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Chapter 299 Empire Worm

 Xiao Si watched Da Ou leave with the people, his eyes darkened.

Some brothers secretly reported to him that Daou once secretly went to see Araki Harima.

The Japanese were worried that they would plant nails in the detective brigade. Both Wang Kangnian and he were mentally prepared for this.

However, this person turned out to be Da Ou, which made Xiao Si somewhat unexpected.

Da Ou usually behaves very loyal to Wang Kangnian, but unexpectedly, he turns out to be a rip-off.

At this moment, a farmer carrying a backpack appeared in Xiaosi's sight, and he immediately set up a telescope to observe.

The man put down his backpack and picked up a yellow and black tattered towel to wipe away the sweat.

Because of the angle, only the back of this person can be seen.

Xiao Si frowned, this figure looked familiar.

Who is this person?

He put down his binoculars, lit a cigarette and lost himself in thought.

With a cigarette hanging from his mouth, Xiao Si set up his binoculars to look again, but the man had disappeared.

Gao Lan was wearing a large green cloth coat and a somewhat untied scarf around his neck. He lowered his felt hat and observed the surrounding situation vigilantly.

In sight, a man carrying a backpack came over. The straps of the backpack were made of hemp rope on one side and rag strips on the other. There was a shabby towel on his right shoulder. The cloth shoes on his feet were torn. The left shoe had three holes.

The patch is in the shape of a Chinese glyph, and the big toe of the right foot is exposed.

After confirming that the person coming was the comrade from Yanzhou whom he wanted to contact, Gao Lan felt happy and walked straight towards him.

Ou Yingchun looked at the man walking across from him. The man raised his hand, casually turned his felt hat half a turn to the left, revealing a patch on the felt hat, and then turned it back again.

At the same time, the man looked at the ground and blew out a mouthful of thick phlegm. Then he took the felt hat in his hand, patted it twice from the front, turned it over and patted it again, then put it on again, and blew out another mouthful of thick phlegm.

He immediately knew that this man was the comrade sent by the Shanghai Party Organization to contact him.

Ou Yingchun looked up and saw the other person getting closer and closer. He stopped, picked up the towel on his shoulder and wiped his sweat while shaking his head.

Gao Lan, who was about to exchange secret signals with the comrades from Yanzhou, was suddenly startled.

However, the expression on his face remained unchanged, he pressed his felt hat, walked a little faster, and crossed paths with the other party.

"Place No. 2." Ou Yingchun heard the other party whisper as he passed by him.

"Ms. Tang, have you read yesterday's newspaper?" a lady asked Tang Xiaoye.

As soon as Zhang Ping entered the tea room of the Professional Women's Club, she saw Mrs. Miao talking to Miss Tang.

That Mrs. Miao was the daughter-in-law of the Huxi Miaoji Soap Factory, and she often spent time in professional women's clubs.

Before Miss Tang could speak, Mrs. Miao waved the newspaper in her hand, unfolded it, and began to read aloud.

"The Imperial Japanese Locust Army has achieved brilliant results in its sweep, killing countless enemies, and even captured the Qingdong rebel leader Gu Baoguo! Gu Baoguo and other Japanese haters have been shot to serve as a warning to others!" Mrs. Miao exclaimed after reading this,

"It turns out that it was Gu Baoguo who was shot and had his head cut off that day."

Tang Xiaoye suppressed the anger in her heart and forced a smile on her face, "Mrs. Miao, Japanese newspapers..."

Mrs. Miao threw the newspaper on the table and sighed: "It's such a miserable death. Well, I heard that Gu Baoguo kept calling his mother before he died! How pitiful!"

As she spoke, Mrs. Miao's eyes turned red, and she took out a handkerchief to wipe her tears.

"I've also heard about it. What a crime. A dozen strong men were killed by the Japanese like this." Zhang Ping walked over with her waist twisted, took the newspaper, glanced at it, and said.

As she said that, she put down the newspaper again and said worriedly: "Will the Japanese invade the concession..."

"No." Mrs. Miao's tears came and went as quickly as they came, "The concession is the territory of the British, the Citizen, and the French. The Japanese do not dare to offend the foreigners."

"This is the best." Zhang Ping took out a box of cigarettes from Kun's bag and asked Mrs. Miao if she wanted it. Mrs. Miao took a cigarette. She looked at Tang Xiaoye again, showing a teasing smile to the little girl, and raised her chin.


Tang Xiaoye waved his hand to indicate that he did not smoke.

Then she took out a small mirror, looked at it, got up and said she was going to touch up her makeup.

Looking at Tang Xiaoye's leaving figure, Zhang Ping showed a smile:

I'm not stupid, I know I almost had an emotional problem just now.

