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Chapter 294 Mom

 The day before the fall of Songjiang, a reporter from "Shenjiang" witnessed the tragic situation in Songjiang with his own eyes and reported what he saw and heard to the newspaper:

“The whole town of Songjiang has become a dead market.

Songjiang City was originally a prosperous area in Punan, but it has been ravaged by the enemy so far. Since March, all residents have fled. The densely populated town has now become a dead city with no one left.

The enemy repeatedly dropped bombs on the city walls, and not a single brick in Songjiang City was in order!"

After the fall of Shanghai, the people who fled in all directions had nowhere to go and could only return to their ruined homes.

A year later, they suffered another disaster and died tragically at the hands of the Japanese invaders.

"Although these people died at the hands of the Japanese army, some people's hands were also stained with blood!" Lu Xingge looked sad and gritted his teeth and said, "I will report Deputy Commander He's behavior to the top.

, we must seek justice for the victims."

"Team leader." A Yuan was shocked. He Xingjian is the deputy commander-in-chief of the Loyalty National Salvation Army and a major general of the national army. If the team leader reports this, he will be guilty of the following and may even be killed.


"If you don't do something, your conscience will be uneasy." Lu Xingge sighed.

The bounden duty of soldiers is to protect the country and the people. He Xingjian abandoned the people and led the army to flee first. As a result, innocent people were massacred by the Japanese army. This is unacceptable.

"Shang Kui is back." The guerrilla fighters on guard saw Shang Kui and his party from a distance and shouted happily.

"Where is it, where is it?" Captain Gu Baoguo rushed out.

Qin Di and Shang Kui protected several elderly people, but they did not return to the team for a long time. Gu Baoguo was very worried.

Then, they saw Shang Kui and a soldier carrying a stretcher. On the stretcher lay Fourth Uncle You, and three old men staggering over, supporting each other.

"Report to the captain." Shang Kui's face was covered with dust, and the blood scabs on his face had frozen.

Shang Kui saluted, "Shang Kui is ordered to return to the team."

As he said that, he glanced at several exhausted old people and said with guilt, "Captain, I didn't complete the task. Two old people are gone."

Gu Baoguo looked at everyone, his eyes were moist. Shang Kui and his party of four protected six elderly people from evacuating. Unfortunately, two elderly people died, and four elderly people were rescued.

Strictly speaking, their mission was accomplished quite well. Gu Baoguo even thought about the worst case scenario before:

Is it possible they won't come back?

"Well done. It'll be good to come back. It'll be good to come back." Gu Baoguo nodded and looked over.

Shang Kui and his party of four only came back.

One can imagine how miserable their journey was.


"Where is Director Qin?" Gu Baoguo asked.

Shang Kui lowered his head, not daring to look into Gu Baoguo's anxious eyes.

"Let me ask you, where is Qin Di!" Gu Baoguo shouted, his voice breaking.

"Director Qin, Director Qin ordered us to retreat, and he covered us." Shang Kui said, his tears couldn't stop anymore. He squatted down directly, cried and shouted, "Director Qin stopped the enemy, we, we are leaving.

Two miles away, the gunfire stopped."

The gunfire stopped?

The gunfire stopped!

Qin Di, is this... gone?

The boy who always had a bright and sunny smile and was full of energy in everything he did. The Qin Di who promised his mother that when the Anti-Japanese War was victorious, he would go home to marry a wife and have children so that the elderly could take care of themselves.


Gu Baoguo stayed on the spot.

He took off the military cap on his head and threw it on the ground like he was venting his anger, "You little devil, I'll blame you for eight generations of ancestors!"

Shang Kui squatted on the ground and cried.

A grown man crying like this can make anyone who listens feel scared in their heart.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Blood-curdling screams rang out in the interrogation room.

The screams stopped abruptly.

"Gu Baoguo fainted," said one of the interrogating sergeants.

"Wake him up!" Ohta Yu said calmly.


A basin of cold salt water was poured on his head, and Qin Di's body trembled like a spasm, and at the same time he heard a miserable cry.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Mr. Tani." Ohta Yuichi smiled with his eyes narrowed.

"Where is your team?"

"After breaking out from Qingdong, where is your gathering place?"

"Personnel distribution, weapons and equipment status, names and positions of important leaders."

"Mr. Gu, you know very well that I didn't make things difficult for you. You know what I asked you."

Ohta Yuichi picked up the water glass and took a sip of water. His mouth was a little dry. He had asked the same question countless times.

However, although this 'Gu Baoguo' suffered many cruel punishments, including tiger bench, pepper water, salt water whip, soldering iron, etc., except electrocution, he was extremely stubborn and did not explain.

