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Chapter 335 Bamboo Forest

"Mother Lu, let's warm the bird's nest again. It's almost time for the husband to come back." Bai Ruolan stood by the railing on the second floor, holding the railing with her hands, and whispered towards the downstairs.

"I know." Mother Lu agreed, and then looked at the wind and rain outside the window, "Madam, it's raining so hard outside, you'd better rest early, I'm downstairs."

"I slept a lot during the day." Bai Ruolan said with a smile, "Mother Lu, have you hidden the wine?"

"Hidden." Mother Lu smiled and nodded.

Mr. Cheng liked to drink. Mrs. Cheng was worried about his health, so she hid all the good wine at home.

First there were car lights, and then there were voices outside.

"Madam, it's your husband who's back." The guard outside called the internal line to report.

The door opened, and a gust of cold wind rushed in.

"There is wind at the door." Cheng Qianfan said quickly towards Bai Ruolan who was about to walk over.

The little maid Li Zi took the top hat, helped Cheng Qianfan take off his windbreaker, and hung it up carefully.

She sniffed secretly, and there was a faint smell of perfume on her clothes.

Bai Ruolan noticed Li Zi's movements and her face turned cold.

Teng Teng Teng, Bai Ruolan walked over in a few steps, picked up the collar of the windbreaker, smelled it, and gave her husband a fierce look.

"I don't care how many vixens you have outside, you must always remember, not only for me, but also for the sake of the child in my belly." Bai Ruolan snorted.

"Okay, okay." Cheng Qianfan scratched the bridge of Bai Ruolan's nose, "What are you talking about?"

With that said, Cheng Qianfan stood up, stepped forward and put his arms around his wife's shoulders, "Are you good today, little one?"

"It's so windy and rainy, I won't come back early." Bai Ruolan glared at her husband and said, as if she didn't want to change the subject.

"Yuan Kaizhou served as a host for his birthday, and after dinner he went to dance in the big world. It's hard to refuse such hospitality." Cheng Qianfan took the bird's nest cup handed over by Lu's mother and placed it on the coffee table. "Something delayed me on the way back."

Bai Ruolan took a deep look at her husband, then yawned, "I'm going to bed, Lizi."

Xiao Lizi was blinking at the side with his big eyes, secretly watching with relish. He made an ooh and hurriedly followed to help his wife.

Cheng Qianfan looked at the backs of the two of them and chuckled in a silly way.

He sighed in his heart, he had made Ruolan worried again.

After taking a bite of the bird's nest, 'Mr. Xiao Cheng' squinted his eyes, seeming to be extremely satisfied, and sighed comfortably. However, behind that satisfied expression, there were too many worries.


Lao Huang glanced at the tired and panting Lu Dazhang, "It's time for you to exercise more."

Lu Dazhang wiped the rain off his face and ignored Lao Huang.

In order to deceive others, he first pretended to go home, and then rushed on foot. In such bad weather, this speed was already quite good.

However, the person who criticized him was Lao Huang, so Lu Dazhang had to endure his temper.

Although Lao Huang seems to be an old drunkard, in fact Lao Huang's personal force value is among the best in the Special Branch Red Team. At one time, he was the second best action expert in the entire Red Team after Comrade "Zhulin", and later Comrade "Chenzhou" came from behind.

, 'Chen Zhou', 'Zhu Lin', and 'Yuchang' are the three strongest action masters of the Teko Red Team.

"It's a good weather." Lu Dazhang glanced at the dark night sky and said.

"Hmm." Lao Huang also glanced at the rainy night and nodded.

Strong winds, heavy rain, and broken windows gave 'Yuchang' and 'Flying Fish' the best operating environment.

Old Huang stuck his head out of the window, and then landed like a nimble old cat.

As expected, due to leakage caused by heavy rain, the two agents in the pavilion moved their beds away from the windows. Coupled with the heavy wind and rain, the two of them did not notice Lao Huang's entry at all.

Lu Dazhang was riding on the window edge. He did not jump down. He held a Mauser pistol in his hand, like an owl in the dark night, quietly watching everything.

In Lu Dazhang's eyes, Lao Huang was as steady as an old dog, walking low and silent in the darkness, perfectly avoiding all obstacles, and pounced towards the target.

Lao Huang covered an agent's mouth and then stabbed the dagger directly into the agent's throat.


Cover your mouth so you can't make a sound.

The second step was to stab the throat directly, and then pull it horizontally to cut the throat directly. The blood that poured out blocked the trachea. If Huang let go at this time, the other party would no longer be able to make any sound.

