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Chapter 280 Between Waves

 Hearing the constant gunshots coming from the ‘Ball Ballroom’, Lu Xinge felt extremely anxious. He hid in an alley and paced back and forth impatiently.

Kuang Youli, captain of the Fourth Brigade of the Detective Team of the Puppet Shanghai Municipal Government Police Department, was a distant relative of A Yuan. He was originally a clerk in the Shanghai Public Security Bureau of the National Government. After the establishment of Su Wenxi's Puppet Avenue City Government, the Puppet Police Department recruited

After joining the police force of the former National Government Public Security Bureau, Kuang Youli entered the pseudo police station of Dadao Municipal Government at that time.

After the establishment of the Shanghai Puppet Municipal Government, Wu Shanyue took over the police station with the support of Sanbonjiro and established the Detective Brigade. Kuang Youli was transferred to the Detective Brigade by Wu Shanyue because he had some friendship with Wu Shanyue while working in the Shanghai Public Security Bureau.

, and appointed him as the captain of the fourth brigade.

In fact, Kuang Youli's Fourth Brigade was also one of Wu Shanyue's direct troops in the Detective Brigade, which gave him the confidence to restrain Wang Kangnian.

A Yuan reported to Lu Xingge that when his distant relative Brother Kuang was having a drink with him, he once complained after drinking that he was now a traitor and had brought shame to his ancestors. He said that the head of the old Meicun family asked someone to deliver a message.

He said that if he continues to be a traitor, he will not be allowed to enter the ancestral grave in the future.

According to A Yuan, Kuang Youli sighed and said that his name was given to him by the patriarch, that is to say, he was a polite and reasonable person, but now that he has become a traitor, he is the most unreasonable person who forgets his ancestors.

After learning about this from A Yuan, Lu Xingge arranged for A Yuan to have exploratory contact with Kuang Youli. After Kuang Youli expressed his willingness to change course and work for Chongqing, Lu Xingge decisively decided to meet Kuang Youli in person.

Today's meeting place was chosen by Kuang Youli. He has some friendship with Pang Shui, so it is safe to meet here.

Who would have thought that the problem in this meeting did not lie with Zhang Xiaolin's New Asia Peace Promotion Association, nor did it attract the attention of the Japanese, but his second brother Cheng Qianfan led a large group of people to suddenly attack.

Although he was worried about Kuang Youli, Lu Xingge did not act rashly. If he did not show up, Kuang Youli would be relatively safer.

In fact, Lu Xingge was quite conflicted about his second brother Cheng Qianfan.

In the previous 'meeting', the second brother pretended not to recognize him, but in fact he secretly warned him and signaled him to leave immediately. For this, he was quite pleased.

He felt that the second brother's conscience was still intact and he could try to fight for it.

However, the second brother seemed to only treat him differently. He was getting closer and closer to the Japanese. The patrol room in the central area of ​​the French Concession would even conduct searches from time to time to hunt down 'violent elements'. And the so-called 'violent elements'

, are actually anti-Japanese elements.

If the illegal concession authorities still have some taboos about extraditing arrested "anti-Japanese elements", the arrested persons are basically detained in the Target Range Prison on Xue Huali Road because of "insufficient evidence of anti-Japanese elements".

Otherwise, Cheng Qianfan would already have a lot of blood debt on his hands.

Within the Shanghai Station, there has been a voice calling for measures to be taken against the pro-Japanese element Cheng Qianfan. However, the Chongqing headquarters has always maintained a veto attitude towards this matter. The reason is very straightforward:

Cheng Qianfan is a senior police officer in the French Concession Patrol Office. He is also quite powerful and influential in Shanghai. The most important thing is that he has many connections with the French, British, Americans, and Japanese. To deal with such a person,

It is likely to cause anger and resentment among friendly countries.

Lu Xingge didn't know whether he should be relieved or angry when he learned about the headquarters' attitude towards Cheng Qianfan.

"Mr. Cheng." Kuang Youli raised his fist and saluted Cheng Qianfan.

"Captain Kuang." Cheng Qianfan was a little surprised, "Why, it's so late and Captain Kuang is here to have fun too?"

"I've been feeling pretty good these past two days, so I decided to touch a few." Kuang Youli smiled bitterly and shook his head, "No, I just applied a handful..."

Seeing that Cheng Qianfan's expression was a little cold, Kuang Youli took out the Pai Gow from his pocket and said, "I have to thank Mr. Cheng. This card has very bad luck. If Mr. Cheng hadn't come here, I would have lost miserably.


"Hahaha." Cheng Qianfan laughed loudly, "Captain Kuang owes me a meal."

"This is natural, this is natural." Kuang Youli also laughed.

With that said, Kuang Youli pointed in the direction of the door, "Mr. Cheng, look..."

"Monkey, let Captain Kuang leave." Cheng Qianfan said to Hou Pingliang.

