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Chapter 479: Big brother, do you want second brother to help?

 Dingmu Tun asked Li Cuiqun to "raise troops to investigate" without telling him about the attack on the Su-Shanghai District of the Central Government, so Li Cuiqun had no choice but to take the initiative to "show goodwill" and ease the relationship.

He then informed Dingmutun that Hu Sishui had discovered the traces of important military personnel.

"Yes!" Hu Sishui quickly said to Li Cuiqun. He turned to look at Dingmu Tun and said respectfully, "Report to the director, according to the secret identification of the brothers, that man looks very much like Lu Xingge from the Military Command Shanghai Station."

"Lu Xingge? Are you sure it's Lu Xingge?" Dingmutun's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this. Lu Xingge of the Military Command Shanghai Station was a figure who had already been registered with the Japanese.

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, Lu Xingge and his men broke into Chen's mansion and assassinated Chen Zhuan, the Foreign Minister of the Nanjing Reform Government. This incident caused a sensation in Shanghai, and the Japanese were even more furious. "Director of the report," Hu Sishui said, "Lu Xing

Ge is very skilled, so brothers dare not get too close, as he looks like Lu Xingge from a distance."

After Chen Zhuan's death, the Public Settlement Patrol Office once drew a portrait of Lu Xingge based on the oral accounts of multiple witnesses at the scene.

The patrol room used this portrait to pursue him for a long time to no avail.

The secret service headquarters obtained the portrait from the patrol room. After careful study of the portrait, Dingmutun asked how the portrait came out at that time and learned that it was the "cooperation of the witnesses".

He frowned, and suddenly an idea came to him. He asked people to distinguish him, staggered the time to find witnesses, and based on the oral description again, he perfected the portrait step by step.

Finally, the secret service headquarters took the new portrait and asked witnesses to identify it. Everyone agreed that the portrait looked more like Lushingo than the previous portrait in the patrol room.

Everyone in the secret service headquarters was astonished by this incident. They didn't expect that Director Ding actually knew how to draw a portrait.

"Tell me how you discovered this person." Dingmutun nodded and said in a deep voice, "Be more detailed."

Hu Sishui glanced at Li Cuiqun.

Li Cuiqun flicked the ashes from his cigarette and looked like he was all ears.

Hu Sishui then opened his mouth to tell how he discovered the suspicious person who was suspected of being the military commander Lu Xingge.

Hu Sishui was ordered to arrest the 'postman, Lao Xing's boss Ping Luchang.

This person seems to be rough and undisciplined, but in fact he is rough and subtle.

Hu Sishui did not lead people to arrest him rashly. Instead, he led his men to hide near Pingluchang's home and sent people to secretly investigate the situation in Pingluchang.

His carefulness brought him an 'unexpected harvest'.

His subordinates inquired about a situation. On this day, Ping Luchang bought some braised vegetables, bad edamame, salt-boiled peanuts and other snacks, and also bought two bottles of good old wine.

This seemed to be an ordinary behavior and there was nothing unusual about it. However, Hu Sishui thought about it:

Pingluchang is here to entertain guests.


At this juncture, what is the background of the guests Ping Luchang wants to entertain?

Hu Sishui immediately arranged for his men to inquire secretly, and soon there was news that there was indeed a guest visiting Pinglu Chang's home that morning.

Hu Sishui immediately became energetic.

Is this guest really just a friend of Ping Luchang?

Or does this person have a strong background?

Hu Sishui chose to stand still for the time being and not arrest Ping Luchang.

He ordered his men to keep an eye on Ping Luchang in an attempt to find out who the friend Ping Luchang entertained was.

Sure enough, Ping Luchang's friend appeared again one day later. However, this person was very cautious, wearing sunglasses and a sunhat, so that he could not see his face clearly. Just when Hu Sishui was in a gloomy mood, someone under his command said something.

, he said that this person looked a bit like Lu Xingge from the Military Command Shanghai Station.

Hu Sishui was overjoyed. He knew Lu Xingge's name. He thought he was just here to catch a small fish like Pinglu Chang, but he didn't expect to catch a big fish like Lu Xinge. He ordered his men to quietly take Lu Xingge's name.

The portrait asked people near Ping Luchang's house, and many people they asked in succession said they had no impression.

As the saying goes, God pays off, and finally a vendor selling fried chestnuts with sugar recognized the guest of Pinglu Chang's family and the person in the portrait.

Personally very similar to:

Before this person went to Ping Luchang's house, he had bought three kilograms of sugar-roasted chestnuts from him. In this way, Hu Sishui judged that this person was probably Lu Xingge, an operational expert at the Juntong Shanghai Station.

"Have you found Lu Xingge now?" Ding Mutun asked.

