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Chapter 249 Old Sir

 "Zhou Ru said it was a secret message sent by the bureau chief to the team leader." Haozi said.

Cheng Qianfan nodded and understood.

It was a secret message given to him by Dai Chunfeng, and only he himself knew the password.

"Go to Zhou Ru's place." Cheng Qianfan lifted the car curtain with two fingers, glanced outside, and said.

"Yes." Li Hao skillfully turned right and drove towards Father Jin Road.

"Tell me about the eucalyptus on Bai Sai Zhong Road." Cheng Qianfan bent down and picked up a glass bead on the carpet in the back row. It was a red glass bead, Xiaobao's favorite, and Xiaobao had lost it before.

Glass Beads was very sad for several days.

"There was a home invasion and robbery at No. 23, Bai Saizhong Road. The head of the household was a manager of Saiyan Bank, named Hu Yanhao. He was shot multiple times and is still in the hospital for treatment," Li Hao said.

"Can it be saved?"

"The hope is slim." Haozi shook his head, "It is said that the shot was in the abdomen and back."

"Where are the other members of the injured family? What valuables were lost at home?" Cheng Qianfan continued to ask.

"Mrs. Hu and her children are away from home. Hu Yanhao and the maid are the only ones at home. According to statistics when Mrs. Hu comes back, there are some small yellow croakers and valuable jewelry missing." Haozi said, "Brother Fan, Brother Lu is already investigating this embarrassment."

Taking a look in the rearview mirror, he saw Cheng Qianfan frowning and thinking. Li Hao thought about this idea carefully and found that there seemed to be nothing special about it.

No, there is something special about it, that is, the murderer used the name "Jiang Mulezi Baojing Brigade Third Team" after committing the crime.

"Brother Fan, you think there is something wrong because they used Jiang Mulezi's name." Li Hao asked.

"Yes, and no." Cheng Qianfan shook his head. As a gangster who was responsible for many vicious crimes in Shanghai, especially in the French Concession, not only did the patrol house like to pin unsolved crimes on Jiang Mule's head, but also

Some bad guys also use the name Jiang Mulezi to cover up their activities.

"The murderer used Jiang Mulezi's name. Do you think there is anything suspicious about it? Where is the suspicion?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

Haozi knew that Brother Fan was questioning him, so he did not answer immediately, but thought carefully before speaking, "Acting under Jiang Mulezi's name is nothing in itself."

He honked the horn to alert pedestrians crossing the road, and continued, "What puzzles me is that these people used the name 'Jiang Mulezi Security Brigade Third Team'."

Li Hao smiled and said, "Even we don't know this number."

"Next time I see Boss Jiang, I want to ask him when he recruited troops and established a border protection brigade." He turned to Cheng Qianfan and said.

"But Dashan does have a team." Cheng Qianfan said with a serious expression.

The smile on Li Hao's face disappeared. Yes, Jiang Mulezi did have a team in his hands.

In the filing room of the patrol room, two cabinets were filled with files on the gangster Jiang Mulezi. The patrol room could be said to be the department that 'knows' Jiang Mulezi best. They characterized Jiang Mulezi and his men as 'gangsters'.

Jiang Mulezi and his men'.

This is also the general perception of the gangster Jiang Mule throughout Shanghai——

This is a small group of vicious and audacious gangsters led by the bandit leader Jiang Mulezi who endanger Shanghai's public security.

Gangsters and teams have completely different concepts.

This case was found in the home of Hu Yanhao, the manager of Saiyan Foreign Bank on Bai Saizhong Road. The other party pretended to use Jiang Mulie's name, but the signature was the third team of Jiang Mulie's border protection brigade!

What is the name left here?

This is the number!

Regardless of whether this number is issued to oneself, it is a number. Basically, only some teams that have developed certain combat capabilities and have certain disciplines can think of getting a number for themselves.

Is this a coincidence?

Or some kind of temptation?

Cheng Qianfan didn't know, he just felt that something was fishy.

"Check the situation of the deceased Hu Yanhao and the Saiyan Bank." Cheng Qianfan said.

"Brother Fan, Hu Yanhao is not dead yet." Li Hao reminded.

Cheng Qianfan shook his head and said nothing.

The more he thought about this "seemingly ordinary" armed home invasion and robbery, the more he had an intuition:

This is not a home invasion and robbery, but more like murder and robbery.

The other party was there to kill people. How could Hu Yanhao still be saved?

"In addition, secretly check the neighbors around Hu Yanhao." Cheng Qianfan thought for a while and suddenly said, "Make a list for me."

Bai Saizhonglu, he suddenly vaguely remembered something in his mind, which inevitably made him have some associations, and then he had a trace of doubt and vigilance.

Arrive at Father Kim Road.

