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Chapter 488 Big Brother’s Discovery

 "Lu Xinge has been waiting for a long time."

Cheng Qianfan suddenly heard the sound, and his heart skipped a beat. He was both happy and surprised, and couldn't help but turn around to look.

Then he saw Lu Xingo.

Lu Xingge was wearing an oil silk short-sleeved shirt, with a middle parted placket, a single row of buttons, and a short gun on his waist. He looked heroic, upright, and stood with his fists clasped.

Anyone who sees it can’t help but praise:

Good man!!

"Shanghai Station Team Leader Lu in person?" Cheng Qianfan asked in a low voice with alert eyes.

Before the action started, he suddenly thought of something:

Aunt Ma was definitely not entrusted by her eldest brother Lu Xingge to send a message for help.

He knows his eldest brother's temperament very well.

If the eldest brother was sure that Cheng Qianfan was really close to the Japanese, or even became a traitor, with his strong character, he would rather die for his country than seek help from his second brother, a traitor.

If the eldest brother believes that he has difficulties and still loves the country and the nation, but these are just appearances and he has difficulties, then the eldest brother will not ask for help from him or 'implicate' him.

Therefore, Aunt Ma's summons is most likely due to Aunt Ma's personal behavior. The eldest brother Lu Xingge knows nothing about it. Although there are still many doubts behind this conclusion, Cheng Qianfan is inclined to this


Therefore, Cheng Qianfan is now convinced that the eldest brother did not know that the person who came to rescue him was the 'second brother'.

"It's Lu." Lu Xingge said, "Lu Xingge is deeply grateful for the help of the two brothers in rescuing him, and he is worshiped by Lu."

Cheng Qianfan clasped his hands and returned the gesture.

"Team Leader Lu, this is not a place to stay for a long time, nor is it a place to talk." Cheng Qianfan said, "Please come with me."

"Thank you." Lu Xingge clasped his fists. He looked back at the direction where Ping Luchang died for his country before, sighed, and followed the pace of his two friends.

He was wondering where the two people who rescued him came from?

Shanghai Station?

The possibility is extremely low.

Not to mention that it is very unlikely that Zheng Lijun would send someone to rescue him. Even if he wanted to rescue him, the Shanghai Station did not have such capable operational forces.

Yes, Lu Xinge judged from the explosions and gunshots just now that the one who rescued him should be an action team. In addition to these two friends with superb marksmanship, there were actually people who were good at blasting to provide support from the outside, and the entire

The action process was crisp and neat, and the timing was perfect. It was definitely a capable force.

It's not that the Shanghai station doesn't have such capable forces, but the problem is that the most capable people in the Shanghai station are his Lu Xingge group, and these people are obviously new faces.


Lu Xingge immediately rejected this speculation in his mind.

It is not that there are no heroes in Zhongtong, but most of them are weaklings.

Wu Shanyue’s three whips? Haha, it’s a joke!

The most important thing is, will the Central Military Commission come to rescue the military commanders?

A civil war armed force that insists on resisting Japan?

Lu Xinge thought it was unlikely.

Without him, not to mention that the weapons and equipment of the civilian armed forces are not so good. The most important thing is that the civilian anti-Japanese armed forces are mostly reckless people, and they never have such a vigorous and murderous acting style.

From these two friends, he saw the style of the military, or to be precise, the style of agents who have undergone strict and specialized military training.

Then, the background of these two people seems to be obvious:

Military Command Shanghai Special Intelligence Group,

It turned out to be the Shanghai special case team who came to rescue him?!

Lu Xinge was both surprised and not surprised.

In the past, he had no contact with the Shanghai Special Situation Team, but from the great things that the Shanghai Special Situation Team had done that made people happy, Lu Xingge was extremely impressed by the capabilities of the Shanghai Special Situation Team.

I have great admiration for Xiao Mian, the leader of the Shanghai special situation team.

Previously, he was injured during a breakout and was rescued by a brother who called himself Tan Huo. Although the Tan Huo brothers claimed that they were members of the Pudong Peasant Anti-Japanese Guerrilla Army Li Yuansheng, however, later, based on Lu Xingge's secret observation, he suspected that Tan Huo's men were actually members of the Pudong Peasants' Anti-Japanese Guerrilla Army.

They are people from the Shanghai Special Affair Group.

This is a life-saving grace.

As a result, Lu Xingge had a better impression of the Shanghai Special Situation Group.

Was he actually rescued by the Shanghai special case team again?

Lu Xingge smiled bitterly in his heart. He saved his life twice. This was a huge debt of gratitude.

He stared at the backs of the two people walking in front.

