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Chapter 446 Proud Smile (please vote) Happy New Year’s Day

 Li Cuiqun did not arrive, but Cheng Qianfan waited for Lu Dazhang first.

Da Toulu went to the Terrace Road Police Hospital for treatment of his gunshot wound, and the incident was temporarily handed over to Lu Jiufan for follow-up treatment.

Lu Jiu turned over and reported that Inspector Lu Dazhang of the Xiafei District Patrol Room was here. He wanted to see the last face of Fei's name, so he came here to ask for permission.

Cheng Qianfan's expression was gloomy.

He waved his hand, "Let him go."

Lu Jiu turned around and was about to leave, but was stopped by a shout.

"That's alright." Vice President Cheng said, "I'm going to meet Lao Lu."

Fei Ming's body is temporarily stored in the morgue of the Central Patrol Room.

The so-called morgue is just a house at the back of the yard that also serves as a storage space for sundries.

Looking at Fei Ming's body lying on the board, Lu Dazhang let out a long sigh, "Allah knew something would happen sooner or later."

Cheng Qianfan's expression changed slightly, "Lao Lu, don't talk nonsense."

Faced with Vice President Cheng's kind reminder, the road inspector gave a wry smile and waved his hand, "I've thought too much, I've thought too much."

He offered a cigarette to Deputy Chief Inspector Cheng, held a cigarette in his mouth, lit a match, first helped Cheng Qianfan light it, and then lit it for himself.

Taking a puff of his cigarette, Lu Dazhang sighed and said, "Fei Ming is prone to impulsiveness. Not long after he came to the patrol room, I told him that you are a restless boy, so be careful of something happening."

"Lao Lu, based on the preliminary investigation, I suspect that Fei Ming is from Chongqing or a member of the Red Party. This has nothing to do with being frivolous." Cheng Qianfan said with a calm face.

"Isn't that still impetuous?" Lu Dazhang sighed heavily this time, "Working as an errand in the French Concession, eating foreign imperial food from the French, why should Chongqing be a red party? He is still impetuous and easily deceived."

"When can the body be taken away?" Lu Dazhang looked at Cheng Qianfan, "The Fei Ming family is somewhat related to my family. Everyone is dead, so I always have to..."

"I'll make arrangements as soon as possible." Cheng Qianfan said, "There are still some procedures to go through, you know."

"I know." Lu Dazhang nodded and turned to look at Fei Ming again.

Fei Ming's eyes were closed tightly, and the wound on his neck was horrific.

Lu Dazhang always felt that Fei Ming had a lot to say to him.

He could even imagine what this kid would say:

Brother Lu, I'm leaving. I died for the nation and the people. Unlike you, a rotten policeman who was willing to work for the French, I died well.

A face with a proud smile appeared in his mind.

Ever since this kid was secretly developed by the Shanghai party organization, he has felt that he is a person with faith and the greatest faith. He is proud and extremely proud in his heart!

Lu Dazhang and Cheng Qianfan walked out of the morgue together, and the two of them stayed on the steps outside the morgue, smoking.

The other patrol officers wisely stayed away, giving the two elders enough personal space.

Lu Dazhang said to Cheng Qianfan very seriously, "Fei Ming looks down on us."

Cheng Qianfan was silent. He took several puffs of cigarette and said, "How many people does he have in his family?"

"My parents are here, and I have a brother and a sister." Lu Dazhang flicked the ashes from his cigarette and said.

Cheng Qianfan took out his money clip from his body, took out a small wad of banknotes and handed it to Lu Dazhang, "Although I didn't kill this kid myself, he died under my order."

Lu Dazhang glanced at the banknotes but did not take them immediately.

"This is not some kind of compensation." Cheng Qianfan sneered, "There is something wrong with Fei Ming. I am extremely sure of this. However, he is a patrolman after all. Even if he dies, he should not die in my hands like this."

As he said that, he put the banknotes into Lu Dazhang's hand and said, "My silk gold."

Lu Dazhang put away the banknotes, but shook his head, "I will bring the money, I don't know whether I will take it or not."

Cheng Qianfan said calmly, "It's their business whether to accept it or not. I did what I should do."

"Thank you." Lu Dazhang was silent for a moment and said with cupped fists.

Cheng Qianfan sent Lu Dazhang away.

The two did not have any other confidential communications.

Lu Dazhang came to see Fei Ming's last face, which is what it should be.

There was absolutely nothing wrong with what the two of them said.

This is a necessary procedure between Fei Ming's old chief inspector Lu and deputy chief inspector Cheng.

If Lu Dazhang did not show up today, it would easily arouse suspicion.

Su Zhe, who was on duty, called and asked for cooked rice and a bottle of wine.

He was sullenly drinking in the office of the Assistant Inspector General.

