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Chapter 307 The breath of the same kind

"What do you think of the analysis of 'Crucian Carp'?" Sanbonjiro asked Araki Harima. He held the baton in his right hand and stared at the map.

‘Curian Carp’ is a high-level latent spy of the Special High School. This person has lived in China for ten years. No one would have thought that this Chinese would be a secret agent of the Special High School.

The 'crucian carp' who has penetrated into the New Fourth Army's base area in Maoshan has sent important information——

He suspected that Shanghai was secretly planning to transport a large number of highly educated anti-Japanese elements to Maoshan:

"Section Chief, I think the analysis and inference of 'Crucian Carp' are reasonable." Araki Harima thought for a while and said, "Such unintentionally revealed words will be quite accurate."

While chatting with his superiors, 'Curian Carp' mentioned that he was short of manpower and the workload was heavy. In the past, his superiors would have encouraged everyone to overcome difficulties and carry forward the spirit of not being afraid of hardship or fatigue to work.

However, this time it was different. The boss of 'Curian Carp' was in a good mood and said that he had repeatedly applied to his superiors, and this time he finally got the approval. If everyone has to work hard for less than half a month, new comrades will soon be added.


It was this sentence that aroused the interest and alertness of 'Curian Carp', and he deeply analyzed the intelligence behind this sentence:

Firstly, the work unit where 'Crucia Carp' works is not the most important or key unit. Generally speaking, even if new comrades come to the base area, their priority is to supplement other units.

However, his direct leader said that new comrades would join their unit this time. What does this mean?

This shows that this group of new comrades who came to the Maoshan base of the New Fourth Army is quite large. After meeting the personnel needs of other important units and departments, they can even consider meeting the personnel needs of the department where the "Crucia Carp" is located.

Secondly, there is only one possible source that can transport a large number of intellectuals to support the New Fourth Army base areas, and that is Shanghai.

Third, the leader said that everyone should overcome the problem for another half month, which means that these people will arrive at the Maoshan base area within half a month.

Therefore, after repeated analysis, 'Crucian Carp' came to his own judgment:

It is most likely that the Red Party Association in Shanghai and the New Fourth Army "entrenched" in Zhenjiang have recently sent a group of cultural intellectuals and anti-Japanese activists.

Sanbonjiro was still staring at the map. He used his baton to draw between Shanghai and Maoshan and Wawushan in Zhenjiang.

"Araki, without considering how to pass our checkpoint blockade and leave Shanghai, how long do you think it will take them to arrive in Zhenjiang from Shanghai?" Sanbonjiro asked.

"It will take at least three days." Araki Harima said, "Even if they can successfully leave Shanghai, from Shanghai to Maoshan, there are imperial occupied areas along the way. The Locust Army has absolute control over important roads and waterways."

He clicked on several locations on the map and said, "If they want to bypass these checkpoints, it means they need to walk nearly double the distance."

"And without bypassing these checkpoints, there are so many of them that it is almost impossible to pass the checkpoints without arousing suspicion," Araki Harima said.

As the New Fourth Army entrenched in Maoshan and Wawushan continues to "raise" the Locust Army, the Locust Army has also strengthened its blockade of the New Fourth Army. It will be extremely difficult for anyone or anything to enter the territory of the New Fourth Army.

"Three days." Sanbonjiro pondered for a moment, "The information from 'Crucan Carp' shows that these people may arrive within half a month, so..."

With a serious expression on his face, he paced and said, "This means that these people are now ready to leave Shanghai."

"Or, they are thinking of ways to leave Shanghai now." Sanbonjiro stopped, his eyes showing excitement.

He turned to look at Araki Harima, his eyes sinister and excited, "Araki, find these rats, catch them, and destroy them!"

"Hai!" Araki Harima saluted.

After having a late-night snack at Lao Huang's place, Cheng Qianfan wiped his mouth, holding a toothpick in his mouth, and returned to his office comfortably.

With the Japanese army tightly blocking the passage out of Shanghai, it was not easy to transport a group of people to leave. Moreover, because of the importance of the matter, he did not dare to easily try more dangerous methods.

Therefore, even Cheng Qianfan has a headache now. Although time is tight, this matter cannot be rushed and needs to be discussed slowly.

In addition, Cheng Qianfan had some vague guesses about the task assigned by Hyoutaro Imamura today. However, these guesses needed to go through his contacts with the British, French and American sides, especially the 'report' from the senior officials of the French Concession, and the process of contacting both parties.

Verify it step by step.

Just when Mr. Cheng was preparing to return to his new home in La Feifang after the night shift, there was a knock on the office door.

"Come in." Cheng Qianfan said in a deep voice.

