did Shanghai Station do it?"

"Luo Daoxing was killed in Moyu'er Lane last night." Sanbonjiro said, "Zhong Yaxiu went to the scene to investigate, and it is suspected that it was the hand of Hangzhou Station."

"Moyu'er Lane?" Cheng Qianfan's expression changed, "This is Yuan Kaizhou's jurisdiction."

As he said this, he frowned and said, "Yuan Kaizhou is damned. He didn't report to me immediately when such a big thing happened."

"Nakaya Hide thinks it was someone from Hangzhou Station who did it. What do you think?" Mimotojiro asked.

Cheng Qianfan was surprised. Sanbonjiro had been hinting that he should control the patrol house in the central area of ​​the French Concession as much as possible, and he had been secretly supporting this.

It stands to reason that Yuan Kaizhou disrespected him as the deputy chief inspector of the Central Police Station, and Mimotojiro should also be dissatisfied with this matter.

In fact, Cheng Qianfan guessed that Sanbonjiro would scold him for his inability to control his subordinates.

However, Sanbonjiro simply ignored the matter.

This isn't right.

Cheng Qianfan secretly kept this matter in mind. He thought for a while and answered Sanbonjiro's question, "Logically speaking, Luo Daoxing betrayed the Secret Service Hangzhou Station. It is reasonable for Hangzhou to send someone to kill him, but..."

He pondered and said, "It's just that Hangzhou's actions were too fast. It's a bit incredible that they were able to lock Luo Daoxing's hiding place so quickly."

"Yes." Sanbonjiro nodded slightly, "There may be another reason for Luo Daoxing's death."

Later, he corrected the 'mistake' in Miyazaki Kentaro's words, "According to the intelligence we have, Chongqing has split off the First Division of the Military Unification Bureau and established the Central Party Affairs Statistics Bureau. The original Second Division is the Secret Service.

Department, which is now being reorganized into the Bureau of Military Statistics."

"Military Statistics Bureau?" Cheng Qianfan was surprised, and then his expression changed, "Chongqing is so stubborn. This Military Statistics Bureau must be here specifically for us."

Sanbonjiro nodded happily. Although Miyazaki was thinking about his business, he had a quick mind and a keen sense of smell.

"In the case of the shooting on Cordier Road, please inquire more about the follow-up situation." Sanbonjiro ordered, "especially the situation of those Chongqing Japanese haters arrested by the Jiafei District Patrol Room."

"Understood." Cheng Qianfan saluted, thought for a while and then asked, "Where is Moyu'er Lane?"

"You should also pay attention over there, but the focus is on the affairs over Cordier Road." Sanbonjiro said casually.

"Hai." Cheng Qianfan saluted, "Section Chief, if there is nothing else to do, I will resign. I plan to go to the hospital to visit Mr. Araki later."

"Wait a minute." Sanbonjiro put away the files and confessions about Luo Daoxing on his desk, put them in a drawer, locked them, stood up and said, "You come with me to watch a play."


Cheng Qianfan followed Sanbonjiro downstairs and came to the grove behind the courtyard.

In the dark woods, you can see the fierce Japanese military police with live ammunition in the distance, and -

The arrested persons were tied up.

Cheng Qianfan glanced at it and asked in a low voice, "Professor, what are these?"

"Some of them are Japanese-haters from the Shanghai Station who were arrested from Cordier Road, and some are Japanese-haters from the Red Party who were arrested recently."

"Despicable Chinese people should all be killed." Cheng Qianfan gritted his teeth and said with a gloomy expression.

Coming closer.

See clearly.

Cheng Qianfan's face was gloomy, but his heart was shaking violently, and he was filled with rage, pounding crazily in his blood.

A middle-aged man stood there covered in blood, his eyes were hollow, and both of his eyeballs had been gouged out.

It’s Kang Erniu!

Cheng Qianfan felt sad, angry and shocked. When did Kang Erniu be arrested? He didn't get any news at all, and the organization didn't contact him!

Then, the only explanation is that the organization had no knowledge of Kang Erniu's arrest.