There are two small wine glasses on the table.

He was seeing Fei Ming off.

He remembered the day when he solemnly informed Fei, as the person who introduced him to the party, that he had passed the organization's approval and became a glorious member of the Red Party.

The two prepared two side dishes and a jug of wine, and talked in high spirits at night, holding candles.

I don’t know how to talk about how happy and excited everyone should be after the victory of the revolution, and how to celebrate the victory.

Su Zhe remembered what he said, "I can write articles and compose music. I will write a victory song for everyone."

Fei Ming laughed loudly and said happily, "I can't write well, and I can't sing well either. I can play the accordion."

Bang bang.

There was a knock on the door.

Su Zhe woke up from the painful memories. He quickly drank the wine in a wine glass and then put the small wine glass in the drawer.

"What's up?"

"Assistant Su, the phone in Mr. Jin's office has been ringing."

"Is it still ringing now?"

"No more ringing."

"got it."

Su Zhe picked up the only wine glass on the table, took a sip, picked up some vegetables, wiped the oil on his mouth, picked up a bunch of keys on the table, first locked his drawer, and then put a drop of wine in his hands.

Holding the keys slyly, humming a tune in his mouth, he walked slowly towards Mr. Jin's office.

"I want to review this matter to the organization." Fang Muheng's expression was serious and heavy. "It was me who did not discover the enemy who was following me in time, so that the underground party comrades had to take risks and were brutally killed by the enemy."

Just now, Minister Xiong Jiashang informed them that the postman Lao Xing who was following them had been promptly eliminated by his comrades.

This means that Lao Xing did not have time to pass on the relevant information obtained by tracking them.

However, along with this good news comes another bad news:

The underground party comrade who attacked Lao Xing was exposed and arrested. In order to keep the secrets of the organization, this comrade committed suicide.

"It's not your responsibility." Xiong Jiashang's expression was serious and sad. She shook her head slowly, "We also made some omissions in our work. We did not discover postman Lao Xing, a deeply lurking spy."

"Can you be sure who Lao Xing is?" Liu Bo asked.

"It's very likely that they are the subordinates of the traitor Li Cuiqun." Xiong Jiashang said.

The group of people taken away by Cheng Qianfan's order were said to be Li Cuiqun's men.

The Shanghai underground party organization suspected that they were Lao Xing's associates.

If this is true, it means that this anti-Japanese donation has not only attracted the covetousness of the Central Command and the Military Command, but also the involvement of the traitor Li Cuiqun's troops.

"Li Cuiqun?" Liu Bo frowned.

"It was a traitor who defected to the Japanese. This person was formerly a member of the Kuomintang. Together with another traitor named Dingmutun, the two established a spy organization with the support of the Japanese. They are very active in Shanghai now.

One of the traitor spy organizations." Xiong Jiashan knew that the comrades of the New Fourth Army did not know much about the current situation in Shanghai, so he quickly explained.

"All traitors who have forgotten their ancestors should be killed." Fang Muheng said murderously, "Not only Li Cuiqun, but also Cheng Qianfan deserves to be killed."

The exact information has been passed back. It was Cheng Qianfan who ordered his subordinates to secretly arrest Comrade Fei Ming. In the end, Cheng Qianfan's subordinate Datou Lu led his men to shoot, wound and arrest Fei Ming, which directly led to Fei Ming's sacrifice.

"Cheng Qianfan is the counter-revolutionary patrolman who poses the greatest threat to us in the French Concession." Xiong Jiashang nodded, "Including Comrade Fei Ming, several comrades have been killed directly or indirectly by Cheng Qianfan."

He Guan bit his lip and sighed in his heart. He never expected that his friend would sink to such a level. He was just like an executioner with the blood of the Red Party members on his hands!

Cheng Qianfan waited for Li Cuiqun's call.

To be precise, it was a call from Li Cuiqun's subordinate, who claimed to be Li Cuiqun's bodyguard Hu Sishui.

Holding the phone in his hand, Cheng Qianfan looked towards the window in shock.

He put the microphone on the table, went to the window and looked towards the road.

Just look at the guard box, and there is a burly man standing there. This man should be Hu Sishui.

Hu Sishui also saw Cheng Qianfan. He greeted "Little Mr. Cheng" with his hands clasped and pointed at the car on the other side of the road.

The car window rolled down, revealing Li Cuiqun's face.

There was a smile on Cheng Qianfan's face, he waved and then clasped his fists.

Li Cuiqun also clasped his fists.

Hu Sishui returned to the driver's seat, started the car and left.

After a while, a patrolman knocked on the door and came in, presenting the gift that Mr. Li had brought to the guard box.

Cheng Qianfan opened the wooden gift box that was beautifully wrapped in silk and satin, and there was a gold ingot inside.

