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Chapter 269 New Taste of Red Wine

 "Are you Mr. Nagatomo's nephew?" Araki Harima looked at Naito Kotsubo with surprise in his scrutinizing eyes.

"Yes." Tsubasa Naito nodded, "Captain Araki can verify my identity."

"I will verify it." Araki Harima said, frowning slightly, "Assistant Naito, so what you want to express is that there is something suspicious about Kentaro Miyazaki in these two incidents."

"I have no evidence to doubt Miyazaki-kun." Tsubasa Naito shook his head, "It's just an intuition. My intuition tells me that there may be something we don't understand."

Araki Harima looked at Naito Tsubasa with a serious expression, "Assistant Naito, if this is what you want to report to me, I think there is no need for us to talk any further."

He raised his wrist and looked at the time on his watch. "Sorry, it's time. I'm going to interview people related to the case."

"Captain Araki, with your professional abilities, did you really not notice anything strange in the situation I mentioned?" Naito Tsubasa frowned and asked.

"Assistant Naito." Araki Harima's tone was already a little cold as he said, "This is all just your subjective assumptions."

"You have admitted it yourself, and you have no evidence to doubt Kentaro Miyazaki." After saying that, Araki Harima snorted coldly, "Assistant Naito, the warriors of the Special High School went through fire and water for the empire, and even endured humiliation and hardship, but what they got was unwarranted.

The suspicions and speculations are really chilling.”

"Two people who were familiar and closely related to Miyazaki Kentaro were killed in succession. Doesn't this explain some problems?" Naito Kotsubo asked unwillingly.

"It seems that your understanding of your uncle is not as thorough as you think." Araki Harima said coldly.

"The relationship between Mr. Nagatomo and Kentaro Miyazaki is not close. Before the meeting that day, the two had not even been in contact for many years, and neither of them knew each other's situation."

"As for Professor Taniguchi." Araki Harima looked at the time on his watch again, "You know the situation better than I do."

With that said, Araki Harima walked straight to the door. The door was opened by him slightly. He stopped again and took a deep look at Naito Tsubasa. "Assistant Naito, please don't be blinded by hatred or even anger innocent people."


After saying that, Araki Harima snorted heavily and walked out directly.

Hearing the sound of Araki Harima's leaving footsteps echoing in the corridor, Naito Tsubasa's expression changed continuously, and finally he turned red with anger.

Araki Harima, that bastard, the last sentence almost accused him of being suspicious of Kentaro Miyazaki, and he was only angry at Kentaro Miyazaki because of the death of Nagatomo Akio.

This accusation was unacceptable to him.

"Araki Harima, you are questioning the noble character of an outstanding diplomat of the empire!" Naito Kotsubo was furious in his heart.

However, Tsubasa Naito became a little depressed afterwards. The key to this matter was that he really had no evidence to prove that Kentaro Miyazaki had certain problems, because everything was just his subjective judgment.

In addition, there is a very important point:

Naito Tsubasa previously believed that him revealing his identity as Nagatomo Atsuo's nephew would help him win the trust of Araki Harima.

However, it now seems that this identity may have caused him to fall into some misunderstanding.

"I don't know, I don't know anything."

"I can't think of anyone who would assassinate the teacher."

"The teacher is a highly respected scholar. He has not harmed anyone."

"It's so terrible. Who could have imagined that such a thing would happen at the door of the guest house of the Imperial Diplomatic Department."

Seeing Haruko covering her face with her hands and crying, Araki Harima shook his head.

Hiroyuki Taniguchi's female student and assistant was not able to provide any valuable information. The woman seemed to be frightened and spent most of the time in a daze or crying.

"We were temporarily arranged to come to Shanghai with Professor Taniguchi." Ishigami Mikio said, "I have met Professor Taniguchi before, but I didn't have the opportunity to ask Professor Taniguchi for advice in person. This time I can be with Professor Taniguchi..."

"You mean 'us'?" Araki Harima interrupted Ishigami Mikio, "The other one is Nakataniuchi Goichi?"

"Yes, I regard Professor Taniguchi as my teacher out of respect and admiration." Ishigami Mikio said, "Nakataniuchi Goichi is different. He graduated from Kobe University and Professor Taniguchi once taught him."

"As far as you know, is it possible that the news about Professor Taniguchi's visit to Shanghai has been leaked?" Araki Harima asked as he paced.