This situation is not unique. During the previous White Terror period, many of our comrades were secretly arrested, interrogated, secretly killed, and sacrificed by the Kuomintang reactionaries. There was no news about them in the organization. These comrades were eventually included in the "missing list"


There was another man lying on the ground, covered in blood. With a wave of Sanbonjiro's hand, a Japanese military policeman picked up the man and leaned him against a tree.

Cheng Qianfan was impressed by this person.

This person is a person close to the eldest brother Lu Xingge. It seems that he was arrested after being injured in the battle.

There are eleven people in total.

Following Sanbonjiro's order, Shunji Cangda raised his hand, and the Japanese military policeman raised his Type 38 rifle.

The ferocious-faced Shunji Cangda roared, "Execution!"

Bang bang bang!

A burst of gunfire rang out.

"Little devils, even if grandpa is a ghost, he won't let you go!"

"Eighteen years later, he is a good man again!"

"Long live the Red Party!"

"Long live the people!"

"Down with Japanese imperialism!"

After the final roar, the heroic warrior fell, and his blood flowed on the yellow land and moistened the dense forest.

"Miyazaki-kun, do you see anything?" Sanbonjiro suddenly asked.

"Kill more China rebels. Only in this way can the empire completely conquer China." Cheng Qianfan said with a smile, as if he was admiring a beautiful painting.

"No, you don't understand." Sanbonjiro said with a gloomy expression, "The Red Party is more difficult to deal with than Chongqing."

Cheng Qianfan was lost in thought, but his eyes were fixed on the pool of blood not far away.

The bright red blood nourishes the land of the motherland.

Comrade Maizi, Comrade Kang Erniu and several other comrades are here to accompany you.

Brother Yan Chang, your Pao Ze at Shanghai Station is here to accompany you!

You are not alone!

"Araki-kun, I have some good news for you." Cheng Qianfan said with a smile on his face, "The section chief just ordered the execution of a group of Japanese haters to avenge you."

"Very good." Araki Harima, whose head was wrapped like a rice dumpling, said happily, "I wish I could kill a few Chinese people with my own hands to vent my anger."

"Isn't this easy?" Cheng Qianfan laughed loudly, "When Mr. Araki recovers from his injuries, there will be many Chinese people to kill for us!"

"What Miyazaki-kun said is absolutely true." Araki Harima nodded.

"Araki-kun, please rest in peace and recuperate. The section chief has ordered me to secretly pay attention to the Cordier Road incident. I will definitely find a way to capture a few people from Shanghai Station and hand them over to Araki-kun for your personal disposal," Cheng Qianfan said.

"Miyazaki-kun, please be careful, Chongqing are all desperadoes." Araki Harima was grateful. He knew that his friend was always afraid of death and would not be willing to take the initiative to touch the Chongqing agents. He could make such a statement this time.

Mainly to avenge him.

"I will pay attention." Cheng Qianfan said.

"In addition, I am recovering from my injuries now. Please don't act rashly regarding Wang Kangnian's affairs for the time being." Araki Harima warned.

"But, I have sent people to keep an eye on Wang Kangnian." Cheng Qianfan pondered for a moment and said.

"Take it back first, it's not a good time to alert the enemy now." Araki Harima said quickly.

He knew this would be the case. Miyazaki-kun hated Wang Kangnian deeply. Fortunately, he thought of this in time.

"Okay then." Cheng Qianfan nodded helplessly.

His helplessness is really not fake, Wang Kangnian is a poisonous snake, and he can't wait to get rid of this snake immediately.

The two chatted for a while, and then Cheng Qianfan said goodbye and left.

Not long after Cheng Qianfan left, Toshihiko Okada came out of the ward suite and asked, "Kentaro Miyazaki seems to be very eager to get rid of Wang Kangnian?"

Seeing Okada Toshihiko's misunderstanding, Araki Harima quickly explained, "Wang Kangnian didn't know Miyazaki-kun's identity and once sent someone to follow him. Later, the two had misunderstandings many times and almost killed each other, so they had a deep grudge.


