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Chapter 369 Strategic Level Agent

 "Come in." Junzaburo Ikeuchi said in a deep voice.

"Your Excellency, Commander." Zuo Shangmei Jin came in, bowed respectfully, and then stood aside respectfully without saying anything else.

Kawada Atsuhito glanced at the young man, then bowed to Junzaburo Ikeuchi, "Your Excellency, Commander, I'm going out first."

"Hmm." Junzaburo Ikeuchi nodded.

Kawada Atsuto ignored Umezuzumi's friendly smile on the left and turned around to leave.

This made Zuo Umezu secretly smile bitterly in his heart.

Young men from noble families are the most troublesome creatures. You never know when or because of something you might accidentally offend them.

"How is the situation?" Junzaburo Ikeuchi picked up the calligraphy work he had just written and admired it for himself. He seemed to be quite satisfied with today's work and nodded frequently.

As he said that, he glanced at Umezu Zumi on the left, his eyes full of expectation.

"'Qizui' must have spoken. He told the 'first officer', and the police raided the Xinxin Hotel on Nanjing Road." Umezu said on the left, "The two sides had a gun battle inside the Xinxin Hotel."

"Is there a problem with time?" Ikeuchi Junzaburo put down his 'calligraphy work' and asked.

"Judging from the time, the patrol room should have launched the arrest operation not long after the confession." Umezuzumi Zuo said, "However, to get a more accurate time of the confession, we need to wait for more specific information from insiders."

"Where is Kentaro Miyazaki?"

"Kentaro Miyazaki did not choose to personally direct the operation. He stayed in the patrol room and waited for news." Umezuzumi said on the left.

As he spoke, he looked thoughtful, "Your Excellency, Commander, based on the current feedback, there should be no problem with Kentaro Miyazaki's loyalty to the empire. He may not be the person we are looking for."

Junzaburo Ikeuchi then took out a flower from the blue and white porcelain vase, put it to the tip of his nose and smelled it, then threw the flower aside, "Do you know, Zuo Shang-kun, how a hound identifies and locks its prey?"

"The upper left man lives by the sea. There are no mountains and forests nearby and he lacks hunting experience." The upper left Umezu said respectfully.

"Eyes, ears, nose!" Junzaburo Ikeuchi looked seriously at the young officer whom he valued highly, "The eyes see, the ears hear, and the nose smells. The three sensory nerves work together to tell the brain that

It’s just prey.”

"I understand, upper left."

"What do you understand?" Junzaburo Ikeuchi asked.

"Never draw conclusions prematurely about anyone or anything. My judgment about Miyazaki Kentaro today is only based on my 'eyes'." Umezu thought about it and said, "The eyes may be damaged.

Blinded, but not the ears and nose.”

"Top left, our target this time is very cunning. This is a cancer that has been hidden within our side for a long time." Junzaburo Ikeuchi said in a deep voice, "To find this cancer, we need exquisite medical skills, and even more lasting treatment.

Patience and meticulous work style.”

"Hai." Umezuzumi on the left put his feet together, lowered his head, and bowed.

Junzaburo Ikeuchi looked at Umezuzumi on the left, "How is Naito Tsubasa's reaction to this matter?"

"Naito-kun should be a little disappointed in his heart, but he insists that he is not targeting Kentaro Miyazaki because of personal grudges." Umezu said on the left, "Furthermore, according to the observations of his subordinates, Naito is suspicious of Miyazaki.

The reason is that, apart from the fact that Kentaro Miyazaki was angered by the assassination of His Excellency Nagatomo Akio to a certain extent, there should be other things to hide."

"Once the seeds of doubt and anger appear, they will sprout in the heart. Many times, our judgment will be affected by the subconscious." Junzaburo Ikeuchi shook his head slowly. Suddenly, he asked Umezu, the upper left, "Regarding Naito's analysis

, what do you think?”

"There is no substantial evidence pointing to Kentaro Miyazaki, but if the involvement is loose, it seems that they can be inextricably linked to Kentaro Miyazaki." Umezuzumi frowned and said in thought.

He looked at Junzaburo Ikeuchi, "As the Commander said, when we have doubts about someone, our thoughts and judgments will be subconsciously affected at certain moments and continue to extend in a certain direction.


As he spoke, he smiled bitterly, "Just as I have been with Naito-kun for a long time and listened to his analysis of Kentaro Miyazaki many times, in fact, I have begun to subconsciously pay special attention to Kentaro Miyazaki.

