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Chapter 502 Top Performance

 Li Cuiqun made a gesture to Cheng Qianfan, telling him to calm down.

He pressed the bell on his desk.

"Let Cao Yu come over."

Cheng Qianfan stood up slightly, pulled the ashtray on the coffee table toward him, flicked the ash, leaned on the back of the sofa, and crossed his legs.

"You, you think this is your living room, brother." Li Cuiqun said with a smile.

"Is it possible that the senior's territory should still be restricted?" Cheng Qianfan asked back.

Li Cuiqun laughed and waved his right hand.

Soon, there was a knock on the office door, and a man with half an ear on one side came in.

"Director." Cao Yu bowed slightly to Li Cuiqun and nodded to Cheng Qianfan.

"Put your things down and go and do your work." Li Cuiqun said calmly.

"Yes." Cao Yu put his document bag on his desk and stepped back.

"I remember this person is from Wang Kangnian's detective team." Cheng Qianfan looked surprised.

"Something happened to Wang Kangnian, and Cao Yu didn't have a good time with the detective brigade, so he turned to me." Li Cuiqun explained. He untied the document bag and took out a few photos from it.

"Look at this." He handed a photo to Cheng Qianfan.

Cheng Qianfan showed a puzzled expression, but still took the photo.

Li Cuiqun stared at Cheng Qianfan, capturing his emotional changes and facial reactions.

"This person..." Cheng Qianfan frowned and looked at the photo, with a trace of doubt in his eyes, but he seemed to be thinking, and he looked up at Li Cuiqun.

Li Cuiqun took in Cheng Qianfan's expression.

Not quite right.

The photo in his hand was secretly taken by his subordinates when the secret service headquarters was looking for traces of Lu Xingo.

Cao Yu revealed an important piece of information:

Lu Xingge from the Military Reunion Shanghai Station and Xiao Cheng from the French Concession have always been sworn brothers.

This was information that surprised Li Cuiqun.

This information should be true and accurate. The information came from Lu Fei, a former member of the Operations Brigade of Juntong Shanghai Station. This person was at odds with Lu Xingge when he was at Juntong Shanghai Station. Cao Yu had a good relationship with this person when he was in the Detective Brigade.

, so I learned about this from Lu Fei.

At the same time, this intelligence also strengthened Li Cuiqun's determination to annex the Shanghai Police Department's Detective Brigade, which was formed with the former Shanghai Station of the Party Affairs Investigation Department as its team, and some personnel from the Military Command Shanghai Station also joined.

Even to a certain extent, the professional capabilities of the Detective Brigade are better than those of the Secret Service Headquarters where Qinghong Gang members still account for a large proportion at this stage.

Lu Xingge and Cheng Qianfan are sworn brothers, this should not be wrong.

Li Cuiqun took out this photo to test Cheng Qianfan secretly.

If Cheng Qianfan and Lu Xingge were secretly connected, Li Cuiqun would certainly not simply think that Cheng Qianfan was an anti-Japanese element because of this. In fact, this kind of personal relationship in itself does not mean anything. Of course, this has

The basis is that Cheng Qianfan is strong enough to protect himself. Otherwise, even if nothing happens, he can be framed. What's more, Cheng Qianfan is Lu Xingge's sworn brother. This relationship is evidence of crime. The secret service headquarters will not let him go.

The fat ones that reach the mouth.

However, if these two people secretly interact, the junior's alert level will be adjusted, and at the same time, he will secretly pay more attention to Cheng Qianfan.

If Cheng Qianfan had not secretly interacted with Lu Xingge, or even showed indifference to his former sworn brother, Li Cuiqun would have considered asking Cheng Qianfan to help capture Lu Xingge.

When it comes to understanding Lu Xingge, Cheng Qianfan definitely knows a lot about Lu Xingge, especially some details of life, and such details of life can often bring unexpected surprises during the arrest process.

However, Li Cuiqun had imagined several possibilities beforehand, but Cheng Qianfan's reaction after seeing the photo was beyond Li Cuiqun's expectation:

Cheng Qianfan didn't seem to recognize the man in the photo.

No, it’s not that I don’t know him at all.

The expression in Cheng Qianfan's eyes gave Li Cuiqun the impression that Cheng Qianfan did not recognize who this person was at first sight.

Then at the second glance, it seems that this person looks familiar, so he looks thoughtful.

His current expression was as if he had seen someone he had some impression of, but couldn't remember who he was.

This isn't right.

If Cheng Qianfan is indeed Lu Xingge's sworn brother, how could he not recognize Lu Xingge?!

Li Cuiqun looked calm, but he was actually thinking quickly in his mind.

