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Chapter 361 Check Wang Kangnian!

"Section Chief Mingjian." Cheng Qianfan showed an expression of admiration, "My subordinates only judged from their impression and understanding of Wang Kangnian that he is a very cautious person, but after all, he was not as thorough as the Chief thought."

Sanbonjiro laughed. Miyazaki's expression just now was a little exaggerated. He naturally knew that Miyazaki Kentaro was flattering him, but he couldn't help it. This flattering made him feel very comfortable and he couldn't help but like it.

"After being inspired by the section chief, I remembered a detail." Cheng Qianfan calmed down his emotions and thought carefully.

He subconsciously sniffed the smell of tobacco between his fingers.

Mimotojiro pointed to the cigarette box on his desk and signaled Kentaro Miyazaki to please help himself if he has a craving for cigarettes.

Cheng Qianfan did not touch the cigarette box, but his attitude became more serious and respectful.

"When Wang Kangnian was in the Party Affairs Investigation Department, once a red party member was caught, he would interrogate him personally." Cheng Qianfan said, "It seems that Wang Kangnian was serious about his work and did it personally. Now it seems more like he did it intentionally.

, is to grasp the situation of the arrested red party as soon as possible."

As he said this, Cheng Qianfan rarely showed a hint of admiration, "Judging from this intelligence alone, it is indeed consistent with the identity of the Red Party's ace agent 'Chen Zhou'."

He was very careful with his words and would never say anything from his own mouth that could confirm that Wang Kangnian was Chen Zhou. However, every word he said contained this hidden meaning.

"Not only that, most of the Red Party members who were interrogated by Wang Kangnian were tortured but died." Sanbonjiro said solemnly.

"This is silencing." Cheng Qianfan said immediately, with a look of ridicule on his face, "The Red Party has always claimed that so-called comrades are like-minded people and a revolutionary friendship, but they did not expect that they would be so cruel and ruthless."

Sanbonjiro shook his head slightly. He had a deeper understanding of the Red Party than Kentaro Miyazaki. He might not be completely silenced, but could also be sent to the road in person. Death would be a relief.

Cheng Qianfan looked at Sanbonjiro with expectation, "Section Chief, arrest him. Catch Wang Kangnian. My subordinates will torture him personally. Wang Kangnian will definitely speak."

This guy Miyazaki is blatantly seeking public revenge.

Sanbonjiro glanced at Kentaro Miyazaki, feeling a little tired. If Miyazaki had not always been loyal to him, and his sincerity was visible to the naked eye, he would have slapped him.

"Don't rush to take action." Sanbonjiro said in a deep voice, "investigate Wang Kangnian secretly and comprehensively, collect and consolidate evidence."

"Section Chief, when will we need evidence for arresting people in our special higher education course?" Cheng Qianfan asked eagerly.

"Of course you don't need evidence to arrest people." Sanbonjiro shook his head, "The purpose of collecting evidence is to further understand the situation about Wang Kangnian."

The eyes of the head of the Shanghai Special Higher Education Course flashed with a cold and cruel light, "'Chen Zhou' is a senior agent of the Red Party. Around 'Chen Zhou', the Red Party must have a very high-level and hidden team to serve him.


"I understand." Cheng Qianfan suddenly realized, with an excited look on his face, "Use Wang Kangnian to dig out the 'Chenzhou' team."

"Miyazaki, your structure is too small." Sanbonjiro shook his head, "With the level of 'Chenzhou', it must be directly controlled by the senior leaders of the Shanghai Red Party."

His heart was also full of enthusiasm. Using Wang Kangnian as a big fish, the Special High School even hoped to directly destroy the high-level organization of the Red Party in Shanghai.

"The section chief is thoughtful and far-sighted, and my subordinates admire him very much." Cheng Qianfan expressed compliments and admiration.

Sanbonjiro smiled proudly. He knew that Kentaro Miyazaki would flatter him, but he was not angry. On the contrary, he was looking forward to it and kept waiting.

This guy Miyazaki did not disappoint, it was very comfortable to shoot.

"The Special Higher Education Department will investigate Wang Kangnian, but you are more aware of Wang Kangnian's situation." Sanbonjiro ordered, "Miyazaki, you will also conduct a secret investigation."

"Hai." Cheng Qianfan said thoughtfully, "The Party Affairs Investigation Office wants to arrest and interrogate red party members. Whether it is a secret arrest or through normal procedures, it cannot bypass the concession. When my subordinates return, they will check the files of the patrol house.


"Focus on the investigation of those who were arrested by Wang Kangnian. After Wang Kangnian's interrogation, they quickly chose cases of betrayal to the Red Party to investigate." Sanbonjiro pointed out.

"What does the section chief mean?" Cheng Qianfan somewhat understood, but didn't seem to fully understand.