Zhou Ru has already prepared dinner.

As soon as you open the door, you will be greeted by the aroma of food.

"Oh, it smells so good." Cheng Qianfan sniffed and said with a smile.

"I am the winner of the French Concession's culinary master." Zhou Ru said with a slightly proud expression.

It was impossible for her relationship with Little Mr. Cheng not to attract other people's attention, so Cheng Qianfan told the public that she was the cook from Xiaozao he invited, and that he would come to have a toothpaste when he had time.

Everyone was astonished when they heard this.

Although this woman's appearance is quite delicate, she can never be called extraordinary beauty. With Mr. Xiao Cheng's pickiness, it is naturally impossible for him to take a fancy to her.

It turned out to be the cook.

Father Jin Road is next to Xue Huali Road, and it is not too far to walk there. If Mr. Cheng is hungry, he can come here for a drink and a meal.

Later, Zhou Ru signed up for a cooking competition in the French Concession, was shortlisted for the finals, and won a prize.

When the judges of the competition were interviewed by newspaper reporters, they were full of praise for Ms. Zhou's cooking skills.

In this way, Zhou Ru's identity as a little cook was further confirmed, and some people who hated Mr. Cheng even secretly gnashed their teeth and cursed:

This thief is not only greedy for money and lustful, he is also naughty.

Cheng Qianfan looked at the message he had just translated and looked thoughtful.

Mei Shenping.

Gao Qingwu.

The two men left Chongqing secretly, and Dai Chunfeng judged that they would most likely come to Shanghai.

Dai Juzuo suspected that these two people might have secret contacts with the Japanese in Shanghai, so he asked him to secretly investigate their traces.

Gao Qingwu.

Cheng Qianfan tapped his fingers on the table as he was thinking about the information about this person.

This man is the youngest senior diplomat in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Speaking of which, Gao Qingwu's fortune is miraculous.

In the 21st year of the Republic of China, the "Diplomatic Review" based on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Nationalist Government was founded, and the magazine hired Gao Qingwu as a special writer.

This was the year when Gao Qingwu made his fortune. Gao Qingwu was only twenty-seven years old.

In the first issue of "Foreign Affairs Review", Gao Qingwu opened the eyes of the Chinese people with his article "General Observation on Japan in Recent Times". The full text is full of words and gives a very comprehensive introduction to the four aspects of Japanese politics, economy, diplomacy and society before and after the September 18th Incident.


After that, Gao Qingwu published fourteen articles in a row in the "Diplomatic Review", each of which focused on the Japanese issue, and he became a "Japan expert" recognized by the government.

At that time, Cheng Qianfan also 'read' Gao Qingwuzai's articles in the "Diplomatic Review", which benefited him a lot and gave him a deeper understanding of Japan's situation.

At the end of that year, the national government established the National Defense Design Commission and hired well-known social figures as commissioners.

Gao Qingwu was appointed as a commissioner of the National Defense Design Commission as an expert on Japan, and he quickly entered the core field of national strategy, which can be said to be a meteoric rise.

In the 23rd year of the Republic of China, Gao Qingwu was transferred to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and served as the chief of the Japan Section of the Asian Department.

A year later, Gao Qingwu was promoted to director of the Asian Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the age of thirty.

This person can be said to be the most well-known "Japan expert" in the diplomatic field within the government. Principal Chang appreciated Gao Qingwu's talent very much and entrusted him with important tasks. At the same time, this person was also a member of Wang Chuanhai's "low-key club".

Just because this person can win the recognition of both the 'leader' and Vice President Wang is enough to show that this person has outstanding talents.

It is indeed quite intriguing that such a "Japan expert", the director of the Asian Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China, and another general under Vice President Wang, Mei Shenping, came to Shanghai in a secret "sneak" way.

Of course, Dai Chunfeng only suspected that these two people would come to Shanghai. As for the truth, he still needed to verify it.

However, Cheng Qianfan had a hunch. He agreed with Dai Chunfeng's judgment that the two men would most likely come to Shanghai to have secret contact with the Japanese.

It seems that I have to go to Teacher Imamura frequently to ask for help and say hello, Cheng Qianfan said in his heart.

Hyōtaro Imamura is the first assistant to Eiichi Iwai, the deputy consul general of the Consulate General of Japan in Shanghai. If the Japanese secretly met with Vice President Wang's people, Hyōtaro Imamura would definitely know about it, and he could capture clues from Hyōtaro Imamura.

, for your reference, to confirm the whereabouts of Gao and Mei.

In addition, there was another sentence in the telegram that caught Cheng Qianfan's attention.

"Gao once went to Japan privately, and the leader was furious. This time Gao disappeared, the leader was extremely concerned. If these two people really arrived in Shanghai, they must find out everything about Gao and Mei in Shanghai."