The person who opened the door and walked in was Da Toulu.

"Inspector." Da Toulu closed the door and stepped forward, whispering next to Cheng Qianfan.

"Is the information reliable?" Cheng Qianfan narrowed his eyes and asked in a deep voice.

"It's reliable. I've confirmed again and again that the three-eyelids are that woman." As he said that, Da Toulu looked excited and said, "Inspector, arrest the person. According to the investigation by my subordinates, it seems that there is a group of people who are also watching that woman."

"Who is he?" Cheng Qianfan asked coldly.

"It looks like someone from Wang Kangnian, but I'm not sure yet." Da Toulu said.

"Notify them and arrest them." A smile appeared on Mr. Cheng's lips. He adjusted his armed belt and picked up the holster hanging on the wall.

"Inspector, are you going too?" Da Toulu asked in surprise.

"The mouse has been hiding for so long, I want to see what's so special about her." Cheng Qianfan sneered and said.

Da Toulu didn't ask any more questions. Cheng Qianfan hated the Red Party extremely, and Da Toulu naturally knew this.

A shrill whistle was blown, breaking the tranquility of the central patrol room compound.

All three patrols in the patrol room gathered and lined up.

Everyone was shivering in the cold wind, waiting for the armored squad's military card.

Cheng Qianfan stamped his feet, shook his hands, and cursed.

Of course, Mr. Xiao Cheng didn't have to wait in the cold wind on a cold night.

He asked Datou Lu to keep watch while he walked directly to the door of the infirmary and knocked on the door.

"Old Huang, it's me."

Lao Huang opened the door with his coat on.

"Where's Mrs. Tang?" Cheng Qianfan bent down, poked his head in, and shouted.

"It's late at night, so we have to boil the water again." Lao Huang muttered and yawned again, but he would not refuse Mr. Cheng after all, "Wait, I'll boil the water."

Xiao Cheng seemed to be worried about his men, so he walked out of the room and took a look at his men who were shivering in the cold wind.

He shouted to Hou Pingliang, "Monkey, go to my office and bring down a box of wine. Let everyone take a few sips to ward off the cold. This is such a bad weather."

Hou Pingliang agreed, called two patrolmen, and ran towards the deputy chief inspector's office upstairs.

Cheng Qianfan lit a cigarette and took two puffs. He was shivering from the cold, then turned and walked into Lao Huang's medical room.

"Tang Pozi, it's okay." Lao Huang handed the soup pottery filled with hot water to Cheng Qianfan, "Be careful not to burn it."

"Comfort." Cheng Qianfan took Mrs. Tang with both hands, picked it up with his right hand, and touched it with his left hand. When it was hot, he quickly removed his hand, but nodded with satisfaction.

Hou Pingliang brought two boxes of wine down and gave each four people a bottle to drink to warm up.

"Let's go." Mr. Cheng glanced at his men with guns and ammunition, nodded with satisfaction, and got into the passenger seat of the second military truck.

The engines of the two military trucks roared and rushed out of the courtyard of the central patrol room.

Here, Lao Huang closed the door and turned his palm over. There was a note in his palm.

He leaned against the door to read the contents of the note clearly, then threw the note directly into the stove. After seeing the note turned into ashes, he poked it again with the note.

The target of the patrol room's operation this time was Zhang Ping.

Cheng Qianfan remembered Zhang Ping, the woman who came to him through Tang Xiaoye to smooth things over, and finally let go of a suspected anti-Japanese element named Bai Feiyu.

Cheng Qianfan had doubts that Zhang Ping might be an anti-Japanese element or even a member of the Red Party.

However, what Datou Lu reported to him just now still surprised him.

Zhang Ping's possible true identity was beyond his expectation.

An idle man nicknamed "Three Eyelids" recognized Zhang Ping as a member of the Red Party, and even identified this woman as a Red Party cadre in the 21st year of the Republic of China.

The twenty-first year of the Republic of China, that was seven years ago.

This is the time when the white terror is the bloodiest and craziest.

Cheng Qianfan's first reaction was that Zhang Ping was a member of our party who had lost contact with the organization.

This possibility is very high.

Before Guohong cooperated for the second time, Shanghai had always been one of the most bloody and harsh areas where Kuomintang reactionaries repeatedly raided and suppressed revolutionary patriots.

In the words of Ma Qiwu, head of the Shanghai District of the Party Affairs Investigation Office of the Central Committee of the Kuomintang, the Red Party members in Shanghai are like leeks. They keep killing and growing new ones. But, it doesn’t matter. They carry out a large-scale raid every month and kill every month.

One batch, and the leeks won’t have time to grow!

