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Chapter 371 Angry Sanbonjiro

 Xiaochi took the document bag but did not open it to read.

He looked at Kentaro Miyazaki in confusion, "Miyazaki-kun, why don't you hand it to the section chief yourself?"

When Koike received a call from Kentaro Miyazaki requesting an urgent meeting, he thought it was an emergency, but he didn't expect that he was asked to help transfer a confession to Sanbonjiro.

It's not that this confession is unimportant, he was just a little surprised because Kentaro Miyazaki could see Sanbonjiro in person without changing hands with him.

"I'm not suitable to go to the extra-high school class today," Cheng Qianfan said.

Seeing that Kentaro Miyazaki did not continue to explain the reason, and Koike did not pursue the issue, he nodded and asked Kentaro Miyazaki if there was anything else he wanted to convey to Section Chief Sanben. Cheng Qianfan shook his head.

Xiaochi stuffed the document bag into his clothes to avoid getting wet from the rain. Then when he opened the door and got out of the car, he glanced at the passenger seat in front of him seemingly unintentionally.

Then, after he ran two steps, Li Hao came up to him and handed him the umbrella.

Cheng Qianfan watched Xiaochi get into the car, and the car's taillights quickly disappeared into the rain and fog.

There was a look of surprise on his lips, and then he smiled.

Xiaochi did not open the document bag to read, nor did he ask about the specific content of Qiaozui's confession, nor did he continue to inquire about the reason why he said that "today is not a good time to go to the special high school class."

In addition, inside the document bag, Cheng Qianfan deliberately placed a piece of paper coated with wax. This was a method taught by a Japanese instructor when he was receiving professional training in the extra-high school course. The information was coated with special wax and could be printed on the paper.

Waterproof to a certain extent.

Of course, the role of this wax-coated paper in the document bag is not as simple as waterproofing, but as a test.

Xiaochi stood up and left. When he picked up the document bag, he squeezed it, then shook it seemingly casually, and then the wax-coated paper that was originally placed near the seal fell down.

Then, when Xiaochi stuffed the document bag under his clothes, he placed the end where the waxed paper was, so that it could be protected from getting wet by the rain to the greatest extent——

This is a psychological subconscious protective reaction, and only the most important information will be waxed!

In fact, Xiaochi has always given the impression that Cheng Qianfan is very greedy for money, does not care much about other things, and is also lacking in professional abilities.

However, just now, the money-hungry Koike inadvertently showed the excellent qualities of an outstanding Japanese agent.

This was a testing opportunity deliberately created by Cheng Qianfan. In a hasty meeting in a very short period of time, people may inadvertently reveal some details that are usually well hidden under such circumstances.

Xiaochi is not simple!

In other words, Xiaochi disguised himself very well.

Cheng Qianfan played with the cigarette in his hand and smiled. Fortunately, his vigilance and caution were engraved in his bones. Before, even when facing the seemingly mediocre Xiaochi, he did not dare to relax in the slightest. Otherwise, he would really

It's hard to guarantee that nothing will happen.

"Brother Fan." Li Hao turned around and asked as he drove to an intersection.

"Go." Cheng Qianfan said with a smile.

He finally saw that Haozi doted on Xiaobao even more than he did.

There is a Shilin Cake Shop at the intersection. Last time Li Hao bought a snack from this cake shop, and Xiaobao liked it very much.

From then on, every time Haozi passed by this cake shop, he would want to buy some snacks for Xiaobao.

Hongkou District.

Extraordinary courses.

Sanbonjiro, dressed in a black kimono, sat cross-legged on the edge of the tatami, picked up the red wine in the cup, and tasted it carefully.

Opposite him was a short, somewhat obese man. He wore gold-rimmed glasses and had small eyes, giving him a rather eerie feeling.

"Sanbon-kun, after staying in bustling Shanghai for several years, you stopped drinking sake and fell in love with red wine." The middle-aged man with small eyes said.

"Sake has the taste of hometown." Sanbonjiro smiled slightly, "Red wine has the beauty of red wine."

As he spoke, he glanced at the other party and said, "If we estimate the time, there should be news."

"It should only be a day or two." said the middle-aged man with small eyes.

At this moment, a voice came from outside, "Section Chief, Ken Koike would like to see you."

"Ask him to wait for me in my office." Sanbonjiro said in a deep voice.


Sanbonjiro stood up and bowed slightly to the small-eyed man, "Kitashima-kun, please excuse me for a moment."

"Sanbon-kun, please go ahead." Bei Dao smiled slightly and pointed to a small dish on the tatami, "This dish is good."

"I'll ask someone to bring you another plate, Kitajima-kun, taste it slowly." Sanbonjiro laughed.