The eyes are clear, maybe it is still a little short of suspicion, but this itself is an unnatural judgment."

"Perhaps this subconscious feeling is just an existing prejudice." He thought for a while and continued.

"This is what I appreciate about you." Junzaburo Ikeuchi nodded slightly, with a look of satisfaction on his face.

Zuokami Umezu was influenced by Naito Kotsubo, and he himself had certain preconceptions about Miyazaki Kentaro. In addition, there are more important reasons that made Zuokami Umezu have a "prejudice" against Miyazaki Kentaro.

However, he was not affected by this 'prejudice' and was able to look at things from a more objective perspective and perspective:

Judging from the current situation, Kentaro Miyazaki is loyal to the empire - although this judgment is a bit arbitrary and hasty, it is enough to illustrate the objective attitude of Zuo Umezu!

"Your Excellency, Commander, now that the patrol room has arrested the 'first mate', what's our next step?" Umezu asked on the left.

"Based on your judgment, how much important information does the 'first officer' have in his mouth?" Junzaburo Ikeuchi asked.

‘Qiuzui’ was secretly arrested by the Military Police Headquarters, and even though he was tortured, he confessed to the ‘first mate’. However, the Military Police Headquarters never took action against the ‘first mate’, as they were preparing to take a long-term approach to fishing for the big fish.

Throwing the 'first officer' out to test Kentaro Miyazaki this time was originally an emergency measure.

The Military Police Headquarters is still very much looking forward to the information from the ‘First Officer’.

"'Qiuzui' itself is an important lurk personnel deployed by Zhongtong in Shanghai, and 'First Officer' is the first line of 'Qiuzui', which in itself shows that 'First Officer' should have a relatively important position within Zhongtong's Shanghai District.

Or position." Zuo Shangmeizumi said thoughtfully.

"You go to see Su Wenxi." Junzaburo Ikeuchi said, "Through the Shanghai Municipal Government, ask the French Concession Patrol Room for the Chongqing Japanese haters."

"Hai." Umezuzumi on the left bowed and saluted before saying goodbye and leaving.

Junzaburo Ikeuchi was alone and lost in thought.

Testing and tracking an Imperial Special High School agent who broke into the patrol room was such a trivial matter that a senior Imperial general of his level should not be concerned about.

However, since the matter was serious, he had to condescend.

There was a small-scale conflict between the Araki-Harima Division of Geint High School and the Nishimura Banjuike Masataka Division. The Military Police Headquarters intervened in the investigation of the matter on orders from the Military Headquarters.

The real purpose of Junzaburo Ikeuchi is not just to take the opportunity to defeat the Nishimura class and the special high school class, his goal is He Jianjian.

The military attaches great importance to the national general who led the 50,000 loyal and righteous National Salvation Army to surrender, and has prepared to take the opportunity to establish the Second Route Army of the 'Anti-Red National Salvation Army', with He Xingjian as the commander-in-chief of Lieutenant General He Xingjian.

In this way, He Xingjian will become the Chinese general who has the largest number of troops in the entire Jiangnan region and has defected to the empire.

As the commander of the military police, Junzaburo Ikeuchi knows the situation in Shanghai and Jiangnan best. He knows that in order to maintain public security around Shanghai, He Xingjian, a local snake in Shanghai, will play an unexpected role, not to mention that this local snake also brings 50,000 people with him.


Even for Junzaburo Ikeuchi, the commander of the Shanghai Military Police Headquarters, He Xingjian was worthy of the treatment he condescended to make friends with.

Junzaburo Ikeuchi sent Umezuzumi Zuo to secretly contact He Xingjian and expressed to him the friendship from His Excellency Commander Ikeuchi.

Faced with the olive branch extended by General Junzaburo Ikeuchi, commander of the Shanghai Military Police, He Xingjian was overjoyed.

Between the Nishimura Class, the Extra High School Class and the Military Police Headquarters, He Xingjian naturally knew which one to choose as the most solid backer.

In order to "repay His Excellency General Ikeuchi's friendship," He Xingjian revealed to Zuokami Umezuzumi a piece of top-secret information that he had been hiding in his heart and planned to reveal to Nishimura Ozo at the right time:

Military Tong has a strategic-level agent lurking inside the Japanese side in Shanghai.

This news shocked Zuo Umezuzumi, but he was not shocked. After all, the empire and China had been fighting bloody battles on the intelligence front for many years.

The empire has planted many high-level spies within China, and the Chinese will naturally find ways to plant lurkers on the empire's side.