The smell of blood alerted another agent.

Almost as soon as the opponent opened his eyes, Lao Huang rushed forward and suppressed the opponent.

Puff puff.

The dagger stabbed the opponent's chest hard.


The agent's screams before his death pierced the night sky.

Lu Dazhang's face changed slightly, and he pointed his gun directly at the door of the back room.


Lao Huang kicked open the door and at the same time threw a stringed grenade in.

Then there were random gunshots.

Then there were screams of terror.


Lu Dazhang was still riding on the window edge at this time and did not make any unnecessary movements. However, he did not know when a steel helmet was fastened on his head, which was used to resist the shrapnel of grenades that might fly.

It was quiet inside the house.

About a minute later, Huang took out another grenade from his body, pulled the string, paused for a few seconds, and then threw it out.


After several screams, the room became quiet again.

Lu Dazhang was still hiding quietly at the window edge.

Lao Huang pulled out the shell gun from his body, turned off the safety, and entered the back room unhurriedly.


Lao Huang 'touched' the light switch.

Almost as soon as the lights came on, gunfire rang out.

Then there were several more shots in succession.

Looking at Chen Xiangjun who had been hit by multiple bullets and shrapnel, and even had a large piece of flesh cut open by shrapnel on his face, Lao Huang remained silent.

"Brother Jiang." Lu Dazhang finally couldn't hold it back and shouted outside.

"Fourth, come in." Lao Huang replied.

Lu Dazhang jumped down from the window, took two steps with the gun in his hand, and was about to enter the inner room, but he turned around and fired a shot into the dark.

The agent who survived being stabbed several times in the chest by Lao Huang with a dagger twitched on the bed and became completely motionless.

"Cunning." Lu Dazhang glanced at Chen Xiangjun's body and already understood what had just happened.

Chen Xiangjun was hit by two grenades, but still survived. She faked her death and waited for Old Huang to come in and turn on the light.

The moment someone came in and the lights came on, Chen Xiangjun fired.

However, Huang, who was well prepared, dodged it, and then decisively fired several shots to kill Chen Xiangjun completely.

"It has to be you." Lu Dazhang took a deep breath, "If it had been anyone else, they might have been fooled."

"He can't run away." Old Huang took out the cigarette case from his body and lit a cigarette. "He thought I was the only one and didn't know you would be hiding outside."

Lu Dazhang didn't say anything. He squatted down and stared at the dead Chen Xiangjun.

Lao Huang stopped talking and took two more puffs of cigarette. "Let's go. Although it's windy and rainy, and this place is remote, it's better to be careful."


The two of them took another look at Chen Xiangjun's body and left in silence.

Facing this traitor who had been in their hearts day and night and wishing they could eat his flesh alive, and this shameful corpse, the two of them felt little pleasure in having their great revenge avenged.

Sad, sad, and most of all missing.

However, a few seconds later, Lu Dazhang returned to the back room and shot a few more times at the corpse of the other agent, then Chen Xiangjun, and finally the corpse in the pavilion whose throat was cut by Old Huang. They were all shot again.

After doing all this, a relieved smile appeared on Lu Dazhang's face, and he and Lao Huang disappeared into the rainy night.

"Good habit." Lao Huang said dullly.

Lu Dazhang hummed and said nothing more.

Lao Huang understood and stopped talking.

Cheng Qianfan was sitting on the sofa in the living room.

He is no longer eating bird's nest.

He drank brandy and smoked a cigar.

Cheng Qianfan felt happy after killing Xiaosi.

He has already investigated clearly and found that Comrade Liao's sacrifice was directly related to Xiao Si.

It was Xiao Si who led the people to arrest Zhuang Ze, who was promoting anti-Japanese propaganda among college students.

Zhuang Ze could not survive the punishment and became a shameful traitor.

Later, it was Xiaosi who led people to follow Zhuang Ze around, and finally encountered Lao Liao, which led to Lao Liao being exposed and being followed.

Old Liao Yao'er likes to drink sorghum wine.

Lao Liao also likes to drink sorghum wine.

Lao Liao's family, his sons, daughters, including his wife also like to drink.

Cheng Qianfan felt that he should buy a bottle of sorghum wine and have a few drinks with Lao Liao's family.

But he couldn't do that.

Hidden work doesn't mean you can let your emotions run wild when you think no one is paying attention.

Even at this time, Comrade Huo Miao still strictly restrained himself and could not let his behavior go out of the way or any details that might be suspected or associated with.