Of these two friends, the one with the beard should be the chief, and the other one is his subordinate.


Lu Xinge frowned slightly.

These two trusted him too much.

He actually walked in front.

As the saying goes, you must be on guard against others. If you were shot twice from behind, wouldn't these two people be responsible for this?

Of course, these two people had just rescued him and confirmed his identity. It was probably for this reason that they relaxed their vigilance.

However, even so, it is still too inappropriate. The so-called accident is an unexpected situation.

Being behind enemy lines in complex situations, one cannot be careless at any time.

"Are you two brothers so relieved about Lu?" Lu Xingge said with a hearty smile.

Cheng Qianfan stopped and looked at Lu Xingge, who pointed at the two of them and then at himself. He instantly understood what Lu Xingge meant.

"Brother, I have heard about the famous name of Shanghai Station Lu Xingge." Cheng Qianfan smiled slightly, "Team Leader Lu is a hero whose life can be trusted, so why don't you worry?"

Lu Xingge's expression was serious, "As the saying goes, you know the person but not the heart. The two brothers must be careful in the future."

Cheng Qianfan and Hao Zai looked at each other, smiled and nodded, "What Team Leader Lu said is true."

He knew that he had made a small mistake while relaxing.

Cheng Qianfan naturally trusted Lu Xingge very much.

Specific to the present moment, he just exposed his back to Lu Xinge so nonchalantly. This is a kind of subconscious trust, and it is also a very rare kind of relaxation:

Big brother is behind!

But it was this kind of subconscious emotion that caused Cheng Qianfan's temporary lack of vigilance, so that clues were revealed. Fortunately, the elder brother didn't seem to think too much.

The three of them walked through the long and narrow alley, turned right at the end of the alley and entered an alley, arriving at the door of a two-story building.

Hao Zai took a quick run, and with the help of a crooked tree outside the courtyard wall, he climbed over the wall and entered, opening the door.

"Brother Lu, please."

After the two entered, Hao Zai stayed outside, locked the door from the outside, and then ran over the wall to get in.

Several people passed through the hall and went directly to the backyard.

Cheng Qianfan suddenly stopped.

"Clean it up." He pointed to the short covered bridge and said to Hao Zai.

There is a section of the covered bridge about two meters long that is covered with a roof, which leaves a layer of floating dust underneath, and there are footprints from the people who just walked by.


Hao Zai's method of cleaning up was to take out a handkerchief, smooth the footprints on the ground as much as possible, then take out a small bamboo tube shaped like a pen holder from his body, unscrew the stopper, and pour out the liquid inside.

"What is this?" Lu Xingo asked.

Previously, out of respect for his neighboring units, he tried to remain silent and not ask questions along the way, but now he finally couldn't help but ask.

"Cat urine." Hao Zai replied.

Yes, this is cat urine.

After 'cleaning up', several people went out from the corner door of the backyard.

"Brother Lu, can you swim?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

"I understand a little bit," Lu Xinge said.

"That's good." Cheng Qianfan smiled and nodded, but the eldest brother was cautious when he said this. As a native of Baodao, Fujian, the eldest brother has the ability to swim in the vast ocean.

Cheng Qianfan entered the water first, and his expression changed slightly.

Only then did Lu Xinge notice a wisp of red floating in the river.

"Brother, are you injured?" Lu Xinge asked in shock.

"I was bitten by an animal." Cheng Qianfan smiled nonchalantly and swam away.

"Well done, brother." Lu Xingge said with a smile. He kind of likes this brother from Shanghai's special love group. He is too much for his liking.

Lu Xinge also entered the water. He swam very fast, thinking that this brother was injured, so he wanted to catch up and take care of him.


Lu Xinge's eyes narrowed slightly.

This brother's swimming posture...

Suddenly, Lu Xingge remembered the scene just now:

This person is extremely attentive and can consider those few footprints. The most important thing is that he has prepared cat urine in advance to deal with it. This, this——

This person's caution and precautions were rare in Lu Xingge's life.

How could such a person be so careless in exposing his back to him before?

This is very unreasonable.

The more Lu Xingge thought about it, the more strange he felt.

He took another look at the opponent's swimming posture.

Lu Xinge's brows furrowed more and more.

The more I thought about it, the more familiar it felt.

He glanced at the other person again. This person's face was sallow, and he was obviously trying to cover up his true appearance in some way.

Moreover, this person's figure also gave him a sense of familiarity. To be precise, it felt both strange and familiar.

Soon they landed in a secluded corner. The three of them walked quickly for more than a hundred steps, regardless of how wet they were, and turned into an alley.

A car parked there quietly.

