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Chapter 357 Urgent need (asking for double monthly votes)

 Hook was leaning against a corner with a toothpick in his mouth, silently looking at the pedestrians coming and going in order to find a suitable target.

He just recently came to Shanghai to seek life.

Before I came to Shanghai, I heard too many rumors about how prosperous and wealthy Shanghai is.

So much so that Gou Zi always thought that Shanghai was full of gold, and he could pick up gold nuggets by bending down.

In this colorful world, it must be extremely simple for a clever person like me to stand out.

The thought is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

Hook looked at his relatively clean clothes. This was the bottom line he had set for himself, and it was also an important feature that distinguished him from other beggars.

Yes, he is a beggar now.

To be more precise, these beggars have a special name: Kaitianmen.

One type is begging from house to house. If the other party doesn't give money, he will show his special skills. For example, he will take out a knife from his pocket and cut his forehead, causing blood to flow freely.

Seeing the tragic scene of blood flowing all over the ground and face covered with blood would make people feel horrified.

The beggar pretended to have lost too much blood and fell to the ground in a daze, letting the blood continue to flow.

The host was frightened, fearing that the beggar would die in front of his house. Frightened and frightened, after finally taking out the money, the beggar who was dying just picked up the banknotes and ran away dripping with blood.

There is another method that uses disgusting methods, such as deliberately hitting the abdomen with a fist, and then vomiting; or even trying to get some croton, first holding it in the buttocks, asking for money, but to no avail, then it is unscrupulous.

As soon as the pants are taken off, it's like a thunderbolt meal. In short, it's a nasty way of forcing the other person to be disgusted and unable to eat for half a month. Eventually, he can't stand it anymore and has to pay for it.

Of course, this kind of evil behavior is the easiest to get beaten.

In his heart, Gouzi probably despised these colleagues who were either 'intimidating' or 'disgusting'.

He considers himself a cultural person.

From a distance, he saw an extremely beautiful woman walking down the street, accompanied by a woman who looked like a 'big maid'. Hook observed it carefully. Although he also saw someone who looked like a bodyguard standing by, but...

He still identified this beautiful woman as his target.

Because the bodyguard was far away, did not follow closely, and did not clear the way ahead, this shows that this lady has a gentle personality and does not like to be public.

Such a wife or young lady is the easiest to be kind-hearted.

The hook immediately springs into action.

After careful observation, he confirmed the most likely path for the lady to travel, and then walked there in advance.

Then, he knelt there.

There was a large piece of white paper beside him. On the paper, he wrote his name, life experience and sufferings with a brush.

He probably came from a scholarly family, but he was born into troubled times and unfortunately fell into trouble.

The handwriting is delicate and beautiful. This good handwriting alone is enough to attract passers-by. Especially the hook itself is handsome and cleanly dressed, which is more likely to attract sympathetic ladies and ladies to stop.

A handsome young man from a scholarly family is the best way to win sympathy when he is in trouble.

With a sad look on his face, Hook glanced at the lady approaching step by step from the corner of his eye, and Hook began to look forward to it.

Then he heard the 'eldest maid' next to the lady cursed 'bad party'!

The bad party is the name for people like them who sit on the ground and write about their misery and beg.

Seen through?

Gouzi was not panicked. He raised his head, his delicate face showing a bit of confusion and sadness.

This is his magic weapon. Every time he does something, he has a high probability of success.

“Where did the ‘bad party’ come from? Let’s just die.”

'Big maid' scolded again.

Then there are words such as 'I have no eyesight', 'My brain is crazy', 'Idiot, I am laughing to death' and so on.

Hook continued to pretend to be confused, but he was still angry in his heart. He had been smart since he was a child, and he didn't like people calling him "fool" or anything like that.

And be patient.

For a smart person like him to be called a fool, this meant that he was successful, and he comforted himself.

"It seems that the reputation of Mr. Cheng of my family is diminishing day by day." The very beautiful lady spoke and said with a smile.

Then, Gou Zhu, who had a 'confused' look on his face, saw the lady showing disgust.

"You are young, you have hands and feet, you don't know how to support yourself, but you pretend to deceive others about your kindness. It is really disgusting." The beautiful wife said coldly.

Then, after the wife and the maid walked away, a group of bodyguards in black suddenly appeared from nowhere, tore up the white paper on the hook, and beat and kicked them.

"Bah!" A mouthful of thick phlegm spat on Hook's bruised and swollen head.

"Mr. Cheng often told me that I have a soft-hearted and kind-hearted character, and I am easily deceived." Bai Ruolan seemed to have not seen what happened behind her, she pursed her lips and smiled, and said a little helplessly, "So, for this

He is such a liar, so he confessed again and again, so he had no choice but to behave like a wicked person."