"That's it." Okada Toshihiko nodded.

"In fact, Miyazaki-kun hates the Chinese people extremely, and he is extremely wary of the Chinese people." Araki Harima added.

"Very good." Hearing this, Toshihiko Okada nodded slightly, "Miyazaki is right to be wary."

Regarding the Chinese people, we should both take advantage of them and be on guard at all times. This is the view of many Japanese including Toshihiko Okada.

The patrolmen in the central patrol room noticed that Mr. Xiao Cheng seemed to be in a particularly good mood today.

When passing by the deputy chief inspector's office, you can hear the sound of the gramophone inside.

When Mr. Xiao Cheng went downstairs, his face was full of joy. When he met the patrolmen who saluted and greeted him, they all responded with smiles.

When I passed the sentry post, I threw half a cigarette to the patrolman at the sentry post.

Datou Lu lowered the blinds and watched Mr. Cheng's car leaving the patrol room, thoughtfully.

He pulled out the drawer, pulled out a black notebook, and wrote down:

On the twenty-fourth day of the eighth lunar month, for some unknown reason, the inspector was in a good mood.

Cheng Qianfan was driving with a cigarette in his mouth and took two puffs, causing a fit of coughing.

Coughing and coughing, tears are about to come out.

Eleven has a tortured body, shot multiple times, twisting and falling under the tree.

Every gunshot.

Every last roar.

They were all cutting into his heart like a knife.

He remembered meeting Kang Erniu for the first time at Shuanglongfang Apartment on Father Jin Road.

Kang Erniu, who was wearing a shabby woolen hat, was stopped by Liu Bo, who was still a Japanese special at the time.

"Police officer, why don't you call me?"

"Kang Erniu."

"The third room on the left from the front."

This was his only 'face-to-face contact' with Comrade Kang Erniu.

The letter was sent to the safe house, which was the second 'contact' between the two.

He rescued Comrade Wang Jun, Comrade Kang Erniu and Comrade Da Zhuang when they were shot on the Talast Road. This was the third 'contact' between the two.

To guard 'Mr. Miao', he secretly guarded him opposite Kang Erniu's warning point. Kang Erniu also did not know his existence.

Now, Comrade Da Zhuang has long since died, and Comrade Kang Erniu has also died.

For some reason, he thought of Comrade Maizi again.

It is unknown whether the two knew each other before.

Cheng Qianfan's mind was a little confused, and a huge sadness lingered in his heart, which even made him feel suffocated.

Cheng Qianfan first sent the car to the auto repair shop in the patrol room.

Then, he drove out in another car.

When passing the Kuiyuan intersection, Cheng Qianfan slowed down and a rickshaw passed by. The rickshaw passed and there was one more person in the car.

"What's the matter? Is it so urgent?" Comrade "Dandelion" asked, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"Have any comrades in the organization disappeared recently?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

"Probably not." Wang Jun thought for a while and shook his head, "However, you also know that I am currently mainly responsible for your party group."

"How long has it been since we last contacted Comrade Kang Erniu?" Cheng Qianfan asked again.

"Why are you mentioning Comrade Kang Erniu?" Wang Jun did not answer directly. Comrade Kang Erniu was entrusted by the organization and was ordered to go to Zhenjiang to contact the comrades of the New Fourth Army. It has been half a month since he left. However, this is a party secret, and Comrade Kang Erniu

There is no horizontal connection with the 'Special Party Group of the Patrol Room', so he cannot say.

"Comrade Kang Erniu died." Cheng Qianfan said softly, speaking very slowly.

"What?" Wang Jun didn't hear clearly, or he hoped he heard it wrong.

"Comrade Kang Erniu died." Cheng Qianfan took a heavy drag on his cigarette and said it again.

The rear seats are silent.

"Is the news accurate?" Wang Jun took a deep breath and asked in a deep voice.

"Yes." Cheng Qianfan nodded, paused, "I saw it with my own eyes."

When he said this, his voice was hoarse and his eyes were sad.

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