To be precise, it is a gold ingot that was made by the Korea National Tribute Gold and Silver Bureau in October of the sixth year of the Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty.

Cheng Qianfan picked up the gold ingot and it was quite heavy.

A smile appeared on his lips.

Just now Li Cuiqun's subordinate Hu Sishui called him at the guard box, but it was actually Hu Sishui who was reading a letter.

This letter was written hastily by Li Cuiqun.

The letter said:

Li Cuiqun originally planned to come to visit in person, but on the way there, he suddenly encountered something urgent to deal with.

Senior Li didn't want his sincerity to go to waste, so he ordered Hu Sishui to drive past the entrance of the Central Patrol Room and pay his distant greetings to his junior.

It's just a small gift, but it should be used as an apology for breaking the promise.

Cheng Qianfan clicked his tongue twice.

What a temporary emergency, bullshit.

This senior of mine is a proud person who is unwilling to bow his head easily, but he also cares about the 'friendship' between the two of them, so he has a way to apologize in a way that is acceptable to both parties.

Cheng Qianfan admired the gold ingot in his hand, but he was actually thinking about what Li Cuiqun had done. The more he thought about it, the more interesting it became.

This senior Li is truly a knowledgeable and wonderful person.

The next morning, it was raining.

On the way to the Central Patrol Room.

Cheng Qianfan lowered the window. The wind was a bit strong, and the slanting rain was blown through the window.

Cheng Qianfan had no intention of raising the car window. He liked the coolness.

"Brother Fan, is that Fei's name a member of the Red Party?"

Haozi asked while driving.

"It's possible." Cheng Qianfan squinted at the street in the drizzle and said, "It's not determined yet. It may be someone from Shanghai Station or Zhongtong."

He looked away and glanced at the back of Haozi's head, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Li Hao sighed and said, "I just thought it was too cruel, so I slit my throat with a nail. The Red Party was too cruel to me."

"Do you think Fei Ming is a red party member?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

"I think so." Haozi said, "Those guys from Zhongtong are all cowards who surrender after a few whips. I've never heard of such ruthless people at Shanghai Station."

"Okay, don't say this again." Cheng Qianfan suddenly felt bad and said, "It affects unity."

Half an hour later.

Cheng Qianfan and Lao Huang were walking the dog in the yard together.

When the German black back pooped with his butt raised, Huang covered his mouth and said, "Fei Ming is actually adopted."

Cheng Qianfan glanced at Lao Huang.

"During the Dawn rebellion, Fei Ming's father and mother died. The organization later found Fei Ming, who was wandering and begging, and placed him in his current home."

"Fei family?" Cheng Qianfan asked, his voice a little hoarse.

"The Fei family sympathizes with our party and has always secretly protected and taken in the orphans of our party." Old Huang said slowly, "Mr. Fei and Mrs. Fei have no children."

"Fei Ming's brother and sister?" Cheng Qianfan asked, then he nodded and did not ask again.

"I got angry with Comrade 'Charterer'," Lao Huang suddenly said.

Cheng Qianfan glanced at Lao Huang.

"I feel bad," Lao Huang said, "Fei Ming's parents have sacrificed their lives. Fei Ming should not have to sacrifice again."

He murmured, as if speaking to Cheng Qianfan, but also to himself, "You understand what I mean, we Red Party members are not afraid of sacrifice, but we cannot die. I am not afraid of being criticized."

Narrow-minded, that’s how I feel…”

As he spoke, Lao Huang suddenly shut up. He sighed and looked at Cheng Qianfan, "You can criticize me for being narrow-minded."

Cheng Qianfan shook his head gently.

He continued walking while holding the big wolfdog that had finished its 'outing ceremony'.

There was an expression on his face as if he was stuck in deep memories.

Lao Huang handed Cheng Qianfan a cigarette.

Cheng Qianfan took the cigarette and looked at Old Huang with a very serious expression, "Old Huang, there is a person who has said similar things to what you just said."

It was a very, very dangerous mission. He took the initiative to volunteer, but Comrade "Zhulin" firmly disagreed, which made him a little angry. He was young and energetic and felt that he had been underestimated.

Comrade "Zhulin" just looked at him, looked at him, and finally touched his head and said:

We old revolutionaries have died, and it’s your turn to be like melons.

The young Cheng Qianfan was silent and asked, "Why?"

Comrade "Zhulin" also looked at the young Cheng Qianfan seriously and said, "Your parents are already one step ahead of us. We can't fall too far behind, otherwise we won't be able to catch up."

Cheng Qianfan took a drag on his cigarette and puffed out smoke from his nose. He said to Lao Huang, "He is proud to be able to follow in the footsteps of his parents and sacrifice with his head held high."

He finally understood the smile when Fei Ming sacrificed his life.

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