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 Getting married is tiring, but tiring and happy at the same time.

Although I took three days of wedding leave, those three days were like a war without stopping.

On May 2nd, I accompanied my wife and Xu Haoran back to their hometown in Linghai for a visit. On May 3rd, I went to Sigang’s hometown with my family to hold a banquet. On May 4th, I sent my wife and Xu Haoran away...

Unexpectedly, when I returned to work after vacation, the first joint training between the water fire brigade and the Binjiang fire brigade ushered in. To be precise, it should be a joint drill.

After reading the training plan drawn up by Fang Guoya and Deng Qikang, the captain of the Binjiang Fire Detachment, Han Yu couldn't help but laugh.

"Fang Da, aren't you afraid that your old comrades will deal with you?"

"First they want to see our jokes, and then they are not allowed to see us. They really think our water fire brigade is just for nothing."

"That makes sense. What time should we leave?"

"Let's go now."

"Okay, you go notify Zhang Ping and Xiao Gong, and I'll get the life jackets."

Of the three squadrons of the Water Fire Fighting Detachment, only the Bailong Port Squadron can actually fight on the water. The firefighters of the Binjiang Port Squadron are all security guards of the Port Authority. They can fight fires on the shore, but not on the water. They need to go through a period of training.

If Fang Guoya wants to defeat the old army, he can only return to Bailong Port to move troops.

Considering that the opponent had two squadrons, Han Yu felt that there were a little few people on his side. After thinking about it, he smiled and said: "Brother Chen, I don't have enough manpower here, so I can only recruit foreign aid with you. Call me and ask Ma Jintao."

Ask Yang Yong and the others if they are busy, and if not, invite them to participate in the drill."

Chen Zikun knew that he also wanted to show off to the Binjiang Fire Department, so he couldn't help but smile and said, "No problem, I'll contact them right away."

The location of the joint training is arranged in the oil company's storage area in Yingchuang Port.

There are three tall and large oil storage tanks on the shore, and there are oil pipelines and oil terminals on the riverside.

The leader in charge of fire safety of the oil company has arrived a long time ago and is organizing the corporate firefighters in the reservoir area to make preparations. They will join in later.

Han Yu did not invite Bureau Zhang. As a result, Binjiang Fire Brigade Captain Song Jiwei not only invited Bureau Zhang and Deputy Director Jiang in charge of the water fire brigade, he even invited Deputy Director Jing of the Binjiang City Bureau in charge of firefighting!

"Song Zhi, today's standards are a bit high."

"It's rare to jointly conduct a field exercise, so I definitely invite you and Jingju to come and take a look."

Song Jiwei raised his arm and looked at his watch, then smiled and said: "I also invited Director Peng, who should be here soon. This is a fire drill on the water and shoreline. He must come and take a look."

Jing Bureau knew very well that Song Jiwei was unhappy with the Changhang Branch Bureau building a water fire brigade, and wanted the Changhang Branch Bureau's fire brigade to see who was the professional one. He touched his chin and asked with a smile: "Song Branch, what time does it start?"

"It starts on time at ten o'clock, Director Zhang, why aren't your people here?"

"I don't understand the situation, Lao Jiang, please call and ask what's going on with Xianyu."

Deputy Director Jiang had seen the training plan and could almost conclude that it was not his subordinates who made a fool of themselves today. He looked at Jiang and said with a smile: "No need to call, they should be here soon."

Song Jiwei subconsciously asked: "Jiang Bureau, you mean Xianyu and the others are sailing over?"

"We are different from you. We have both a water squadron and a shore squadron. The water squadron is sailing over, and the shore squadron should probably arrive as well."

Just as he was talking, two white spots and two black spots appeared on the river surface.

Everyone looked up and saw the white dots and black dots getting closer and closer.

