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Chapter 470 Take the initiative

"What?" Cheng Qianfan asked immediately after noticing the change in Hao Zai's expression.

"Brother Fan, when we drove into No. 76 Yard, a car drove out of the yard, and when the car curtain was rolled up..." Haozi frowned, seeming a little unsure, "

There is someone in the back seat who looks familiar to me."

"Looks familiar?" Cheng Qianfan was perked up.

"Not sure, maybe I saw it wrong." Haozi scratched his head, "I just took a look." Cheng Qianfan shook his head, it was unlikely that Haozi saw the wrong person.

What do they do?

The nature of their work determines that their eyesight is more precise than ordinary people, and their memory is much stronger than ordinary people.

Moreover, because of the special nature of their profession, there is a high probability that people who look familiar to them have the same special identity as them.

"Is it an acquaintance from Hangzhou or Shanghai?" Cheng Qianfan asked. Seeing Haozi frowning and thinking, he said, "Don't be anxious, think about it slowly. If you really can't remember it, don't think about it for now."

Sometimes, the more anxious you are to recall something, the more someone will fall into a blind corner of your mind. Instead, it may be at a moment of relaxation, or inspired by something or someone, that you can recall it all at once.

Hao Zai obviously understood this truth, he nodded...

"Brother Fan." Hao Zai said. "Hmm."

"Li Cuiqun is a very capable person, right?" Hao Zai asked.

"Li Cuiqun." Cheng Qianfan seemed not to have expected Haozi to ask this question. He pondered for a moment before continuing, "This man is very capable."

Seemingly feeling that this evaluation was quite empty, Cheng Qianfan thought for a while and said, "Hao Zai." "Hey, Brother Fan."

"You remember, this Li Cuiqun is very dangerous." Cheng Qianfan's expression was extremely serious, "Not only Li Cuiqun, but also Ding Mutun, this is also a dangerous person."

"Brother Fan, I remember." Hao Zai said.

"The Secret Service Headquarters." Cheng Qianfan murmured. He had a hunch that the Secret Service Headquarters would definitely qualify for a place in the list of tough opponents he would face in the future.

Not only because Li Cuiqun and Ding Mutun both had dual backgrounds in the Kuomintang and the Red Party, and knew Chongqing and the Red Party very well, but also because they were both ambitious and capable people.

As for today, Cheng Qianfan followed the instructions of the super high school section chief Mimotojiro and visited Li Cuiqun under the pretense of asking about Mei Wuming's abduction and casualties. In fact, he was observing this person from the side.

, side-click the message.

Cheng Qianfan had thought deeply before visiting Li Cuiqun:

He wanted to use this opportunity to find a suitable entry point to eliminate Li Cuiqun's possible suspicion of him. Yes, Cheng Qianfan judged that Li Cuiqun might be concerned about him, or even have certain suspicions.

This is an intuition, and this intuition comes from the keenness and caution of an excellent agent - Mei Wuming turned out to be Su Chende, deputy director of the Suhu District of Zhongtong.

After this person takes refuge at the Secret Service Headquarters, he will not only reveal the situation of the Su-Shanghai District of the Central Command.

Cheng Qianfan was not sure whether the other party would tell Li Cuiqun everything about the Central Command's plan to seize the New Fourth Army's anti-Japanese fundraiser. If so, Li Cuiqun would definitely notice what happened on Baier Road.

At that time, he ordered his men to patrol and arrest Su Chende. On the surface, it was for extortion, but in fact, it was to cover the retreat of comrades in the New Fourth Army.

If it were just this one thing, it might not arouse any concern or suspicion.

Another thing was that he happened to help Lao Mao and Fei Ming support the situation and maintain the reputation of the police station. At the same time, he ordered Dong Zhengguo and his party to be disarmed and arrested.

Dong Zhengguo is now Li Cuiqun's man, so Li Cuiqun must have paid attention to and studied this matter for a long time. On the surface, this matter was nothing, but Mr. Xiao Cheng was forced to take action when he was stopped by a patrolman on the road and asked for help.

One thing is nothing, but if two things coincide, it is no longer a coincidence in the eyes of the agents, especially the agent leaders like Li Cuiqun.

Putting himself in Li Cuiqun's shoes, Cheng Qianfan would definitely have doubts and concerns and secretly arrange for someone to investigate.

. Imagine being targeted by a spy leader like Li Cuiqun, Cheng Qianfan shuddered just thinking about this possibility.

He had to take action to eliminate this crisis, and Cheng Qianfan's response was to take the initiative.

He wanted to give Li Cuiqun a reason, a very reasonable reason that could just explain these two coincidences. The greedy and lustful Mr. Xiao Cheng chose to make a fuss about women this time.