"Mr. Cheng, thank you very much." Kuang Youli said happily, "Kang will be the host in the future. Thank you for your support, Mr. Cheng."

"Captain Kuang, tell Director Wu a favor for me," Cheng Qianfan said.

"Absolutely." Kuang Youli nodded quickly and said.

Interestingly, Cheng Qianfan had a grudge against Wang Kangnian of the Detective Brigade, and Wu Shanyue was Wang Kangnian's immediate boss. It turned out that the two men had a pretty good relationship.

"Wait a minute." Cheng Qianfan suddenly said coldly.

Kuang Youli stopped in his steps and was startled at the same time.

"Captain Kuang has forgotten your friend?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

Kuang Youli was even more frightened. He suppressed his panic and looked at Cheng Qianfan with a puzzled expression.

Xiao Cheng always smiled and pointed at the dancers who were standing in a line.

Everyone understood what Mr. Xiao Cheng meant, and some of the dancers who knew Kuang Youli immediately started shouting, "Captain Kuang, I am the sixth child. My mother-in-law is the sixth child."

"Brother Kuang, my little brother is here."

"Uncle Kuang, I am the youngest member of Zhang Baiming's family."

Kuang Youli glanced at these "acquaintances" and smiled bitterly in his heart, but he had to accept Mr. Cheng's sentiments.

He pointed at the 'Lao Liu' who was the first to speak, "Mr. Cheng, Lao Liu is a relative of mine."

"Let him go." Cheng Qianfan smiled slightly.

"Yes." Lu Jiufan agreed and pushed the 'Old Six' who had been captured from a room on the second floor forward, "Please."

Lao Liu hugged Lu Jiufan, bowed to Mr. Cheng, and followed Kuang Youli away.

Cheng Qianfan looked at the two people leaving, yawned, and waved his hands.

Da Toulu stood up and said, "Okay, you are all people who have been deceived by Pang Shui. Those who were named, go to the patrol room, find out the size of the matter, hire a guarantor, and then go home."

"Others, come and register. Remember, it's your registered name, which is your last name and where you live."

Seeing Da Toulu busy, Cheng Qianfan lit a cigarette and stood at the door.

Neon lights flashed, half of his body was enveloped in red and purple light and shadow, and half was in darkness. Snowflakes fell in the air, dyeing his hair white again.

He frowned slightly.

Today was indeed a dangerous day. He had no idea that his comrade would actually appear in the 'Ball Ballroom'.

He was shocked when he saw the man who just called himself "Lao Liu" being escorted down from upstairs.

This ‘old six’ once had a hidden identity, and the household registration certificate for this identity in the French Concession was also produced by him.

Cheng Qianfan had seen the photo. Although he didn't know the name of the "Sixth" or his status within the organization, he knew that this person was his comrade and his status was not low.

Because the household registration certificates he handled at that time were basically middle- and high-level cadres and leaders of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee who had returned from the Soviet area and Soviet Russia.

At that time, Comrade Zhulin once joked that if the reactionaries captured the Little Flames, they would basically be able to wipe out almost all the Jiangsu Provincial Committee and Shanghai Municipal Committee.

Cheng Qianfan was very angry at the time. He said he didn't like the joke. He said that Comrade 'Zhulin''s words questioned his party spirit and doubted his loyalty to the party. He said that even if he was arrested, he would definitely

Be unyielding and be a Bolsvik with an iron will.

Comrade "Zhulin" apologized to him.

Comrade "Huo Miao" accepted Comrade "Zhu Lin"'s apology.

More than half a year later, Special Branch was destroyed, and a large number of comrades were arrested, disappeared, and sacrificed. Comrade "Zhulin" died heroically at Yuhuatai!

Cheng Qianfan 'recognized' Comrade 'Lao Liu' and was thinking about how to release this person without leaving any trace. It would be best to find a reason to release a group of people, so as to avoid leaving hidden dangers as much as possible.

But he didn't expect that Kuang Youli of the Detective Brigade would actually 'choose' to take away this friend nicknamed 'Lao Liu'.

While Cheng Qianfan breathed a sigh of relief, he couldn't help but think about two possibilities:

First, Kuang Youli and ‘Lao Liu’ are indeed distant relatives.


At this moment, a patrolman came over and whispered to Mr. Cheng.

"Take me to see it."


Cheng Qianfan stared at the footprints on the ground. Some of the footprints had been covered with new snow, making them slightly blurry, while some were still very deep.

He looked up at the second floor.

"He should have jumped from the second floor." Hao Zai, who was responsible for surveying the yard, reported.

Cheng Qianfan nodded and jumped down from the second floor. The footprints would be deep and there would be skid marks.

"Have you asked?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

"I've asked, but it's of no use." Hao Zai shook his head, "Upstairs is where the dancers take a rest and play with women after they get tired of dancing or gambling."