Section Chief Tong was well prepared and handed over two telescopes: "Dear leaders, those are the speedboats and assault boats temporarily recruited by our water fire brigade. We currently have no conditions to purchase the speedboats, so we can only borrow them from the Port Supervision Bureau and the Water Branch, but

I’ll definitely get on the assault boat.”

Song Jiwei held up the telescope and adjusted the focus. After watching it for a while, he felt a little disappointed: "I thought Xiao Han would bring the fire rescue boat."

"001 consumes too much fuel and is generally not easily dispatched unless there is an emergency."

As soon as Section Chief Tong finished speaking, the Binjiang Port Squadron of the Changhang Branch Water Fire Brigade arrived.

Two Jiefang trucks carrying high-pressure fire water cannons slowly drove into the reservoir area, followed by a crane, and finally an equally old Huanghe brand water tanker.

Although the three fire trucks of the Binjiang Fire Brigade are relatively old, they are professionally painted. The body is red, there are warning lights on the roof, and even the wheels are painted with white paint.

In comparison, the "fire trucks" of the Binjiang Port Fire Squadron are very unprofessional.

The leaders of the oil company and the corporate firefighters couldn't help but smile, thinking that they finally had peers.

A layman watches the excitement, an expert watches the door.

Song Jiwei walked to the convoy of the Binjiang Port Fire Brigade, climbed to the side of the carriage and lay down to look at the fire-fighting equipment installed inside. Then he looked back at the truck crane, jumped down immediately and asked: "Bureau Zhang, Bureau Jiang, purchase these two sets."

How much did the equipment cost?”

"More than seven hundred thousand."

"You can do it, we even have a truck crane."

"Xianyu borrowed it from the Port Authority."

“How long can the crane’s boom extend and how high can it be lifted?”

Zhang Junyan had long known that they were applying to buy a telescopic ladder truck. If a high-rise building caught fire, it could be used to rescue people trapped in the building, and it could also be used to spray water from the water gun on the top of the ladder to put out the fire.

But firefighting vehicles are very expensive, one costs 2.5 million!

The superiors have not provided any money, and the city has not allocated any funds. To this day, they are still using an old-fashioned ladder truck from more than ten years ago, and they can only climb the second floor.

In recent years, the buildings in urban areas have been getting taller and taller. Once a fire breaks out in a high-rise building, they will definitely not be able to put it out with their existing equipment. They can only ask the fire brigade of the neighboring cities for help.

Zhang Junyan could understand his feelings, scratched his neck and said: "I really don't know these parameters, why don't you ask Xianyu later."

Just as he was talking, Han Yu had already put on a life jacket and came ashore, trotting over to salute the leaders and say hello.

"Xianyu, answer Song Zhi's question first."


Han Yu saw that Song Jiwei was interested in truck cranes and said quickly: "Tell Song Zhi that we are recruiting a ten-ton truck crane. The boom can lift up to 15.5 meters, but the weight that can be lifted is inversely proportional to the height.

When the boom is fully extended and lifted to 15.5 meters, it can only lift 300 kilograms."

Fifteen point five meters, equivalent to the height of four or five stories.

Song Jiwei thought about it and asked: "What are those fasteners on the car used for?"

"To install the water hose, we made our own fasteners that can be used to install the water hose, and welded a hanging basket that can stand on people and can install high-pressure water cannons. Considering the weight of the water hose, especially after delivering water, we can only lift it during combat.

Ten meters, no matter how high it is, it won’t work.”

This is equivalent to a telescopic arm fire truck that can lift ten meters high!

Song Jiwei couldn't help but look back and asked: "How far can the water cannons on those two simple fire trucks spray?"

"Foam cannons can spray up to 85 meters, and high-pressure water cannons can spray up to 120 meters."

Han Yu paused and added: "Considering that we not only have to fight on the shore, but also on the water, the equipment on the two vehicles can be disassembled and shipped, and the truck crane can also play a role when dismantling and hoisting.


It doesn't matter whether you advance or not, what matters is whether it works or not.