Taking the document bag from Koike's hand, Sanbonjiro glanced at the seal of the document bag seemingly casually.

"It was Miyazaki who called you and asked for an urgent meeting?" Sanbonjiro frowned slightly, "Why didn't he send the documents in person?"

"Miyazaki-kun said that he is not suitable to come to the special high school class today." Koike said.

Sanbonjiro nodded noncommittally, untied the zipper of the document bag, and took out the documents inside.

There are three pages of paper, two of which are the confession papers of Qiao Zui.

Another page was coated with wax, with a line written in pencil on it:

Zhongtong, Zhang Xiaolin, Wang Kangnian.

Among them, Zhongtong was circled by him, and then he put a question mark.

Sanbonjiro picked up the paper supply of ‘Tiaozui’ and read it carefully.

The contents of the paper can be summarized in one sentence, that is, "Qiuzui" was tortured, but he only confessed to his superior "first officer".

Moreover, according to Qiao Zui’s confession, the ‘first officer’ should be a person with considerable status within Zhongtong Shanghai District.

The order "Qiaozui" received ordered him to use Zhang Xiaolin's plan to attack Cheng Qianfan, frame Wang Kangnian's opportunity, and strive to get rid of Cheng Qianfan, or at least trigger a new round of fighting between Cheng Qianfan and Zhang Xiaolin, and to

The person who issued this order is the "first officer" on the line.

Sanbonjiro thought for a moment and understood why Miyazaki Kentaro added a question mark after enclosing Nakatō with a circle.

Although Qiaozui's confession was unmistakable, it was the 'chief officer' who ordered him to do it.

However, if we analyze this matter carefully, the Central Committee actually has no reason to take action against Cheng Qianfan!

You are the deputy chief inspector of the patrol house in the central area of ​​the French Concession. The most important thing is that Cheng Qianfan has great influence and power in the French Concession. And although Cheng Qianfan is superficially pro-Japanese, he has not openly defected to Japan.

Whether it was out of consideration of not provoking the French Concession authorities, or out of solidarity with more celebrities in Shanghai, or even considering that Cheng Qianfan's parents were national martyrs, the Central Government had no reason to eliminate Cheng Qianfan.

Sanbonjiro's face fell into deep thought.

Wasn't it done by Zhongtong?

However, the "crooked mouth" admitted that he was the President of the Central Government, and even revealed a high-level official of the Central Government in Shanghai.

This thing is indeed a bit strange.

In addition, there was another reason why Mimotojiro was upset. After reading these three pages, he didn't understand why Whitehouse Zaki Kentaro said that today was not a good time to come to the special high school class.

Then, Sanbonjiro's thinking about this matter focused on this thought.

Why did Kentaro Miyazaki say that today is not a good time to come to the special high school class?

Sanbonjiro frowned and thought.

He thought about this matter assuming he was in Kentaro Miyazaki's identity.

Miyazaki Kentaro believed that the Central Commander-in-Chief did not want to kill him, but the confession of "Tiaozui" was made under severe torture, and its authenticity itself has a certain degree of accuracy.

This is where the contradiction lies.

Miyazaki Kentaro thinks that he should not come to the special high school class at this time. What is he worried about?

Worried he's being watched?

Then, Sanbonjiro thought about this matter from the perspective of being "cocked" and from the perspective of Zhongtong.

The assassination of "Qiao Zui" was an assassination attempt, and the bullet failed to penetrate the bulletproof glass.

Did ‘Qiaozui’ not know in advance that the car window glass was bulletproof? Or did he know this in advance?

If it is the latter, it means that the assassination itself was not an attempt to kill Cheng Qianfan, but was more of a warning.

Is the Central Command using Zhang Xiaolin to arrange this assassination to warn Cheng Qianfan?

Then they secretly monitored Cheng Qianfan to see how Cheng Qianfan would react after being assassinated.

If Cheng Qianfan has secretly defected to Japan, then if such a big thing happens, no matter who arranges the assassination, Cheng Qianfan will contact Japan as soon as possible. This is to test and screen whether Cheng Qianfan has secretly defected to Japan.


This reasoning seems to make sense.

That makes sense... shit!

Sanbonjiro shook his head.

The biggest problem with this reasoning is that ‘Qiaozui’ confessed to the ‘first mate’!

The status and importance of the ‘first mate’ is obvious.

It is impossible for the Central Military Commission not to consider that once "Qiuzi" is arrested by the patrol room, there is a certain chance that the "first officer" will be revealed.

In other words, the Shanghai District of China should at least make preparations in advance, such as arranging for the "first officer" to evacuate temporarily.

However, in fact, it was not the case. "Qiuzui" confessed where the "chief mate" was hiding, and the patrol room caught the "chief mate".

