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Chapter 400: I am Xu Guo

 Hao Zai was silent, he lit his cigarette and smoked it dully.

He didn't know how to comfort his deputy. If Zhao Yi was greedy for life and afraid of death, he could naturally rebuke him with confidence. However, people's hearts are full of flesh. How can he be emotionless when it comes to his wife, children, and children.

"What did the team leader say?" Zhao Yi took out another cigarette, lit it himself, and took several puffs in succession.

"This is the ticket to Hong Kong tomorrow morning." Hao Zai took out the ticket from his body and handed it to Zhao Yi, "The team leader will send someone to escort the younger siblings to Hong Kong. After arriving in Hong Kong, you can stay there or transfer to Chongqing."

Zhao Yi took the ticket and looked at it in his hand.

He asked Team Leader Xiao Mian for his opinion on the matter. Naturally, he did not expect Team Leader Xiao to refuse this order from the headquarters. Soldiers have a bounden duty to obey orders. This was an assassination order personally issued by Bureau Chief Dai Chunfeng. It was Team Xiao who

Leaders can only do what they are told.

Therefore, he asked about Xiao Mian's arrangements for his family.

The team leader did not disappoint him, and this ticket made Zhao Yi feel a little warm in his heart.

"You know it's hard to get a ferry ticket to Hong Kong," Hao Zai said in a deep voice.

Zhao Yi nodded. The telegram from Chongqing just arrived today. It was not easy for Team Leader Xiao to obtain the ferry ticket to Hong Kong in such a short period of time.


"Not enough." Zhao Yi shook his head.

Hao Zai frowned and looked at Zhao Yi.

"If I die, I will leave orphans and widowed mothers with no livelihood, and they may not be able to survive in this troubled world." Zhao Yi's fingers shook, and the ashes fell quietly.

Hao Zai was silent for a moment, then nodded, "The team leader has something for me to bring to you."

Zhao Yi looked up and listened.

"As long as he is still alive, he will not let his siblings and children starve and suffer." Hao Zai said.

Zhao Yi was silent in thought.

After a while, he raised his head and said, "The team leader has always cherished our lives. He is truly an admirable officer that is rare in Zhao Yi's life. Logically speaking, I should believe what the team leader says."

Hao Zai frowned, and he naturally knew that after saying 'it stands to reason', it would probably be followed by 'but'.

as expected.

"However." Zhao Yi looked at Zhong Guohao with a determined expression, "Tomorrow at this time, I will die for my country, leaving only my family alone. Although I trust the team leader, I only worry about the changing world. The sky is high and the road is far away. I may be in trouble for a while.

Possibility of care.”

After saying that, Zhao Yi stood up and solemnly clasped his fists towards Hao Zai, "Ten big yellow croakers, Zhao Yi will work hard for it."

Hao Zai did not shake his head or nod. He seemed angry, but not too angry. He stared at Zhao Yi and said, "You are not afraid that if I promise you today, if you leave tomorrow, this money will become a threat to the lives of my brothers and sisters.


"Don't be afraid!" Zhao Yi shook his head, "I trust you, brother Hao, and the team leader. As long as you promise, you will not bully me."

As he said that, he smiled bitterly, "Since Zhao Yi has decided to sacrifice his life for the country, he naturally deserves to be a good man. The only person he feels guilty for is his family."

He took out another cigarette, put it to the fire, and took a few puffs, but he kept coughing.

"I'm still alive now, so naturally I have to find a place for my wife, children, and children. As for what will happen after my death, whether I was deceived or not, that's beyond my control." Zhao Yi stared at the ground blankly, "I did what I should do.

You, the public, are worthy of your country, your private life is worthy of your family, and then you can leave with peace of mind."

"Brother Hao, please." When he raised his head again, Zhao Yi had tears streaming down his face.

"Damn Japs!" Hao Zai lowered his voice and growled, his eyes were red.

Zhao Yi just looked at him with tears in his eyes.

"I agreed on behalf of the team leader." Hao Zai nodded. He wanted to say something more, but in the end he didn't.

"Thank you." Zhao Yi clasped his fists.

A loaded Browning pistol.

A German-made M4 grenade.

There is also a dagger.

This is the assassination weapon Hao Zai brought to Zhao Yi.

"I planned to bring you an explosive pack, but the team leader vetoed it." Hao Zai said, "The Japanese will definitely be heavily guarded tomorrow. It's hot and they don't wear thick clothes, so it's hard to cover up."

"The team leader always thinks very carefully." Zhao Yi nodded.

The two did not discuss how to bring pistols and grenades in for the assassination tomorrow. It all depended on Zhao Yi's on-the-spot response and luck.

Because they all know that this assassination attempt is a risky gamble with a very small chance of success, or to put it more bluntly, Zhao Yi is a dead man this time!

