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Chapter 498 The red number seventy-six

"Do you know why I doubt you?" Tang Kanlao spoke with a cigarette in his mouth, which made his voice a little unclear.

"Ah?" Shan Fangyun stopped and showed a surprised expression.

Then he regretted it because he was surrounded.

"Sir, what did you say?" Shan Fangyun responded quickly. After realizing that he could not get close to the switch, he quickly adjusted his mentality.

Now I am just a timid little shopkeeper who knows nothing.

"You said you were a carpenter." Tang Canlao smiled while biting his cigarette. He walked up and patted Shan Fangyun's face, "You lied."

As he spoke, he spit out his cigarette on the ground and said, "Take it away and examine it carefully." Shan Fangyun made a frightened and confused expression, "Sir, what do you mean? I am really good at carpentry. You didn't ask me to repair it."

Tables and chairs? What are you doing? What are you doing?"

Tang Zhunlao crushed the cigarette butt with his toes and sneered, "Silly melon."

Then he frowned, feeling as if someone was looking over him, but when he looked up, he found nothing.

Although it is not known where the man was arrested or what happened before.

However, Cheng Qianfan only listened to this and he could roughly understand it.

The little boss at the secret service headquarters has some skills and is very good at reading people.

This man is not a carpenter.

"Officer Li, please come with me to rest here." A secret agent extended his hand to Li Hao politely and asked, "The best Lu'an melon slices."

Li Hao looked at Cheng Qianfan, saw Brother Fan nodded slightly, and followed him away. A woman came up to meet him.

beautiful woman.

"Mr. Cheng, please come this way."

The woman's graceful figure in a white shirt is made even more graceful by the loose clothes.

Her voice was soft and delicate, like honey dripping from a spoon: "Deputy Director Li is temporarily away on official business. He specifically asked me to apologize to you on his behalf. Please wait a moment. Deputy Director Li will be back soon..."

Cheng Qianfan glanced at the woman, his eyes lit up, and then he snorted coldly, pretending to be angry, "Senior, what are you doing?"

Feng Man glanced at Cheng Qianfan in surprise, what does this mean?

"It's the senior's fault. What does it have to do with the girl? It's Li Cuiqun who has to apologize." Cheng Qianfan said with a smile, "Didn't you ask the girl her name?"

Feng Man blinked his big eyes and covered his mouth and chuckled, but did not answer, "Mr. Cheng, please come this way."

When he received no response, Cheng Qianfan was not annoyed and did not continue to pester him. He nodded slightly and followed the woman.

This is a reception room.

It's a bit like a reading room, because there are many newspaper racks in the corners.

The walls of the reception room still smelled like white dust. They had just been painted a few days ago. "Deputy Director Cheng, wait a moment. Deputy Director Li will be here shortly." Feng Man diligently served tea, preserved fruits, melon seeds and snacks.

, and took some new newspapers and put them on the coffee table.

"Have we met this girl somewhere?" Cheng Qianfan picked up the teacup, blew on it, but put it down without drinking it, and asked with a smile.

"Feng Man has never been lucky enough to get to know Mr. Cheng." Feng Man's voice was sweet and waxy.

"Cherry Fan Su has a mouth and Yangliu has a small waist." Cheng Qianfan's eyes lit up and he glanced at Feng Man, "Feng Man, what a good name."

"Mr. Cheng, you're honored." Feng Man pursed his lips and smiled, "Mr. Cheng, please call later if you need anything. Feng Man is right next door."

Cheng Qianfan nodded slightly, watched Feng Man leave, and picked up a newspaper, which covered his facial expression.

Feng Man.

It turned out to be her.

Feng Man, director of the Shanghai sub-divisional radio station in the Suhu District of the Central United States.

Cheng Qianfan knew the woman's name from Araki Harima, and Xue Yingzhen sent a telegram to the Suhu District of the Central Government to warn and inquire about Xu Zhaolin's situation. This telegram was received by Feng Man in the telecommunications room of the secret service headquarters.

In addition, this woman has another identity:

Feng Man is the wife of Dong Zhengguo.

From Araki Harima, Cheng Qianfan also learned that the Suhu District of the Central Government had been assassinated by agents.

The reason why the headquarters was almost wiped out in one fell swoop may be said to be the beginning of the destruction of the Suhu District of Zhongtong: Feng Man took the initiative to surrender and turned over Su Chende, deputy director and special director of the Suhu District of Zhongtong.