This is where the contradiction lies.

Thinking of this, Sanbonjiro was upset and couldn't help but cursed "Bag duck falls".

He was scolding Kentaro Miyazaki.

Miyazaki, this bastard, couldn't he just say what he had to say directly? He actually let him, the head of the Super High School Course, spend so much time guessing here?!

The most important thing is that, according to Miyazaki Kentaro's logic, the answer to this question should be relatively simple, or at least relatively tacit.

However, the problem is that he did not think of the reason, which made Sanbonjiro even more unhappy.

"Search, Miyazaki-kun said that he is not suitable to come to the special high school class today." Koike couldn't help but asked again, "My subordinates don't understand."

"If you don't understand, think about it carefully." Sanbonjiro snorted and glared at Xiaochi, "Stupid guy!"

Xiaochi, who was scolded by the section chief, 'escaped' from the section chief's office.

However, he was soon called over by Sanbonjiro again.

"The 'First Officer' is currently at the police hospital on Terrastro Road." Sanbonjiro said solemnly, "Contact the French Concession and ask them to hand over this Japanese hater to us."

"Hai!" Xiaochi bowed, turned around and left in a hurry.

After Koike left, Sanbonjiro frowned, his face gloomy.

This matter revealed a lot of weirdness, which he couldn't see through for the time being, and he didn't like this feeling very much.

Back in the next room, Sanbonjiro looked calm, as if nothing had happened.

The two continued to taste wine and reminisce about old times.

At this moment, Kikube Hiroyuki came in a hurry.

"Section Chief, Hokko Maru Miden."

"It's finally here." Beichuan put down the wine glass in his hand with excitement on his face. He had been waiting for this telegram for the past few days.

Sanbonjiro also had an excited expression. He temporarily put aside other things in his mind. He took the message from Hiroyuki Kikube's hand and looked down:

The fish is on the plate and will arrive in Shanghai soon!

"Great!" Sanbonjiro was overjoyed.

"Yu Sheng" is the temporary code name given to Wang Chuanhai within the Special Higher Education Course.

A month ago, the Japanese government was shocked and frightened after receiving the report that Wang Chuanhai was assassinated in Hanoi.

Subsequently, the Japanese side immediately held a cabinet meeting of five prime ministers. The five prime ministers meeting decided to send Ying Zuo Zhenzhao and Inuyasu Ken and others to Hanoi to assist Wang Reclamation to the "safe harbor" controlled by Japan.

Yingzuo Zhenzhao and others took the "Hokuang Maru" owned by the Yamashita Society and rushed to Hanoi.

After receiving a telegram from Japan to send a ship to meet him, Wang Qianhai hesitated.

This is not because this person regrets his treason, but because——

Wang Chuanhai is a person who does not pay attention to national justice and only talks about grandeur. In fact, he is a person who pays attention to details and takes face very seriously.

He believed that boarding the Japanese Hokko Maru was unseemly. How could a future leader of a country escape on a friendly ship?

As a result, Wang Chuanhai and his party rented the French small freighter "Flinhaven".

It is worth mentioning that this is a small freighter with a displacement of only 175 tons.

The group of people boarded this small freighter and fled Hanoi in a hurry.

What they didn't expect was that the small cargo ship had a small tonnage and could not withstand the storms at sea.

Encountering a storm on the sea, the small freighter bumped violently and was surrounded by dangers.

Under this situation, Wang Chuanhai finally couldn't care about the so-called face. They quickly found a way to contact the Japanese and asked the Japanese to come to rescue.

At this moment, Beiguang Maru is also looking for Wang Qianhai and his party.

Yingzuo Zhenzhao was very angry. He was troubled by searching for Wang Chunhai, so he had to contact Sanbenjiro, who did not have a harmonious relationship with him, and asked Sanbonjiro to use his connections in Hanoi to find Wang Chunhai.


At this time, the distress telegram from Wang Canhai and others was sent out, and Sanbonjiro's old department in Hanoi finally got in touch with Wang Canhai.

The next day, the Hokko Maru of Yingzuo Zhenzhao and others finally found Wang Chuanhai and others who were in a panic. Wang was almost helped to climb into the lifeboat.

During the entire "rescue" process, Sanbonjiro made meritorious service. Therefore, regardless of his conflicts with the film director Zuo Zhenzhao, he eagerly looked forward to the Hokko Maru's smooth return to Shanghai.

Not to mention the great impact and significance brought by Wang's visit to Shanghai, only when things are done can his contribution be regarded as credit.

"Brother Fan, why didn't you choose to go to the extra-high school class today instead of letting Xiaochi come to see you?" Li Hao also asked this question to Cheng Qianfan.

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