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Chapter 458 How could the Zhongtong have such a tough guy?! (Please vote for me)

 Fang Jinghua took the paper handed over by Cheng Qianfan and unfolded it to read.

The handwriting on the paper has many continuous strokes, but it is not considered sloppy and can be said to be neat.

Fang Jinghua keenly noticed that these words seemed to have an unclear Zuo Qing (not a typo). He glanced at Cheng Qianfan and said nothing.

"This was discovered from a stronghold of the Central Unification Committee," Cheng Qianfan said.


"Extremely shameless!"

"Spreading rumors and slanders, doing their best to smear and attack." Fang Jinghua said angrily, holding the paper in his hand, "These people don't want to focus their energy and work on the anti-Japanese cause, but they shamefully point the finger at us again


"Insidious and vicious." He said to Cheng Qianfan.

The paper recorded that the Central Command slandered the New Fourth Army's Maoshan base area for planting tablets to raise military resources, which completely angered Fang Jinghua.

As the main force of the Red Army after the Long March, Comrade Fang Jinghua, who once led troops to fight guerrillas in the mountains and cooperated with Comrade Gu Ying's troops to successfully deal with the encirclement and suppression of the enemy's 100,000-strong army, himself maintained due vigilance against the Kuomintang.

Even though he had thought that Chongqing would not give up its restrictions and hostility towards the Reds, he was still refreshed by Zhongtong's insidious tactics.

"Xue Yingzhen doesn't want to develop and expand Shanghai to fight the Japanese, but he still plans to deal with us." Cheng Qianfan sneered, "Yes, what they are best at is attacking us, and against the Japanese, they only have three whips.


His expression was serious, "Some other documents were also found at the scene. I will now formally report them to the organization."

After a pause, Cheng Qianfan said, "I summarized it based on the documents found during the search and relevant intelligence."

Fang Jinghua originally planned to take a pen and paper to record, but when he heard this, he put down the pen and paper and listened carefully.

He needs to firmly remember the information summarized by Comrade Huo Miao, and then reorganize it through his own verbal organization.

Cheng Qianfan summarized the comprehensive strategy on how to spread rumors and slander red in the guidance document issued by the Chongqing Central Unification Headquarters to the Central Unification Shanghai District.

In order to discredit red, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China took great pains and even formulated a strict so-called three-step plan.

The first step is to spread rumors.

The Central Unification Headquarters in Chongqing asked Central Unification sites in various places to organize a group of personnel to specifically fabricate rumors, covering various aspects such as the Red Party's politics, economy, and military.

We even set up performance benchmarks, usually at least one per week.

The second step is to spread rumors.

The headquarters of the Central Unification Bureau electrified all provincial and municipal offices, and sent Central Unification agents in public places such as busy streets, teahouses, movie theaters, or schools, pretending to be businessmen, ordinary citizens, workers, or students, etc., and pretended to spread the fabricated rumors to others unintentionally.

Listen, and then spread the rumors through the mouths of the masses.

The third step is also the most important final step - collecting rumors.

After a few days of spreading the rumor, send a spy who knows nothing about the rumor to the original place where the rumor was spread to inquire about the news in order to understand the impact of the rumor on the public and the public's reaction attitude.

And it is necessary to make a summary. For rumors that are accepted and believed by the people, good experiences must be summed up. For rumors that have mediocre results or even not many people believe them, lessons must be drawn.

These experiences and lessons will be used as an important reference to determine the direction of the next round of disinformation work.

"They have really taken great pains." Fang Jinghua snorted, "They are afraid of us. They are afraid of the work of the Anti-Japanese National United Front led by our party. They are afraid of the people supporting us and the common people.

Stay on our side."

"True gold is not afraid of fire." Cheng Qianfan said in a deep voice, "Rumors are like a castle built on sand and a castle in the air. The foundation is unstable and will surely collapse."

"Well said." Fang Jinghua applauded Comrade Huo Miao's incisive words, "Yes, true gold is not afraid of fire! The people's Red Party has the broadest mass base. Where the people are, there is red!"

The two analyzed the insidious behavior of the Central Unification Party and decided to formulate a telegram text to send a telegram to Yanzhou in the name of the Shanghai local party organization to warn the organization.

This is exactly the reason why Cheng Qianfan came to secretly meet with Comrade "Charterer" at night.

Naturally, he would also send a telegram to Comrade "Farmer" at a safe and appropriate time in the name of Comrade "Huo Miao", secretary of the special party branch of the French Concession, to report the matter.

However, at the public level within the organization, the safest way to handle this information is for the Shanghai local party organization to report it to Yanzhou.

In this way, the intelligence source can be protected to the maximum extent and be deceptive to a certain extent.

"You just mentioned Zhongtong's stronghold, what happened?" Fang Jinghua calmed down and asked in a deep voice.