When Section Chief Tong saw Deputy Director Jing of the Municipal Bureau thinking deeply, he said calmly: "The two sets of fire-fighting equipment on the truck were originally for ships, and the fire-fighting water cannons are also cannons. They are just like naval guns and shore guns."

Likewise, the guns on the ship are more powerful than those on the shore."

Jingju asked in a low voice: "Old boy, are you saying that these home-made equipment can function as well as professional fire trucks?"

Just as Section Chief Tong was about to speak, Song Jiwei smiled bitterly and said: "Jing Bureau, in terms of firefighting equipment, our detachment is eight blocks behind the water firefighting detachment. In actual combat, the three fire trucks directly under our brigade are not as good as the one they modified by themselves."

Fire truck."

"The equipment costs more than RMB 700,000, which is not very expensive."

"Jing Ju, Zhang Ju, they can do this, but we can't."


"These equipments need to be operated by people, and they all need experienced masters. The personnel of our detachment are mainly volunteers. How many years have they been in the army? How long does it take to learn to drive, how long does it take to learn to repair a car and how to drive a crane?


You fire officers and soldiers are brave enough to fight hard, but in terms of technology, you are outclassed by the corporate fire brigade of the Port Authority.

Zhang Ju was happy and said with a smile: "Xianyu, don't you want to practice? Start quickly."

Han Yu quickly stood at attention: "I am reporting to all leaders that our water fire brigade not only has to put out fires, but also carry out water rescue. Our firefighters have to experience water and fire, so the first subject today is water rescue."

"Organization and implementation."


Han Yu made a standard turn back, and then raised the intercom: "All units, please be aware that a ship has discovered that someone fell into the water two kilometers downstream of No. 38 Floating Boat, the exclusive channel of Yingchuang Port, and ordered you to quickly go to the rescue. Assault Boat No. 1 and No. 2

The assault boat No. 1 is responsible for rescuing people who fell into the water, and the No. 1 and No. 2 boats are responsible for guarding and warning passing ships to pay attention to avoidance."

"Binjiang Port Squadron received it!"

"Received from the First Squadron of the Directly Affiliated Brigade!"

"Set off."


Following Han Yu's order, two groups of firefighters who had already put on life jackets jumped into the assault boat and the speedboat borrowed from the Harbor Supervision Bureau and the Water Branch.

Deng Qikang thought he had good water skills, so he was the first to jump on the assault boat. It turned out that the assault boat was inflated and soft, and he couldn't stand at all. He fell down when he jumped on it.

Although the other carefully selected firefighters did not fall, they found out that the assault boat was too unstable after they came up. With the ups and downs of the waves, they felt that they would capsize at any time, so they hurriedly clung to the rope on the assault boat.

The three firefighters who got on the speedboat were slightly better. After all, the speedboat was relatively stable in the water, but that was only relative.

The police officers participating in the water fire brigade of the Changhang Branch are rich in experience. Fang Guoya, Zhang Ping and Xiao Gong are no longer seasick and not very scared. Chen Zikun, Ma Jintao, Yang Yong and other foreign aid have more experience in fighting on the water and do not care about this little wind at all.


Han Yu did not accompany the leaders to watch the water rescue drill. After giving the order, he ran to the dock and jumped on the water branch's speedboat and sailed the boat himself.

"Everyone stands firm!"

He looked back at the three officers and soldiers of the fire brigade, then looked at Deng Qikang in the assault boat on the left, lit the engine, and increased the accelerator.

Like an arrow from a string, the speedboat jumped out amid the roar of its motor, drawing a white line of water on the turbid river surface.

The two assault boats were driven by experienced old drivers, and they immediately followed them at full speed. The speedboat of the Harbor Supervision Bureau carried two brothers from the Water Branch and followed behind.

There was not much wind today. From the pier, the river seemed calm and calm. However, when we took an assault boat to the river, Deng Qikang and other officers and soldiers from the fire brigade finally understood what three-foot calm waves on the Yangtze River mean.