"No." Hu Sishui shook his head and said, "However, Deputy Director Li judged that Lu Xingge was in the Xijilaihuoxing Street area."

Li Cuiqun cleared his throat, walked to the map hanging on the wall, took the baton from Hu Sishui, and began to talk.

"After this person left his home in Pingluchang, he bought sugar-roasted chestnuts on the street. Li Cuiqun said, "This person also specifically said that it should not be too hot, just a little bit to burn your mouth, so take it home.

It’s just right to eat.”

With that said, Li Cuiqun pointed to the chestnut shells in the trash can in his office and said, "I asked Sishui to buy some chestnuts, and first went to the vendor to determine what is considered to be a slight scalding of the mouth."

He handed Ding Mutun a cigarette and motioned to Hu Sishui to light it for Director Ding. "I tested the time, from slightly burning your mouth to being warm enough to be eaten. If the kraft paper is tightly wrapped, it should be within half an hour."

Li Cuiqun said with a smile on his lips, "However, if you want to pursue the taste, it will not taste good if it is wrapped in kraft paper too tightly."

"So, I finally limited the time to a quarter of an hour." Li Cuiqun continued.

Ding Mutun also had a serious expression. He took the baton from Li Cuiqun and clicked on several locations on the map.

"If calculated based on normal walking speed, Xijilaihuoxing Street is indeed within a fifteen-minute radius." Ding Mutun said, looking at Li Cuiqun, "However, if you take a rickshaw..."

Li Cuiqun understood what Dingmutun meant, and he continued to explain, "Once the time and location are confirmed, it will be easier to investigate."

Hu Sishui secretly investigated according to his arrangement. At that time, the rickshaw pullers in the area said that they had never picked up a man who smelled of sugar-roasted chestnuts. These rickshaw pullers might not necessarily bother to see if the guests had any.

No matter what bag they were carrying, it was impossible for them not to smell the aroma of roasted chestnuts, and they would never forget it.

"It can't be a car, it's too conspicuous."

"It is impossible to ride a foreign car. If you ride a foreign car, you will definitely ride it directly to Pingluchang's house. It is not safe to leave it outside."

"I didn't even call a rickshaw."

In this way, we can be sure that the man who was warmly received by Pingluchang was on foot. If we were looking for someone, apart from these rickshaw drivers, the beggars on the street would have the best information.

The agents from the secret service headquarters used sesame cakes as rewards and searched for clues from many beggars. Finally, they got confirmation from two beggars that the person went to Xijilaihuoxing Street. "This person has been in Xijilaihuoxing Street."

Come out?" Dingmutun asked, frowning.

"Reporting to the director, there is indeed no." Hu Sishui said, "After confirming the West Jilaihuo Street, the brothers secretly stared at the West Jilaihuo Street and did not find Lu Xingge coming out."

"Something's wrong." Dingmutun shook his head, "Lu Xingge disappeared for a while and suddenly appeared again in Shanghai. He can't have the leisure to hide in Xijilaihuoxing Street."

"Too honest." He added after thinking for a while.

Then, Ding Mutun caught a glimpse of the astonishment in Hu Sishui's eyes.

"What's wrong?" Dingmutun asked.

"Report to the director." Hu Sishui reported, "After hearing the report from his subordinate, Deputy Director Li also said that this person is too honest and a little abnormal."

"Well." Ding Mutun looked at Li Cuiqun with a smile on his face, "It seems, brother Shichang, we are heroes and have the same ideas."

Li Cuiqun laughed loudly, "Brother Mo Chang, I have been influenced by you and made progress." As he said that, he looked at Dingmutun and said, "It seems that Brother Mo Chang has noticed it too."

"This Lu Xingge is a talent." Ding Mutun said in admiration.

He and Li Cuiqun have the same judgment:

I don’t know whether Hu Sishui and his men were hiding and disadvantaged, or whether it was because of other

It was caused by him. Now there is a doubt that Lu Xinge was shocked. This person should have noticed that he was being watched.

Therefore, Lu Xingge has been hiding and standing still. On the one hand, he does not know the reality here and does not dare to act rashly.

And now his specific residence has not been found. In this situation, it is better to stay still... "No." Dingmutun shook his head, "Lu Xingge must have discovered the people of Sishui. He knows that he can't get out by force.

So this man chose to stand still and wait." "Waiting for what?" Hu Sishui asked.

"Waiting for loopholes and opportunities to break through," Li Cuiqun said.

"Do you know why Lu Xingge suddenly returned to Shanghai?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

He now always calls him by his first name, just to avoid being bald and letting outsiders detect his relationship with Lu Xingo.

Many times, a lurker is exposed not because of the big or outrageous mistakes he made, but because of these seemingly insignificant details.

