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Chapter 313 The man who speaks Japanese

 Watching Kentaro Miyazaki's car drive away, Araki Harima threw down the cigarette butt and stepped on it with his pointed leather shoes.

"This guy Miyazaki." He muttered to himself.

He shook his head and smiled bitterly, or it couldn't be said that it was just a bitter smile, but there was also a hint of happiness and relief.

Kentaro Miyazaki just explained why he was hesitant and missed the opportunity to confess frankly to Sanbonjiro.

the reason is simple:

The birthday of Sanbonjiro's wife was one month after Junichi's birthday. Mrs. Sanbon believed in Buddhism, and an eminent monk commented on her that she was related to deer. Therefore, the section chief's wife loved everything related to deer.

When Kentaro Miyazaki learned that his nephew Shunichi Araki liked deer, he gave up trying to please the section chief's wife and gave Shunichi the exquisite deer made of pure gold.

It would be okay if Sanbonjiro didn't know about this matter. If he knew about it, although the section chief himself might not be too angry, it would be difficult for the section chief's wife to tell.

Outside the section chief's office, Araki Harima took out his earwax with his right little finger, then thought about it again, and then walked forward and knocked on the door.

Sanbonjiro folded his arms and listened to Araki Harima's report expressionlessly.

"Miyazaki relayed it through your mouth that he took Zhang Ping's money and mistakenly released Bai Feiyu, and this Bai Feiyu was a Japanese hater." Sanbonjiro asked coldly.

"Yes, Section Chief." Araki Harima nodded.

"Doesn't he have a mouth himself? Why does he need you to explain it?" Sanbonjiro snorted coldly.

Although his expression was cold and his tone was cold, Kentaro Miyazaki was able to inform him of the incident through Harima Araki in time. Although Mimotojiro was still a little angry in his heart, his suspicion and dissatisfaction with Kentaro Miyazaki had been reduced a lot.

"Miyazaki-kun said..." Araki Harima looked a little strange.

"What did you say?" Sanbonjiro asked.

"Miyazaki-kun said that he was worried that you would scold him if he said it in front of you," Araki Harima said.

"Bag ducks down!" Sanbonjiro was furious, "He was able to hide for a while, how can he still hide from me and not be scolded?"

"Miyazaki-kun said we'll talk about the future later." Araki Harima suppressed a smile, "He said that when your anger subsides, you will more or less think of his loyalty to you and how good he is."

"Bag duck!" Sanbonjiro scolded, and the section chief seemed to be very angry. He snorted coldly, and then said to Araki Harima, "Araki, next time Miyazaki comes again, let him stand outside."

"Yes!" Araki Harima said seriously.

Sanbonjiro waved his hand and motioned Araki Harima to go out. After the office door was closed, a smile appeared on the face of the super high school section chief who had been facing a cloudy look just now.

Miyazaki, a cunning guy, knew that he would scold him, so he went to Araki in private to plead for mercy.

Anyway, seeing as this guy has always been sincere and extremely loyal to me, the matter was revealed.

It was just a stupid Japanese hater who was released by mistake. As long as he didn't do it knowingly, it didn't matter. Moreover, in the position of Cheng Qianfan pretended by Miyazaki, there were some things he had no choice but to do.

After leaving the section chief's office and returning to his own office, Araki Harima also had a smile on his face.

The explanation he just gave was based on Miyazaki-kun's temperament and he came up with it on his own. It seems to have worked well now. It not only helped Miyazaki-kun overcome this hurdle, but also did not need to expose Shunichi's little deer.

The more Araki Harima thought about it, the more satisfied he became, but at a certain moment he felt a little sad:

Since when did I become like this? How could I lie to Sanbonjiro without changing his expression...

No. 22, Xue Huali Road.

Central patrol room.

Office of the Deputy Inspector General.

Cheng Qianfan placed a vinyl record in the gramophone.

Zhou Xuan's singing started.

"Spring is coming and the windows are full of green

The big girl embroidered mandarin ducks under the window

Suddenly a ruthless rod

The eldest girl drifted to the Yangtze River

Jiangnan and Jiangbei have beautiful scenery

How can Qingsha pick up sorghum...

Winter is coming, it’s snowy

Winter clothes are ready for your lover

Flesh and blood build a long wall

I would like to be the little Meng Jiang that I was..."

Bang bang bang.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

Pete opened the door and came in.

Cheng Qianfan glanced at Peter, ignored his French friend, and continued to sit on the office chair, shaking the red wine glass in his hand.

Peter was not angry, he directly picked up the red wine bottle on the table, poured himself some wine, and then he sat on a chair and listened to the song.