This is what the so-called woman who forgets her ancestors after reading the classics is like this!

Cheng Qianfan sneered in his heart.


Cheng Qianfan ate tea, cakes, and read the newspaper slowly.

He put down the newspaper and raised his eyebrows because the newspaper in his hand turned out to be a "banned newspaper."

After the fall of Shanghai, the Japanese took over the Shanghai Press Inspection Office established by the national government in the concession and threatened the major newspapers in Shanghai not to harm Japanese interests in newspapers and public opinion, otherwise they would "bear all consequences."

After that, the Japanese closed down a large number of progressive newspapers and periodicals that dared to openly or covertly promote anti-Japanese propaganda.

In response to this, our party secretly launched a struggle to compete with the enemy for public opinion. The "Daily Translation", which was published in January last year, adopted the strategy of "Foreign Flag Newspaper" and used the forces of the Japanese puppets and "third countries" to spread propaganda in the concession.

They struggled to contain and balance each other, surviving in the gap between the two, and took the lead in breaking the deadlock.

This newspaper, led by the Red Party and published in the name of British businessmen, took advantage of the special conditions of the concession to bypass the Japanese and puppet press censorship and promote patriotism and anti-Japanese advocacy to readers. This also inspired many newspapers and periodicals, and for a time "

"Thousands of drums thunder, thousands of flags make the wind", many newspapers and periodicals tried to use foreign forces to compete with the Japanese. However, in April of this year, the international situation was turbulent.

The Germans are constantly making moves in Europe, and the situation in Europe is tense.

The French government publicly stated last month: If Germany insists on having its own way, France is fully prepared.

Even the French newspaper in the French Concession in Shanghai issued a war ‘warning’ to the Germans:

If the Germans dare to shoot, the powerful French Army will spend Christmas in Berlin!

Suddenly, war clouds filled Europe.

Under such circumstances, Britain, France and other countries had no time to look eastward, hoping that China and Japan would make peace. The British Ambassador to Japan, Cleggy, told the Japanese Foreign Minister that if Japan agreed to conclude a peace agreement, the British government would be willing to take the responsibility of getting China to stop all anti-Japanese aggression.

Responsibility for activities.

The appeasement policy of Western countries has made Japan more emboldened.

They continued to put pressure on the Shanghai concession authorities to ban anti-Japanese newspapers in the concession. Among them, the "Daily Translator" was listed as the first to be banned by the Japanese.

This newspaper secretly controlled by our party very cleverly used the method of translating foreign newspapers and periodicals to promote the anti-Japanese war and convey the Red Party’s principles and policies to the general public in a timely manner. For example, in June last year, the newspaper reprinted an article by American reporter Snow

The article "The Eighth Route Army Behind the Japanese Army" describes that after several months of fighting with the Japanese invaders, the Eighth Route Army has become the strongest army in China.

What Cheng Qianfan was holding was the last issue of the "Daily Translation" which had been forced to cease publication.

The page he was looking at was an article from the Yanzhou "New China News" that was translated into foreign languages ​​by the "Daily Translation News".

This article is an article written by a faculty member for Yanzhou's "New China News": "The Third Anniversary of the Anti-Japanese University".

The article pointed out that the educational policy of Kangda University is "a firm and correct political direction, a hard and simple work style, and flexible strategies and tactics."

"The so-called firm and correct direction of governance means that the direction of governance must be both correct and firm."

"The so-called determination means perseverance, perseverance and perseverance."

"The so-called correctness means that it is consistent with facts, laws and principles."

Comrade teachers emphasized that the direction of Zheng Zhi must first be correct, and to ensure the correctness of Zheng Zhi's direction, we must scientifically grasp the regularity of Zheng Zhi's development.

"Follow the path that history must take."

The teacher comrade pointed out:

"A firm and correct political direction is inseparable from a hard-working work style. Without a firm and correct political direction, a hard-working work style cannot be inspired; without a hard-working work style, a firm and correct work style cannot be implemented.

In the direction of Zheng Zhi."

Cheng Qianfan never expected to be able to see the latest writings of comrade teachers in the reception room of the secret service headquarters at No. 76 Jisi Feier Road.

His heart was extremely excited.

At this moment, in a room in the east building diagonally opposite the reception room, a man was watching all this with a telescope.

This chapter has been completed!
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