Cheng Qianfan was greatly shocked. He could not imagine that Gao Qingwu, as the director of the Asian Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and a senior diplomat of the government, went to Japan privately and even had direct meetings and contacts with the Japanese government.

The most important thing is that after this person went to Japan privately, he is still sitting peacefully in the position of Director of the Asia Department to this day. This - it is really ridiculous.

Cheng Qianfan didn't know that this happened in July. Even Chang Kaishen was shocked when he learned that Gao Qingwu had gone to Japan and cursed something similar:

‘Absolutely ridiculous’!

The most ridiculous thing is that after Gao Qingwu returned from Japan, he "unashamedly" submitted the report of his talks with the Japanese to Chang Kaishen.

Gao Qingwu's report was actually an attempt by the Japanese to persuade the "leader" to step down and transfer power to Vice President Wang, in order to achieve peace negotiations between China and Japan.

The supreme leader's lungs were about to burst with anger. He was clearly the one he sent, but he turned his back on Wang Quanhai. Gao Qingwu was really a bastard nerd.

The principal then called over Xue Yingzheng and Dai Chunfeng, and scolded them, saying that they were ineffective in doing things and could not even look down on individuals.

Xue Yingzhen and Dai Chunfeng were summoned in such a hurry, and then they were scolded. Monk Zhang Er was confused and did not dare to defend himself. He could only bow his head obediently and accept the scolding.

After the scolding, the two people left the leader's residence in disgrace. Later, they found out that it was Gao Qingwu who had angered the leader. For a moment, the two of them jumped up and cursed at the same time, as if they were like mandarin ducks.

Cheng Qianfan's eyes stayed on the last two sentences of the message:

Because you don't know Gao and Mei's appearance, the deputy district chief of Hong Kong, Lu Jingqian, was sent to Shanghai from Hong Kong with photos of the two of them. After Lu arrived, Lu was the leader and you were the assistant. I hope you two can cooperate fully.

mission accomplished.

A joyful smile appeared on his face.

Lu Jingqian was Song Fuguo and his old chief.

When he joined the Lixingshe Secret Service, it was Song Fugu who developed him. He was his real senior officer. In fact, if the factions were strictly arranged to divide him, he could be regarded as a member of Song Fugu.

Of course, now he is the 'Blue Bird', the one wearing the bureau seat.

Cheng Qianfan was extremely respectful and convinced of Song Fuguo.

Song Fuguo has great abilities and has been on the front line of the Japanese special operations for a long time. This is one of them.

In addition, this respect also comes from Boss Tao.

As a close nephew of Song Fuguo, Boss Tao could have lived in the safety of the rear, but he boarded the ship to Dalian without hesitation, knowing that he had a narrow escape from death.

Cheng Qianfan later learned from Song Fuguo that the day Boss Tao went to Dalian happened to be the day he left Shanghai for training in Hangzhou:

Song Fuguo sent him to Hangzhou for training and entrusted him with training; on the same day, he sent his nephew to die.

Cheng Qianfan recalled in his mind that when he was training in Hangzhou, he learned from the telegram in Dai Chunfeng's hand that Boss Tao had killed many Japanese special forces. In the end, he shouted "enough" and died with emotion. His eyes were a little moist.

The tragic image of Boss Tao's sacrifice in his mind coincided with the figure who took the bread from him, happily thanked his daughter, and strode away with the bread in hand.

On that day, he was commended by Dai Chunfeng in person, and also learned the news that Boss Tao had died for his country.

With a long sigh, Cheng Qianfan gathered his emotions.

After taking another look at the message, he nodded slightly:

The old officer returned to Shanghai, and Cheng Qianfan was looking forward to the fact that the two of them could work together and cooperate.

Then, Cheng Qianfan drew a match, put the message into the brazier and ignited it. Finally, he smashed the ashes, took a big drink of water, and sprayed it directly into the brazier. Only then did he feel completely relieved.

"Did the matter be handled cleanly?" Eguchi Ying also moved his neck, glanced at his subordinates, and asked in a deep voice.

"Reporting to the head of the office, Hu Yanhao was shot five times, two in the back, one in the abdomen, and one in the shoulder and buttocks." The subordinate saluted and said, "Hu Yanhao will definitely die."

"Did you find anything?" Eguchi Hideya asked.

"Found it." The subordinate took out a letter with a blood-stained cover from his body and handed it to Eguchi Hideya.

Eguchi Hide also took the letter, took out the letter paper from the envelope, read it carefully, and checked the mark on the letter paper to confirm that it was the original, and then nodded with satisfaction.

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If you are interested, you can read the new book "On the Tip of the Knife" by military veteran Changfeng.

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