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Chapter 453 Li Cuiqun (asking for monthly votes)

"Miss Feng, please come this way."

An agent asked with his right hand and said politely.

Feng Man nodded his thanks and followed this person.

After walking dozens of steps, in front of a building, an archway suddenly stood up.

The lintel of the archway is engraved with a banner consisting of four characters "safe entry and exit".

Behind the "Enter and Safe" archway, there are two small houses on both sides of the entrance to Jida, or to be precise, they are two small guard booths.

There are two machine guns mounted on the guard box. Anyone who wants to forcefully break through the door must first be baptized by these two machine guns.


Feng Man followed him into the building. The stairway was in the middle, with offices on the first floor on both sides.

She vaguely heard screams, as if someone was being tortured.

At the corner of the stairs leading from the first floor to the second floor, there were two agents with loaded weapons standing guard.

The two seemed to be chatting about something, and both looked surprised when they saw such a beautiful woman.

The agent who led Feng Man greeted the two of them. Just before entering the second floor, there was an iron gate.

There are guards with guns standing behind the fence gate.

The agent took out his ID and gave it to the guard.

The guard checked it carefully.

"It's not like I don't know him," the agent said half-jokingly.

"The director has an order that everyone's ID must be checked," the guard said dully.

The agent sneered and said to himself, no wonder Deputy Director Li chose this guy to guard this door. This guy was born to guard the door.

In this way, Feng Man, led by the agent from the Secret Service Headquarters, came to Li Cuiqun's office on the second floor.

"This is Miss Feng Man, right?" Li Cuiqun took the initiative to greet her, smiling broadly.

"Mr. Li." Feng Man was nervous and spoke carefully.

"Don't be nervous." Li Cuiqun chuckled, "I want to thank Miss Feng for understanding justice and supporting the cause of peace and national salvation."

His attitude was very good, he served tea, passed cigarettes and offered his seat, which made Feng Man calm down from his nervous mood.

Feng Man lit the cigarette, took a puff, and glanced at the cigarette in his hand in surprise, only to realize that it was the Fairy Lady cigarette that Li Cuiqun specially prepared for her.

"Mr. Li is interested," Feng Man said.

Fairy brand cigarettes are cigarettes specially designed for women. They use roses, mint and other fragrant plants as tobacco as raw materials, and remove the tar component in the cigarettes, leaving a pleasant smell after smoking.

Of course, what surprised and touched Feng Man the most was that Li Cuiqun was interested.

Li Cuiqun smiled slightly and said, "My men were not rude during this trip."

"No, you're very polite to me." Feng Man shook his head, then smiled and said, "But when I got here, I didn't expect that there were both pistols and machine guns. It almost scared me to death!"

Li Cuiqun smiled slightly and said, "Miss Feng is so humble. Not to mention that Miss Feng has seen the world, but based on your relationship with Brother Zhengguo, you can be considered one of our own!"

When he saw that Feng Man had smoked half of a cigarette, he pushed the cigarette case towards Feng Man, motioning for her to help herself, and then continued, "Since you are one of your own, when you come here, you are going back to your own home."

Now, what do you need to be afraid of when you return to your home to be a natural mother?”

Feng Man pursed her lips and smiled, but she was thinking about Li Cuiqun's statement about "our own people". She understood what Li Cuiqun meant. Naturally, one should be afraid of one's own people. If they were not one of their own people, it would be a different matter.

"What are you doing recently?" Li Cuiqun took a sip of tea and asked seemingly casually, "The Shanghai Academic Salvation Association of Shanghai Law School belongs to you, right?"

Feng Man looked surprised, then smiled bitterly, "It turns out that Mr. Li already knows."

"You guys, you're still doing things the same way." Li Cuiqun shook his head and sighed, as if he was sighing, "I thought Shanghai was like the old days, and we didn't have any scruples about doing things."

He chuckled lightly, "On the school campus, the so-called anti-Japanese and national salvation are widely publicized in front of everyone."

Shaking his head, Li Cuiqun pointed to his ears, "It's so blatant, I can hear the noise even if I cover my ears."

Feng Man looked embarrassed.

Li Cuiqun is right. The style of work of the Central Government is still too rough. Before the fall of Shanghai, or to be precise, before the second cooperation with the Red Party, the Party Affairs Investigation Department was so flamboyant and domineering. This kind of style of conduct was not popular in Shanghai.

Although there has been some restraint after the fall, the roots are still there, and things below are still not cautious enough.

Of course, although Feng Man knew about these situations before, he didn't take them to heart because he was used to them.

It was only now that Li Cuiqun said this that I felt embarrassed.

However, hearing Li Cuiqun say this not entirely as an enemy, but more like a friend chatting, Feng Man was also secretly happy, and she realized that she was right to make up her mind to come here.

So, Feng Man sighed and said, "Mr. Li is amused. We are not used to being sneaky and hiding."

"Why do you have to be sneaky and hide?" Li Cuiqun chuckled.