He didn't pay much attention to it at first, but Peter's expression soon changed.

"God, is this still the Cheng I know?" Peter pointed at Cheng Qianfan with an exaggerated expression.

"What's wrong?" Cheng Qianfan rolled his eyes and asked.

"I know this song." Peter leaned forward, "It's an anti-Japanese song."

"It's just a Gusu ditty." Cheng Qianfan frowned, "Why is it associated with the anti-Japanese war?"

In fact, the song "Song of the Four Seasons" sung by Zhou Xuan is an episode of "Road Angel". On the surface, the four lyrics are inspired by the natural scenery of spring, summer, autumn and winter respectively, singing about the resentment of separation.

The pain of homesickness and the steadfast love.

The lyrics are rich in connotation, the melody is euphemistic and beautiful, and the songwriter has profound skills. There are many allusions and legends, such as "beating the mandarin ducks with a stick", "Silent Night Thoughts", "Hanyi Festival", "Meng Jiangnu" and so on.

However, at the end of the song, the lyricist Mr. Tian Han used the words "Great Wall of Flesh and Flesh", which made this song adapted from a Suzhou minor instantly sublime.

It not only sings about the pain and sorrow of being exiled in a foreign land, but also sings about the unyielding spirit of people who do not want to be slaves of a subjugated country and want to rise up and fight.

Therefore, to a certain extent, this song is indeed suspected of being an anti-Japanese song.

However, 'Mr. Xiao Cheng' insisted that this song was just a Suzhou tune, and Peter had no idea.

"Okay, it's just a Chinese tune." Pete nodded, and his eyes softened when he looked at Cheng Qianfan. Pete was quite satisfied with Cheng Qianfan as a friend. The only thing he couldn't stand was Cheng Qianfan's treatment of him.

There is no patriotism in our motherland, and all we see is money.

Now, through a song, Pete felt that he had accidentally discovered Cheng Qianfan's inner love for the motherland, as well as the hidden resentment towards the motherland being invaded, so his attitude and impression of Cheng Qianfan became better.


Cheng Qianfan smiled and said nothing.

"I have reported to Mr. Ferguson what the Japanese want to express." Peter clinked glasses with Cheng Qianfan and said, "Mr. Ferguson said that he would convey it to Paris at the appropriate time."

"I didn't say anything, let alone convey anything to the Japanese." Cheng Qianfan smiled lightly, "This is just an exchange of business information between businesses."

"You are so hypocritical." Peter pointed at Cheng Qianfan, and then he smiled, "But this time I like your hypocrisy."

Cheng Qianfan looked surprised.

"The Japanese want to attack that big stupid bear. You help the Japanese as a messenger to promote this matter because the Japanese attack Soviet Russia will slow down the pace of continuing to invade China." Peter talked eloquently, "Cheng

, my friend, you love your country and you are willing to do things for this suffering country."

Cheng Qianfan was stunned. He looked at Peter in astonishment. He didn't know what he had done to cause Peter to misunderstand him so much.

Seeing Cheng Qianfan's surprised look, Pitt secretly praised his friend's excellent acting skills. He blinked and made a sealing gesture near his mouth, meaning:

My friend, shut up, I understand you!

After Peter left, Cheng Qianfan sat there and thought for a while. At this time, the gramophone made a rustling sound, which suddenly made him understand something:

Pete may have had some sort of 'misunderstanding' about him because of the songs on this record.

Then, a smile appeared on Cheng Qianfan's lips, he shook his head and sighed.

This vinyl record was given to him by Sanbonjiro. Records of anti-Japanese songs were contraband in Shanghai and difficult to buy on the market, so Sanbonjiro personally took some for him from the confiscated contraband.

The reason for doing this was Sanbonjiro's idea. He asked Kentaro Miyazaki to occasionally listen to some anti-Japanese records in private, and even secretly read anti-Japanese books occasionally, in order to send certain signals to people who paid attention to Cheng Qianfan. The ultimate goal was

Attract the Chongqing military commander, or the central commander to recruit Cheng Qianfan.

Especially regarding the military command, Cheng Qianfan took great care of Zheng Weilong during his crisis. Zheng Weilong also expressed his intention to recruit him at the beginning, so it was a natural thing for Cheng Qianfan to join the military command.

However, Zheng Weilong had left Shanghai for more than half a year, but he still had not sent anyone to contact Cheng Qianfan.

In this regard, Sanbonjiro's analysis is that the military commander is still relatively cautious about developing Cheng Qianfan, and may be observing in secret to investigate Cheng Qianfan.

Therefore, Sanbonjiro decisively ordered Cheng Qianfan to listen to anti-Japanese songs and read anti-Japanese books to express his attitude. However, this should be done occasionally and not too obvious.

