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Chapter 405 Strategic-Level Top-Secret Intelligence

"Teacher." Cheng Qianfan said with a solemn expression, "Students don't care whether it's business or not. I just want to make some contribution to the empire."

Hyōtaro Imamura glanced at Kentaro Miyazaki and smiled.

He still knows his student very well.

Obviously, Kentaro Miyazaki was frightened by the assassination incident suffered by Wang Chuanhai yesterday, so he was unwilling to arrange for him to join Wang Chuanhai.

Just as Kentaro thought, the closer he got to the core of the top management, the identity he pretended to be, Cheng Qianfan, became a more eye-catching 'big traitor', and the greater the threat to his life and safety.

Fortunately, he knows his students well.

Kentaro is afraid of death, but he also loves money.

Hyōtaro Imamura nodded with satisfaction, "Kentaro, that's very good. You are my good student and you have never let me down."

"Students have always been stupid, which makes the teacher worry." Cheng Qianfan said with a look of shame and gratitude on his face.

Hyōtaro Imamura pressed the bell, and soon, Kogoro Imamura had food and drinks delivered.

"Kentaro, let's talk over some wine and food."

"Yes, teacher." Cheng Qianfan quickly picked up the wine bottle and poured it for Hyoutaro Imamura respectfully.

Hyōtaro Imamura was talking most of the time, and Cheng Qianfan would occasionally ask questions.

"Teacher, thank you for your hard work." Cheng Qianfan admired from the bottom of his heart.

Cheng Qianfan has benefited a lot from this ‘Imamura Little Classroom’.

Cheng Qianfan could feel that Hyoutarou Imamura had been very serious in 'lesson preparation' in order to help students gain a deeper understanding of Wang Qianhai.

This is a ‘teaching’ based on a senior Japanese diplomat’s own understanding and analysis of Wang, as well as his understanding of Japan’s high-level exchanges of messages.

"Wang's only political capital is his reputation. Once his reputation is destroyed, Wang's political life will be over." Imamura Hyoutaro emphasized again.

Cheng Qianfan nodded with a serious expression. This is the difference between Wang Qianhai and those warlords in power. This man only has reputation as his capital!

At the end of last year, Wang Chuhai left Chongqing to implement the "peace plan" he had reached with the "Empire".

For the Wang family, this can be said to be a last-ditch fight with the reputation of Wang Quanhai's life.

However, Wang Chuhai's "peace plan" encountered huge setbacks from the beginning.

Originally, in the "Chongguangtang Agreement" secretly signed between Wang Chuanhai and Japanese representatives, Japan promised to "withdraw its troops" to support Wang Chuanhai's peace movement.

This so-called 'withdrawal' agreement was the fundamental reason why Wang Qianhai made up his mind to leave Chongqing.

However, in Japanese Prime Minister Konoe's second subsequent statement, he suddenly deleted the commitment to withdraw troops.

This moment can be said to have caught Wang Quanhai and the entire Wang Group by surprise.

Wang Chunhai's idea of ​​a so-called "peace movement" was based on the withdrawal of Japanese troops. Japan suddenly stopped mentioning "withdrawal", which completely ruined Wang Chunhai's reputation.

Some people from various parties who originally promised to support Wang Chuanhai also regarded Japan's withdrawal as a basic premise. If Japan did not withdraw its troops and launched a "peace movement", they would naturally be notorious as traitors, and Wang Chuhai's peace movement emerged.

The situation when no one responds to the movement.

In this case, Wang Chuanhai felt that he had been tricked, but he had no way out.

Although Wang was angry, he also responded with certain illusions.

Because in the third statement to China issued by Japanese Prime Minister Konoe at the end of last year, although it did not mention troop withdrawal, it basically complied with the "Shigekodo Agreement" in terms of not claiming territory, not asking for compensation, returning foreign concessions, and revoking extraterritoriality.


Therefore, in accordance with the secret agreement of the Chongguangdo Agreement, Wang Qianhai issued a "sexual message" in response to Konoe's statement on December 29 last year.

But Wang never expected that the Konoe cabinet would suddenly announce its resignation five days after he published the "sexual message"!

Since the "Shigekodo Agreement" was a secret agreement between Wang Takumi and Prime Minister Konoe, after Konoe resigned, the new Japanese government cabinet immediately changed its attitude and chose to treat Wang coldly.

"Wang Qianhai was very angry and felt that he had been betrayed." Hyōtaro Imamura took a sip of sake and said with emotion.

Cheng Qianfan also laughed.