"My wife saved that man." Zhou Ru said with a smile, "If my wife was really defrauded of money by that man, this person would be in serious trouble without Vice President Cheng saying anything."

Bai Ruolan smiled when she heard this. She liked this Miss Zhou very much. Although she knew in her heart that her husband and other women who were jealous were just playing tricks on each other out of helplessness, she still felt a little uncomfortable in her heart. Those jealous women were jealous.

Of course, quarrels are not all acting.

On the other hand, this Miss Zhou Ruzhou, although her appearance is not superior, is still above the standard. However, Miss Zhou does not give people the feeling of being a 'little vixen', which makes her very reassuring.

"Brother Fan..."

As soon as Mr. Cheng showed up, the person in charge of Bai Ruolan's safety immediately came up to report what had just happened.

"Are you sure it's an ordinary 'bad party'?" Cheng Qianfan nodded and asked casually.

"This man's name is Gouzi, and he only appeared on the street recently." Datou said, "He must be a new comer to make a living. Although he knows your name, Brother Fan, he is ignorant."

"If this person appears next to my wife next time." Mr. Cheng walked towards his wife with a smile on his face, "Feed the fish."

"I understand." Datou nodded.

If this person tries to get close to his wife again, it means that he is not just a "bad party", but may have malicious intentions.

"Let me see, what have you bought?" Cheng Qianfan came up, took the initiative to give his arm to Bai Ruolan, and asked with a smile.

"I bought some toys and milk powder, as well as new clothes and snacks for Xiaobao," Bai Ruolan said.

Mrs. Cheng naturally doesn't need to carry big and small bags when shopping. Whatever she likes, the store will directly write it down and someone will send it to Cheng's house later.

"Ha, that's a coincidence." Cheng Qianfan smiled and said, "I also wanted to buy some milk powder toys, and then I saw you guys from a distance."

Bai Ruolan was tired from walking and was thirsty. Xiao Cheng always loved his wife and went to buy hot milk for his wife and a bottle of Coke for himself. (PS2)

Seeing this, Zhou Ru naturally hurried forward to greet him.

"There is an emergency." Cheng Qianfan handed the hot milk to Zhou Ru and said with a Coke bottle in his hand, "He Xingjian, deputy commander-in-chief of the Loyalty and Salvation Army, is suspected of leading his troops to surrender to the enemy."

Zhou Ru was shocked, but she had a smile on her face, as if she was discussing some interesting topic with Xiao Cheng.

"Did the telegram also say 'suspected'?"

"No." Cheng Qianfan took a sip of coffee and said with a tasteful expression, "Reliable intelligence shows that He Xingjian led his troops to surrender to the enemy. It is extremely urgent."

"I understand." Zhou Ru handed the hot milk back to Cheng Qianfan.

"Where are you going, Miss Zhou?" Bai Ruolan asked casually as she took the hot milk from her husband's hand.

"Zhou Ru said you felt arrogant, so I asked Zhou Ru to prepare some specialty side dishes and bring them over in the evening." Cheng Qianfan said.

"Ah," Bai Ruolan said with a smile, "I have to feed Sesame, so I can't eat anything too salty."

"It's better to have a few bites." Cheng Qianfan sat next to his wife and put his arms around her waist, "You can't have a small one and suffer a big one."

When Zhou Ru came to the Cheng Mansion with several appetizing side dishes, a top-secret message from Shanghai intensified the already uneasy atmosphere at No. 19 Luojiawan, Chongqing City.

Dai Chunfeng, deputy director of the Military Command Bureau, had a solemn expression. Beside him, Mao Shun was holding a folder and recording quickly.

"Diagram." Dai Chunfeng said.

"Jinhua will transfer this to Brother Bai: Representatives from the Beijing and Shanghai detachments, have they arrived in Jinhua? I miss you so much!"

After a pause, Dai Chunfeng took a sip of water and continued, "Recently, the commissioners sent to various detachments in Shanghai are often unable to cooperate sincerely with the heads of each detachment. They are often suspicious of each other, and some even provoke incidents."

"This is because the abilities of the personnel we dispatched are uneven, and they may have selfish intentions or lack of understanding of the general situation, which may lead to this."

"However, it is unavoidable that the leaders of each detachment want to support troops for self-defense, or in the name of saving the country, seek personal promotion and wealth, and eliminate dissidents."

Having said this, Dai Chunfeng hesitated, as if he was thinking about it.

"Commander, if you speak so bluntly, do you need to soften your words?" Mao Shun asked cautiously.

