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Chapter 6 Visitors

The long-lost shopping experience is quite novel.

Kewen didn't use any abilities, just like an ordinary person, he bought a lot of things with his hands and shoulders.

Two little girls, Wei and Baobao, also rushed to help, but Kewen couldn't resist them, so he had to pack the tableware into a backpack weighing more than ten kilograms, and let Wei carry it on her back without being too heavy.

As for explosion?

Kewen randomly took two stuffed animals and sent the little girl away.

This trip, he bought too many things.

So in addition to the guide named Haier, Kewen also spent money to hire a lot of helpers in those shops.

Anyway, when he returned to the dark alley, the entire team attracted countless gazes.

When I got home, Bangbao was so tired that he fell asleep.

Ke Wen did not rush to clean up, but chose a room for the little girls on the second floor. He first assembled the wooden beds with bunk beds and laid out the bedding.

It was easy to coax Babao to sleep. Ke Wen casually told a story, and in less than two minutes, Babao fell asleep on the soft bed.

Wei is still insisting.

Ke Wen did not refuse.

He took Wei to the next room, and together they assembled a wooden bed for sleeping.

After Kewen finished making the bed, Wei obediently went back to the bedroom to rest.

Soon, through the cracked wall, Coven heard the second sound of sleeping breathing next door.

Kewen slowly sat up from the bed.

He came to the window and looked outside.

The bar was still open, people were still partying in the dark alley, and cheers and shouts could be heard from time to time on the streets.

This made Ke Wen frown slightly.

He walked out of the room with gentle steps and went to the next door to check on the two little girls.

In the end, his worries were somewhat unnecessary.

Whether it's Bao Bao or Wei, they are all used to the noisy environment of the dark alley.

The roar outside could not disturb the sleep of the two little girls.

Ke Wen felt relieved and returned to his room.

He sat cross-legged on the bed, took a deep breath, and put his consciousness inside his body.


A loud sound shook from within his body.

No one knows that at this moment, there is a creation god in the world of Rune Land!

According to the creation template given by God, Kewen easily exploded a cell at a singularity and successfully created a nascent single universe!

The original universe was still very primitive, with no life or planets in it, only energy nebulae that enveloped the entire universe and were converging or dispersing.

At the same time, the rules of the universe are also arising on their own.

Although Kewen only used a small amount of rules to carry out the singularity explosion, after the formation of the universe, it actually began to slowly complete itself.

The rules that underpin the world are growing on their own.

As a result, Ke Wen discovered the little knowledge of the rules of light that he had not understood in the nascent universe.

As long as he absorbs and comprehends this last bit of rule knowledge, Kewen can cross the boundaries of his current strength and truly turn himself into the rule concept of light!

Of course, Ke Wen would not do that.

Because that is fishing from the lake.

After being taught by God, he understood the incompatibility between rules and concepts.

So of course he would not allow himself to be incarnated into a single concept.

He needs to wait.

After the "multiverse" in his body is completely formed and stabilized, he will naturally understand all the rules and concepts to perfection.

By then, he will become the aggregation of all rules and concepts!

So what Kewen needs to do now is to speed up this step.

He immediately concentrated his mind again and transferred the nascent single universe from the position of his fingertips to his Dantian.

Afterwards, Kewen began to gather all the regular forces in his body and formed a spherical wall of origin around his Dantian.

In this way, the prototype of the multiverse is completely completed!

After opening his eyes, Kewen stopped working temporarily.

Because the night had passed before I knew it, Wei He's loud sound of getting up could be heard from next door.

Kewen got up and got out of bed.

Walking to the next door, he knocked on the door: "Are you guys up?"

"Get up sir!"

In response, Wei quickly ran to the door and opened it.

She looked up at Ke Wen and asked expectantly and cautiously: "Sir, is there any work I can do?"

"Do the kitchen first."

Ke Wen rubbed the other person's head: "Let's eat first, and then clean up the house together."

"Yeah!" Wei immediately nodded happily.

Ke Wen looked at Bao Bao who was sitting on the bed with a timid expression.

Bangbao hesitated and whispered: "I...pee..."