It's very bumpy, up and down, like riding a roller coaster. If you don't hold on to the rope tightly, you may be thrown off and fall into the river.

The river in this area is very wide, and although there are shoals and reefs everywhere, it has little impact on kayaks and speedboats.

Han Yu kept increasing the accelerator, and in a blink of an eye, the horsepower was at its maximum. His ears were filled with the whistling wind, and no one behind him could hear what he was saying.

The three fire officers and soldiers on the speedboat had pale faces and were holding on to the handrails, daring not to move.

The three fire officers and soldiers on the assault boat were even more uncomfortable. They soon became seasick, dizzy, and even dared not open their eyes.

One circle, two circles, three circles to simulate avoiding passing ships.

After several small-radius turns, Deng Qikang finally couldn't control himself. He clutched the rope tightly and lay beside the assault boat, vomiting.

He couldn't stop vomiting. As long as there were fire officers and soldiers on the boat, every one of them vomited.

This is just an appetizer!

Han Yu pretended not to see it, slowly adjusted the course, and drove the speedboat to waters with more complicated currents. The swells here were larger and irregular.

The speedboat and the Zodiac seemed to be dancing in the stormy waves, almost flying out of the water several times before falling heavily again.

Deng Qikang's face turned pale, his head was dizzy, and his chest felt like a river was churning. Just a moment ago, he could lie down and vomit outside. Now he didn't dare to look at the river at all. He could only close his eyes and vomit in the assault boat...

Yuzhi's boat was sailing too fast. Even though Fang Guoya had undergone anti-stun training, he still couldn't bear it. He hurriedly raised the walkie-talkie: "Report to Yuzhi, the target is found on your port side."

"Prepare lifebuoys and prepare to save people."


The simulated rescue was very successful, and it ended in forty-five minutes from departure to return to the oil company's reservoir terminal.

The officers and soldiers of the fire brigade who participated in the joint drill were all seasick. They were all helped to the shore, and they still needed help after landing. Their faces were pale, and there was vomit around the corners of their mouths, necks and bodies, and the smell was particularly unpleasant.

I originally wanted to show off my face, and even wanted to show off to the Li Gui Fire Department, but ended up losing face. This was a literal shot at myself in the foot.

Song Jiwei looked at the embarrassment of his subordinates, and then looked at Han Yu and others who were as if nothing had happened. He said with a bit of embarrassment and helplessness: "It seems that firefighting on the water is really different from firefighting on the shore."

Zhang Junyan and Bureau Peng of the Water Branch who had just arrived couldn't help but think of Wang Wenhong. They sympathized with Deng Qikang and others' feelings at this moment. They pretended to be nonchalant and said: "It's normal to get seasick when boarding a speedboat for the first time."

Director Peng held back his laughter and nodded: "Just drink some water and take a rest."

Jingju didn't expect that a simple water rescue drill would turn out like this. He thought about how they usually trained and how their physical fitness could be so bad. He said calmly: "Hurry up and arrange for someone to find some water."


A fire brigade cadre responded and hurried to find boiling water.

However, Director Peng just said it casually.

How can a person who has just been seasick eat or drink water? As soon as Deng Qikang took a few sips, Deng Qikang became nauseated and vomited again.

Fang Guoya made up his mind that he must leave a deep impression on his old comrades, otherwise he would still look down on the water fire brigade in the future. He turned around and looked behind him: "This is far from the tank area. You should be able to smoke. Mr. Deng, why don't you have a cigarette to refresh yourself first?"


Chen Zikun took out his cigarettes in a tacit understanding, took out one and stuffed it into Deng Qikang's mouth, then lit it with his back to the wind.

Deng Qikang subconsciously took a sip, which made him even more disgusted. He squatted on the ground and held Fang Guoya tightly while he vomited...

This chapter has been completed!
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