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Chapter 419 Red Party member Liu Bo

"An affair? An adulterer?" When Su Chende heard this, an expression of interest appeared on his face.

He was a lustful person, and the concubine Zhao's concubine Zhang was an extremely charming beauty. Hearing that such a woman secretly stole someone's life, Su Chende felt itchy in his heart, and he was even more curious about the adulterer.

Seeing Su Chende's expression, the young man felt happy. He knew that the director liked to hear this kind of news.

"Yes, my subordinates can clearly see that it is Aunt Zhang who is having an affair with an adulterer." The boy chuckled and said.

"Can you see clearly who the adulterer is?" Su Chende asked immediately. He wanted to see which bastard had such a good fortune, and he really wanted to take his own life.

"No, I only heard the sound," the boy said.

"What a pity." Su Chende sighed and rolled his eyes, but he didn't know what he was thinking about.

"Director, Tan Pinggong is going to the church." A subordinate reported in a low voice.

Su Chende turned around and saw Tan's car parked at the door of the church. Tan Pinggong got out of the car first, then Mrs. Tan got off, and finally Tan Pinggong hugged the little boy who seemed to be asleep from the car.

A family of three rang the doorbell.

After a while, the church door opened, a nun came out, led Tan Pinggong and his family in, and the door was closed accordingly.

"Have you found out the situation in this church?" Su Chende frowned and asked.

"The church was built by a group of White Russians who fled to Shanghai. It is said that the Yuyao Chamber of Commerce also donated money. It does not usually receive ordinary people."

Su Chende nodded. He understood what was going on. This church was supported by wealthy people, just like the Taoist temples and nunneries in the homes of wealthy businessmen in the past.

"Director, do you think Tan Pinggong is acting weird today?"

"Let's observe for now." Su Chende said, with hesitation in his eyes and anxiety in his heart.

Over in Chongqing, Xue Yingzhen called quite urgently to inquire about the progress of fundraising.

Su Chende reported to Xue Yingzhen, saying that the situation was complicated and he could not be anxious for fear of attracting the attention of the Japanese.

In fact, he secretly bribed a servant of Tan's family, sent a letter in the tone of a red party, and made an appointment to meet with Tan Pinggong.

As long as Tan Pinggong believed it was true and kept the appointment, he was 90% sure to catch Tan Pinggong and get the money first. As for how to report to Chongqing and how much to pay, it was all in his mind.

However, after several days of submitting the letter, the Tan Mansion was very calm, as if nothing had happened.

Su Chende secretly met with the servant of Tan's house and questioned him. The latter cursed and swore that the letter was indeed placed on his wife's dressing table.

Su Chende was shocked and confused.

On this day, they received a message from this person. The Tan family was going to the church on Baier Road to pray for the young master.

Su Chende was overjoyed and brought people here to wait, intending to act according to the opportunity.

His analysis and judgment is that Tan Pinggong may have been hesitating, perhaps out of fear or rejection of the Red Party and unwilling to have further contact with the Red Party.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, the military command is also taking action, and may even have succeeded.

This situation is what Su Chende is most worried about.

Therefore, Tan Pinggong came to the church in a light carriage today, which was an opportunity for Su Chende.

He was considering whether to take the opportunity to meet with Tan Pinggong, have an "open and honest" talk with him, and persuade Tan Pinggong to take the initiative to hand over the donation.

"Master?" Mrs. Tan hugged Ming'er and looked at Tan Pinggong worriedly.

"It's nothing." Tan Pinggong said with a smile, "Those of them are all heroes who care about the country and the people, and raise their arms and shout to dare to serve the world. They will never try to kill me."

The only Red Party member he came into contact with was Pan Ming, but he was amazed by this man's high-spirited and generous spirit. From his subconscious rejection of the attitude of the Red Party members, he gained new discoveries and understandings.

When Tan Pinggong pushed the door open and came in, he saw two men who had been waiting for them getting up and looking over with smiles on their faces.

"Mr. Tan."

"Mr. Tan."

"Excuse me for the long wait, both of you." Tan Pinggong clasped his fists, "Tan is late."

He glanced at the man on the left in front of him and said with a thoughtful expression, "This friend has a kind face."

"Yu Chang of the New Fourth Army." Liu Bo smiled and clasped his fists, "It's not surprising that Mr. Tan has such a nice face. Yu used to work in the patrol room."

"You are Liu Bo. The Red Party is going to attack Liu Bo." Tan Pinggong was shocked. He remembered, "I'm sorry, Mr. Yu, I made a mistake."

"It doesn't matter." Liu Bo smiled heartily, "I am a criminal wanted by the Red Party."

Tan Pinggong also laughed, and then he looked at the man next to Yu Chang. This man was younger than Yu Chang, and he was also somewhat kind-hearted.