"Okay! Wei, I leave it to you."

Ke Wen patted Wei on the shoulder: "I'll go downstairs to pack things first."

Wei responded, greeted Bangbao and walked towards the bathroom.

Although the environment in Dicheng is difficult, there are still toilets so that people will not defecate anywhere.

The house Ke Wen bought has a separate bathroom, which is pit-style, and the pit is connected to the underground stinking ditch outside.

This is one of the reasons why the Zaun people reject all natural water sources.

Not to mention that those water sources are full of all kinds of toxic alchemical elements. Just the excrement dissolved in the water is something no one wants to get on their bodies.

Let’s get back to the topic.

Coven went downstairs first and picked out kitchen supplies from the various furniture that filled the hall on the first floor.

Wei and Bangbao quickly arrived on the first floor, and Kewen immediately directed them to carry some small supplies that were not heavy.

It took half an hour for the three of them to finally set up the kitchen.

Ke Wen tasted all the condiments first, and then made a breakfast.

After the meal, Kewen and the two little girls continued to work.

Place furniture, repair roofs and walls, and even paint individual rooms.

As for formaldehyde?

That wouldn't even rank in the green poisonous mist that filled the entire dark alley.

In this way, a fulfilling day passed unconsciously.

At night, Wei and Baobao fell asleep happily and sweetly in the bedroom filled with the 'fragrance' of paint.

Feeling that their breathing became steady, Ke Wen stopped the story he was telling.

He stood up and checked the two little girls in the upper and lower bunks, and then returned to his room with gentle steps.

That night, he began to use the rules of time to accelerate the growth of the single universe, and separated a soul clone to enter the universe and preside over the creation of life.

In this way, the lives of Kewen and the two little girls officially got on the right track.

A few months passed in the blink of an eye.

After these few months of getting along, Wei finally stopped being as cautious about everything as she was at the beginning.

She completely accepted Kewen as her adoptive father.

But Bang Bang accepted it earlier.

She is just a five-year-old child, and Kewen completely captured the little girl in just one week.

And Bangbao has become very clingy.

As long as she goes out, she will stay still in Kewen's arms. She likes that Kewen holds her and enjoys the feeling of having Kewen as a supporter.

In response, Wei gave up after reprimanding her for a period of time to no avail.

It was also from that time that Wei changed her attitude towards Kewen, and she began to try to integrate into life as an adopted daughter instead of an employee...

this day.

After lunch, Ke Wen was washing dishes in the kitchen.

There were two wooden chairs placed on his left and right. Wei and Bao Bao each stood on a chair and helped together in the cleaning pool.

In other words, it's a disservice.

No, Bao Bao finally washed his plate clean and was about to lift it up to show off to Ke Wen. Unexpectedly, his hand slipped and the plate suddenly slipped out of his two little hands and fell to the ground.

Kewen's hands were occupied, but he calmly stretched his left foot slightly.

The dinner plate landed on his toes. Kewen slowed down the inertia and then hooked his toes, causing the dinner plate to rise quickly.

The dinner plate that flew over Bakubo's head made an arc and crashed into the pool with a bang.

The splash of water hit Baobao's face, making the little girl let out a sweet cry.

She wiped her face, then looked at the dinner plate in the sink and smiled happily.

On the other side, Wei caught all Kewen's movements in her eyes.

She was stunned with surprise.

After coming back to her senses, she couldn't help but look at the dinner plate in her hand, and couldn't help but move the dinner plate out of the pool.


Ke Wen shook his head in amusement.

This made Wei shrink her neck.

She stuck out the tip of her tongue and showed a coy smile to Ke Wen, then dipped the dinner plate into the pool again.

But her actions in washing the dishes became careless, and her little eyes rolled around.

After a while, Wei imitated Baobao and raised the dinner plate.

She cheered as if she was asking for credit from Ke Wen: "I cleaned it up..."


Ke Wen raised his eyebrows and glanced sideways at the other party: "Don't think that I don't know what you want to do."

With that said, he reached out and took the dinner plate from Wei's hand, and replaced it with a tin fruit plate.

