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Chapter 411 The enemy is in the patrol room? (Please vote for me)

 Cheng Qianfan sat back in the armchair, looking a little tired.

He lit a cigarette, took a puff, and exhaled a long stream of smoke.

His mind was spinning rapidly, and he needed to calm down and analyze in detail the reasons why 'Guanghua Bookstore' and Comrade Wang Jun were exposed.

Although he was deeply worried about Comrade Wang Jun's safety, and the resulting worries about the safety of the entire French Concession special party branch, Cheng Qianfan knew that he had to calm down at this time.

Even if the mountain is about to collapse, we need to remain calm.

Only calm analysis can make the most accurate judgment and make the most appropriate response.

According to Da Toulu's report, it was a Sanguang coder nicknamed "Chuck" who reported clues to the Red Party.

‘Chuck’ has a distant cousin, Luo Zizi, who works at Samweiheng on Father Jin Road.

On this day, Luo Laizi went to Chuck's home and accidentally glanced at the old newspaper that Chuck used for the window.

"I think I've seen this person before." Luo Zizi pointed to a photo in the newspaper.

This is the Japanese announcement in the newspaper of "Execution of Japanese Haters". The photo was taken after Comrade Kang Erniu was arrested and sacrificed.

Hearing that Luo Zizi said that he had seen Kang Erniu, a red party member who was executed by the Japanese, Chuck didn't believe it at first. He shook his head and joked, "Then you are at a big loss. If this man had been reported to the police station while he was still alive, he would have paid at least ten yuan."


Luo Laizi didn't believe it when he saw the chuck. He was so anxious that he picked out two balls of boogers and stuck them directly on the cheeks of the face in the photo in the newspaper.

"What are you doing? You're stupid!" Chuck cursed.

"It's this person!" Luo Laizi stared at the newspaper, then nodded.

"Okay, yes, yes." Chuck yawned and didn't pay much attention.

However, Luo Zizi thought for a while and suddenly said, "I met this person's accomplice two days ago."

Chuck was stunned, and he took a deep look at his relative. Seeing that he didn't look like he was lying, he asked, "Really?"

"I've really seen it." Luo Laizi nodded vigorously.


"Guanghua Bookstore."

Chuck was overjoyed and took Luo Zizi to Guanghua Bookstore to secretly identify the person. Luo Zizi confirmed from Luo Zizi that the owner of Guanghua Bookstore was an associate of Kang Erniu, a red party member who was executed by the Japanese.

Afterwards, Chuck hurriedly reported the matter to Da Toulu, who was a non-staff investigator under Da Toulu.

Cheng Qianfan flicked the ashes from his cigarette and remained silent.

He never expected that Comrade Wang Jun would be exposed due to such an accidental factor.

Luo Laizi's recognition of Kang Erniu and Wang Jun actually stemmed from the coincidence more than three years ago.

Zhuang Ze was captured by Wang Kangnian and then rebelled. Wang Kangnian placed him in Shuanglongfang Apartment on Father Jin Road and formulated an extremely insidious fishing plan, intending to arrange for Zhuang Ze to infiltrate our party.

Zhuang Ze wants to eat delicious food.

The special agent of the Party Affairs Investigation Department asked him for Sanweiheng's braised pork trotters with bean curd.

Luo Zizi was the one who delivered the packaged rice.

When delivering the packed meals back, Luo Zizi accidentally bumped into someone and bumped his head against the wall.

He expected to be beaten and scolded by the other party, but unexpectedly the other party helped him up and apologized first.

Another person saw Luo Laizi having difficulty with his legs and knocked his head, so he gave Luo Laizi a nickel.

As a boy delivering packaged meals, it was common for him to be beaten and scolded. This was the first time Luo Laizi had encountered this kind of situation where instead of being beaten, he got an apology and 'compensation' for bumping into someone.

Therefore, Luo Laizi remembered this incident very clearly, and also remembered the appearance of the two people clearly.

This man recognized Kang Erniu from the notification photo of the Japanese army's murder of Kang Erniu, and then once again recalled Comrade Wang Jun, whom he had met by chance not long ago.

Cheng Qianfan felt bitter in his heart. He could tell that the man Luo Laizi bumped into was Wang Jun, and the person who gave Luo Laizi 50 cents was Kang Erniu.

He gritted his teeth and felt restless.

A very small thing three years ago, a kind act by Wang Jun and Kang Erniu, actually left such hidden dangers!

But, who could have thought of it!

Vice President Cheng seemed to be in a good mood.

He came down from the office upstairs to patrol, chatted and laughed with the brothers, and threw a Marlboro to the patrolmen.

Later, Vice President Cheng went to the medical officer, Lao Huang, to sit for a while and probably had a few sips of wine.

Finally, Vice President Cheng also called and ordered a table from Chunfeng Deyilou, where he and Lieutenant Pete from the Political Department had a great meal together.