"Just now, Mrs. Miao mentioned the sacrifice of our comrades, and I almost had an emotional problem. It was Ms. Zhang who interrupted and reminded me." Tang Xiaoye went to Mou Liying to report the situation.

"Do you think Zhang Ping reminded you on purpose?" Mou Liying pushed up her glasses and asked.

"It should be." Tang Xiaoye said, "I reported to you about Aunt Ping's situation. The person she asked us to help rescue before. Later, after our investigation, we found that Bai Feiyu was secretly engaged in anti-Japanese work."

"Tell me what you think of Ms. Zhang Ping." Mou Liying asked.

"It's a bit unpredictable," Tang Xiaoye said, "Aunt Ping never talks about the anti-Japanese war or political topics. During the few times we raised funds, she only donated some symbolic money for the anti-Japanese war. However, she was willing to take some money for the anti-Japanese war.

Spend so much money to rescue Bai Feiyu who is engaged in anti-Japanese work."

Mou Liying thought for a moment and nodded, "I understand."

As she said that, she lowered her head to look at the document in her hand, then raised her head and said to Tang Xiaoye, "You will have more contact with Ms. Zhang Ping in the future, and you can even deliberately tell her some anti-Japanese principles, or even express in a subtle way that you hope she will be more

Do as much as you can to fight against Japan, but remember not to reveal your identity."

"I know!" Tang Xiaoye nodded.

At this moment, the voice of Yang Ximei greeting everyone came from outside.

Soon, the younger sister came in carrying an aluminum lunch box.

The little girl stood at the door and raised her voice and said, "Second sister, Mommy asked me to get you some fried fruits."

As he spoke, he showed an unhappy expression and lowered his voice slightly, "Aunt Miao caught several of them."

Mrs. Miao's voice came from downstairs, "Sister, you are so heartless. I won't bring you any candy next time."

Yang Ximei then smiled coquettishly downstairs, "Aunt Miao, your ears are really good."

At the same time, Ximei quietly took out a note from her body and handed it to her sister.

Tang Xiaoye took the note and handed it to Mou Liying.

Mou Liying winked, and Tang Xiaoye walked over and gently closed the door.

"Wang Kangnian's detective brigade is targeting us again." Mou Liying took out a cigarette from the cigarette case, dipped the note in saliva and stuck it on, then directly lit a match and lit the cigarette, and 'destroyed' the information and the cigarette together.


She originally did not smoke, but she had to become addicted to cigarettes because of her work needs.

Tang Xiaoye glanced at the direction of the window. She did not walk over and look out rashly, but winked at Yang Ximei.

The younger sister came to the window and was about to tease a civet cat lying on the window sill.

This civet cat was a little milk cat that Tang Xiaoye brought from the Cheng family and grew up before she and Bai Ruolan had a falling out.

"I told you not to tease the cat." Tang Xiaoye scolded Yang Ximei, walked to the window sill, knocked on Yang Ximei's little head, and at the same time pretended to look outside casually.

"Nothing unusual was seen." Tang Xiaoye came back and reported.

Hearing Tang Xiaoye say this, Mou Lifeng's expression became more solemn.

The information was sent by someone urgently arranged by the organization, telling them that their new stronghold was now being targeted by the enemy again.

The organization will not make mistakes in warning information. So, Tang Xiaoye found no trace of the enemy. This can only show that the enemy is very cunning and hides deeper. It also shows that the enemy is more fully prepared this time.

It is even possible that they have been monitoring their side for many days. The reason why they did not take action is partly because the location they chose is close to a patrol station and it is inconvenient to arrest people. It is also possible that the enemy wants to take a long time to catch big fish.


"Put a long way to catch big fish! Congratulations, Section Chief!" Cheng Qianfan had a smile of admiration and admiration on his face.

In the eyes of Sanbonjiro, this was a sincere and heart-warming smile. Although he also knew that this guy Miyazaki was trying to flatter him, he had no choice but to listen to Miyazaki speak and it was so comfortable.


"I plan to leave this person to you to manage and contact." Sanbonjiro glanced at Kentaro Miyazaki and said.

Cheng Qianfan quickly put down the water glass in his hand and shook his head, "Miyazaki is deeply grateful for the section chief's appreciation and trust. However, my subordinate knows his own abilities. It is best for Kikube-kun to do this."

Just when he was introducing a bottle of French Bordeaux high-end red wine to Sanbonjiro that he had recently acquired, Kikube came in to report on his work.

He originally planned to avoid it, but was ordered by Sanbonjiro to observe.

What Kikube reported was that the Special High School Division had successfully developed a spy within a certain civil anti-Japanese group.

This person reported the names and addresses of two key members of this anti-Japanese group.

Kikube asked Sanbonjiro for instructions on how to deal with this matter, whether to take immediate action against the anti-Japanese group, or to stay put for the time being.