It would be strange not to be angry, he said in his heart.

Wang Chuanhai's move was nothing more than a shameless person. Hongxing risked everything and ran away from home, only to turn around and find that the adulterer was just playing for fun.

Of course, in terms of nature, it is ten thousand times worse.

From Hyōtaro Imamura's words, Cheng Qianfan was surprised to find that Masaaki Kagezao also seemed to have some criticisms of the Konoe Cabinet's move.

In the telegram sent by Kagezao Sadaaki to Imamura Hyoutaro, Kagezao even complained directly that the Konoe cabinet's move lacked international credibility and would bring shame to the empire's good international reputation.

Cheng Qianfan handed the telegraph newspaper to Imamura Hyoutarou, "Teacher, Mr. Yingzuo seems to be very enthusiastic about Wang's 'peace movement'."

At the same time, a thought lingered in his mind again. The relationship between Hyōtaro Imamura and Masaaki Kagezuo seemed to be closer than he knew.

Such private complaints would not occur among non-close friends.

"Kingzuo-kun has always been in charge of the talks with Wang Takumi and Wang's 'peace movement'." Hyōtaro Imamura smiled slightly.

Cheng Qianfan understood.

The so-called "peace movement" pursued with the Wang Group is the political goal that Yingzuo Zhenzhao has been committed to promoting. In other words, the success or failure of this matter is related to Yingzuo Zhenzhao's political life.

He continued to look through documents and cables.

One of them is a record of a conversation between Wang and the film director Zuo Zhenzhao.

Wang Chuanhai "confided his heart" to the movie stars Zuo Zhenshow and Inu Yangken:

He originally planned to establish a peace movement base in the southwest areas not occupied by the Japanese army, but the situation changed after leaving Chongqing.

However, now that his mind has changed, I think it is better to push forward a hundred steps and simply establish a peaceful government. Through the Japanese government's sincerity for China's peace, facts can prove that the war of resistance is meaningless, thus prompting the Chongqing government to switch to a peaceful line.

This is more appropriate.

In addition, Wang Chuanhai also "privately complained to Yingzuo as a friend":

I hope that the Japanese government will insist on implementing Prime Minister Konoe's statement. If I cannot implement the statement, I will be ridiculed by my countrymen and think that I was deceived by Japan into leaving Chongqing. Chongqing will not believe the Japanese government and thinks that you

The country pays lip service and does not keep its promises.

Cheng Qianfan sneered in his heart, but his face showed a thoughtful look, "Teacher, Wang Chuanhai..."

Hyōtaro Imamura pressed his hand, signaling Kentaro Miyazaki not to speak and to continue reading, reading and understanding carefully.

"Two or Three Events in the Meeting with Wang".

Cheng Qianfan opened the last document, which was the latest communication record between Ying Zuo and Wang Chuhai. He glanced at the date and saw that it was a record of the recently sent telegram.

"For the Chinese people, whether it is anti-Japanese or peace theory, they are all expressions of patriotism and love for the country in different forms. On the other hand, anti-war theories are always easy for the average Chinese to accept.

.In comparison, the theory of peace is almost tantamount to the theory of betrayal, which is difficult for people to accept.

Radical ideas such as the Anti-Japanese War are most likely to make the energetic Chinese youth excited. However, this radical idea of ​​resistance is dangerous. In this case, the future of China and Asia will be worrying.

Due to various misunderstandings, we will encounter considerable criticism on the journey of our peaceful movement, and we will often be called traitors and traitors.

But I'm mentally prepared to be scolded.

I always firmly believe that the suffering I have experienced will shine with great light. I hope that those who misunderstand us now can finally wake up and realize that they are wrong, and smile at each other, for the peace of Asia, China and Japan

Hail to eternal peace among.

Cheng Qianfan's heart was full of anger. He could never imagine how a person could be so shameless!


Especially considering that this person was previously the second-ranking figure in the Kuomintang!

Shadow Zuo Zhenzhao seemed to be deeply moved by Wang Chuanhai's words. In this message he sent to Imamura Hyoutaro, he gave Wang Chuanhai the highest praise:

"Wang's actions show his love and sincerity for China and East Asia. His lofty spirit and noble personality will even move ghosts and gods. What else can I have besides true respect and admiration?"

Cheng Qianfan felt a strong sense of nausea. He could already imagine Ying Zuo and Wang 'appreciating' each other, and he didn't know whether they were sincerely or hypocritically praising each other.

He felt that he could hardly control his emotions.

We must find ways to resolve and cover up the past.