Dai Chunfeng said nothing and raised his eyes to look at Mao Shun. With just one glance, Mao Shun felt that his whole scalp was numb and his spine was covered with cold sweat. He quickly lowered his head, not daring to say another word.

Uncle Qi Wu is usually responsible for recording the secret messages between the bureau chiefs. However, just before that, Qi Wu went out on urgent matters, and he was temporarily responsible for recording the messages. He had seen his uncle chatting and laughing with the bureau chiefs, and even commented on some of the bureau chiefs' remarks. He couldn't hold it back for a moment when he expressed his opinion in words, but he didn't expect...

Dai Chunfeng pondered for a moment, and then continued, "Therefore, I ask you to enlighten all the representatives and explain them sincerely, so that we can make improvements in the future and avoid humiliating the loyal and loyal National Salvation Army. Regarding the inappropriate behavior of the commissioners, I have already reported it to the railway station. Mu Yanxing corrected it. My brother, Chunfeng, knocked."

Mao Shun handed the folder to Dai Chunfeng.

Dai Chunfeng looked at it carefully and returned the folder to Mao Shun, "That's it, let's send the report."


After Mao Shun left, Dai Chunfeng sat on the sofa and rubbed his temples tiredly.

Brother Zuobai, Yu Zuobai, the other deputy commander-in-chief of the Jizhong Salvation Army, is currently in Jinhua. This message is to urge Yu Zuobai to go to southern Jiangsu in an effort to ease the relationship between He Xingjian and Yang Hu.

About half an hour later, Dai Chunfeng put on his coat and was about to go out when he saw Qi Wu coming with a solemn expression.

"Secretary, there is a call from the Shanghai Special Situation Team." Qi Wu handed the message in his hands to Dai Chunfeng with both hands.

"It's about He Xianjian." Qi Wu said in a low voice.

Dai Chunfeng's expression became solemn and he immediately looked down.

Then, his expression changed drastically.

"Reliable intelligence shows that He Xingjian led his troops to surrender to the enemy. It's urgent!" Dai Chunfeng slapped the message on the table and said in a deep voice, "It's just three sentences, but there are no more sentences?"

"Maybe it's because information is extremely rare and the matter is so important that I don't dare to delay at all." Qi Wu thought for a moment and said.

"A dignified major general, tens of thousands of troops!" Dai Chunfeng showed a look of pain, "How can it be decided in just three sentences in a telegram!"

"The Bureau." Qi Wu was silent for a moment, and finally said, "'Xiao Mian' must have gone through a lot of hard work to find out the information. They have tried their best in such a short period of time. Maybe the accuracy of the information is worth it." Debatable, but..."

Dai Chunfeng waved his right hand, "No need to say more, I know that with Xiao Mian's character, I am not very sure that he will not use the words 'reliable information'."

Crossing his hands and rubbing them together repeatedly, Dai Chunfeng gritted his teeth, "Even if the information is not absolutely accurate, the fact that that boy dared to say that means that the situation is indeed very critical and we have to make the worst judgment."

"Boss, our little fellow has always been someone who dares to take responsibility." Qi Wu said at the right time, "This kind of courage is precisely out of loyalty to the bureau and his sincerity to the party and the country."

This matter was of great concern. A single telegram was related to the future of tens of thousands of troops and a major general in the national army. Qi Wu had no choice but to get vaccinated in advance and put in a few kind words for Cheng Qianfan.

For fellow villagers who would not pose a threat to his status and had always had a good relationship with him, Qi Wu always did not hesitate to add icing on the cake:

The reason why it was the icing on the cake rather than a help in times of need was because he knew how much the bureau chief valued and trusted Cheng Qianfan.

The bureau chief is happy to see him supporting the little fellow.

As the saying goes, keep your finger on the pulse and do what you like.

as expected.

"You, you." Dai Chunfeng pointed at Qi Wu, "Such a message, if there is anything wrong, it will be heard by heaven. That means you, Qi Wu, dare to speak for this kid."

"It's just a sincere heart." Qi Wu said seriously.

"Yes, with a sincere heart." Dai Chunfeng said with emotion, "'Xiao Mian' is so, and so are you. Jiangshan people are still trustworthy!"

"Boss, you need to make a decision early." Qi Wu advised.

"Yes!" Dai Chunfeng nodded.

This telegram from 'Xiao Mian' is too short, there are no more words, it is really too few words, and the matter is shocking. However, no matter what, 'Xiao Mian' has issued a warning of '100,000 urgent', indicating that even if

Xingjian has not surrendered to the enemy for the time being, but the matter has at least reached a point where it is out of control and must be dealt with immediately.

"Mimic electricity." Dai Chunfeng thought for a moment, his expression became more gloomy, and finally he said in a deep voice.

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