Cheng Qianfan took the initiative to lead the team to round up Zhang Ping, not because he wanted to interfere with the arrest process and create an opportunity for Zhang Ping to escape.

That kind of thinking is stupid.

All of his subordinates, from Da Toulu to Lu Jiufan, to Hou Pingliang, and even an ordinary patrolman, are all talented people.

No unreasonable details can escape the eyes of these people.

Cheng Qianfan would not take the risk of possible exposure to rescue an unidentified arrestee. In other words, even if he was sure that Zhang Ping was a comrade of our party, he would only choose to be cold-blooded and not take risks.

One of the reasons why Cheng Qianfan wanted to personally lead the arrest team was that he learned from Da Toulu that Wang Kangnian's people might be watching Zhang Ping.

He wanted to ensure that Zhang Ping was arrested by the patrol room and not by the Shanghai Puppet Government Police Detective Brigade.

If she falls into the hands of the police station, Zhang Ping may be tortured. However, with Cheng Qianfan's secret help, or organizational help, she can hire a lawyer to defend her and appeal through the press. Basically, Zhang Ping's life can be saved.

There is even hope of getting bail.

In addition, he personally led the team and also considered that he might be able to discover some clues that others had not discovered in time during the arrest. While ensuring his own safety, he considered helping to cover up and destroy the evidence.

Furthermore, Cheng Qianfan could not rule out another possibility, which was:

Zhang Ping may not be a comrade who has lost contact with the organization. He is a comrade who has always been in the organization. It is just that out of confidentiality, the organization has not communicated with him on this matter.

If this is the case, Zhang Ping's arrest will be a very difficult emergency. Cheng Qianfan must fully control the arrest and interrogation process, and send a warning signal to the organization as soon as possible.

Mrs. Tang was placed on her lap covered with a towel. Cheng Qianfan's right hand was also wrapped in a towel, and then he was placed on Mrs. Tang.

Two military trucks stopped at the entrance of the alley.

Subsequently, all patrol officers got out of their cars and surrounded Zhang Ping's residence.

Cheng Qianfan threw Mrs. Tang on the seat, untied the white towel in his hand, glanced at the pavilion surrounded by people, and waved his hand with a cold expression.

The police officers broke down the door and rushed in.

Mr. Cheng, holding his Browning gun in his hand, walked slowly behind, guarded by Hou Pingliang, Lu Jiufan and others.

"Brother Fan, slow down, be careful of the gun." Hou Pingliang said worriedly.

"Do you have a gun?" Cheng Qianfan glanced at the little monkey, "Is that a fire stick in your hand?"

That's what he said, but when Hou Pingliang saw Brother Fan slowing down his pace obviously, and intentionally or unintentionally falling a step behind Lu Jiu, he finally felt at ease:

Great, Brother Fan is still so afraid of death!

When Cheng Qianfan came to the house, he saw Zhang Ping being held down by the patrolmen.

The woman struggled hard, but a policeman noticed that the woman was pretty and took advantage of her.

Cheng Qianfan was a big ear-scratcher.

"Be respectful, respect! Know how to cut!" Mr. Xiao Cheng scolded his subordinates, "We must treat ladies with respect! Do you know how to cut?"

Then, Mr. Xiao Cheng looked at the captured woman. He took a careful look at it first, with a glint in his eyes, as if he was surprised by how beautiful this woman was. Then, Mr. Xiao Cheng shook his head and sighed, "Ms. Zhang, please."

How could I, a beautiful lady, be a thief?"

"Sir, why are you arresting me?" Zhang Ping had a look of horror on her face, "Why are you arresting me? Let me go, let me go. I have no face to see others. I have no life left... wu wu wu."

Looking at this woman who seemed to be frightened, Cheng Qianfan nodded secretly in his heart.

What he was most afraid of just now was that Zhang Ping had a calm expression and would even ask him why he arrested her and what had she committed?

For a woman who was a woman, a police officer suddenly broke into the door with a gun and was directly pushed to the ground. She was even taken advantage of by the police officer. This was simply the greatest horror that a law-abiding woman could imagine and face.

Under such circumstances, if one could still remain calm and even question the famous Mr. Cheng, who would believe that this woman would be a law-abiding and good-natured woman?

Zhang Ping's reaction was the most correct reaction of a law-abiding woman, fear and panic, and at the same time, it was also the reaction of a good-natured woman seeking to survive after being taken advantage of.

Cheng Qianfan was amazed in his heart and had an intuition at the same time. If Zhang Ping is really a comrade of our party, he must be an extraordinary agent.

Comrade "Huo Miao" smelled the same kind of scent.

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