'Ms. Xiao Cheng's' good mood came to an abrupt end at around seven o'clock in the evening.

The joint operation team led by Lu Hu, deputy inspector of the third patrol, and assisted by Fu Zhiyi, the second patrol inspector, returned.

Vice President Cheng heard the sound of military trucks in the yard and came down excitedly to 'welcome' his men's triumphant return.

But I saw three cars parked in the yard.

The first thing he saw was Datou Lu getting off the co-pilot of Dangtou Junkari.

Datulu's expression was gloomy.

Lu Jiufan was a little angry.

Hao Zai also looked livid.

Fu Zhiyi, who was on the second patrol, also looked resentful.

Cheng Qianfan's expression immediately darkened. Without asking, he already guessed that this arrest operation would yield nothing.

"What's going on?" Cheng Qianfan asked coldly.

"Inspector." Da Toulu came up to report, "No one was arrested."

"Information is inaccurate?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

"The information is correct." Datou Lu drooped his head, "It was a step too late and he escaped."

Cheng Qianfan looked at Lu Jiufan with a gloomy look, "You tell me."

"Report to Brother Fan." Lu Jiufan sighed and said, "When we arrived at Guanghua Bookstore, we saw the door open. When the brothers broke in, they found no one."

"Run away." Haozi on the side added, "There are still bowls on the table that haven't been cleared in time."

Cheng Qianfan's face became increasingly grim. He glanced sideways at Fu Zhiyi, who was on the second patrol. The latter was startled and said quickly, "Report to Vice President Cheng, the second patrol is on guard outside and saw no one."

As he spoke, he glanced at Cheng Qianfan, seemingly hesitant, and finally gritted his teeth, "Vice President Cheng, according to what my subordinates have seen, everyone who knows this information today and everyone involved in the operation is questionable.


Hearing this, Big Tou Lu laughed angrily. He looked at Fu Zhiyi, "Fu Zhiyi, do you mean that Vice President Cheng and I are also suspects?"

"Of course Vice President Cheng can't be a spy." Fu Zhiyi seemed to dare not look at Datou Lu. He lowered his head, but he still said this with a pinched neck.

Big Tou Lu was so angry that there could be no problem with Vice President Cheng. Does that mean there was something wrong with Da Tou Lu?

In addition, what made him most angry was that Fu Zhiyi said that all relevant personnel were questionable. However, you must know that this joint arrest operation was mainly conducted by the third patrol, and the majority of the people were the third patrol.

Fu Zhiyi's words are almost equivalent to saying that the problem lies with Lu Hu's third patrol!

How can Da Toulu not be angry?!

"Shut up, everyone!" Cheng Qianfan scolded, "I'm not good at arresting people, but I'm good at quarreling!"

He was obviously furious, and he looked around at everyone with cold eyes.

Everyone was silent as 'Mr. Xiao Cheng' glanced over them.

"Lu Hu, Lu Jiufan, Zhong Guohao, and Fu Zhiyi, the four of you, come with me." Cheng Qianfan snorted coldly, "The others disperse!"


Everyone shouted in unison.

Cheng Qianfan ignored him. He walked straight through the waiting room and went upstairs with a sinking face.

All the patrol officers in the arresting hall were too nervous to express their anger. They watched several people headed by Datou Lu go upstairs with their heads hanging down.

A patrolman whispered, "Vice President Cheng is very angry."

"Can you not be angry? Brother Fan hates the Red Party the most." explained the policeman who was experienced and knowledgeable.

Office of the Deputy Inspector General.

Cheng Qianfan had an angry look on his face, put his hands on the desk, and looked at the people coldly, "Tell me, what's going on."

Datou Lu was about to speak first. Cheng Qianfan raised his hand and pointed at Fu Zhiyi, who was on the second patrol, "Fu Zhiyi, you speak first."

"Report to Vice President Cheng." Fu Zhiyi smiled bitterly, "I really don't know what to say. When I arrived at Guanghua Bookstore, I was arranged by Deputy Inspector Lu to lead people to guard the perimeter."

Cheng Qianfan looked at Da Toulu.

Da Toulu nodded reluctantly.

Cheng Qianfan knew what was going on. The target of this arrest operation had been confirmed in advance, and the information should be accurate. Therefore, this was the credit of his hands. Da Toulu did not want the second patrol to share the credit, so he directly

Forcibly ordered Second Patrolman Fu Zhiyi to lead people to guard the perimeter.

"You go back first." Cheng Qianfan glanced at Fu Zhiyi, "If the news is exposed, it must be investigated strictly. Your department will conduct a self-examination first and tell me the results of the self-examination tomorrow."

"Yes!" Fu Zhiyi was obviously relieved and saluted.

When leaving, Fu Zhiyi glanced at Da Toulu with a "gloating" look:

Datou Lu wanted to exclude him from making meritorious deeds, but now it's good. The news leaked and the Red Party escaped early. The suspicion on his side was the least, which turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

This smug little guy!