Sanbonjiro chose to stand still.

Seeing Kentaro Miyazaki's refusal, Sanbonjiro was a little annoyed. He glared at Kentaro Miyazaki and cursed, "Kikube has already done the preliminary work. You can take over this matter easily."

You have made great contributions, but you are not willing to do such a thing?"

"It is precisely because of this that my subordinates are unwilling to take the credit from Mr. Kikube." Cheng Qianfan said with emotion.

Sanbonjiro was not moved by Kentaro Miyazaki's words of "being aboveboard". He sneered and gave Kentaro Miyazaki a deep look:

speak English!

"Section Chief, it's been extremely cold this winter. My subordinates just got a batch of cotton cloth. Now is the best time for business." Cheng Qianfan was glared at by Sanbonjiro, then smiled and said cautiously.

"Bag ducks down!" Sanbonjiro was furious when he heard this, "Don't you know that cotton is military supplies and individuals are not allowed to resell them in bulk?!"

The empire has been pursuing its policy of "supporting war with war" in the occupied territories. It has implemented comprehensive control over important military strategic materials such as cotton, cotton yarn, and cotton cloth. Private large-scale buying and selling of cotton cloth is strictly prohibited.

Kentaro Miyazaki said that business was very good, so one can imagine the quantity of cotton cloth this guy bought.

"My subordinates know." Cheng Qianfan nodded.

"Who gave you the courage to resell cotton?" Sanbonjiro roared, slapping his palm on the desk, "Don't you know that the cotton you sell may be made into cotton clothes and worn by resistance elements..."

"Sell all this batch of cotton cloth, and my subordinates can make a profit..." While Sanbonjiro's roar was still ringing, Miyazaki Kentaro was heard saying quickly and making a gesture at the same time.

Sanbonjiro's roar suddenly stopped.

He looked at Kentaro Miyazaki with complicated eyes, which were filled with three parts hatred, four parts anger, two parts shock, and one part indescribable.

"Miyazaki, you disappoint me so much." Sanbonjiro shook his head, "Besides money, what else do you think about?"

"And my infinite loyalty to the empire, my passion for His Majesty the Emperor, and my daring loyalty to you, Section Chief!" Cheng Qianfan stood at attention and said loudly.

Sanbonjiro let out a sigh in his throat, and then snorted coldly, "If I hadn't known about your loyalty to His Majesty the Emperor and the Empire, I would have handed you over to the Military Police right now."

"This batch of goods..." Cheng Qianfan said cautiously.

"There won't be another time!" Sanbonjiro said with a serious expression, and then he asked, "Where does the supply come from?"

For the sake of Miyazaki Kentaro's loyalty and sincerity to him, he could not pursue the case this time, or even turn a blind eye. However, he had to ask clearly about the source of the cotton cloth. Such strategic materials turned out to be

It is absolutely not allowed to flow into the black market in large quantities.

Cheng Qianfan looked embarrassed.

Sanbonjiro's face darkened, and his sinister eyes stared at Kentaro Miyazaki.

"It's the Marine Corps. They have a batch of damaged materials. If they are not disposed of in time, they will become moldy." Cheng Qianfan finally said under Sanbonjiro's gaze.

"Marine Corps?" Sanbonjiro was surprised. He thought of several possibilities, but he really didn't expect that the source of this batch of cotton cloth was the Marine Corps.

"Yes." Cheng Qianfan nodded.

"Where did they get so much damaged materials to deal with?" Sanbonjiro asked.

Then he saw Kentaro Miyazaki hesitating.

"Say!" Sanbonjiro shouted sharply.

"During the rain and snow last month, a batch of supplies on the Fukumaru were damaged due to improper storage." Cheng Qianfan's voice was a little low.

"Is it damaged by rain or snow due to improper storage?" Sanbonjiro frowned and asked.

"Yes!" Cheng Qianfan saluted, gritted his teeth secretly, and said seriously.

"Bag ducks down!" Sanbonjiro was furious when he heard this, "These navy red deer! The worms of the empire!"

Although Kentaro Miyazaki insisted that the navy's supplies were improperly stored, judging from the guy's words and expressions just now, it was clear that Mimotojiro didn't know the truth.

Just as he was about to continue his reprimand, he heard Kentaro Miyazaki say:

"Section Chief, Lieutenant Colonel Nagasawa of the Marine Corps has always admired you, and he asked me to bring you a bottle of good wine."

As he spoke, Miyazaki Kentaro took out a small brown wine bottle the size of a perfume bottle from his body and placed it silently on his desk.

Sanbonjiro looked over and saw that there was no wine in the small brown wine bottle, and a piece of folded paper lay quietly inside...

Under the incandescent lamp, this white paper seemed to be glowing with golden light.

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