"New Fourth Army Mu Heng." Fang Muheng originally wanted to report his pseudonym as 'Chen Kewen', but his heart moved and he confessed directly. He smiled and said, "Uncle Tan Shi, you have always been a good person."

"Are you Fang Muheng? From the Guohua family?" Tan Pinggong recognized him and asked in surprise.

"Uncle Shi has good eyesight, it's Mu Heng." Fang Muheng bowed and saluted.

"Oh my." Tan Pinggong was a little excited, "It's really you."

He glanced at Liu Bo and then at Fang Muheng, with frank smiles on their faces.

This smile.

The candid identities of these two people.

Tan Pinggong was completely moved.

He naturally knows how much trust this is.

"I'm too stubborn." Tan Pinggong immediately understood why the New Fourth Army arranged for these two people to come to interview him.

Just because he insisted on seeing the seal, and the Red Party had long since confessed that the seal had been destroyed by Pan Ming before his death, the New Fourth Army sent Liu Bo and Fang Muheng to meet with him in desperation. Liu Bo was a member of the New Fourth Army.

To say the least, he had long heard people mention in private that Fang Guohua's son Fang Muheng was a member of the Red Party.

Cheng Qianfan put down the telescope in his hand.

The church door is closed.

There was no unusual movement inside at the moment.

The most important thing is that he just noticed that the clothes hanging in the window on the third floor on the west side of the church were not put in.

If the clothes are put in, it means something is wrong.

This is a message conveyed by Comrade Lu Dazhang from Comrade Fang Jinghua.

Cheng Qianfan was amazed in his heart.

Tan Pinggong's choice of the church on Baier Road as the meeting place should have been a temporary decision. However, the Shanghai Red Party actually had a way to break into the church and had such a warning arrangement. Comrade Huo Miao was deeply impressed by the efficiency of this operation.

I admire you.

Cheng Qianfan didn't know who he was, why he was in the church, whether it was a temporary break in, or whether it had been arranged in advance.

"Fine sand rice dumplings, fine sand rice dumplings."

The sound of hawking came from the road downstairs.

Cheng Qianfan looked over and saw a vendor selling rice dumplings on a pole.

It seems that someone wants to buy rice dumplings, and the vendor speeds up.

"Is it him?" Zhang Ping came over, glanced out, and exclaimed.

"Know?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

"That's the young guy I met at the door just now." Zhang Ping frowned and said.

Cheng Qianfan's expression also became serious.

According to what Zhang Ping said, that person was a boy who came to collect the leftovers from the meal, so this person should have left long ago and would definitely not be still here.

He stared downstairs.

The vendor peeled off the rice dumpling leaves with a familiarity, and the rice dumplings lay in a black-bottomed porcelain bowl.

The vendor peeled another rice dumpling and put it in another bowl.

The vendor took another spoonful of hot water from the other end of the pole and poured it into the previous bowl. This was sugar water.

Then I pinched some fine pieces and sprinkled them into the bowl. This is green and red silk.

Whether it is sugar water or green and red silk, there is an additional charge.

"The bowl of rice dumplings with green and red silk sugar water that he ate by himself was for someone else." Cheng Qianfan said resolutely, "The first thing that can be confirmed now is that this person is not a little boy."

He saw this man gobbling up the rice dumplings in his bowl in a few mouthfuls, and then walked back with the high-quality rice dumplings.

Cheng Qianfan followed the man's direction and looked over, and then he let out a sigh.

He saw the 'little boy' holding a high-quality rice dumpling with a smile on his face and handing it to a man sitting at the tea stall next to him.

When the man raised his head, Cheng Qianfan happened to see his face clearly.

"It turns out to be this person." Cheng Qianfan looked thoughtful.

"Who is this person?" Zhang Ping asked.

"The owner of a company called Damei Trading Company, his name is Mei Wuming, he is the concubine of Hu Na, the popular Paramount dancer." Cheng Qianfan said, frowning slightly.

"Where?" Zhang Ping immediately understood that Mei Wuming's identity was probably not as simple as an ordinary trading company owner.

"I don't know yet." Cheng Qianfan said, with a slight curve in the corner of his mouth, "However, I have made some guesses."

"Commander of the Central Committee?" Zhang Ping blinked, "Commander of the Military?"

"The possibility of being unified by the Central Government is higher." Cheng Qianfan said. If he was only 60 to 70% sure before, now he is 90% sure that the opponent is the Central Government.

He glanced at Mei Wuming again.

The intelligence obtained from the headquarters showed that the military commander first focused on the donations in Tan Pinggong's hands, and then the central commander also wanted to seize the money.

Cheng Qianfan was aware of the situation on the military command side.