Datou Lu saw Fu Zhiyi's expression in his eyes, hated him in his heart, and vowed to punish this villain sooner or later.

"Tell me about it." Cheng Qianfan took out the cigarette case from the drawer, stuffed a cigarette into his mouth, threw the cigarette case on the desk, and said with a cold snort.

If this had happened in the past, Da Toulu and the others would have "consciously" picked up their cigarette packs and started smoking. However, in this situation, the three of them were trembling with fear and did not dare to make the slightest move.

"Inspector, my subordinates asked about the tobacconist shop next to the bookstore. Seven or eight minutes before we arrived at the bookstore, the bookstore owner hurried out." Da Toulu said.

"Is the door closed? Where are the other boys in the store?" Cheng Qianfan asked with a frown.

"The bookstore owner stood at the door and said to the clerk that he was out for something and would come back later," Lu Jiufan added.

"Idiot!" Cheng Qianfan scolded, "If I guessed correctly, the boy in the store must have run away too."

"Brother Fan Mingjian." Haozi interjected, "The back door is open. The boy should have run away from the back door. The two of them were acting for the neighbors."

"What did you find?" Cheng Qianfan asked without giving up.

"When I entered the store, I saw that the brazier was still burning." Da Toulu handed the briefcase in his hand to Cheng Qianfan, "My subordinate brought back the unburned documents."

"Where are the ones that were burned?" Cheng Qianfan asked directly.

"The other party is an expert and used Kuai Zi to smash the dust." Datou Lu understood what Cheng Qianfan meant and said quickly.

Seeing Cheng Qianfan looking at the briefcase, Haozi on the side said, "Brother Fan, the briefcase was found from the bookstore. It is empty and can be used to store things."

Cheng Qianfan poured out the burned documents from his briefcase and carefully spread them out on his desk.

"Inspector, it is confirmed that it is the Red Party." Datou Lu said. He pointed to a half-burned piece of paper and said, "This is it."

Cheng Qianfan picked it up and read it, and could see the words on the header: Mobilize the masses, publicize our party's idea of ​​uniting to resist Japan by establishing a united front for the whole nation, and establish the determination to resist the war for a long time...

He nodded, this kind of literal expression was indeed from the Red Party.

"Chifei!" Cheng Qianfan snorted coldly.

He looked up at the three of them and said, "According to what you said, the other party left seven or eight minutes ago."

Cheng Qianfan pondered deeply, "After getting the news, they hurriedly burned the documents, and then evacuated. When do you think they got the news before you arrived?"

"About ten minutes." Da Toulu thought for a while and said, "The documents were just burned hastily. They evacuated in a hurry."

"Check!" Cheng Qianfan said in a deep voice with a cold expression, "Check if anyone has been to Guanghua Bookstore or had contact with anyone from Guanghua Bookstore in the five minutes before and after this time period."

"Understood." Da Toulu said, feeling a little relieved in his heart. Since the inspector ordered him to be responsible for investigating this matter, it means that the inspector can trust him.

"Is there a telephone in Guanghua Bookstore?" Cheng Qianfan suddenly asked.

"No." The three of them thought for a while, then Lu Jiufan shook his head and said, "The grocery store next to the bookstore has a phone, but the bookstore doesn't."

Cheng Qianfan looked at Hao Zai.

"My subordinate will go check if there is anyone who called the grocery store looking for the bookstore in a moment," Hao Zai said.

Cheng Qianfan nodded and waved his hand, "It won't take a while, let's go check it out now."

"Yes!" Hao Zai glanced at the team leader, nodded and left.

Cheng Qianfan said to Lu Jiufan again, "Lao Jiu, go and lead someone to secretly keep an eye on Guanghua Bookstore."

"Brother Fan means..." Lu Jiufan thought for a moment and showed joy, "I understand!"

"If there are dates but there are no dates, it will take three poles." Cheng Qianfan said calmly, "What if some red party members who don't know about the incident in the bookstore throw themselves into the trap."

"Yes!" Lu Jiufan left happily.

Hao Zai and Lu Jiufan left, leaving Cheng Qianfan and Da Toulu alone in the office.

Cheng Qianfan stared at Da Toulu coldly.

This made Datou Lu's initially relieved mood become tense again. He smiled bitterly and said, "Inspector, it's my fault for not doing my job well. Please punish me."

Cheng Qianfan ignored Datou Lu. He rolled the cigarette in his hand into the ashtray and put it out as if venting his anger.

"How likely do you think the news was leaked from inside the patrol room?" Cheng Qianfan looked at Datou Lu with a gloomy look and asked.

Seeing that Datou Lu was about to speak, he raised his hand with an impatient expression on his face, as if he was trying to hold back his anger, "Don't answer me in a hurry, think about it carefully, or do you have any suspicions in your mind?"

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