"Brother Fan, I seem to have remembered it." Hao Zai said suddenly.

Cheng Qianfan's expression was solemn, and he just looked at Hao Zai. He did not ask questions so as not to affect Hao Zai's thinking, but let Hao Zai think slowly.

"Brother Fan, you said that Li Cuiqun is very capable and very dangerous." Hao Zai continued, "I just remembered that someone said something similar to me before."

Cheng Qianfan said "Huh" and signaled Haozi to continue thinking.

"When we were at Hangzhou Station, Captain He once sent his subordinates to keep an eye on a person." Hao Zai said.

"He Qichen" was the name that came to Cheng Qianfan's mind. When he went to Xiongzhenlou in Hangzhou for training, he participated in the roundup of Kawada Yongji at the Maiyuqiao Pier and had an encounter with He Qichen.

At that time, this person was the captain of the action team of the Hangzhou Station of the Lixing Society's Secret Service, and he had a Baoding background. He could be regarded as a prince within the Lixing Society. At that time, Yu Ping'an had a bad relationship with this person, but he also compared him with

Not much can be done.

"Who are you following?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

At this time, you can ask questions, but you need skills and purposeful questioning to guide Hao Zai's memories closer to the key information. Do not ask random questions, which will only disrupt Hao Zai's recall ideas.

"Zheng Sanyuan, the director of the Hangzhou District of the Party Affairs Investigation Department," Hao Tsai said. This is the person!

Cheng Qianfan knew about this Zheng Sanyuan. To be precise, he learned about this person from the mouth of Comrade Fang Jinghua, who was a "leased public servant". This Zheng Sanyuan was Comrade Fang Jinghua's main opponent when he was engaged in underground work in Hangzhou. This person was very capable.

Many comrades in Hangzhou died at the hands of Zheng Sanyuan's Party Affairs Investigation Department.

Cheng Qianfan did not rush to ask He Qichen why he arranged for Haozi to follow Zheng Sanyuan.

He also did not ask how the Hangzhou Station of the Lixingshe Secret Service knew the whereabouts of the Hangzhou District Director of the Party Investigation Office. This was because the Party Investigation Office was not a secret agent department before the fall of Japan. They operated in the open and had a fixed office location.

This is also the reason why the central commanders are more likely to be exposed than the military commanders, and after being captured by the Japanese invaders, most of them were tortured but could not rebel. There are even jokes like Wu Shanyue's punishment of three whips. Many of them were even considered to be traitors in the past.

government employee.

In addition, you must know that for the Zhongtong (Party Affairs Investigation Division) and Juntong (Lixingshe Secret Service), the two sides know each other best, and it is not surprising to know some of the other's secrets.

In fact, the Red Party's understanding of the Secret Service and the Party Investigation Division was not as thorough as the enemies' understanding of each other.

"At that time, my subordinates and brothers were staring at the newly opened road." Hao Zai said, explaining, "The Hangzhou District Office Building of the Party Affairs Investigation Office was at the newly opened road."

Cheng Qianfan was shocked. He knew that Hao Zai had thought of the key situation.

"One day, we monitored He Huan bringing a person to Xinkai Road, and Zheng Sanyuan actually came out to greet the person in person." Hao Zai said.

He Huan?

Cheng Qianfan remembered this person. At that time, he was the chief of the Action Unit of the Hangzhou District of the Party Affairs Investigation Department and an absolute confidant of Zheng Sanyuan.

If Zheng Sanyuan was Comrade Fang Jinghua's number one enemy when he was in Hangzhou, then He Huan was Zheng Sanyuan's number one vicious dog. He was the number one executioner who hunted down and killed underground party comrades in Hangzhou.


"Is this the person you had a "fate" with on the 76th today?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

"Yes." Hao Zai nodded, "The reason why my subordinate remembered it clearly is because he later reported this matter to the superior. The superior took it seriously and later found out the identity of this person."

"Do you know the identity of that person at that time?" Cheng Qianfan asked, speaking

There was doubt in the air.

At that time, Hao Zai was just an unknown member of the Hangzhou Station Action Team of the Lixing Society Secret Service. Even if the identity of this person was found, Hao Zai was not qualified to know.

"I don't know." Hao Zai said, "But the reason why I remembered where I had seen this person is because I heard the brothers mentioned it later and said that the person was a powerful person in the Party Affairs Investigation Department.

It’s capable and dangerous.”

"Is it dangerous?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

"That's what you said. I don't understand why." Hao Zai said.

Cheng Qianfan nodded and did not dwell on this issue any further.

He cleared his mind for a moment.

Now, although I don’t know the name and specific identity of the person Hao Tsai met on the 76th, he is a figure with a certain status in the Party Affairs Investigation Department, and he once worked in Hangzhou or went to Hangzhou.