This strict restriction is the ‘flame’ and the ‘flying fish’, and is one of the most important reasons why the ‘fish intestine’ can survive to this day.

At this moment, the phone rang.

When the three bells rang, Cheng Qianfan grabbed the receiver and said, "I'm Cheng Qianfan."

"What do you mean? Sorry, I typed it wrong." A hoarse voice said on the other end of the phone.

Then the phone was hung up.

Cheng Qianfan slowly put the microphone away.

There was a cigar in his mouth and a brandy bottle in his hand. He was slightly tipsy and swaying as he walked towards his study on the second floor.


Two steps!

Three steps!

Thirty one.

Entering the study, Cheng Qianfan was still unhurried and placed the brandy bottle on the desk.

Then he turned around, closed the door, and bolted it.

Turned on the desk lamp.

The curtains were drawn.

Then he picked up the brandy bottle from the desk.

One hand is holding a wine bottle, taking a few sips from time to time, and the other hand is holding a cigar. The young comrade "Huo Miao" seems to be drunk, he is dancing.

His mouth was slightly open and he didn't make any sound, but his mouth shape was cooperating and 'singing':

The blood in my heart is already boiling;

Fight for the truth!

The old world is in ruins!

Slaves, get up!

stand up!

Don’t say we have nothing;

We want to be the masters of the world!

This is the final fight!

Unite until tomorrow!

Intrachonal must realize——

Comrade "Flame" raised his head, held out his chest, stood at attention, and saluted!

Tears streaming down my face!

He missed Comrade "Zhulin" so much.

"Captain, Daou is back."

"Come in."

When Da Ou walked into the captain's office, he saw Wang Kangnian's eyes were red and bloodshot, but his hair was meticulously taken care of. He held a cigarette between his fingers and looked at him with cold eyes.

While coughing violently, she looked at him.

Daou's eyes dodge, not daring to look into Wang Kangnian's eyes again.

Wang Kangnian took a puff of cigarette, and then coughed violently.

"Captain, if Fourth Brother is here, I will definitely not let you smoke." A subordinate couldn't help but persuade.

"Yes, Xiaosi will never let me smoke, he will persuade me." Wang Kangnian put down the cigarette and put it out in the ashtray.

He looked at Daou and said, "Xiaosi died, but you came back alive."

Da Ou's face immediately turned pale. He took advantage of the night and the heavy wind and rain to escape. Then he became frightened, confused, and didn't know where to go.

As a traitor, he knew very well that once people like him left the detective team and left the job of "traitor", they would probably not see the sun the next day.

By some strange coincidence, or perhaps subconsciously, Daou returned to the detective team station.

He thought extravagantly that if someone like him could escape, someone as smart as his fourth brother must be able to escape too.

At this moment, Daou's heart was shrouded in great panic.

As an old man who had followed Wang Kangnian during his days in the Party Affairs Investigation Office, he naturally knew the relationship between Wang Kangnian and Xiaosi, and Wang Kangnian's feelings for Xiaosi:

In the captain's heart, Xiao Si is his biological brother.

When Xiao Si was killed, he was also a victim and almost became the victim of a gunshot.

However, Xiaosi is dead and he is alive, and this is his sin.

Wang Kangnian didn't say anything, just stared at Da Ou.

Maybe ten seconds.

Maybe a minute.

Daou didn't know how much time had passed, but just when he was almost emotionally broken, he finally heard Wang Kangnian speak.

Wang Kangnian looked at him and said slowly, "Pei Jing died last month. Xiaosi was very sad. He said that there were fewer and fewer brothers coming from the Party Affairs Investigation Office."

With that said, Wang Kangnian kicked Daou to the ground, "You have to thank Xiaosi."


"Thank you, captain."

"Thank you Captain!"

When Da Ou saw Wang Kangnian frowning, he immediately felt happy and said, "Thank you, fourth brother, thank you, fourth brother."

Then he got up and ran out of the captain's office.

He just squatted outside the office. In the cold winter in Shanghai, Daou felt as if he had been lifted out of the water, with sweat all over his body.

As soon as the biting cold wind blew, Daou jumped up and ran away.

After a while, he hid in a corner sheltered from the wind, sat on the ground, and said feebly, "Thank you, fourth brother, thank you, fourth brother."

The next day, early in the morning.

"Old Huang, you are scaring the farmers." Mr. Xiao Cheng came to Lao Huang's medical room with a pot sticker wrapped in oil paper in his hand, "It's you. After taking your medicine, the toothache is much better."

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