"You leave a letter, and someone will bring the letter to pick up my siblings tomorrow," Hao Zai said.

"I'll write two letters." Zhao Yi thought for a moment and said, "I will tell Yun Hong that I don't plan to do anything for the Japanese anymore and let her take the child back to her aunt's house. You are the bodyguards I hired to escort her.

She leaves first, and I will think of a solution later."

"Wait until you take her to the dock and get on the boat before you read the second letter to her." Zhao Yi paused for a moment, with a painful expression on his face, and took a deep breath.

Hao Zai patted Zhao Yi on the shoulder. He knew that the second letter was the last one!

"The dagger is..." Hao Zai said.

"I know." Zhao Yi's face twitched and he forced out a smile, "I really don't want to die."

Hao Zai was silent, and he let out a long sigh, "Brother, shrouded in horse leather..."

"Ball." Zhao Yi interrupted Hao Zai's words. He cursed and finally sighed, "I want to live a good life in my next life."

Return home.

"Why haven't you eaten?" Zhao Yi asked with a smile and glanced at the food on the table, which was not moving much.

"I feel like vomiting and have no appetite." Tao Yunhong said and stood up to serve Zhao Yi a meal.

"Sit down, sit down, I will serve you today." Zhao Yi said quickly.

After eating haphazardly, Zhao Yi chatted with his pregnant wife.

"I am considering whether to continue working in the newspaper office," Zhao Yi said.

"Did something happen?" Tao Yunhong asked. Although she didn't want her husband to continue to do this job where he was stabbed in the back, she knew her husband's enthusiasm for this job. If he suddenly said such words, he must have encountered someone.


"As you know, I often deal with Japanese people in my job." Zhao Yi said, "There is something that involves some secrecy, which is not a good thing. I have been worried these past few days."

"We don't want to do this job anymore," Tao Yunhong said quickly.

"I'll think about it again." Zhao Yi said thoughtfully, "I'll go to the newspaper office tomorrow to check the momentum. If the situation goes bad, I will ask someone to pick you up at home."


"Remember, the person who comes will take the letter I wrote. Just read the letter and do as I say." Zhao Yi warned, "If there is any trouble, let's go back to our hometown first to avoid the limelight."

"Brother, I don't understand much about work, so I won't ask so as not to disturb you. You have to be careful." Tao Yunhong said. She was worried and happy at the same time. She was worried that her husband seemed to be in trouble.

I was happy that my husband said he was quitting his job at the newspaper office.

"The most important thing now is that you have to be careful." Zhao Yi squatted down, lying on his wife's pregnant belly, listening to the sound of the fetus in her belly, "Yun Hong." He said.


"Follow me and you will suffer." Zhao Yi said.

"No." Tao Yunhong smiled. She thought about her husband quitting his newspaper job, no longer having to be judged by neighbors, and the family living a clean life. Her heart was filled with longing for a better future.

Zhao Yi then got busy, helping his wife pack her luggage.

When Tao Yunhong saw this scene, she felt that her husband was already inclined to resign, and she felt even more happy and expectant.

Cheng Mansion.


Neatly piled large yellow croakers were placed on the desk.

This is the pension specially approved by team leader Xiao Mian for Zhao Yi’s family.

Cheng Qianfan just sat silently on the chair and smoked silently.

Zhao Yi will become the first important cadre of the Shanghai Special Intelligence Group to die for his country.

And he personally approved the death.

Yes, it is to die.

Cheng Qianfan knew that the probability of Zhao Yi's assassination being successful was less than one percent, which was extremely slim.

Cheng Qianfan was shocked when he received a telegram from Dai Bureau at the Chongqing headquarters.

He was silent for a long time, and finally had no choice but to accept this order. In fact, he had no other choice:

Dai Chunfeng knew his right-hand general very well. Zhao Yi was a general on the intelligence front under Cheng Qianfan. He suddenly wanted to kill Zhao Yi. He guessed that Cheng Qianfan might have different opinions on this order, so Dai Chunfeng

There is a sentence in Chunfeng's telegram - this is a military order!

In addition, Qi Wu sent him a telegram in his own name, reminding him: All comrades should be determined to die for retribution, and all take the will of the bureau as their will!

Cheng Qianfan understood.

His reply to Chongqing was: commit suicide, be loyal to the bureau, be loyal to the leader, and serve the party and the country!

After rolling the cigarette in the ashtray and extinguishing it, the eyes of team leader 'Xiao Mian' flashed with guilt, sadness, and more importantly, determination.

Go to death bravely.

He used this word for Zhao Yi's actions tomorrow.

The next day.

Today, Haozi drove to pick up Mr. Xiao Cheng from work.

"Is there any movement?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

"Everything is normal." Hao Zai said.