"Impossible." Mikio Ishigami said firmly. Seeing Araki Harima's scrutinizing eyes, he quickly explained, "It is impossible for the news to be leaked on the ship from Hong Kong to Shanghai. As for after arriving in Shanghai..."

He thought for a moment, "Based on my understanding, the possibility of the news leaking is not very high. As far as I am concerned, I have been staying at the guest house and have not gone out."

"You said that you stayed at the guest house and did not go out, so naturally someone else went out." Araki Harima keenly captured the key points of Ishigami Mikio's words, and he immediately asked, "Who went out?"

Mikio Ishigami looked hesitant and embarrassed.

Araki Harima was not in a hurry and looked at him with cold eyes.

"I didn't go out." Nakataniuchi said, "I mean I didn't go too far."

Facing Araki Harima's cold gaze, he hurriedly explained, "I was just strolling around the guest house."

"What are you shopping for?" Araki Harima asked.

"This is my first time in Shanghai, and I want to experience the differences among Shanghai women." Nakataniuchi said, "I asked the sentry where the places they frequent are."

"First of all, we are also very sad about the death of Professor Taniguchi." Araki Harima said to Yamame Shoji, "What do you think about the assassination of Professor?"

"I don't know." Yamu Shoji looked sad, "I still can't accept the fact that the teacher has been killed."

"Haruko is my fiancée, and the teacher treats the two of us like sons and daughters-in-law." Yame Shoji lowered his head and said to himself, "Although the teacher is very strict with me, I know that he is treating me like a daughter-in-law."

Treat me as strictly as you would a son."

Araki Harima didn't get any valuable information from Yamame Shoji. He waved his hand and asked Yamame Shoji to leave.

However, there was one thing that he kept in mind:

Yamame Shoji was the one among Hiroyuki Taniguchi's entourage, students, assistants, etc. who expressed the most sadness about his death.

Then, Araki Harima received a piece of news that surprised him from the mouth of the consulate general staff member he was about to interrogate and Sakamoto Yoshino, who was responsible for receiving and arranging the arrangements for Taniguchi Kanichi's party.

"Yama Shoji and Haruko are an unmarried couple."

"However, I once saw a fierce quarrel between Yame and Haruko." Sakamoto Yoshino shook his head and sighed, "The reason for the quarrel between the two seemed to be that Professor Taniguchi often called Haruko to give him massages and condition his body."

Araki Harima's spirit was lifted, and he looked at Sakamoto Yoshino.

Sakamoto Yoshino nodded, meaning it means exactly what you understand.

"Of course, this is just a fragment of what I overheard, and it may not be accurate." Sakamoto Yoshino thought for a while and then added.

"Miyazaki-kun, my condolences." Mimotojiro stepped forward and patted Kentaro Miyazaki on the shoulder.

When he told the news that Hiroyuki Taniguchi was assassinated in Shanghai, his eyes were firmly fixed on Kentaro Miyazaki.

Shock, disbelief, then shock, and finally a mixture of sadness, pain and incomprehension.

Sanbonjiro read these emotional changes in Kentaro Miyazaki's expression.

In addition, when he mentioned the assassination of Hiroyuki Taniguchi earlier, he deliberately did not mention the location of the assassination.

Kentaro Miyazaki subconsciously thought that Hiroyuki Taniguchi was assassinated in Tianjin.

From the beginning to the end, Sanbonjiro secretly set up multiple testing pits. Kentaro Miyazaki's performance was normal and there was no doubt about it.

He made a judgment in his mind.

This was not because Sanbonjiro had any suspicion about Kentaro Miyazaki, but he suddenly realized that Hyoutarou Imamura did not inform Kentaro Miyazaki of the assassination of Hiroyuki Taniguchi in time, which made him feel strange——

Because of this strangeness, he naturally had divergent associations, and then he suddenly tested Kentaro Miyazaki.

This is a subconscious temptation and has nothing to do with trust.

Doubt everything, this kind of thinking is one of his basic principles for thinking about problems.

This kind of suspicion can be divided into two types. One is a subconscious reaction, which does not mean that there is something wrong with the other party.

The other is that Sanbonjiro really has doubts about someone or something.

Of course, so far, Sanbonjiro has only had a subconscious tentative reaction to Miyazaki Kentaro. In fact, he is very satisfied with this subordinate.

It can even be said that Kentaro Miyazaki is the most loyal, sincere and satisfied subordinate that Jiro Sanbon has encountered in these years.

