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Chapter 342

Of course, Coven must seriously teach Farah how to maintain his humanity.

Because this is very important!

Otherwise, if anything goes wrong, Farah's character may change!

Just look at the virtues of the other gods and you will know.

He is arrogant, has various flaws in his character, and is even influenced by his own power to do all kinds of disgusting things.

Coven didn't want Farah to become like that.

So his teaching method is to take Farah to experience the world of mortals.

So Kewen canceled the time barrier, and let go of perception to cover the world, looking for events that can reflect the glory of human nature.

He took Farah to teleport around the world, allowing Farah to watch the glorious performances of humanity live in the mirror space.

Afterwards, he sealed Farah's power and took him back to the past through time.

Kewen threw the powerless Farah into the Chinese region, allowing Farah to experience the various spirits of the Chinese people from ancient times to the present.

He let Farah taste and comprehend the good and the bad on his own, gradually deepening the humanity in Farah's body.

It wasn't until he felt that he was almost done that Farah's journey of refining his heart in the world of mortals ended.

The result was satisfactory.

This journey of more than ten years in the mortal world has completely stabilized Farah's humanity.

Farah's personality has not changed. In addition to her thoughts becoming more mature, the little girl's personality is still the same as before, being stable externally and awkward internally.

During this period, Farah asked Covin.

She asked how Coven managed to maintain his humanity back then.

Regarding this problem, Ke Wen just used the same worldly training to temper his mind and dealt with it.

But in fact, it is because Kewen has innate advantages.

All thanks to his time travel.

As a time traveler, you are born with a sense of psychological superiority.

So Kewen started with this sense of superiority and tasted the life experience from weak to strong step by step.

Later, he learned the Taoist method of refining the heart in the world of mortals, and using the powerful soul after "refining qi to become a god" as capital, he easily got rid of that divine posture.

After all, he is already used to that sense of superiority and being aloof.

Therefore, divine superiority and arrogance are no big deal to him.

This is why Kewen can maintain a good nature.


After finishing their journey of refining their hearts, Coven and Farah returned to modern times and then returned to normal life.

Farah spread out more work. She needed to spare enough time for herself and use that time to continue to taste the wine of rules that Coven created for her.

And Ke Wen began to resume his wild life after many thousands of years.

There are too many bed partners for him to contact and rekindle passion.

On the other side, Lucifer finally started to take action.

After sending the Virgin away, he closed himself in the bar for three days.

He hasn't seen anyone in these three days.

Because he wants to reflect on himself.

Lucifer spent the day praying.

He prayed to the Blessed Mother.

Because no matter what, he had exiled his mother, which still made him feel guilty.

On the second day, Lucifer began to sort out the relationship between himself and the people around him.

He called Maizi to apologize and sincerely said that he had never thought of abandoning him.

He then continued to call others.

Lucifer thanked a psychiatrist friend named Linda for her long-term help in psychological counseling.

As the person being thanked, Linda had witnessed Lucifer's Satanic aspect with her own eyes just a few months ago, and now she was in a state of fascination for these mysterious events.

Therefore, Linda accepted the thanks very enthusiastically and said that she would continue to provide psychological counseling to Lucifer and Amenadiel.

After thanking Linda, Lucifer called Chloe's ex-husband, the policeman named Dan.

During the time when he killed his brother Uriel with his own hands, Lucifer, who was greatly shocked, received a lot of help from 'Dan'.

Therefore, Lucifer expressed his formal thanks to the other party through this phone call.

‘Dan’ is a very upright and just policeman, so he does not take any credit.

He just expressed that he hoped to continue to work closely with each other in the future, and jokingly reminded Lucifer not to do too many troublesome things to cause headaches.

Lucifer responded with a heartfelt laugh.

But it is simply impossible to get him to change his behavior.

Next, Lucifer's last phone call was to Amenadiel.

Lucifer confessed to his brother his sin of banishing his mother, and apologized and thanked him for many small things in the past.

Amenadiel was very simple, he easily forgave Lucifer, and the little quarrel between the two brothers completely disappeared.

So, two days passed.

And throughout the entire third day, Lucifer thought about only one thing.

That's the relationship between him and the little policewoman Chloe Yin.

Lucifer started to recall from the beginning, recalling every bit of his acquaintance and relationship with Chloe.

Sometimes he smiles, sometimes giggles, sometimes feels embarrassed, and sometimes feels aggrieved or angry.

Memories appeared before his eyes one after another, and he was immersed in them for a whole day.

At night, Lucifer finally walked out of the bar.

He drove to the deserted seaside, stood on the rocks and silently stared at the dark sea.

After thinking for a long time, he finally faced his own heart.

At this moment, Ke Wen, who was having sex with two female celebrities, suddenly stopped.

He turned his head and looked at the direction of Lucifer, and a slight blue light appeared in the hole.

"here we go……"

Ke Wen murmured in a low voice: "The conditions are completely perfect, all that is left is the final self-knowledge..."

After saying that, he continued to enjoy himself amidst the urging of the two female stars, but he also focused part of his mind on Lucifer's side.

Lucifer, who was at the beach, took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly, then took out his mobile phone and pressed the number.

Unfortunately, Chloe was busy dealing with the case, so she only left a message on the phone.

Lucifer didn't pay attention and started to leave a message.

He used his extremely magnetic "bubbly voice" and said to the mobile phone: "Detective, Hi, it's me, Lucifer."

"I just wanted to apologize for being so...elusive."

"But what I want to say is that I don't want to continue to be secretive."

"I want to go find you right now and tell you all the truth about me."

"Because I think it's time for you to open your eyes and understand why there are so many strange things surrounding me."

"Why is my brother so holy, but Wheat is just the opposite?"

"And I……"

He chuckled: "Why are you so charming and attractive?"

"Okay, seriously, I want to tell you everything."

"Like I once told my mom...no more going back..."

"Just...wait for me."

After saying that, Lucifer looked at the recording status displayed on his phone and then ended the call.

He took a deep breath, turned around with an expectant smile, and was ready to set off immediately to find Chloe Yin.

Just when he made the move to turn around.


A wooden stick suddenly hit Lucifer on the back of the head!

Lucifer just kept smiling and fainted with his eyes wide open.


Ke Wen, who was far away, couldn't help but curse and hurriedly restrained his strength in his waist and abdomen.

Even so, a scream still sounded from beneath me...

This chapter has been completed!
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