What really shocked Zuo Umezu was the detailed description of this military strategic-level agent lurking within the empire by He Xingjian, a major general of the national army:

After the Marco Polo Bridge Incident, the Japanese cabinet held an emergency meeting to discuss the strategic approach to further use of troops against China.

On the third day after the Japanese cabinet had just formed a secret resolution to increase troops, the content of the resolution appeared on Chang Kaishen's desk.

The horrified Umesumi Zuokami immediately reported this information to Junzaburo Ikeuchi.

The resolution of the imperial cabinet meeting appeared on Chang Kaishen's desk on only the third day. This is definitely a shocking intelligence leak.

Moreover, according to what He Xingjian told, the leak of this intelligence should have occurred in Shanghai.

The empire actually lurks a strategic-level agent from Chongqing in Shanghai!

Junzaburo Ikeuchi attaches great importance to it.

The military police agency carefully studied the time clues provided by He Xingjian on the leakage of the contents of the imperial cabinet meeting resolution, and discovered a detail.

Although this cabinet resolution is very confidential, it is only relative to China. In fact, it is not absolutely confidential within the empire. For example, the imperial embassy in China and consulates in various places, the middle and high-level imperial military

The generals and senior officials of Shanghai's major secret service agencies also received documents related to this resolution early.

After careful analysis, Zuo Umezuzumi believes that the most likely sources of leaks are the Imperial Secret Service in Shanghai and the Imperial Consulate General in Shanghai.

Umezuzumi on the left explained the reason for his suspicion to Junzaburo Ikeuchi:

The military commander and the empire's secret service have been fighting for many years, and both sides know each other very well. It is precisely because of this understanding that the seemingly impossible matter of the military commander placing spies within the empire's secret service becomes possible.

As for the Imperial Consulate General in Shanghai, the diplomatic agency has access to a lot of confidential information, and because it is not a professional secret service, the internal confidentiality protection of the diplomatic agency is not that perfect.

In fact, Zuo Umezu also discussed the possibility of leaking secrets within the military. However, Junzaburo Ikeuchi directly rejected this possibility:

The Imperial Locust Army is absolutely loyal to Emperor Tian and cannot betray the Empire.

The military has a clear hierarchy, and those who have access to such confidential documents must be imperial officials or above, and it is impossible for loyal Locust Army officers to betray the Japanese Empire.

In this way, the target of suspicion was locked within the Japanese secret service in Shanghai and the Japanese Consulate General in Shanghai.

With such an exhaustive analysis, both Junzaburo Ikeuchi and Umezu Zuogami had to face a possibility that shocked them:

There is a high probability that those who have access to such level of intelligence are from the empire itself.

In other words, this strategic-level agent placed by the military commander within the empire is most likely a Japanese bribed by the military commander!

Once this analysis and judgment was made, Upper Left Umezu was horrified to discover that the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this possibility was extremely high:

Yes, only the Japanese will not arouse suspicion because they are members of the empire.

Only a Japanese who betrays the empire and is hiding within one's own side is worthy of the status of a strategic-level agent.

Junzaburo Ikeuchi has a selective attitude towards Umezuzumi’s analysis:

It is indeed possible that some imperial personnel were bribed by Chongqing.

This person is lurking within an important department of the empire.

This traitor must never appear in a military police station.

Junzaburo Ikeuchi and the young officer Umetsuzumi Zuokami, whom he admired a lot, further analyzed where this lurker might be lurking, and then the two began to analyze the empire's secret service in Shanghai one by one.

Among them, Shanghai Super High School, one of the most important opponents of the military in Shanghai, was the first to come into view.

And almost as soon as the special high school course entered the scope of their consideration, a long-standing and familiar name entered their minds:

Setouchi River!

Yes, it was Seto Uchigawa, the number one traitor in the Imperial Secret Service!

There is a precedent for traitors in the special higher education courses.

What happens once happens a second time!

The Military Police Headquarters quickly and carefully investigated the story of Seto Uchigawa's betrayal of the Empire and analyzed it in detail.

Then, the military police discovered a detail——

Seto Uchigawa and Liu Bo, this person has a certain intersection with Kentaro Miyazaki who broke into the patrol room and pretended to be Cheng Qianfan!

Before that, Tsubasa Naito had found Umezuzumi Zuo to investigate Kentaro Miyazaki. In this way, Kentaro Miyazaki really came into the sight of the Military Police Headquarters.

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