Kentaro Miyazaki, who had always hated China, had strong resistance to the section chief's order. In the end, under the severe scolding of Mimotojiro, Miyazaki Kentaro reluctantly expressed his obedience to the section chief's order.

In this way, Comrade Huo Miao, who has been doing counter-revolutionary work for so many years, can finally listen to anti-Japanese songs and read anti-Japanese books.

However, there are still regrets:

Sanbonjiro repeatedly ordered that he strictly prohibited Miyazaki Kentaro from reading red-related books!

Before leaving get off work, Su Zhe met Mr. Xiao Cheng unexpectedly in the corridor, and the two of them exchanged pleasantries without smiling for a while.

After going down the stairs and coming to the yard, Su Zhe finally couldn't help spitting and swearing.

Then all this was watched by 'Mr. Xiao Cheng' who was standing at the window. 'Mr. Xiao Cheng' opened the window and poured a basin of water down.

What a pity it was, it was such a cold day that Su Zhe was soaked in the rain.

"Assistant Su, why are you down there? I'm sorry, I'm sorry." 'Mr. Xiao Cheng' apologized quickly.

The police officers wanted to laugh, but they did not dare to offend Assistant Su.

Su Zhe was even more angry, but he didn't dare to get angry at 'Mr. Xiao Cheng' who had already apologized, so he stomped away angrily.

Looking at Su Zhe's leaving figure, Cheng Qianfan sneered. This scene happened to be seen by some patrolmen, but they all pretended not to see it and did not dare to say anything.

after an hour.

When night came in the most prosperous metropolis in the Far East, Su Zhe, who had changed his clothes, found a remote public phone booth.

He looked around cautiously.

Except for a little beggar shivering from the cold not far away, there was no one else.

Su Zhe frowned. Even though he was just a beggar and there shouldn't be any danger, out of caution, he still wanted to change places to make calls.

However, this public phone booth is already the most secluded one in the neighborhood.

The most important thing is that Su Zhe raised his wrist and looked at the time. There were only three minutes left before the scheduled call time. He didn't have time to go to the next public phone booth.

Su Zhe finally chose to take out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it, took two puffs, calculated the time, put in the phone coins, and asked for a phone call.

About two minutes later, Su Zhe hung up the phone, looked around, pressed his cap, and left quickly.

Less than a quarter of an hour after Su Zhe left, a man with a scarf covering half of his face came riding a foreign car and called.

He entered the phone booth and pretended to put in coins, but in the end he put in nothing.

The little beggar, who was shivering with cold, had already come to the phone booth to escape the cold.

The man who was about to make a call glanced at the little beggar, frowned slightly, and seemed to have cursed something.

The little beggar was so frightened that he turned his body and hid in a corner.

"Where are the guns and ammunition hidden?" Lu Xinge covered his mouth and asked in a low voice, pretending to be talking on the phone.

"Director Lin has made arrangements a long time ago." The little beggar immediately gave the address.

Lu Xinge nodded.

Director Lin is Lin Zhijian, who is responsible for the storage of guns and ammunition in the Shanghai District of the Military Command.

Previously, Lu Xingge asked Wang Ironmu for guns and ammunition, and Wang Ironmu called Lin Zhijian over. The man patted his chest and promised to give him as much as he wanted.

After getting the address where the gun was buried, Lu Xinge was about to hang up the phone and leave.

I saw the 'little beggar' hesitated to speak.

"If you have anything to say, just say it. There is no time to delay." Lu Xinge said directly.

"Someone called just now." said the 'little beggar'.

Lu Xinge did not speak, and motioned to his subordinates to continue. He knew that this subordinate of his was a dwarf and always pretended to be a child, so he would not attract attention. Because of this cover, he could often get important information.

"That man spoke Japanese." said the 'little beggar'.

"Huh?!" Lu Xinge's expression became serious.

This place is relatively remote. Most people don't come here to make phone calls. Most people come here to make calls because they want to avoid suspicion for some reasons and don't want to attract attention. For example, men want to be lovers, women steal men, or they are like

This type of person is engaged in secret work or has a secret identity.

A person who came here secretly and made a phone call spoke Japanese, so his identity seems to be obvious.

At the same time, the French Concession Special Party Group held a temporary emergency group meeting.


Comrade ‘Flame’.

Comrade ‘Piano’.

Comrade ‘Flying Fish’.

"What? You said Zhang Ping and Shuli Zhao might be our people?" Lu Dazhang exclaimed.

Lao Huang also suddenly looked at Comrade Huo Miao.

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This chapter has been completed!
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