Just a few words.

"Or, Mr. Gu, you don't need to explain this. You just need to agree to join the Locust Army, and we will treat you immediately." Ohta Yuichi saw Qin Di remain silent, and he suppressed the dissatisfaction and anger in his heart.

He forced a smile and said.

Qin Di's skin was torn all over, and there was not a single piece of good flesh on his body. There were black burns on his chest, and the burnt rotten flesh was hanging down, shaking as he struggled painfully.

"Do you think I would beg for mercy from you beasts?" Qin Di spit out a mouthful of blood, endured the pain, and said with a sneer.

"People live a lifetime, and even plants and trees cannot bear to commit suicide. Human life is only once, are you really not afraid of death?" Ohta Yuichi asked.

"I'm afraid! I'm afraid that I won't be able to see the day when the Anti-Japanese War is won. I'm afraid that I won't be able to see the day when the red flag is planted all over the land of China. I'm afraid that Kyushu will sink and the mountains and rivers will be broken. I'm afraid that I will live like a dog and make my ancestors miserable.

Shameful! How happy it is to die fighting against Japan!" Qin Di tried his best to raise his head. His face was covered with scars, which was so terrifying, but there was a smile on his face dripping with blood.

This smile is so proud.

He is really proud of himself. He died fighting for his country. Happy, happy!

"Bag duck down!" Ohta Yuichi was angry. He saw a kind of light in this red party who could be tortured by him. It was a light that he was afraid of and that he didn't understand.

Ohta Yuichi picked up the scissors and cut off all the fingers of 'Tani Bokuni' in one stroke!

Qin Di let out a miserable howl, and the screams were mixed with singing.

He is singing:

stand up!

A slave who is hungry, cold, and forced...

stand up!

People all over the world are suffering!

Seeing "Tani Bokuni" who was still singing in pain despite being tortured like this, Ohta Yuichi felt a sense of panic. He took two steps back and looked at this "madman"!


This man is crazy!

Wang Chuanhai's erotic message was publicly released on Hong Kong Island. The impact and shock brought by this incident were unprecedented.

The second-ranking figure in the government, Wang Chuanhai, who "lived up to his youth with his sword," publicly made peace with Japan and committed treason. Many people even thought it was a fantasy when they first heard about it.

Wang reclamation to invest in Japan?

How can it be!

Vice President Wang does not care about the reaction of ordinary people. He is concerned about the reaction of many powerful parties in the party to this matter, especially whether those who have been close to him before will "fulfill their promises."

Prior to this, Wang Chuanhai and others believed that there was no shortage of senior military and political personnel of the Kuomintang who hoped to compromise and make peace with Japan:

Japan was strong, China was weak, and the war of resistance obviously had no future. If the war continued, the only result would be the destruction of the party and the country.

These people tend to compromise and make peace with Japan. The reason why they have not publicly taken action is because there is only one reason - no one takes the lead. To be more precise, there is no leader who can convince everyone!

Everyone, including Wang Chuanhai himself, is convinced that, given Vice President Wang's historical influence and status within the Kuomintang, once he rises up to call for action, he will surely receive a response and the momentum will be overwhelming.

However, what Wang did not expect was that after his "wonderful article" was published, they did not receive any response from any faction within the Kuomintang. Instead, they received overwhelming reviling and criticism.

Some military and political personnel who had a good relationship with the Wang family, such as Zhang Fakui of Guangdong, Yu Hanmou, and Long Yu of Yunnan, also called Wang Quanhai, accusing Wang of "fallacious remarks, serving the enemy" and betraying the country in pursuit of glory.

He also demanded that he be "returned to prison as a wanted man, that he be punished according to the law, and that morale be boosted by strict discipline and discipline." He also expressed his support for the government and "resisted to the end."

On this day, Shanghai's Huajie occupied area.

Citizens crowded on the roadside, talking in low voices. From time to time they would look up with sad eyes, and then quickly lower their heads, not daring to let the Japanese see the sadness and anger in their eyes.

The Japanese locust army showed the results of this raid to the citizens of Shanghai. They paraded the captured "Japan haters" through the streets and then executed them in public.

Among them, the leader of the Qingdong People’s Anti-Japanese Guerrilla Brigade is ‘Gu Baoguo’.

"Gu Baoguo" was also the biggest gain of the Japanese army's sweep.

Therefore, as early as the morning, the Japanese army began to publicize that they would execute "Gu Baoguo" and other Japanese haters.

"Mother Qin, be careful." Han Lin supported Mother Qin.