"I don't know." Haozi shook his head, "Lu Xingge didn't tell Brother Luo either. He only said that he had something to deal with when he returned to Shanghai and that he would return to Pudong after finishing his work."

Previously, Jiang Mulezi was ordered by team leader "Xiao Mian" to search for and rescue Lu Xingge and his party. After that, Lu Xingge and others temporarily stayed with Jiang Mulezi's troops.

Jiang Mulezi secretly reported to Cheng Qianfan that he suspected that Lu Xingge had guessed that they were not anti-Japanese guerrillas, but members of the Shanghai Special Intelligence Group.

And this may be the reason why Lu Xingge chose to stay in Jiang Mulezi's army. Cheng Qianfan's reply to Jiang Mulezi was: keep it secret and ignore the rest.

Jiang Mulezi's independent special operations team, except for Jiang Mulezi himself, has no direct horizontal contact with other units of the Shanghai Special Intelligence Group, and is not afraid of Lu Xingge secretly inquiring about information.

In addition, Cheng Qianfan also gave Jiang Mulezi a task

Find a way to bring Lu Xingo into the team.

Cheng Qianfan knew about his elder brother Lu Xingge's talent.

Lu Xinge is not only highly skilled, he is also a master of action.

In fact, Lu Xinge's ability to lead troops is stronger than his ability to act as an agent. As a top graduate of the Central Army Military Academy, the eldest brother has no problem commanding a small force:

Before joining the Lixingshe Secret Service, Lu Xingge had already accumulated merit and moved to the position of company deputy of the Central Army.

Cheng Qianfan frowned slightly. It seemed that his eldest brother had matters to deal with at the Military Reunion Shanghai Station when he returned to Shanghai, or he wanted to meet someone.

Or is there something else going on at Shanghai Station?

Cheng Qianfan paced and thought. He knew that the reason why Lu Xingge chose to stay with Jiang Mulezi in Pudong to "recuperate" was actually to "take refuge". The internal fighting between Wang Tiemu and Zheng Lijun within the Juntong Shanghai Station was getting more and more serious.

Xing Ge once moved closer to Wang Iron Mu, or I can't use the word "closer," but Wang Iron Mu took the initiative to extend an olive branch. It seemed that he wanted to reuse Lu Xingge and give him an opportunity and a stage to show off his abilities.

For example, according to some internal information of the Shanghai Station of Military Reunion controlled by Cheng Qianfan, Lu Xingge was previously ordered to sanction Chen Bo, the foreign minister of the puppet Nanjing Reform Government. This action was Wang Tiemu's priority. Lu Xingge's specific actions can be said to be this.

The result of the two people's joint efforts. 1. Cheng Qianfan knew his eldest brother Lu Xingge, and Wang Tiemu should have won his eldest brother's favor and loyalty.

Now that Wang Ironmu has been exiled by Dai Chunfeng and Zheng Lijun has won a great victory, Lu Xingge will not betray Wang Ironmu and turn to Zheng Lijun. However, the order to exile Wang Ironmu was issued by Dai Chunfeng himself. The eldest brother is loyal to Dai Chunfeng.

Naturally, it is difficult to disobey Chongqing's orders.

Therefore, the eldest brother had no choice but to choose to stay at Jiang Mulezi's headquarters in Pudong to "escape". "It shouldn't be possible to meet other senior officials of Shanghai Station." Cheng Qianfan pondered, wondering about the inside story.

So, ‘Then I want to meet my former subordinates.

Cheng Qianfan had a tendency to judge in his mind that the eldest brother values ​​​​love and righteousness. It is most likely that the eldest brother's former subordinates are not in a good situation now, and they have also been affected by the internal struggle in the military command station.

The eldest brother most likely wanted to take this part of the hand that was in poor condition with him

I will follow him to Pudong for temporary refuge.

However, Cheng Qianfan had a question in his mind, that is, for what reason Lu Xingge brought these people to Pudong, there must be a legitimate reason that could convince Zheng Lijun to approve it.

Cheng Qianfan still has some understanding of the internal situation of Shanghai Station, and he also knows a little bit about the temperament of Shanghai Station's senior management. Zheng Lijun has a strong personality and may not be easy to talk to.

Cheng Qianfan thought about it, and he felt that his eldest brother should have a reason to convince Zheng Lijun, or even something to rely on.

However, these are no longer the important things that Cheng Qianfan needs to figure out right now.

The most important thing is to figure out what happened to Lu Xingo?

Where are the people?

What happened?

Is there any danger?

Do you need my second brother to help?

"Haozi, I'll give you a task." Cheng Qianfan said.

"Brother Fan, give your orders."

"You go to meet someone." Cheng Qianfan whispered. He motioned for Haozi to come over and whispered to him.

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