"It's the Mei Wuming I mentioned to you before." Cheng Qianfan said, "This person was kidnapped, and one of his men died and disappeared."

Cheng Qianfan handed a cigarette to Comrade "Charterer".

Fang Jinghua took the cigarette and took a look. It was the front door where he usually smoked.

He couldn't help but nodded. He knew that Cheng Qianfan usually smoked Hardman mostly.

"Has the patrol house taken action against Zhongtong?" Fang Jinghua frowned.

Although he deeply resented the Central Unification's behavior of smearing the Red Party and the Red Party's army, from an objective point of view, the Shanghai District of the Central Unification was an important anti-Japanese force in Chongqing in Shanghai, at least in name.

If the patrol house of the French Concession suddenly takes action against the Central Government, this will be a very dangerous signal. This represents a change in the attitude of the French Concession towards the anti-Japanese forces. This change in situation is by no means isolated and has far-reaching consequences.

"No." Cheng Qianfan shook his head, "I suspect that it was Li Cuiqun's special agent headquarters in Dingmutun that did it."

"Number 76?" Fang Jinghua frowned.

"Yes, No. 76." Cheng Qianfan nodded. With the move of Dingmu Tun and Li Cuiqun's agent headquarters to No. 76, Jisi Feier Road, many people, including our party, have begun to get used to it.

Simply call the other party 'No. 76'.

"This Mei Wuming, his status within Zhongtong may be very important." Fang Jinghua said slowly.

"I also suspect that this person is one of the important leaders of the Central Unification Shanghai District." Cheng Qianfan said.

"The Shanghai District of the Central Government is in danger." Fang Jinghua said with a serious expression, "If Mei Wuming was really secretly arrested by No. 76, it is unlikely that he would be able to grit his teeth and keep silent."

Cheng Qianfan nodded. In the special higher education course, whether it was the current Central Command or the Party Affairs Investigation Office back then, these people who were the most ruthless in massacring the Red Party all seemed to have rickets when faced with interrogation by the Japanese.

If there are still some good men in the military who are unyielding and unyielding in the face of severe torture by the Japanese, the majority of them in the central government are weak-minded.

"I will arrange for comrades to inquire about the relevant situation, find out the situation, report it to Yanzhou, and ask the headquarters to convey the warning." Fang Jinghua took a few deep puffs of cigarette and said in a deep voice, "They are unkind, we cannot be unjust."

Cheng Qianfan glanced at Fang Jinghua silently and did not express his position on the matter.

Fang Jinghua endured his dissatisfaction and hatred towards the reactionaries of the Kuomintang and the Central Unification, took into account the overall situation of resisting the enemy, and understood the righteousness deeply.

However, Cheng Qianfan's intuition told him that given the speed of surrender that Zhongtong has always shown, the fall of Shanghai District of Zhongtong would probably be astonishing, and there was no way he could wait for the Shanghai underground party organization to find out about the matter.

The time required to find out the situation is not only to protect the comrades on the hidden front, but also to be responsible for the reputation of the Central Unification. After all, everything is just speculation now, and there is no actual evidence that the senior officials of the Central Unification were captured and betrayed by the Japanese.

If you rashly warn Chongqing, not only will it not attract Xue Yingzhen's gratitude, but it will arouse the Central Government's deep fear and hatred of the Red Party's strength in Shanghai, and intensify the Central Government's attack on the Red Party.

This kind of handling method is considered to be the most benevolent and righteous thing for our party.

"The caravan from Jiujiu Trading will leave tomorrow." Cheng Qianfan stood up and stretched his body before saying.

"Everything is ready." Fang Jinghua understood what Cheng Qianfan meant, "Your branch should not participate in the subsequent actions."

"Understood." Cheng Qianfan nodded.

For the special party branch in the French Concession, safety is the first priority. They can participate in the preliminary preparations, but they must avoid final actions that will increase the chance of exposure.

"Have the donations been sent out?" he asked Fang Jinghua.

Fang Jinghua smiled and nodded, "Mr. Mei asked me to convey my gratitude and admiration to the comrades fighting in Shanghai."

Mr. Mei is Commander Chen Meiling and is the nickname for him within the Shanghai Red Party.

"This is what we should do." Cheng Qianfan was very happy, "I really hope that one day I can go to our base area to take a walk and take a look."

"One day." Fang Jinghua said with relief.

However, he himself also knew that these words were mostly meant to comfort him. Even his chance of Fang Jinghua going to the base area was far greater than that of Comrade Huo Miao.

For lurk personnel of Comrade Huo Miao's level, they must absolutely avoid any behavior with our party that may arouse suspicion, let alone go to the base area to see this extremely dangerous behavior.

No. 76, Jisfield Road.