Cheng Qianfan nodded. The special nature of the second floor meant that waiters in the ballroom rarely bothered him.

When the word 'Lao Liu' rang out, he was escorted down from the second floor. Cheng Qianfan already had a vague guess in his mind:

Comrade ‘Old Six’ had a secret meeting with a certain comrade on the second floor.

He led his team to suddenly break into the 'Ball Ballroom', which disrupted the meeting.

Comrade "Lao Liu" did not risk his escape because he was relatively confident in the confidentiality and safety of his identity.

As for why the other comrade ran away, there is only one answer, and that is that this person's cover identity is extremely secret, or this identity should not appear in the 'Piqiu Ballroom', or this identity should not be related to Comrade 'Old Six'

Intersection, or it may be better for this person to be less visible.

In short, this person must flee urgently.

Cheng Qianfan snorted coldly, then touched his chin and smiled, "It seems that we suddenly broke in and surprised the rabbit."

All the men laughed.

If it is between a dancer and a dancer, there is probably no need to be frightened and run away. Even if there is a fierce wife at home, there is no need to run away. If the policeman is frightened and the policeman shoots, it will be very unlucky.

Therefore, after everyone listened to Mr. Xiao Cheng's words and thought about it briefly, they all agreed with the boss's analysis. The identity of the escaped person was "clearly revealed".

One of the police officers laughed and said, "There are some bold and unrestrained people in this 'ball club'."

Everyone laughed again and tutted.

"Bad luck!" Xiao Cheng always cursed with a smile.

Lu Xingge saw Kuang Youli and a middle-aged man wearing a woolen hat coming out of the main entrance of the dance hall.

He glanced at the ballroom door again and saw no policeman coming out. He finally felt at ease.

Luo Yannian also didn't expect that Kuang Youli was also in the 'Ball Ballroom'. However, thanks to Kuang Youli today, if not, he would have fallen into the hands of Cheng Qianfan. Although he would have probably escaped in the end, he would have entered into the hands of this pro-Japanese guy

Everything in sight is not good.

Luo Yannian was about to speak, but when he saw Kuang Youli's expression, he understood immediately.

"Brother Kuang, thank you very much for what happened today." Luo Yannian said, cupping his fists.

"You and I, our relatives, just talked to each other and then went out to see each other." Kuang Youli said, and then he smiled bitterly, "Who would have thought that such a thing would happen to us."

"Yes, Xiao Cheng always kills a big shot like Mr. Pang whenever he says." He shook his head and clicked his tongue twice.

Regarding this matter, he felt happy that Cheng Qianfan was the counter-revolutionary patrol leader, Pang Shui was one of Zhang Xiaolin's right-hand men, and one of the six vice-presidents of the New Asia Peace Promotion Association.

The New Asia Peace Promotion Association plundered people's supplies, killed people, captured and killed anti-Japanese comrades. As one of Zhang Xiaolin's think tanks, Pang Shui naturally had an important responsibility for this.

Quasi-traitors and traitors are fighting each other, great!

Seeing Kuang Youli and the man wearing the woolen hat separate, Lu Xingge followed for a while and after confirming that no one was around, he decisively appeared: "Captain Kuang, please wait for a while."

"There is no way out of doubt." Kuang Youli asked cautiously and in a low voice.

"In front of the diseased tree, there are thousands of spring trees." Lu Xingge replied.

"Captain Lu, I have long admired your name." Kuang Youli said, clasping his fists.

"Captain Kuang, I have admired him for a long time. Lu admired Brother Kuang's ambition and praised him. He couldn't help but be overjoyed and came here to meet him." Lu Xingge smiled heartily and said, "It's not convenient to talk more here, so please come this way."


At the entrance of the 'Ball Ballroom', the dancers who were 'named' got on the tarpaulin military cards shivering in the wind and snow.

Just when the three military trucks from the central patrol room were activated and were about to escort the "suspect" back to Xue Huali Road, four trucks came speeding from a distance.

"Cheng Qianfan, others are afraid of you, but I, Zhan Si, am not afraid of you." Zhan Si jumped out of the truck in front of him and roared menacingly.

In the tarpaulin truck in the patrol room, everyone looked a little strange, thinking that these words seemed quite familiar.

"Cheng Qianfan, let Ah Shui go." Zhan Si waved his hand, "If not, don't blame me for being rude."

As he waved his hand, the passengers in the truck jumped out one after another.

Each truck pulled about twenty people, and there were about a hundred people in the four trucks, all of whom were armed with short guns.

Seeing Cheng Qianfan being silent, Zhan Si laughed loudly. He brought three times as many people as Cheng Qianfan. Are you scared? Mr. Cheng!

Cheng Qianfan gave the proud Zhan Si a cold look and waved his hand.

With a wave of Mr. Cheng's hand, the patrol officers quickly appeared on the roofs of the three military trucks in the patrol room and set up light machine guns.

Da da da da da…


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