He waved his hand to stop what Feng Man was about to say, "I know what Miss Feng is going to say, but you are wrong and did not realize the changes in the current situation."

Li Cuiqun said, "Shanghai does belong to the Japanese now, but Mr. Wang is running for peace. We can fully expect that Shanghai will return to the embrace of us Chinese in the future. No one has to hide, like a mouse.

You can go out on the streets, live openly and happily."

As he spoke, Li Cuiqun lit a cigarette and smoked slowly.

"Yes, this is exactly what we want to see!" Feng Man thought and sighed. She looked at Li Cuiqun, "So I made up my mind to join Mr. Li today, and I hope Mr. Li will appreciate the food.


"With Miss Feng's talent, you are here to help me this time. It is Mr. Li who wants to thank Miss Feng!" Li Cuiqun said with a smile while smoking a cigarette.

He admired the woman in front of him.

Just about two hours ago, this woman took the initiative to find an agent on duty near Chinachem Apartments, saying that she was from Chongqing and Dong Zhengguo's wife. She wanted to see Deputy Director Li Cuiqun of the agent headquarters.


This is quite interesting.

It is understandable that Dong Zhengguo's wife wants to look for Dong Zhengguo.

However, she did not say that she wanted to see Dong Zhengguo first, but instead asked to see him, Li Cuiqun.

But now when she met Li Cuiqun, this woman did not talk about her relationship with Dong Zhengguo, but bluntly said that she came to 'beg for food'.

This is a sign of loyalty. She comes here not only because her husband is here, but also because she herself has the idea of ​​"abandoning the darkness and turning to the light."

This woman is very smart.

"Let's go." Li Cuiqun suddenly stood up and said.

Feng Man was startled, "Where to go?"

"I'll take you to see Brother Zhengguo's office." Li Cuiqun said with a smile, "Give him a surprise."

Hearing this, Feng Man's eyes flashed with surprise. However, she did not get up and follow Li Cuiqun to see Dong Zhengguo. Instead, she looked at Li Cuiqun and asked, "Why didn't Mr. Li ask me what I was doing at Zhongtong?"

What? Or do you know some confidential information?"

"I believe Miss Feng's sincerity in coming here." Li Cuiqun flicked the ashes from his cigarette and smiled slightly, "When Miss Feng thinks it's time to say something, she will naturally take the initiative to say it, right?"

"I am the leader of the telegraph team of Shanghai District of the Central Unification Committee." Feng Man smiled and said slowly, "The radio station, the secret code, and Su Chende's current location -"

She pointed to herself and said, "I know everything."

Li Cuiqun's expression changed.

He raised his hand to signal Feng Man not to speak, turned around, walked behind the desk, and pressed the bell on the desk.

Zhang Lu quickly rushed in with several of his men.

We are going to arrest Feng Man.

Feng Man's beauty turned pale.

"Nonsense." Li Cuiqun slapped the table, "Miss Feng is one of our own."

"Yes!" Zhang Lu quickly stopped and even saluted Feng Man, "Miss Feng is one of our own."

"You immediately gather your men and stand by." Li Cuiqun said in a deep voice, "When I notify you, be ready to dispatch at any time."

"Yes." Zhang Lu glanced at Feng Man, then quickly turned around and left with his men.

"Where is Su Chende now?" Li Cuiqun asked as he refilled Feng Man's cup.

He was thinking, "Zi Lai Huo Xing Street? Wu Jiao Di? Fu Xi Road? Or Taisdelang Road?"

Feng Man was shocked, and immediately gave a wry smile, "I thought it was a meeting gift for Mr. Li, but I didn't expect that Mr. Li already knew about it."

"No, this is indeed a meeting gift." Li Cuiqun shook his head with a sincere expression, "My men only discovered that Su Chende had been active in these places. As for the exact location, they have not been found yet."

On that day, Dingmutun finally formally agreed to cooperate after repeatedly rejecting the offer.

The two happened to witness the grand scene at the entrance of Xian Ledu Nightclub.

First, he saw a familiar figure. This person was Su Chende, whom both Li Cuiqun and Dingmu Tun knew.

Upon learning that such a big fish had sneaked into Shanghai, Li Cuiqun and Dingmutun arranged for their men to inquire secretly.

The first criterion in everything is not to surprise Su Chende.

In fact, in the minds of Li Cuiqun and Ding Mutun, Su Chende is something that can be caught sooner or later. The difference lies in when.

However, Feng Man was able to proactively reveal Su Chende's exact address, which made Li Cuiqun very happy.

On the one hand, you can arrest people.

In addition, Su Chende's meeting gift is enough to show Feng Man's sincerity.

Of course, there are also the radio stations and secret codes that Feng Man mentioned.

"Where is the person?" Li Cuiqun asked.

"No. 39, Fuxi Road." Feng Man said, "If it's not here, it's in Room 406 of Tongda Hotel in Wujiaidi."

She frowned and thought, "It is more likely that it is at No. 39 Fuxi Road. That was the bungalow that Su Chende later rented for himself. The living environment is good."