Three possibilities:

First, the man in the photo is not Lu Xingo, which means they have been mistakenly thinking that this man is Lu Xingo, but in fact he is not.

This person is indeed from the Shanghai Station of the Military Command, but he is not Lu Xingge.

Li Cuiqun himself rejected this possibility for the first time. First, they tended to suspect that this person was Lu Xingge. Then during the process of arresting this person, Hong San deliberately called out Lu Xingge's name, and the other party did not

He did not deny it. Later, Lu Xingge simply admitted in his words that his identity was that of Shanghai Station Lu Xingge.

Therefore, this person should be Lu Xingge.

Well, in this case, there are two other possibilities.

Lu Xingge and Cheng Qianfan are not sworn brothers, so Cheng Qianfan doesn't actually know this person?

This possibility is also small. Following what Cao Yu learned from Lu Fei before, Lu Xingge and Cheng Qianfan are sworn brothers. This matter is indeed a secret within Shanghai Station and most people don't know it. However, Lu Xingge and Cheng Qianfan are sworn brothers.

Fei is Zheng Lijun's confidant. Lu Fei heard this from Zheng Lijun's mouth.

Then, there is only the last possibility left:

Cheng Qianfan and Lu Xingge were indeed sworn brothers. Cheng Qianfan naturally recognized that the man in the photo was Lu Xingge, but now he pretended not to recognize it.

Why is this?

Is Cheng Qianfan hiding his secret association with Lu Xingge? So he is pretending not to know this person?

If you follow this logic, then——

Cheng Qianfan secretly has contact with Chongqing?

In fact, Cheng Qianfan is from Chongqing?

Li Cuiqun was disturbed, but soon he calmed down and tended to deny this possibility.


After these days of contact, Li Cuiqun has a clearer understanding of this junior student.

‘Mr. Xiao Cheng’ is really greedy for money and lustful.

It’s not bad that Vice President Cheng is greedy for life and afraid of death.

However, this does not mean that he is a mediocre person who only knows how to make money and enjoy himself.

On the contrary, the second-in-command of the Central Police Station, who at his young age ranks first among the six major police stations in the French Concession, has a gun, and his black market business is booming. His influence reaches deep into the entire French Concession, and even in the huge city.

Shanghai Tang can be regarded as a character with a famous name.

The most important thing is that this person is close to the Japanese, can be reused by the French, has high prestige in the police station, and is also involved with the Qinghong Gang.

Such a person can be said to have both sides.

Cheng Qianfan is greedy for money, lustful, greedy for life and afraid of death.

Cheng Qianfan is polite, humble and knowledgeable.

He is also ruthless, cunning and cunning.

Li Cuiqun would not underestimate such a Cheng Qianfan.

In the same way, he didn't think that after he took out such a photo, Cheng Qianfan would be ignorant and think that he could pretend not to recognize the man in the photo and get away with it.

When smart people play such little tricks, this is not smart, it is stupid, and it is even more self-destructive.

Cheng Qianfan could express his surprise openly, for example, by asking him directly:

Why does the senior have a photo of my brother Lu?

This reaction is normal and reasonable.

So, here comes the question, why did Cheng Qianfan act like "first he didn't recognize Lu Xingge, then he seemed to think of something, and then started thinking about it"?

Li Cuiqun was puzzled.

No matter which aspect he considered, Cheng Qianfan shouldn't have such a reaction.

Since he couldn't figure it out, Li Cuiqun simply didn't beat around the bush. He smiled calmly and asked, "This person is Lu Xingge, a master of operations at the Military Command Shanghai Station..."

In some cases, it is wrong to beat around the bush and go straight to the point.

This kind of straightforwardness can be understood as being honest with each other.

It can also be understood as alerting the enemy.

Li Cuiqun stared at Cheng Qianfan, trying to capture the smallest changes in expression.

A strange color flashed across Cheng Qianfan's eyes while he was thinking. This momentary expression was captured by Li Cuiqun. This was——


Why this emotion?

Cheng Qianfan nodded vigorously and said, "Yes, this is Lu Xingge."

Li Cuiqun frowned slightly.

There is nothing wrong with this sentence, this tone, and his actions, but there is an inexplicable weird feeling about it.

It's just like……

He couldn't find how to describe it for a moment.

Yes, it's like a confirmation. It's like the secret service headquarters shows someone a photo and asks the person to identify it. Then the person identifies it carefully and gives a confirmation reply.

Or maybe you know someone, but you have only seen him from a distance, not up close. Now when you look at the photo, oh, it turns out to be him.

However, Lu Xingge and Cheng Qianfan are sworn brothers.

Therefore, this feeling made Li Cuiqun subconsciously feel a little weird.

