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Chapter 356 Every sentence is a camp (asking for double monthly votes)

 Jiangsu and Zhejiang Action Committee Rangers!

Its current name is the Loyalty and National Salvation Army.

"Are you sure that this person is a member of the Loyalty and Salvation Army?" Sanbonjiro asked.

"It's basically certain." Cheng Qianfan nodded and said, "Although I don't know if this person is still in the Loyalty and Salvation Army, maybe he is a deserter now, but it can be confirmed that this person once joined Dai Chunfeng's Rangers.


Sanbonjiro thought for a moment and pressed the bell on his desk, "Kikube, come here."

Soon, Hiroyuki Kikube knocked on the door and came in.

"Professor, please call me."

"Kikube, is there anything special happening with the Loyalty and Salvation Army?" Sanbonjiro asked.

The Loyalty and Salvation Army is an army, not an agent. Soldiers will not easily leave their base and appear in urban Shanghai.

In addition, the person Miyazaki Kentaro reported to was a "veteran" who joined the Jiangsu-Zhejiang Action Committee Rangers in the 12th year of the Showa era and was a member of the Rangers.

It is now the 14th year of the Showa era, and this person is most likely already a low-level officer in the Loyalty and Salvation Army.

When an officer of the Loyalty and National Salvation Army suddenly appeared in the French Concession, there must be something fishy.

"Something special?" Hiroyuki Kikube frowned and thought, "Section Chief, I need time to sort out the information."

Sanbonjiro frowned slightly and waved his hand.

Kikube Kano respectfully withdrew as if he had been granted amnesty.

Cheng Qianfan showed a surprised expression.

Sanbonjiro is a person who has extremely strict requirements for his subordinates. With Kikube's poor performance, in the past, Sanbonjiro would have been a big talker.

However, Sanbonjiro just frowned and did not get angry. This was definitely not because Sanbonjiro had changed his personality. There was only one reason, and that was that Sanbonjiro knew that Kikube Hiroyuki was busy with something very important recently, so that

There is no time to be distracted by matters involving the Loyalty and Salvation Army.

So, here comes the question, what is Hiroyuki Kikube busy with recently?

Cheng Qianfan felt that it was necessary for him to contact Kikube Hiroyuki to establish a relationship.

Kikube Hiroo came back with a stack of documents.

He flipped through the documents in front of Sanbonjiro and quickly found a piece of paper. He handed the page to Sanbonjiro with both hands, "Section Chief."

Sanbonjiro took the paper, lowered his head and looked at it carefully. Soon, his face turned cold, "Kikuchi Masataka appeared near the Zhongyi National Salvation Army station. Such important information, why was it not discovered earlier?"

"It was my subordinate's negligence." Kikube Hiroo said quickly.

Kikuchi Masataka?

"Kikuchi is the head of the Investigation and Liaison Section of Nishimura Class." Araki Harima explained in a low voice beside Kentaro Miyazaki.

"Investigation and Liaison Section?" Cheng Qianfan frowned slightly and thought.

"The main responsibility of the Investigation and Liaison Section is to contact the Chinese people who are friendly to the empire." Araki Harima explained, "This includes instigating rebellion and recruiting the Chinese army."

"That's it." Cheng Qianfan nodded.

His heart sank. The head of the Investigation and Liaison Section of the Nishimura Class appeared near the Loyalty Salvation Army's station. This information was enough to explain some problems.

"Be quiet." Sanbonjiro said in a deep voice, glaring at the two of them but not criticizing them for whispering to each other.

"Check whether Zhao Changgeng has left Shanghai?" Sanbonjiro thought for a moment and suddenly said.

"Hai!" Hiroyuki Kikube saluted, turned and left the section chief's office.

Zhao Changgeng!

Hearing this name from Sanbonjiro's mouth, Cheng Qianfan's heart was filled with ups and downs. He thought quickly in his mind, trying to tie up these messy threads.

Soon, the layer of fog in his heart was gradually lifted, and there was a faint chain that gradually became clearer.

Sanbonjiro couldn't help but shake his head when he saw Kentaro Miyazaki's expressionless face and no concern for the name Zhao Changgeng.

This guy Miyazaki is interested in the name Kikuchi Masataka because he is a member of the empire. This guy doesn't want to inquire about any information. It should be purely out of curiosity. As for the Chinese name Zhao Changgeng, Miyazaki has always been extremely

Those who despise Chinese people obviously have no interest.

This guy, let's say he is smart, is indeed very smart. Especially when it comes to making money, he is as shrewd as a fox. He also has a very keen sense of intelligence clues related to money.

However, at other times, unless he gave him a death order, Miyazaki would think seriously and complete the task brilliantly. At other times, this guy seemed to have lost his keen sense of intelligence. You know, for the extra-high-level courses

From a personal perspective, relevant information involving the Chinese is the most important and critical.