"Why do you think he is on Fuxi Road now?" Li Cuiqun asked curiously.

"Su Chende was just released from the patrol room in the early morning." Feng Man said with a sarcastic look on his face, "He likes to enjoy himself. He felt uncomfortable if he didn't take a shower or change clothes for two days. He was locked up in the patrol room for several days.

After coming out, you are not allowed to take a shower, change your clothes, eat and drink enough, and then lie on the bed and have a good sleep."

"What did the patrol house arrest him for?" Li Cuiqun asked, "Did the patrol house discover his identity?"

"No." Feng Man shook his head, "The person who captured Su Chende was Cheng Qianfan. 'Mr. Little Cheng' said that Su Chende wanted to assassinate him."

"How much did Cheng Qianfan blackmail you to let him go?" When Feng Man said this, Li Cuiqun understood instantly.

Feng Man looked surprised, Li Cuiqun understood Cheng Qianfan so well.

"Ten thousand oceans." Feng Man said.

"Why didn't he grab it?" Li Cuiqun snorted, "How much did he give in the end?"

"Two thousand oceans." Feng Man smiled bitterly, "It's easy to talk, but the other side will agree."

She looked at Li Cuiqun, "How did Mr. Li know right away that Cheng Qianfan wanted to extort money?"

Li Cuiqun smiled and said, "Mr. Xiao Cheng is a greedy and lustful person."

Since Su Chende can be released, it naturally means that he was not arrested for assassination. If this guy really planned to assassinate Cheng Qianfan, with the life-saving and ruthless temper of this 'junior', Su Chende would not be exposed.

Eight dollars is weird.


Li Cuiqun suddenly remembered that Dong Zhengguo, codenamed "First Officer," had presided over the assassination of Cheng Qianfan, and Dong Zhengguo was ordered by Su Chende. In this way, Cheng Qianfan was right when he said that Su Chende assassinated him.

"Su Chende is very lucky." Li Cuiqun said with a smile, "If this junior of mine knew that Su Chende ordered people to attack him, Su Chende would not be able to walk out of the patrol room alive."

"Zhengguo, is Zhengguo okay?" Feng Man suddenly asked.

Li Cuiqun was stunned for a moment, and then he understood why Feng Man suddenly asked this.

What he just said made Feng Man worry about Dong Zhengguo.

After all, Su Chende was in charge, and it was ‘First Officer’ Dong Zhengguo who actually planned the assassination of Cheng Qianfan.

"Miss Feng is so calm." Li Cuiqun said with admiration, "I thought Miss Feng would ask about Brother Zhengguo's situation as soon as she saw me."

"I know that Zhengguo is working for Mr. Li now, so I know that Zhengguo's life is definitely not in danger." Feng Man said, "Cheng Qianfan dare not offend Mr. Li, but Zhengguo will inevitably suffer some physical pain."

smart woman.

Li Cuiqun nodded slightly, "Don't worry, Miss Feng, Zheng Guo has been released, but it's a pity that he suffered a lot."

He suddenly showed doubts, "Why did Cheng Qianfan suddenly focus on Su Chende?"

"Cheng Qianfan had a tryst with a woman on Bai'er Road." Feng Man said, "The gunfire on Masinan Road probably shocked Cheng Qianfan. He ran out of the house and was knocked to the ground by Su Chende."

Feng Man sneered, "Su Chende was also unlucky. Perhaps Cheng Qianfan saw that he was well-dressed and thought he could blackmail him, so he ordered his men to arrest Su Chende."

"This is in line with the style of this 'Mr. Xiao Cheng'." Li Cuiqun nodded and suddenly asked, "A gunshot was fired on Masinan Road? Was it Zhou Wenrui who was assassinated?"

"Yes." Feng Man nodded, "Su Chende happened to be leading an operation on Bai'er Road that day, but he was startled by the gunshots on Masinan Road and had no choice but to give up. He was evacuating in a hurry.

At that time, I bumped into Cheng Qianfan who was having an affair with a woman."

"Action?" Li Cuiqun's eyes narrowed, "What action?"

"This is also the fourth meeting gift I want to give to Mr. Li." Feng Man smiled, "A sum of money, a donation from the New Fourth Army. Su Chende took people to Baier Road for this money.


"Bairu." When Li Cuiqun heard this, his reaction to the two keywords 'New Fourth Army' and 'raising donations' did not seem to be as big as Feng Man imagined. Instead, he muttered to himself, 'Baierlu'

', seeming to be wondering what's so special about Baier Road.

"Please elaborate on the situation of this money." Li Cuiqun said with a solemn expression, "According to the information you have, why did the Red Party choose to be on Baier Road?"

"Where on Bell Road?"

He looked at Feng Man with piercing eyes and asked again, "Also, is it true that Cheng Qianfan had an affair with a woman on Baier Road? Who is that woman? Can all this be confirmed?"

"And another thing." He spoke slowly, with a flash of thought in his eyes, "Where did Cheng Qianfan have an affair on Bai'er Road? How far is it from the place where Su Chende was preparing to take action?"

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