"Let's find out what happened to these people who betrayed the Red Party." Sanbonjiro grinned, looking quite pleased with himself.

"These people...the ending." Cheng Qianfan thought about it for a while, his eyes lit up, "I understand."

He looked at Sanbonjiro with eyes full of emotion and admiration, "Search, my subordinate seemed to understand something just now. After the section chief's guidance, I suddenly understood the joints involved."

He couldn't help but shake his head, "Why didn't my subordinates think of this at once when it seemed so simple?"

Sanbonjiro laughed loudly.

"Madam, the young master is really good at eating." The wet nurse said with a smile, "I have nursed many young masters and ladies, but I have never seen him so good at eating."

Bai Ruolan looked at the sesame seeds sucking her head down, a motherly light blooming on her face.

Although there is a wet nurse, Bai Ruolan still tries her best to feed her baby by herself. This is what her mistress taught her, saying that if the baby drinks more milk from her mother, the baby will naturally become closer to her.

In fact, Sesame's food rations come not only from Bai Ruolan and her wet nurse, but also imported milk powder from Germany and France. There are many cans of imported milk powder from different brands and countries at home. Whichever one Sesame is used to eating, she will exclusively eat this one from now on.


"Xiaolan." He Guan came in carefully holding a small clay pot, "This is the white rice that Commander Chen specially ordered the cooking team to send."

Huang Xiaolan was born prematurely, the mother was malnourished and her milk supply was insufficient.

The child was so hungry that he cried.

When the commander found out, he scolded He Guan, saying how could a man let his wife and children go hungry? After scolding him, the commander fell silent.

The Japanese army has tightened the blockade of the Maoshan base area. Now the soldiers even count the salt particles in the vegetable soup they drink.

Comrades from the underground party in Jurong came to the base area to report on their work, and tried their best to get a bag of white rice and some bacon to improve the commander's food.

The commander divided a bag of white rice into seven or eight portions and distributed them to doctors at the base hospital and malnourished mothers like Huang Xiaolan.

The cured meat was also sent directly to the hospital to improve the food for the patients.

He Guan got about ten kilograms of white rice. These precious white rice were boiled into rice soup to nourish and fill the belly of little Shengli who was not full of milk.

Yes, why bother naming your child Victory!

What a victory!

It means both looking forward to the victory of the Anti-Japanese War and the victory of the revolution.

The rice soup has been sitting for a while and is now warm.

Why use a small spoon to feed your child rice soup?

"We suffered so much that I didn't even frown." Huang Xiaolan couldn't help but shed tears as she looked at the child with her eyes closed, eating rice soup one mouthful at a time. "This child has endured hardship since he was born. I feel sorry for my daughter.


"So we must fight against the Japanese more resolutely. Once the Japanese are beaten away in the future, we must build a new China without poverty or oppression!" He Guan suppressed the apology to his wife and daughter in his heart and said with a smile, "Our revolution has won, a small victory.

You will be able to live in New China in the future.”

Huang Xiaolan glanced at the skinny He Shengli and murmured, "The revolution is victorious!"

Yes, He Shengli is a little girl.

"The three principles put forward by Comrade 'Xiang Wu' are so good." Commander Chen looked excited, raised the document in his hand, and said happily.

"Yes, these three principles point out the direction for the further development of our New Fourth Army." Comrade Gu Ying nodded.

Just a month ago, Comrade "Xiangwu" was entrusted by the instructor comrades to travel from Chongqing via Luling, Jiangxi to the New Fourth Army headquarters in Yunling, Jing County, southern Anhui.

Comrade "Xiang Wu" conveyed the headquarters' strategic policy on "developing anti-Japanese forces in central China" and held a meeting with the leaders of the New Fourth Army to formulate the development policy of the New Fourth Army:

Head north!

Fight eastward!

Strengthen your current position!

Comrade "Xiang Wu" made a report entitled "The Current Situation and the Tasks of the New Fourth Army" at a cadre meeting held by the New Fourth Army's military headquarters.

The report pointed out that the area where the New Fourth Army operates is the eastern part of China under enemy occupation, which has a large population, convenient transportation, fertile land, developed economy, and high cultural level.

The New Fourth Army must compete with the invaders politically, economically, culturally, and militarily.

Also at this meeting, Comrade Xiang Wu proposed three principles for the development of the New Fourth Army behind enemy lines:

Wherever there is emptiness, we will develop there.

Wherever there is danger, we will go to that place to create a new activity area.

Wherever there are enemies and puppet troops, without our Chinese army, the New Fourth Army will have no choice but to develop there.


The guard placed the Japanese map captured in the "Battle of Wei Gang" on the old table.

The commander held a lantern and looked across the map.

Finally, his eyes were fixed on a certain spot on the map.

"This is the heart of the Japanese army." Comrade Gu Ying took a look and said, "However, as Comrade Xiang Wu said, the most dangerous places require us to develop and fight."