Hearing that the Japanese were going to execute anti-Japanese elements here, Qin's mother suddenly asked Han Lin to bring her over.

Han Lin could tell that Qin's mother was scared. If she was afraid of watching someone kill someone, why did she insist on watching?

The Japanese military card arrived.

You can see the tortured flesh and blood model of the anti-Japanese corpsman on the military card.

Han Lin shook his head. His eyes were red and he couldn't bear to look at them.

He admired these heroes who dared to fight the Japanese with real swords and guns without fear of sacrifice, but he felt ashamed that he did not have such courage.

"Mother Qin, slow down." Seeing Mother Qin suddenly trying to push forward, Han Lin quickly held on to her.

Qin's mother took a few steps forward. She tried her best to stand on tiptoes, trying to get a better look.

She heard deep sighs, anger, and sadness in the crowd. At this moment, she just wanted to push through a little more. She wanted to see, see clearly, and see her son!

Just yesterday, Qin's mother was suddenly upset and had severe pain in her heart.

The old woman panicked.

That time, when Qin Di's father participated in the May 30th Movement and was shot by British military police, she suddenly felt very uncomfortable at home.

When she learned that the Japanese army was going to parade in public and execute anti-Japanese elements, Qin's mother was even more upset. She prayed to the Bodhisattva to protect her son from being among those people.

However, there seemed to be another voice in her heart telling her: Yes.

Although Qin Di had been tortured to the point of being transformed into a human being, with not a single piece of flesh on his body, and his face was severely swollen, Qin's mother still recognized Qin Di at a glance:

That's her son, the meat of her heart!

The Japanese military truck stopped.

The Japanese soldiers roughly threw a dozen anti-Japanese elements who were about to be executed from the car.

Then they were tied to the wooden stakes that had been erected in advance.

A group of Japanese soldiers stepped forward and raised their Type 38 rifles.

"Everyone, this is your last chance. Is there anything else you want to say? If you abandon the dark side and surrender to the Japanese locust army now, you will not die." Ohta Yuichi stepped forward and tried to make the final inducement to surrender.

"Little devil, dream."

"Eighteen years later, he is a good man again!"

Qin Di tried his best to open his eyes wide. He looked at all this greedily, looked at the crowd around him, and breathed the air greedily. This is Shanghai, the hometown where he was born and raised.

Then, what slogan did he think about shouting?

Overthrow Japanese imperialism?

Long live the Red Party?

Long live the people?

Then, the longing and guilt for my mother surged into my heart uncontrollably.

He is not afraid of death!

From the moment he became a Bolshevik, a Red Warrior, and from the moment he devoted himself to resisting the Japanese invaders, he put life and death aside.

He is just worried about his mother.

He couldn't worry about his mother.

His mother loved him so much, and her sacrifice would be a huge blow to his old man.

And guilt.

He is worthy of heaven, earth, the land that raised him, his ancestors, the party and the people.

However, he feels guilty about the mother who gave birth to him and raised him!

He promised his mother that when the Anti-Japanese War was won, he would get a wife and have children, and he would take good care of his mother.

Mom, my son is unfilial and I can’t do it any more!

"Mom!" Qin Di shouted at the top of her lungs, "Mom, mom!"

He shouted frantically, "Mom, my son is gone!"


"Oh!" Mother Qin couldn't bear it anymore, the old woman cried and responded.

This response was so clear in such a tragic and noisy occasion.

"Where?" Ohta Yuichi suddenly looked over, and he suddenly realized that this was a good opportunity for him to force "Tani Baoguo" to speak. As long as he caught "Tani Baoguo's" mother and used this as a threat, "Tani Baoguo" would definitely speak.

"Hey!" At this moment, suddenly, many women's voices sounded, white-haired old women, middle-aged women, even young girls, and some men also shouted.

Qin Di was stunned. He heard it. It was his mother's voice. He couldn't hear it wrong.

Mom is here too.

He suddenly felt at a loss. He didn't want his mother to see him like he was now, because he knew that her mother would feel distressed and would be extremely uncomfortable.

At the same time, he was a little excited. He was so satisfied to hear his mother's voice again before he died.

"Mom, my son is unfilial!" Qin Di shouted, "My son is gone!"


At this moment, more than a dozen anti-Japanese elements who were arrested and awaiting execution also shouted:

Mom! My son is gone!

Mom, my son is gone!


"Hey!" the people watching at the scene shouted in uniform voices. They were finally able to face the ferocious eyes of the Japanese army. It seemed that these men who were about to travel far gave them great courage!

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