I was on a business trip and was personally received by Zheng Sanyuan, the head of Hangzhou District of the Party Affairs Investigation Office. By the way, it was He Huan who led this person to see Zheng Sanyuan.

"When did this happen?" Cheng Qianfan asked. "March of the 25th year of the Republic of China." Hao Tsai said.

Cheng Qianfan nodded slightly. With this time point, it would be possible to find out who this person was.

The most important thing is that He Qichen of the Hangzhou Station Action Brigade of the Lixing Society Secret Service had investigated this person's background. He Qichen must have had an impression of this person.

This person's identity can be known by asking He Qichen.---

Suddenly, Cheng Qianfan's heart moved.

This person should be a senior official of the Central Unification Committee now. He had experience in Hangzhou at that time. Could it be that this person also came to Shanghai from Hangzhou now...

Then he came into contact with the Suhu District of the Central Government, so he was caught by the Secret Service Headquarters? "Hao Zai, is that person under control, or..." Cheng Qianfan asked.

Hao Zai understood what Brother Fan meant. He thought for a while and said, "I just took a glance at it and didn't pay much attention to it. However, now that I think about it, it doesn't look like that person was tied or handcuffed."

Cheng Qianfan nodded with a gloomy expression. Yes, it was almost as he guessed. This person was arrested by the secret service headquarters and subsequently rebelled.

Zhongtong? Haha.

Cheng Qianfan sneered, these people were so cruel and rampant when they hunted down the Red Party members, but now facing the Japanese invaders, all of them have turned into eggless pieces.

....Xia Fei Road.

Huo Junyun got out of the car early when he was still two intersections away from his home.

Taking a bunch of fruits from the hands of Agent No. 76 Tang Wenlao, Huo Junyun looked down and found that it was not the bunch of fruits he had bought before. To be precise, it was too heavy.

"The previous fruit was accidentally broken by the brothers because of their rudeness. Deputy Director Li asked me to buy new ones." Tang Kanlao explained.

"Thank you." Huo Junyun glanced at Tang Wenlao. Perhaps he had just come out of No. 76 Jisi Feier Road. Faced with Tang Wenlao's attentiveness, he felt an inexplicable warmth in his heart.

Carrying the fruits from Masanjiao Preserved Fruit Shop, Huo Junyun walked to the door of his house. Just as he was about to knock on the door, he heard the door creak and open.

"Jun Yun, where have you been?" Li Caihong looked at her husband in surprise and joy, then glanced outside with vigilance, pulled her husband into the house, closed the door and bolted it.

Huo Junyun walked to the table silently, put the bunch of fruits in his hand on the table, then turned around and hugged his wife tightly.

"Junyun, what's wrong?" Li Caihong asked hurriedly. Huo Junyun didn't speak.

"Speak, Junyun, what happened?" Li Caihong was anxious.

"It's nothing." Huo Junyun then realized his gaffe, quickly wiped the corners of his eyes secretly, and said, "I just want to hug you."

"Is everything okay?" Li Caihong looked at her husband in confusion.

"What can happen?" Huo Junyun said with a smile. He looked at the curtain in the back room, where is the doll?"

"You also said that I kept waiting and making noises to eat the fruit you bought, but you never came back.

I cried and fell asleep after eating." Li Caihong glared at her husband angrily and said.

"I'm going to take a look at the doll." Huo Junyun said to his wife and went straight into the back room. Li Caihong looked at her husband's back, thoughtfully.


"Junyun, have some tea and snacks." Li Caihong poured tea for Huo Junyun and shouted. "Here we come." Huo Junyun came out of the back room, the corners of his eyes seemed moist and red.

Li Caihong talked with her husband.

She had been observing secretly and noticed something strange in the corners of her husband's eyes. Thinking of her husband's previous abnormalities, her heart skipped a beat.

"Junyun, where have you been? It's taken you so long to come back." Li Caihong asked. "Why are you asking?" Huo Junyun squeezed out a smile from the corner of his mouth, "I'm sleepy."

Seeing her husband avoid this question, Li Caihong asked even more "Junyun, tell me the truth, where have you been?"

Faced with Li Caihong's constant "pressing questions", Huo Junyun first said that he went to watch a movie, and then said that he met a friend and went to play mahjong.

Hearing that her husband said he was playing mahjong with his friends, Li Caihong became even more suspicious.

"Junyun, tell me honestly, where have you been?" Li Caihong held her husband's hand affectionately and asked. Looking at his wife's gaze, Huo Junyun's eyes were a little dodgeful, and finally he sighed: "Caihong,

I'm sorry for you." PS: Please subscribe, please reward, please vote monthly, thank you.

This chapter has been completed!
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