The commander nodded, "The enemy!"

The two put their heads together and soon started a heated discussion.


The place that both the Commander and Comrade Gu Ying attach so much importance and concern to is naturally Shanghai.

The enemy's blockade of the Maoshan Anti-Japanese Base Area became increasingly tight, and the base area lacked food and clothing.

Many strategic materials, especially medicine, cloth, paper, etc., are in urgent need of replenishment from Shanghai.

After discussion, the commander and Comrade Gu Ying agreed that channels for supplies from enemy-occupied areas such as Shanghai and Nanjing to enter the New Fourth Army's activity areas must be opened.

After discussion, the two decided to immediately report to the New Fourth Army headquarters in Yunling, Jing County.

Cheng Qianfan did not leave the Japanese Army Hospital.

He insisted on staying in the hospital and waiting for news:

The life and death of his friend Araki Harima was uncertain, and he had trouble sleeping and eating.

Finally, the door of the operating room opened, and the nurse pushed Araki Harima out after the operation.

"Araki-kun!" Cheng Qianfan immediately stepped forward.

Because of the anesthesia, Araki Harima was still unconscious and there was not much blood on his face, which was a sign of severe blood loss.

"How is Mr. Araki?" Cheng Qianfan asked eagerly.

"Who are you?" The doctor glanced at this guy who was also wearing a doctor's uniform and a mask that covered his mouth, nose and most of his face.

"I am Araki-kun's friend." Cheng Qianfan said, looking at Araki Harima with worried eyes, "How is Araki-kun's injury?"

"The operation was successful and the bullet has been taken out." The doctor nodded. "The main reason was excessive blood loss. The wounded man was lucky and the bullet did not hit the vital part of the abdominal cavity."

Cheng Qianfan breathed a long sigh of relief and was very excited, "Great, great, great."

"Sir, the injured needs to rest." A nurse couldn't help but said.

"Excuse me." Cheng Qianfan quickly gave way. Seeing Araki Harima being pushed away by the nurse, he still couldn't bear the excitement in his heart and waved his fist vigorously, "Great."

The surgery of his friend was successful and he was basically out of danger. Kentaro Miyazaki was in a good mood and left the Army Hospital with peace of mind.

Hou Pingliang drove "Mr. Xiao Cheng" away from the Japanese Army's Shanghai Army Hospital. As soon as he passed a Japanese army checkpoint, the bulk of his brothers with another car came to greet him immediately.

"Brother Fan, are you going home or not?" Hou Pingliang asked.

"Go home." Cheng Qianfan said, then he hesitated, pressed his temples, "Go back to the patrol room."


"Also, please remember to inform Datou Lu later and ask him to come see me immediately."


No. 22, Xue Huali Road.

The deputy chief inspector's office was brightly lit.

Cheng Qianfan was sitting behind his desk, looking through files carefully.

Da Toulu, who hurried from home, knocked on the door of Xiao Cheng's head office.

"Here we come." 'Mr. Xiao Cheng' raised his head and glanced at Da Toulu, "It's really cold outside in this damn weather. Pour yourself a cup of hot water and warm yourself up by the fire."

"Yes!" Da Toulu was not polite to the 'old officer'. He poured a glass of water and held the enamel jar with both hands. He felt warm at first, and then felt a little hot, so he simply changed hands back and forth.

"I'll give you a task." Cheng Qianfan closed the file in his hand and said.

"Inspector, please give me your instructions." Da Toulu quickly put down the teapot, stood at attention and said.

"Don't be restrained." Cheng Qianfan waved his hand.

"Yes!" Datou Lu nodded with a smile, but after all, he still didn't touch the enamel jar again, and his attitude became more respectful.

"Check Wang Kangnian." Cheng Qianfan looked at Datou Lu with a solemn expression and cold eyes, and said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" Da Toulu said immediately, but soon he showed hesitation again, "Inspector, Wang Kangnian is from the Detective Brigade of the Shanghai Special Municipal Government Police Station... There are Japanese behind him."

"I said, check Wang Kangnian!" Cheng Qianfan gave Da Toulu a cold look.

"Yes!" Datou Lu immediately saluted, "Lu Hu will obey the order and investigate Wang Kangnian!"

"You don't need me to tell you about Wang Kangnian's previous identity." 'Mr. Xiao Cheng' was playing with the lighter in his hand. There was a click, and the lighter emitted flames. Then he closed it, and there was another click, and the flame started again.

He looked at Datou Lu and said calmly, "Check, among the red gangsters Wang Kangnian captured, which ones were killed by him, which ones opened their mouths, and whether those who opened their mouths are still alive and where they are."

Bang, Xiao Cheng always slapped the lighter on the table, with a sinister expression, "Allah, knock it to death, only three will be defeated!"

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