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Chapter 091: Peeling off the cocoon (please ask for the moon)

 Outside the gate of Guangji Hospital.

Cheng Qianfan held a cigarette in his mouth and walked straight to a shoe repair stall in the corner.

He took off his own thousand-layer bottoms and handed them over.

The shoe repairman wore a felt hat, took the shoes without saying a word, and worked skillfully.

"A middle-aged man wearing a suit and a top hat came out after a while."

"Are there any other characteristics?" the shoe repairman asked in a low voice.

"I will be under the locust tree over there. If I throw away the empty cigarette box, I will arrange for someone to follow me." Cheng Qianfan blew out a smoke ring.

"Remember, I would rather lose you than wake the other party."

"Understood." The shoe repairman handed over the cloth shoes, "Sir, look at it, it's repaired."

"How much?" Cheng Qianfan put on his shoes.

"A dime."

"Find me a police officer who knows the hospital well."


Cheng Qianfan paid the money and wandered to the locust tree beside the gate street. This was a bus stop and would not arouse suspicion here.

Each student who participates in the assessment is paired with a small team of special agent assistants.

This is as it should be. The students in the special training class come from all over the world and are not familiar with the place. It is extremely difficult for them to detect it by themselves.

These are ordinary agents.

The students in the special training class are the 'elites' recommended by branches of the Secret Service across the country. Their grades are not high at the moment, but after successful graduation, they will at least have the rank of second lieutenant.

For graduates from various training classes of the Secret Service, college students are awarded the title of major, high school students are awarded the title of lieutenant, and junior high school students are awarded the title of second lieutenant.

Even for students with an education level below junior high school, the special training degree obtained after graduating from the special training class will be regarded as a formal junior high school degree. That is to say, the special training class students must have at least the rank of second lieutenant.

In addition, graduates of special training classes with "special merits" will be given priority.

Those agents who have a military academy degree can be assigned a military rank.

The rest of the ordinary agents generally have low academic qualifications, very few of them are junior high school students, and many of them only have a rough grasp of writing.

It is not easy for these agents to be promoted.

Unless you have made great achievements, you can only be promoted to the rank of second lieutenant after you have joined the Secret Service for seven years.

Cheng Qianfan is an infantry major at the Central Army Officers School, so he can only be classified based on his high school diploma.

Even so, he successfully graduated from the special training class with the rank of lieutenant.

Therefore, in the eyes of ordinary agents, the students in these special training classes are all quasi-commanders.

After a short while, Cheng Qianfan caught a glimpse of Mr. Liu walking out of the door.

Cheng Qianfan took out the cigarette case from his pocket, looked at it, and found it was empty. He cursed and threw the cigarette case on the ground.

Mr. Liu waved, "Rickshaw."

A rickshaw driver jumped ahead of the other rickshaw drivers and ran over.

"Qijia Lane."

"Okay, sit down."

Cheng Qianfan glanced at the rickshaw in the distance, looked at the shoe repair stall, and saw the shoe repairman making a hidden gesture that the rickshaw driver was one of his own.

About half an hour later, Cheng Qianfan appeared in a private house two blocks away from Guangji Hospital. This was a safe house of the Secret Service.

After a short while, an agent and a police officer pushed open the door and entered.

"Hello, sir." The policeman looked nervous. He was brought here suddenly. Faced with these agents who had the power to take over life and death, he, a little policeman, was always uneasy in his heart.

"Are you familiar with the doctors from Guangji Hospital?"

"Familiar." Hearing this, the policeman felt certain that he wanted to inquire about the situation. As long as it was not directed at him, that would be fine.

"There is Dr. Gu Changyou, do you know his condition?" Cheng Qianfan asked. Before leaving the hospital, he looked at Dr. Gu's clinic door number, which had the doctor's name on it.

"What do you want to know, sir?"

"Doctor Gu, how are your medical skills?"

The police were hesitant.

"What are you stunned for? If the officer asks you something, please answer it quickly." The agent next to him cursed.

"What do you want to say? What I want is the truest situation." Cheng Qianfan's face was gloomy. "If you don't know, you don't know. If you know, you know. But if you have something to hide, don't go back today."

"Yes, yes, yes." The policeman nodded and bowed, "Dr. Gu's medical skills are very average. I heard that he was admitted to Guangji Hospital because his brother-in-law is a regiment commander of the National Army."

"I heard? Who said it?"

"Everyone knows that Dr. Gu often brags about his brother-in-law. If it weren't for his brother-in-law, he..." the policeman lowered his voice, "At the end of last year, Dr. Gu prescribed the wrong medicine and caused a death, and it was his brother-in-law who stepped in to settle the matter."

Cheng Qianfan knew clearly that if a doctor prescribes the wrong medicine and kills someone, other people may not know it, but it must have spread among doctors and patients.

For such a doctor, people come here to see him by name?

No one goes up the pole to see King Yama.

This Mr. Liu is really weird.

"Don't mention anything about today to anyone. If anything is leaked, you will know the consequences yourself."

"I don't dare." The policeman shook his head, "I have never been here today."

"Go." Cheng Qianfan waved his hand.

About an hour and a half later, the agent disguised as a rickshaw driver returned.

"My subordinate took the guest to Hengrun Teahouse in Qijia Lane."

"Tea shop?" Cheng Qianfan nodded slightly, "Is this person going to drink tea? Or is he staying here?"

"Sir, you are wise." The coachman wiped his sweat with a towel, "My subordinates have inquired and found out that this man is the owner of the tea shop."

Cheng Qianfan lit a cigarette and was thinking.

Originally, according to his guess, this Doctor Gu was the 'actor' Jialiu hidden in Guangji Hospital.

However, now he had doubts about his judgment.

The reason is simple: Dr. Gu made the mistake of prescribing the wrong medicine and killing someone.

It is very rare for this kind of thing to happen to an agent.

Whether they are Kuomintang agents or Red Party agents, they do not choose the job of hiding their identity casually.

Since you choose to be a doctor, your medical quality will at least be above the standard.

Not to mention superb medical skills, prescribing the wrong medicine will never be allowed to happen.

If a doctor has poor medical skills, this in itself is a flaw that can easily arouse suspicion.

Take Comrade "Zhu Lin" as an example. Comrade "Zhu Lin"'s hidden identity before his death was also a doctor. He was a surgeon at Shanghai Puren Hospital with superb medical skills.

Of course, it would make sense if the Secret Service recruited Dr. Gu's brother-in-law to join the Secret Service because of his special status.

The Secret Service has been trying to place personnel in the military for surveillance purposes.

However, Cheng Qianfan thought about it carefully and felt that something was wrong.

No, no.

Even this Dr. Gu is really an agent of the Secret Service.


He shook his head. It was impossible for the special training class to use such an agent who was involved with the military as an 'actor' for assessment purposes.

It's a matter of military importance, it's confidential!

Military... secrets... Cheng Qianfan felt vaguely that he seemed to have caught something!

This chapter has been completed!
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