Zhao Yi was executing a death-defying situation. Although Cheng Qianfan thought that he knew Zhao Yi fairly well and believed that this subordinate was not someone who was greedy for life and fearful of betraying the organization, as a commander, he could never act based on his own personal feelings.


The greatest horror in life is the situation of life and death. It would be terrible if Zhao Yi rebelled and surrendered to the Japanese.

Therefore, Cheng Qianfan ordered Hao Zai to arrange for people to secretly monitor the situation at Zhao Yi's home.

Cheng Qianfan nodded silently.

The car is neither fast nor slow.

"Be sure to ensure Tao Yunhong's safety." Cheng Qianfan said to Hao Zai.

"Understood." Hao Zai nodded.

"In addition, after you arranged for someone to pick up Tao Yunhong today, you also went into hiding temporarily." Cheng Qianfan said in a deep voice, "Not only you, but other brothers Zhao Yi is familiar with are also temporarily hiding."

In any operation, Cheng Qianfan's first consideration is what to do if the operation fails, and what to do if a brother falls into the enemy's hands!

Consider failure before merit. This is one of the important safety tenets of secret agent work that Cheng Qianfan believes in.

"This is one big yellow croaker, two small yellow croakers, and some French currency. This is a promissory note from Citibank, which can be redeemed in both Hong Kong and Chongqing." Cheng Qianfan handed it to Hao Zi, "Tao Yunhong is not familiar with the world, let brother

Let us teach you."

"Brother Fan, don't worry, I know how to tell Yun Hong and sister-in-law."

Zhao Yi is very smart and is a good candidate for intelligence work. However, some details are inevitably not considered enough. Ten large yellow croakers are definitely not enough. This is a way to cause trouble. Brother Fan's method of handling it is the most appropriate.

Shop 16.

There is an intoxicating fragrance floating in the air. This is the fragrance of sesame oil from Wang De's oil shop.

Wang De** Oil Shop uses a cow to grind sesame oil in the shop. This is Shiliupu's signature shop.

The fragrance is overflowing and attracts passers-by.

"Sister-in-law, I'm thinking of getting two bottles of sesame oil to bring to my aunt." Tao Yunhong said with a big belly.

She is already looking forward to the scene when she returns to her hometown with her husband.

"Okay." Zhao Yi smiled and nodded. He picked up the briefcase he checked again and again, "I'm going to work."

"Come back early." Tao Yunhong waved her hand.

Zhao Yi took two steps, thinking about coming back to hug his wife, but he was worried about scaring her, so he stood there, looking at his wife like that, as if he wanted to remember her appearance forever.

Remember it and never forget it for the rest of your life!

"Let's go, take care of yourself by yourself." Zhao Yi waved his hand.

"Lori, you're so annoying." Tao Yunhong was a little annoyed and said angrily. She didn't know what happened to her husband today.

Zhao Yi smiled, turned and left.

Passing by a wild water chestnut candy store, Zhao Yi thought, 'Yun Hong likes to eat the candies from this store' and 'I'll buy some for her when I get back from get off work.'

Then, he shook his head slowly, feeling extremely bitter in his heart:

I can't come back.

Zhao Yi walked to the Wild Water Chestnut Candy Store, paid for two kilograms of candies, and asked the store to deliver them to his home.

This is the last time he buys his wife her favorite snacks, Zhao Yixin said.

Bought a newspaper and hailed a rickshaw.

Zhao Yi sat on the rickshaw and unfolded the newspaper as if to read it carefully. His face covered by the newspaper was already filled with tears.

"Yun Hong, my wife, I owe you a lot in this life, and I will repay you in the next life... Farewell."

Huangpu, Qiujiang Pier.

News has spread that Wang Qihai will take an ocean-going ship and will arrive at Qiujiang Pier today.

News reporters gathered at the pier.

When Zhao Yi arrived at the pier, he saw the pier was crowded with people.

He glanced from a distance and saw Japanese military police checking the belongings of the greeters and reporters.

Zhao Yi's heart tightened.

There was a grenade and a dagger in the compartment of his briefcase.

He put the Browning pistol in the aluminum lunch box he carried with him, pretending it was his own lunch.

He was worried that these items would be found by the Japanese military police.

Before Zhao Yi could figure out how to get through, he was crowded forward by some colleagues.

His mind was in chaos and his heartbeat was racing.

But it's not that I'm afraid of death, I'm just thinking that if I'm discovered without doing anything and die like this, it's really too frustrating.

If Yun Hong heard that her husband died in such an aggrieved manner...she would be happy. At least she finally knew what her man did.

Zhao Yi shook his head and forced himself not to think about his wife. He didn't think it was wrong for him to be so affectionate as a son and daughter. He missed her just because he was about to say goodbye forever.

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