Of course, the most important reason may be that Miyazaki is lazy and has no motivation to pay too much attention.

"Miyazaki." Sanbonjiro couldn't help but said in a deep voice because he couldn't see Kentaro Miyazaki's work attitude.

"Search, my subordinate is here."

"Do you remember what I ordered you to look for the jewelry box last year?" Sanbonjiro asked.

"My subordinate remembers it." Cheng Qianfan thought for a moment and nodded, with a look of shame on his face. "That matter was my subordinate's incompetence in doing things."

Miyazaki Kentaro did find a jewelry box and gave it to Sanbonjiro. However, it was later verified that the jewelry box was not the one he was looking for. This incident also caused Sanbonjiro to lose face in front of Nishimura Ozo.

Sanbonjiro was very angry after losing face. Kentaro Miyazaki used the best red wine in his collection to calm down the anger of the section chief.

Sanbonjiro shook his head. He mentioned this matter not to bring up old matters again or settle old scores.

"An important person in Chongqing sent someone to contact Xia Houyuan privately." Sanbonjiro said, "The jewelry box is a token of contact."

Xia Houyuan?

Cheng Qianfan thought about it and said, "My subordinates remembered that this person was killed and the jewelry box was taken away from this person's home by police. It is precisely because of this that the section chief asked me to find a way to find the jewelry box from the evidence room.


"Xia Houyuan is dead, and the jewelry box is the token of trust between Nishimura and the contact person." Sanbonjiro said.

"That's it." Cheng Qianfan looked astonished.

The chain he had guessed in his mind was now becoming more and more complete and clear.

Zhao Changgeng is from Shanghai Station.

This person should have some connection with He Xingjian, the deputy commander-in-chief of the Loyalty and Salvation Army, and even the backer behind Zhao Changgeng is He Xingjian, but this relationship is relatively secretive.

He Xingjian had long had the intention of surrendering to Japan and treason, so he arranged for Zhao Changgeng to contact the Japanese through Xia Houyuan.

Perhaps this person was extremely cautious, or He Xingjian did not trust the Japanese that much. Therefore, after Xia Houyuan's death, the jewelry box was secretly obtained and destroyed by Cheng Qianfan, which directly led to the conflict between He Xingjian and the Japanese.

communications and negotiations have been affected.

The most direct result is that He Xingjian's Japanese investment behavior was delayed.

However, the contacts and negotiations between the two parties have not been interrupted, and the conditions for investment in Japan were finally reached recently.

"The place where Kikuchi Masataka's younger brother appeared was He Xingjian's defense area." Araki Harima said in a deep voice, "Now it seems that the important person in Chongqing behind Zhao Changgeng is most likely He Xingjian."

"As long as there are no accidents, that will be it." Sanbonjiro nodded.

At that time, Nishimura Ozo said that Zhao Changgeng had never revealed who was behind it. Mimotojiro was dubious about this, and even suspected that Nishimura Ozo deliberately concealed it.

Sanbonjiro then sent someone to secretly investigate the matter, and through Zhao Changgeng, they identified Kikuchi Masataka of Nishimura Class Investigation and Liaison Section.

However, the people in the special high school class were not careful enough, so they were discovered by Nishimura's class. Nishimura Ozo made a phone call to Sanbonjiro, and the two sides had a big quarrel.

Later, Nishimura Ozo took the lawsuit to the military headquarters in anger, and the military headquarters issued a special high-level course on literature and strictly ordered the special high-level course not to interfere with the important plans of Nishimura's class.

In this way, Sanbonjiro had no choice but to keep his tail between his legs. However, the special high school class did not completely restrain itself. The head of the class secretly ordered Hiroyuki Kikube:

There is no need to deliberately monitor Kikuchi Mataka, but if you happen to find his whereabouts, report it immediately.

At this time, Kikube Hiroo came back and said, "Section Chief, Zhao Changgeng secretly left Shanghai many days ago."

"Zhao Changgeng must be with Kikuchi Masataka." Araki Harima said immediately, "Section Chief, I can confirm that Kikuchi Masataka appeared in He Xingjian's defense zone with the purpose of recruiting and surrendering He Xingjian's troops."

"How many troops does He Xingjian have in his hands?" Cheng Qianfan couldn't help but ask.

"As the deputy commander-in-chief of the Loyalty and Salvation Army, He Xingjian directly controls the first column, as well as other closely related troops, with numbers ranging from 40,000 to 60,000," Kikube Kano blurted out.

He is responsible for the intelligence of the Loyalty and Salvation Army, so he naturally knows the situation of He Xingjian very well.

"If this is true, the Nishimura squad instigated the rebellion of tens of thousands of people from the Loyalty and National Salvation Army. This will be a great achievement." Cheng Qianfan looked shocked.

"Not only that." Sanbonjiro also showed a sour expression, "He Xingjian is a major general in Chongqing."