Putting the fruit plate into Wei's hand, Kewen continued the washing work and said with a chuckle: "Please do as you like."


Wei giggled, raised the fruit plate and quickly let go.

Her eyes followed the fallen fruit plate, and she raised her toes like Ke Wen did.



With a sharp howl, Wei immediately squatted down on the chair, hugging his sore toes and screaming non-stop.

"Wei, stupid!" Baobao pointed at his sister and laughed happily.

This made Wei glare at Bangbao angrily, and look up at Kewen with tears in her eyes, whose face was full of teasing.

"I want to learn this!" Wei said with a competitive look on her face: "Kewen, how did you do it?"

"That's it."

Coven shrugged and put the last plate on the shelf.

He wiped his hands with a rag and took Bao Bao off the chair. Then he pinched his waist and tilted his head and smiled: "I'll teach you a lesson. It's not advisable to be reckless. You may not be able to do what others can do."

You can do it right away, but if you try forcefully, you will only get hurt."

Hearing this, Wei curled her lips and made a face at Kewen.

Just as she was about to say something, a bell suddenly rang outside.

"somebody is coming?"

Wei immediately jumped down from the chair and walked out of the kitchen while muttering: "Who is it? This is the first time someone has come to our house."

As soon as she finished speaking, her little figure turned out of the kitchen door.

Bao Bao trotted after him with the same curiosity.

Kewen took off the apron he had cut out of rags, and then walked out in a hurry.

When he came to the hall and took a look, Ke Wen found that the person who came to the door was Fandel.

The other person's left and right hands were holding two little boys respectively, about the same age as Wei.

"What's up?"

Coven passed the slightly cautious Wei and stepped towards Fander.

Fandel, on the other hand, looked at Kewen.

He looked around at Ke Wen's clothes, which were clean but worn and pilled.

Then Fandel smiled and said: "Let me introduce two partners to your two little guys. This is Milo."

He shook the hand holding the skinny black-haired boy, and then looked at the brown-haired boy on the other side: "This is Craig."

The two little boys who were introduced looked exactly like Wei before. They both squeezed Fandel's big hand tightly and showed a look of fear that they were afraid of being abandoned.

Seeing this, Kewen asked: "What? Do you want me to adopt them both?"

"No." Fandel shook his head, then looked down at the two little cubs in his hands: "I have adopted them."

As he said that, he looked at Wei and Baobao again: "I thought, these four brats are the only ones of the same age nearby. They should be able to get along well and not become lone wolves who are ostracized everywhere when they grow up."

Hearing this, Kewen turned to look at Wei and asked, "Do you want to play with them?"

Wei first looked at Clegg and Milo, then nodded: "I can play with them, but they must listen to me!"

Ke Wen laughed dumbly, and then waved his hand: "Go out and play, don't go too far."


Wei led Bao Bao towards the door.

As she passed Fander, she proudly tilted her chin towards the two little boys to signal them to follow.

Fandel bent down and rubbed the heads of the two little boys, and then gently pushed their backs with his hands.

In this way, the two little cubs followed Wei and ran out of the room.

When the sound of the door closing sounded, Ke Wen pointed to the sofa in the hall: "Sit down, isn't that all you want to say?"

Fandel nodded.

He followed Ke Wen and sat down on the sofa.

After hesitating for a moment, he said: "I have observed you many times, you know..."

Fandel raised his finger and pointed at both sides, and then added: "You are too close to the bar. Every time I walk out of the bar, I will see you directly."

"So what did you observe?" Ke Wen asked directly without paying attention.

"Although it's presumptuous, I can't help but want to remind you."

Fandel looked sincere: "I'm glad that you have integrated into us in appearance, but you have also ignored some other things."

He pointed around the hall: "I guess you should be very rich, but it is not a good choice to continue to waste this house."

"Look around. All the houses are doing some shop business, but yours is being shelved. That will attract some greedy eyes."

Fandel leaned forward slightly: "Man, in order to get this land that is most suitable for business, many people will target you."

"Is it?"

Ke Wen smiled, his smile not hiding his contempt...

This chapter has been completed!
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