"Cheer up, Miyazaki-kun." Sanbonjiro said, "Sadness is the most useless. You must turn this sadness into motivation and capture the real culprit behind the murder of Professor Taniguchi, so as to comfort Professor Taniguchi's soul in heaven.


"Although my relationship with the teacher was not very harmonious before because he was very strict with me, at this moment, only after losing me can I understand that I should cherish the teacher's harshness towards me. This is what he expects from me.


Cheng Qianfan said, his eyes were red, he raised his right hand and wiped the snot from his nose, but some snot still reached his throat, so he swallowed it directly.

Seeing Kentaro Miyazaki's sad look and hearing his words, Sanbonjiro nodded secretly in his heart.

Regarding the death of Hiroyuki Taniguchi, he had a trace of regret in his heart. However, he was not sad at all. He regretted that the empire had lost a famous scholar and talent.

Kentaro Miyazaki's heartfelt words and sad attitude made him feel gratified:

Miyazaki is a very emotional person!

"What do you think about the assassination of Professor Taniguchi?" Sanbonjiro asked.

Cheng Qianfan raised his head, his expression seemed a little confused.

"Bag duck!" Sanbonjiro finally couldn't hold it back and slapped the table and reprimanded, "Kentaro Miyazaki, you coward! Cheer up!"

"Hai." Cheng Qianfan, who was scolded by the section chief, finally regained some consciousness.

He looked at Sanbonjiro and said, "Section Chief, all I know about the teacher's assassination so far is from you, Chief."

As he spoke, he shook his head, "My mind is a little confused now, and I have too little information..."

"Araki called before, and Hidetoshi Hojo of the Consulate General put forward a hypothesis regarding the fact that the gunman was a Westerner." Mimotojiro looked at Cheng Qianfan, "He thought the gunman might be a hired Jew."

"Jew?" Cheng Qianfan frowned.

"Yes." Sanbonjiro nodded, "Many Jews have poured into the concession. You know something about them. Tell me what you think."

"Jews." Cheng Qianfan fell into thinking and said as he thought.

"Starting this summer, European Jewish refugees have poured into Shanghai in large numbers."

"Most of these newcomers are in poor circumstances. Not only are they economically poor and have almost no savings, but many of them are visibly depressed and physically weak."

"The situation of these people is not very good and they need to be resettled in time."

“In August, the so-called International Committee for the Relief of European Refugees” was established.”

Cheng Qianfan paused and thought for a moment before continuing, "With the efforts of this committee, the wealthy Jewish businessman Sassoon provided a 'riverside building'."

"This is an 8-story building with hundreds of rooms, used as a reception station."

At Sanbonjiro's signal, Cheng Qianfan marked the approximate location of the 'Riverside Building' on the map hanging on the wall.

"In addition, the synagogue on Museum Road was also used as a shelter, which suddenly solved the shelter problem for thousands of Jewish refugees."

"However, there were so many Jews who fled to Shanghai that the shelters were overwhelmed and the place was very crowded."

"Last month, wealthy Jewish businessman Kadoorie held a meeting in his foreign trade company and invited representatives from many Jewish religious groups, societies, relief organizations, and Jewish consortiums to establish the 'Committee to Assist Jewish Refugees from Europe in Shanghai.'"

"The Committee to Assist European Jewish Refugees in Shanghai actively solves the problem of food and accommodation. It rents private houses to refugees with families and gives them subsidies to maintain their lives. It prepares to build large shelters for single refugees to accommodate them."

"Besides, the Chinese people in Shanghai are living a precarious life, but they still have time to help these Jews." Cheng Qianfan clicked his tongue as he spoke.

"How do you know this so clearly?" Sanbonjiro suddenly frowned and asked.

He originally thought that Kentaro Miyazaki had some understanding of the situation of Jews in Shanghai, but he did not expect that this guy not only had some understanding, but even talked about it.

"Section Chief." Cheng Qianfan glanced at Sanbonjiro, "If the Jews want to live a stable life in the French Concession, it is impossible without my nod."

As he spoke, he straightened his waist slightly, and then seemed to think of Hiroyuki Taniguchi's death, which made his pride seem a little tangled, "The Jewish Refugee Committee visited me."

As he said this, seeing Sanbonjiro's thoughtful expression, he had to remind him.

Cheng Qianfan looked at Sanbonjiro's wine cabinet, "It was that time last month when I sent you a batch of new flavors of red wine to you, section chief."

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There was something going on at my friend's house, so I left the children at my house. I got up early in the morning and had to take care of two children during the day... At this moment, I just wanted to take a nap.

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