"Teacher, Wang Chuanhai actually proposed to establish a peaceful government?" Cheng Qianfan suddenly showed a shocked and angry expression, and he flew into a rage, "This is a wishful thinking!"

He was filled with righteous indignation and said to Imamura Hyotarō, "The territory of China that the empire conquered with guns and blood is the medal of the imperial warriors. The whole of China will belong to the empire. Wang Qinhai actually talks about establishing a so-called peaceful government? How can the empire?

Will you agree?"

He seemed to be furious, and continued to vent his anger and said, "Even if the empire agrees, the thousands of warriors in the empire will not agree!"

Hyōtaro Imamura looked at Kentaro Miyazaki's extremely angry look, but he was neither angry nor dissuaded.

He can naturally understand the anger of young people like Miyazaki.

Seeing Hyōtaro Imamura smiling and saying nothing, Cheng Qianfan's expression changed, and he showed an expression of disbelief, "Teacher, the empire won't really agree with Wang's wishful thinking, right?"

"Kentaro, you are too impulsive." Hyōtaro Imamura shook his head slowly, "You have to remember that negotiation is just a form of political expression and cannot mean anything."

In fact, Wang Shuhai proposed a "proactive attack" by establishing a government, which temporarily embarrassed the Japanese government.

Japan's policy towards China is divide and rule.

Previously, Japan created a Provisional Government of the Republic of China in Peiping, headed by Wang Keming, in North China.

Later, in April last year, a Nanjing Reform Government of the Republic of China headed by Liang Hongzhi was created in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

Wang proposed establishing a unified central peace government in the Japanese-occupied areas, but the empire had concerns about this.

But after all, Wang Chunhai is a super heavyweight in Chinese politics, and the Japanese side is indeed seriously considering Wang Chunhai's idea of ​​establishing a government.

Cheng Qianfan looked confused. Imamura Hyoutarou's words were too profound and he 'didn't quite understand'.

"Okay, Kentaro." Hyōtaro Imamura said, "You have to remember that I am not telling you these things and asking you to read these documents to discuss the empire's policy towards China."

His expression was serious, "I don't want to increase your dislike of Wang Qianhai."

Hyōtaro Imamura took a sip of sake, put down his glass, and said seriously, "You must keep in mind that you need to understand Wang Qinhai's thoughts, understand his political intentions, and show your support for Mr. Wang's 'peace movement'

Understanding and recognition, as well as a strong willingness to follow!”

"Teacher, I..." Cheng Qianfan was a little panicked for a moment when faced with Imamura Hyoutarou's increasingly stern expression and words, but he still looked a bit stubborn.

"Kentaro." Hyōtaro Imamura looked at Kentaro Miyazaki, "As a citizen of the empire, it is understandable that you do not agree with this and are even disgusted with it."

His eyes were calm, with a hint of expectation and a hint of instruction, "But don't forget that you are now Chinese Cheng Qianfan. Cheng Qianfan's political stance has always been that he will naturally approve of Wang.

of the ‘peace movement’ of reclamation.”

Cheng Qianfan was silent, as if he was trying to convince himself. Finally, he said, "Teacher, I understand."

As he spoke, he smiled bitterly, "Although I have been pretending to be Cheng Qianfan for several years, at this moment, I will subconsciously take off the China mask that disgusts me, and only have the empire in my heart."

Imamura Hyoutaro also nodded and sighed, "Kentaro, I'm sorry for you."

"Be loyal to the empire and be loyal to the emperor." Cheng Qianfan said with a serious expression, "With such an excellent teacher guiding and teaching, students, although stupid, know better not to disappoint the teacher."

Hyōtaro Imamura pointed at Kentaro Miyazaki and smiled, but didn't say anything.

Compared with previous flattery, Miyazaki Kentaro's flattery is a bit rough.

But he still likes it.

He could feel that his student was extremely sincere when he said these words.

He liked hearing these words, naturally not because they were flattering, but because they were words from the bottom of his heart from Kentaro Miyazaki.

Cheng Qianfan was sitting in the car, pressing his temples with a solemn expression.

He is thinking.

Today’s conversation with Hyōtaro Imamura.

Imamura's teachings to him in the 'classroom'.

In particular, the documents and even the messages he saw about Wang Chuhai were highly confidential.

No, to be precise, this is the top-secret information that our side most urgently needs to obtain.

Among them, the information that Wang Chuhai has officially expressed to Japan his hope to establish a so-called "central peace government" with the support of the Japanese is extremely valuable!

This is the most important strategic-level top-secret information at the moment.

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