Cheng Qianfan seemed to notice Li Cuiqun's gaze, and saw him shake his head, and then sighed, "To be honest, Lu Xingge is Yudi's sworn brother."

As he said that, Cheng Qianfan gave a bitter smile, "However, maybe in Brother Lu's eyes, he has already disowned me as a sworn brother."

He looked at Li Cuiqun, "Senior, I didn't mean to pretend not to recognize you just now, it's really..."

Cheng Qianfan took out his cigarette case, lit a cigarette, and took a deep breath, "It's true that Yudi and Lu Xingge have political disagreements, and they have already...sigh."

Li Cuiqun nodded slightly, showing his understanding.

He was thinking in his mind.

Lu Xingge and Cheng Qianfan had long since severed ties?

Therefore, the way Cheng Qianfan looked like he didn't recognize him just now was actually sentimental or recalling the past?

The later phrase 'Yes, this is Lushingo'.

It was also a subconscious emotion.

It's a bit like it, and it does seem to have such a meaning.


Li Cuiqun still felt a little bit... well, it wasn't weird, it just wasn't that, that kind of -

The natural and refreshing feeling of doing mathematical calculations, finally finding a solution to a problem, and calculating the answer very refreshingly.

Of course, it may be that I am too sensitive.

Li Cuiqun suppressed the feeling in his heart and showed a solemn expression, "Junior is very honest, and I am very pleased to be my brother."

"There are no unspeakable reasons for seniors." Cheng Qianfan glanced at Li Cuiqun, and then took several puffs of his cigarette.

"Do you know, junior, that Lu Xingge is from the Shanghai Station of the Military Command and is a very capable operational expert?" Li Cuiqun asked.

"I know." Cheng Qianfan nodded, and continued without waiting for Li Cuiqun to ask, "Lu Xingge entered Chen's house at night and planned to assassinate Minister Chen. Such a major event caused a sensation in Shanghai. How could I not know about it."

As he spoke, he looked hesitant.

"Junior..." Li Cuiqun picked up the cigarette case Cheng Qianfan placed on the coffee table and took out a cigarette.

He had just observed carefully that Cheng Qianfan took out cigarettes from the cigarette box randomly and not regularly, so he could confirm that there was nothing wrong with the cigarettes in the cigarette box.

Cheng Qianfan took out a lighter and helped Li Cuiqun light the cigarette.

He himself flicked the ashes from his cigarette and smiled bitterly, "Senior, I will tell you the truth in person."

He took a strong drag on the cigarette and shook his head, "When Chen Zhuan was killed, Yudi was in Chen's mansion."

"Junior was in the Chen Mansion at that time?" Li Cuiqun showed a surprised expression.

"Yes, I was there at that time." Cheng Qianfan's eyes flashed with an inexplicable color, "It's just that at that time, Yudi was a little drunk, lacked vigilance, and did not see the face of the assailant, so he later learned that the assailant was actually Lu

Xing Ge."

As he said that, Cheng Qianfan laughed at himself, "Young brother is really scared. Every time I think about this later, I can't help but wonder if I wasn't killed by the military commander at that time. Could it be that Lu Xingge showed mercy?"

"The current situation is turbulent. You and I are both drifting in this world. It's not easy." Li Cuiqun patted Cheng Qianfan on the shoulder.

He could feel and understand the bitter emotions in Cheng Qianfan's words.

However, with this last sentence, the feeling of unsmoothness and incomprehension that had just been suppressed in Li Cuiqun's heart came back again.


The last sentence, ‘I wasn’t easily eliminated by the military commander at that time, could it be that Lu Xingge showed mercy?’, if it were ‘I wasn’t easily eliminated by the military commander at that time, could it be that Brother Lu was merciful?’, this feels right.

In this sentence, Cheng Qianfan should have brotherly feelings for Lu Xingge, and also be grateful that Lu Xingge did not take the opportunity to attack him. Under this kind of emotion, normally he should call him 'Brother Lu'.


Of course, this is normal. Maybe something happened between the sworn brothers Cheng Qianfan and Lu Xingge that outsiders don't know that profoundly affects their relationship. It's not just as simple as political disagreements, but even involving certain matters.

some personal privacy?

However, one thing he was certain of was that Cheng Qianfan's mood was indeed a little abnormal when it came to Lu Xingge.

This kind of emotional abnormality was felt by Li Cuiqun's intuition, but it didn't seem like there was any private connection between the two.

This made Li Cuiqun even more confused.

Li Cuiqun put aside these 'random thoughts' for the time being.

He looked into Cheng Qianfan's eyes and took a puff of his cigarette as if he was enjoying it. He exhaled the smoke from his nose and asked casually, "Where was my junior when Lu Xingge was rescued?"

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