"Go in." Zhang Lu pushed hard.

Su Chende, who was blindfolded by a black cloth and had his hands handcuffed behind his back, stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

Then he felt himself being held by someone.

"Don't be rude to Mr. Su." Li Cuiqun said in a deep voice.

He looked at Su Chende with a satisfied expression, as if he was admiring a trophy.

"Hurry up and help Mr. Su untie him," Li Cuiqun said calmly.

The black cloth covering his eyes was torn off. Su Chende suddenly faced the light and squinted his eyes subconsciously.

Zhang Lu did not untie Su Chende's handcuffs.

Li Cuiqun glanced at Zhang Lu and did not ask for the handcuffs to be released.

In fact, he was very satisfied with Zhang Lu's "disobedience of orders" at this time.

Safety comes first. Su Chende is quite forceful and ruthless.

They also had the experience of "breaking away" from the Red Party and joining the Kuomintang, and the two of them could be regarded as classmates sent by the Red Party to train in Soviet Russia. Li Cuiqun knew Su Chende's situation very well.

In the 21st year of the Republic of China, Su Chende betrayed the Red Party and joined the Party Investigation Department under the temptation of his brother Su Chenxiu, an agent in the Party Affairs Investigation Department.

This person directly reported the situation of Red Party Central Committee member Lu Tanzhi, CCP Fanan District Committee, Huxi District Committee Xiang Daqi, Zhu Qiubai, etc., as well as his wife Wang Jingzhen, to the Party Affairs Investigation Office.

The Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Red Party, the Huxi District Committee of the Red Party, the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League and the central agencies were continuously damaged.

Even later, when the Red Party Special Branch was cracked, Su Chende was one of the people in the Party Affairs Investigation Department who presided over the crackdown on the Red Party Special Branch. Among them, the arrest of the important figure of the Red Party Special Branch, "Zhu Lin", was carried out by Su Chende.

First-hand planning.

Among the eight operational masters of the Special Branch Red Team of the Red Party, including the person codenamed "Bamboo Forest", four were secretly hunted and killed by Su Chende.

Among the Red Party members who died in the hands of Su Chende, there were more than a hundred people whose names and surnames could be traced.

Even within the Party Affairs Investigation Department, Su Chende was known for his murderous intentions, and was even privately called a "butcher" by his own people within the Investigation Department.

Facing such a murderous Su Chende, Li Cuiqun did not dare to be careless.

"Who are you?" Su Chende squinted and looked at the man in front of him.

The face looked familiar, but because his eyes hadn't adapted to the light and his mind was a little dizzy, he didn't recognize the other person for a while.

"Brother Mei Yi, we haven't seen each other for years, don't we even recognize our old friends?" Li Cuiqun said with a slight smile.

"Who are you?" Su Chende opened his eyes wide and leaned forward slightly, "Li Cuiqun? Are you Li...Brother Li?"

Seeing Su Chende's words, deeds, and reactions in his eyes, Li Cuiqun smiled slightly and sighed, "Brother Meiyi, I didn't expect to see my old friend again under such circumstances."

"Hmph." Su Chende seemed to have recovered from the shock. He had a sullen face and twisted his neck, "Brother Li has done great things, and someone who forgets his ancestors is beyond the reach of Su."

The smile on Li Cuiqun's face faded. He took a deep look at Su Chende and nodded slowly, "Brother Meiyi is a guest."

He looked at Zhang Lu and said, "Take Mr. Su to visit."

"Yes!" Zhang Lu laughed ferociously and pulled Su Chende over.

"Rude." Li Cuiqun frowned, "Mr. Su is a guest."

"Yes." Zhang Lu agreed, but he pulled Su Chende's handcuffs hard, causing Su Chende to cry out in pain.

"Brother Meiyi." Li Cuiqun lit a cigarette and took a puff. The smoke slowly exhaled from his nostrils and mouth. Amidst the smoke, he cast his eyes on Su Chende, "As the saying goes, those who know the current affairs are the ones who know the current affairs."

Junjie, why should you suffer the pain of flesh and blood?"

"Bah!" Su Chende held his head high and said with awe-inspiring righteousness, "Li Cuiqun, don't say more. Mr. Su has been deeply cultivated by the party-state. If you have anything to do, just come. If you frown, you are a son of a bitch."

"Why bother." Li Cuiqun sighed and waved his hand, "Why don't you invite Mr. Su to visit it quickly?"

"Please, Mr. Su." Zhang Lu kicked Su Chende, then pulled the handcuffs hard, and 'picked up' Su Chende who was about to fall.

The agents on No. 76 looked at Su Chende, who was being pushed by Zhang Lu and striding forward with his head held high, with different eyes.

Some of them even looked surprised:

How could there be such a tough guy in Zhongtong?

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