Lu Xinge glanced at the bearded man and saw that this man had prepared a car in advance.

How could such a wise person make such low-level mistakes as before.

He stared at the bearded beard.


This beard.

At this moment, Lu Xinge suddenly had the urge to shave his thick beard.

Suddenly, something moved in his heart and his brows widened.

West Jilaihuoxing Street.

There was a fierce gun battle on Nishi Jiraihuoxing Street, grenades exploded, and a bridge collapsed.

This alarmed the French Concession authorities.

The deputy inspector of the Xiafei District Patrol Office, Lao Mao, and his men came to reinforce the situation. They joined the men who had been affected by the explosion at the bridge and came over.

The patrolmen were also shocked by the fierce fighting scene. There were at least a dozen corpses lying on the scene, and the wounded were still screaming.

In addition, a fire broke out in a store at the corner of the street, but the firefighters had not yet arrived. Those citizens who had been scared by the gunfight before and were afraid that the fire would spread to their homes had no choice but to come out to help put out the fire.

"Brother Hat." A patrolman walked up to Old Hat and quietly pointed at Hu Sishui, who had a sinister look on his face and stared at the corpse without saying a word. "Hu Sishui on No. 76, most of the people who died were his people."

"Chongqing?" Old Man narrowed his eyes and asked in a low voice.

"It is said that they are arresting military commander Lu Xingge from the Shanghai Station." the patrolman whispered.

"The one who killed Chen Zhuan?" the old man asked with a strange look on his face.

"That should be it."

"Got it." The old man nodded. He adjusted his patrol uniform, coughed, and walked towards Hu Sishui, who was grieving alone.

"But Captain Hu from the Secret Service Headquarters." The old man said in a deep voice.

Hu Sishui suddenly raised his head, his face was quite ferocious, he stared at the old man with ferocious eyes, his eyes were red, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Officer Yan, my people were attacked by thugs in your jurisdiction, should the patrol room give me an explanation?


"Old Hat" is just a nickname. His surname is Yan and Wenxing, but it is a rather elegant name.

The old hat didn't seem to expect that Hu Sishui would be the first to complain and start questioning him.

He unhurriedly took out the cigarette case on his body, slowly pulled out a cigarette, stuffed it into his mouth, bent down and picked up a piece of window wood that was burning on the ground, lit the cigarette in his mouth, and inhaled deeply.

He took two puffs and exhaled two puffs of smoke, "Captain Hu, according to the rules, your troops are not allowed to bring weapons into the French Concession."

As he spoke, he swept up the dead bodies on the floor, took a few puffs of his cigarette, and said melancholy, "Captain Hu, so many people have died, this makes it difficult for me to do this."

Not far from here,

Sanbonjiro stood at the door of a store with a livid face.

The people fighting the fire were frightened by the corpses on the first floor and scattered. Fortunately, the fire brigade came, the water hose started spraying water, and the fire was under control.

The two bodies on the first floor were also dragged out and placed at the entrance of the store.

Sanbonjiro gritted his teeth, and his teeth creaked.

He stared at the store sign.

The store's signboard was burnt black, leaving only the last word vaguely legible:


This is Jiraiya Bookstore.

"How did Kaga die?" Sanbonjiro walked to Kaga Kaoru's body and asked in a deep voice.

"We don't know yet." Hiroyuki Kikube shook his head, "The body was just discovered."

He stepped forward and lowered his voice and said, "Our people found out that the deceased was Kaga-kun and called immediately to report."

Sanbonjiro understood what Hiroyuki Kikube meant by 'our people'. He bent down and carefully looked at the scars on Kaga Kaoruya's body.

Hiroyuki Kikube also squatted down, "My subordinates have conducted a preliminary investigation and found that Kaga-kun was stabbed several times in the neck."

He pondered and said, "It should be no less than three times. The opponent's attack was very ruthless, and the purpose was to kill Kaga-kun."

Sanbonjiro said nothing.

Kikube Hiroo continued, "The opponent is a master, and Kaga-kun's personal force is not weak. However, judging from the scars on the body, Kaga-kun is probably far behind him."

"It should be said that he has little power to fight back." Sanbonjiro said in a deep voice.

As he said that, he stood up and walked to the other corpse next to him, first standing and looking at it.

He walked around the body, stroking his chin and thinking.

Then he squatted down and carefully inspected the body.

"What do you think of this corpse?" Sanbonjiro asked.

"If Kaga-kun still resisted, it can be said that this person was killed without any resistance at all." Kikube Hiroo said.

He thought for a moment and wanted to add a suitable word, "It's like, it's like..."

"I'm so scared." A voice sounded beside the two of them.

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