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Chapter 346: Expert

Coven was not joking with Angela.

Angela, who has regained her youth, is really attractive. The temperament of a girl and a mature woman are perfectly combined in Angela.

She is slightly petite but makes people want to love her, has a perfect proportion of fat and thin body, and has a good appearance.

Coupled with the undisguised active teasing, Ke Wen almost couldn't help but destroy the pure relationship between the two.

So he left the automatic product to cool down Angela's overwhelming emotions, and quickly teleported back to the hotel.

Two female celebrities who were not close to each other deleted a memory, and then Kewen took over his previous job.

The next morning, Kewen said goodbye to the two vixens who were reluctant to say goodbye. Before he could check out, a call came to his mobile phone.

Looking at the word Lucifer on the caller ID, Ke Wen was slightly surprised.

Could it be that Marcus has already started taking action?

He answered the phone without thinking, and Lucifer's voice immediately rang: "Kevin, do you have time? I need you to come to my villa."

"What's the matter?" Coven asked.

"It's a small matter, come here and do me a favor."

"Okay, but which villa is yours? You have so many properties."

"It's not far from your place, in the villa on the top of Beverly Hills."

"I know, I'm outside, so you have to drive over and wait for me for ten minutes."

The two ended the communication without any further ado and hung up the phone.

Coven went downstairs to check out, and then drove to the top of Beverly Hills not far away.

After being stuck in traffic for several minutes, it took Kewen nearly a quarter of an hour to arrive at the door of Lucifer's villa.

The door was always open, so Kewen drove the car directly in.

Lucifer heard the sound of the car and came to greet him at the door. He did not step out of the door, but stood inside the door wearing a silk nightgown and waved: "Come on, Maizi has gone to other cities these days because of his work as a bounty hunter.

, which leaves me unable to find other helpers.”

Turning sideways to let Kewen in, Lucifer led the way with a wine glass: "Kewen, you can't even guess what happened to me!"

"What can happen?"

Coven looked at Lucifer's back.

He smiled jokingly, but his tone was careless: "It's just the bad things in your family. Is your father planning something against you? Could it be that the wings you burned off have grown back?"


Lucifer's footsteps suddenly stopped.

He looked back at Ke Wen in surprise, and instantly gave up his suspicion.

Shaking his head, Lucifer sighed and said, "What if I said, you guessed it right?"

Ke Wen pretended to be surprised: "Guessed it right?! Which one did I guess right?"


Lucifer shook his shoulders.


A pair of extremely white wings instantly spread out from behind Lucifer.

He looked at Ke Wen depressedly: "You guessed this, or you guessed it right. He must have installed this on me after he sent someone to knock me out! It was just to punish me for not following his will.

Mom’s business!”

Kewen suppressed his laughter.

He reached out and touched the wings, then pinched a feather and suddenly pulled it off.


Lucifer shrank his neck and looked at the feather in Ke Wen's hand speechlessly: "It has pain nerves!"

"Feel sorry."

Coven's apology was insincere.

He smiled and put the feathers close to the wings: "Then I will insert them back for you?"

Lucifer rolled his eyes.

He continued walking and walked to the high-end piano in the living room.

Opening a box placed on the piano, Lucifer took out a wheat hook dagger from the box.

He walked back and handed the dagger to Ke Wen. He tilted his head and motioned to the two wings on his back and said, "Do me a favor and cut them off from my body. It will be like the pain when I scratch my back. I will use it myself."

Not motivated."

"Cut it off?"

Corwin inserted a finger into the ring at the end of the dagger.

While twirling the dagger on his finger, he asked with a smile: "Your old man reinstalled this for you. Are you sure your old man won't beat me if I do it?"

"Are you afraid?" Lucifer said excitedly.

"Of course I'm not afraid."

Ke Wen smiled, and he raised his hand to push Lucifer's shoulder to turn his back.

Then he raised the knife and dropped it without hesitation.

With two sounds of "chi" and "chi", Lucifer's angel wings were instantly broken at the roots.

Two seconds later, Lucifer felt the pain. He couldn't help but let out a low cry, grinning and shrinking back.

Kewen wasn't worried about what would happen to him.

Because on the night when Lucifer's divinity sublimated, he fully understood the situation inside the other party's body.

The so-called angel feathers have only a symbolic meaning to Lucifer.

Lucifer's angelic power has reawakened in the soul, and a pair of wings is just an external manifestation of that power.

Even if his wings are cut off, once Lucifer has the idea of ​​using his power, a new pair of wings will appear in an instant.

Therefore, Kewen had no worries about disrupting God's plan.

He even came up with the idea of ​​pushing the envelope further and expressed it directly to Lucifer.

He smiled and pointed to the two wings on the ground: "Lucy, do you still want to keep this thing?"

"What?" Lucifer asked while enduring the pain in his back: "You want to take it back and collect it?"

"That's right."

Ke Wen casually threw the dagger back into the box on the piano. At the same time, he nodded and said, "You know, there is a part of the half-angel mage in Kama Taj."

Without Coven finishing his words, Lucifer waved his hand and interrupted: "Whatever, you can take it back. Whether you keep it as a decoration or use it to gather the loyalty of those half-angels, it's up to you."

These words made Ke Wen's eyes flicker.

When he looked at Lucifer's back again, his malicious look could no longer be concealed.

He immediately lowered his head to avoid Lucifer's sight.

Then, Kewen raised his hand and created a glass of wine of bright rules.

Passing the wine of rules with a perfect concentration of 7% to Lucifer, Coven said kindly: "Try it, this is my new creation, it can help you heal the two wounds on your back immediately."

Lucifer curiously took the wine glass: "The power of the rules of light?"

"Rules and stuff don't matter at all."

Ke Wen gave the other party a thumbs up: "The taste is absolutely unparalleled!"


Lucifer became interested and immediately put the wine glass to his lips.

After taking a sip of the wine of rules, Lucifer's eyes instantly glowed.

After a while, he couldn't help but raise his head and let out a hearty cheer: "Good wine!


"Yeah!" Ke Wen looked at Lucifer's back with a smile.

The next moment.


A pair of extremely white angel wings suddenly spread out from Lucifer's back again.

At the same time, Ke Wen had already raised his hand and took the dagger back into his hand.

The smile on his face made KFC scream "expert" after seeing it...

This chapter has been completed!
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