Dai Chunfeng asked him to arrange for Ying Huaizhen to contact Mrs. Tan, and Ying Huaizhen got acquainted with Mrs. Tan through the identity of "Mr. Xiao Cheng"'s mistress.

Later, one of Ying Huaizhen's close friends approached Mrs. Tan through Ying Huaizhen's relationship.

Cheng Qianfan initially guessed that Ying Huaizhen's close friend was from the Juntong Shanghai Station.

Later, he became doubtful about his guess.

His Shanghai special situation team has been trying to strip away as much contact as possible with the Shanghai station of military reunification. Cheng Qianfan knew that it was impossible for the Chongqing side not to observe this.

However, Dai Chunfeng did not reprimand him for this matter.

Therefore, Cheng Qianfan judged that Dai Chunfeng acquiesced to this.

As an important cadre of the Shanghai Special Situation Team, Ying Huaizhen has this kind of connection with the Military Reunion Shanghai Station. Even if Ying Huaizhen's best friend may not know Ying Huaizhen's true identity, as long as there is a connection,

You may be implicated and suspected, which is an unwise move.

Under such circumstances, Cheng Qianfan didn't think that Dai Chunfeng would not be aware of this.

So, is Dai Chunfeng confident enough that nothing will happen to that woman, and that the Shanghai station will not implicate the Shanghai special case team, or is there something else going on?

Cheng Qianfan did not know the details of what was happening on the Juntong side, but he learned from Ying Huaizhen that his close friend had made an appointment to visit Mrs. Tan in a few days to judge whether the Juntong had succeeded yet.

‘Mr. Xiao Cheng’ paid more attention to Ying Huaizhen’s close friend, so much so that Ying Huaizhen was disgusted and tried to test whether he was trying to trick Linghu Xiaolian.

Linghu Xiaolian is the name of Ying Huaizhen's close friend.

Cheng Qianfan is aware of the situation on the military command side.

However, the situation on the Central Unification side has never been clear.

Now, the appearance of Mei Wuming has revealed the doubts that Cheng Qianfan had always had in his mind, and also confirmed the suspicion that Mei Wuming was the Central Unification Party.

Mei Wuming was the leader of the Central Committee.

Then, Hu Na should also be the central commander.

Hu Na is the President, so that other woman...

Cheng Qianfan thought of the lipstick incident.

His thoughts extended and he thought of the subsequent assassination incident:

Twisted lips, first mate, Zhang Xiaolin, Zhongtong...

Needless to say, Zhang Xiaolin was hostile to him.

In these two incidents, the Central Commander-in-Chief clearly had ill intentions toward him.

Cheng Qianfan narrowed his eyes and glanced at Mei Wuming——

Is this person behind all of this?


Is it the Central Command that wants to take action against him?

Or is it Mei Wuming’s personal decision?

Inside the church.

Tan Pinggong, Liu Bo and Fang Muheng talked happily.

Having been in business for many years and traveling all over the country, Tan Pinggong is certainly a man of great insight.

There are countless talented people I have seen.

However, whether it was Pan Ming who had been killed by the Japanese, or Liu Bo and Fang Muheng today, the Red Party members left a very deep impression on Tan Pinggong.



High spirits.

This was the deepest impression left on him by the Red Party members.

He sighed inwardly.

He was well aware of the seriousness of the current anti-Japanese situation and the difficult situation of the Red Party members, especially the New Fourth Army. However, these Red Party members and the New Fourth Army not only showed no fear, but were so confident that their words were filled with enthusiasm.

With the victory in the war of resistance and the high morale for the victory of their revolutionary cause.

"Mr. Yu," Tan Pinggong asked Liu Bo, "I would like to ask, do you first red party and then patrol, or do you first patrol and then red party?"

Liu Bo was stunned.

"Sorry, I'm just curious." Tan Pinggong quickly apologized, "If it's not convenient to say..."

"It's nothing inconvenient." Liu Bo smiled heartily, "I was organized to break into the patrol room."

He didn't know why Tan Pinggong asked this, whether he was really curious as he said, or there was something fishy about it.

His answer can only be that he is a "Yuchang". There is absolutely no room for error on this point. This is to protect the real "Yuchang" comrades who should still be lurking in Shanghai.

"When Mr. Yu was a patrol officer and had a good life, he never thought about living a happy life?" Tan Pinggong asked again.

"What we Red Party members seek is the happiness of the oppressed people all over the world, and we will fight for the happiness, independence, and freedom of the people all over the world throughout our lives." Liu Bo's expression was extremely solemn, "As for my personal happiness, it is nothing compared to this.

What’s the point?”

Tan Pinggong was shocked.

Isn’t it the Chinese Red Party?

When did you become so loud and talk to the whole world?

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