The eyes of Araki Harima, Kikube Hiroo, and even Miyazaki Kentaro, who has never pursued meritorious deeds, all brightened up.

Since the 'China Incident', there has been no precedent for a senior general from the national government to surrender. If a major general from the Chongqing government defected to the empire, not only that, but this person also led tens of thousands of troops to defect to the empire, this would be a historic event.

And the secret service that facilitated this incident will also make dazzling achievements! (PS2)

"Section Chief, we haven't eaten such a big piece of fat." Araki Harima, who always pursues meritorious service, had eyes full of regret and reluctance.

"Section Chief, are you just watching Nishimura's class enjoy such great achievements alone?" Hiroyuki Kikube couldn't help but said.

He felt the most regretful, and at the same time he was full of chagrin. If he had noticed that piece of information a few days earlier, and learned earlier that Kikuchi Masataka had appeared in the defense area of ​​the Loyalty Salvation Army, the Special High School would have made preparations earlier, and it would have been possible for him to get a share of the pie.


"It's too late." Sanbonjiro's face was gloomy, "This time, that guy Nishimura Ozo is going to be proud."

Araki Harima and Kikube Hiroyuki both sighed unwillingly.

The air is filled with the smell of rotten sauerkraut.

"The Chinese have a saying that eating alone does not make you fat." Cheng Qianfan said angrily, "The Nishimura class doesn't know how to divide and benefit the brothers' departments. It's really disgusting."

"What's the use of saying all this?" Araki Harima couldn't help but said.

Thinking of the military medal being left behind, Araki felt uncomfortable in his heart.

"If it were me, I would have a hand in everything. Even if I can't share any benefits, I would still take some action to make them sick." Cheng Qianfan muttered in a low voice.

His voice was low, obviously a man's way of venting his anger to himself, but it was 'just right' so that it could be heard by Sanbonjiro who was not far away.

"Bag duck falls!" Sanbonjiro heard this and became furious, "Stupid guy! What the empire needs is unity, not intrigue!"

"Hai." Cheng Qianfan was frightened. He didn't expect that his muttering to himself would be heard by the class principal. He was frightened and depressed.

"That man who is loyal to the National Salvation Army must be captured secretly." Sanbonjiro glanced at Kentaro Miyazaki and said.


Sanbonjiro waved his hand, and Kentaro Miyazaki hurriedly said goodbye and left as if he had been granted amnesty.

Got in the car.

Cheng Qianfan signaled Haozi to drive, while he himself closed his eyes and rested.

It seems that it is easy to get this important information today. However, among the clues is his step by step, or in other words, "every word is a step," so be careful.

The matter of the 'jewelry box' was something he knew.

When searching for information, the last thing he wanted to encounter was that he had learned some information before.

Now that he was mentioning the matter again in front of his enemies, he was more cautious than ever.

One is known as Kentaro Miyazaki.

One is from the identity of the Red Party's "Huo Miao", the military commander's "Blue Bird", and "Xiao Mian".

He must make strict distinctions and manage every expression meticulously. There must be no "showing off one's talents while others are wearing one's hat". Otherwise, given the suspicion and sophistication of Sanbonjiro and others, it is inevitable that something is unreasonable.

His every word, every expression, and when to adjust the emotions of Sanbon, Araki, and Kikube according to their different personalities are all meticulous work.

"Brother Fan, where are you going?" Li Hao asked.

"Go to the department store." Cheng Qianfan opened his eyes and said, "Buy some toys and milk powder for Zhima."

He was extremely anxious and wished he could meet with Sheng Shuyu secretly immediately to report this urgent information to Chongqing.

However, Cheng Qianfan has long adhered to a principle: the more urgent the information, the more cautious he must be. The period between receiving the information and sending it out is the most dangerous.

Even if you need to send information immediately, you must do so without panic.

In a word, do whatever you need to do and everything will be business as usual.

As the saying goes, be prepared for a rainy day.

Zhou Ru, who is good at cooking, has now gradually 'infiltrated' into the Cheng family and has become friends with Bai Ruolan. Before coming to see Sanbonjiro, Cheng Qianfan secretly ordered Zhou Ru to move with the camera.

At this moment, Zhou Ru should be accompanying Bai Ruolan to visit the department store. At that time, Xiao Cheng would meet his wife and the little cook unexpectedly.

Special Higher Education Course, Division Director's Office.

Sanbonjiro's brows furrowed and his eyes darkened.



"Forget it, you go about the business at hand first." Sanbonjiro shook his head and looked at Araki Harima, "Araki."


"Take a group of people to the He Xingjian headquarters of the Loyalty and National Salvation Army." Sanbonjiro's eyes were dark and dark, "Nishimura-kun is short of manpower, and Kikuchi is a reckless guy. I am worried that something will go wrong, so we have to take the initiative to help.


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This chapter has been completed!
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