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Chapter 46 Take away

Fandel was taken to the middle square by the young man with the cockscomb head, and walked all the way to the abandoned area.

The two people had some conversations before, but as they continued to travel, the conversation disappeared unknowingly.

Fandel has seen through the scam.

But firstly, he relied on his strength, and secondly, it was because he cared about Bensuo.

So Fandel did not retreat, but silently followed the young man with the cockscomb head to see the mastermind behind the scenes.

Soon after, the two finally arrived inside an abandoned factory.

Fandel stood still in the open space of the courtyard and said in a deep voice: "I'm already here! So come out!"

His words made the cockscomb-headed young man freeze, and then he suddenly quickened his pace and rushed into the abandoned building.

Fandel did not pursue, but kept looking at the shadows of the buildings ahead.

Soon, there was a sound of footsteps, and six thugs slowly walked out from the shadow of the building and spread out to surround Fandel.

Fandel clenched his fists and continued to stare at the shadows everywhere and shouted: "Come out! Tell me! What did you do to Bensuo?!"

Step, step...

Footsteps sounded, and an unhurried voice came from the shadows: "He's fine, I just taught him a lesson for his stubborn temper."

As soon as he finished speaking, Hilko's body walked out of the shadows.

"It's you!!"

Fandel gritted his teeth and stepped forward.

The thugs around him stepped forward to close the circle, forcing Fandel to stop.


Fander growled: "What do you want to do?!"

"I want to help you."

Silko stood there and said slowly: "Fander, I'm glad you've turned back into that black alley hound, but after staying in the cage for a long time, you are still too kind."

"To know……"

Hilko lowered his head and looked at his hands: "Just barking can't scare people. Only fangs and claws can make those intruders truly timid."

"It's you?!"

What did Fandel think of? He asked loudly: "You are the one who killed the law enforcement officer?!!"

"That's right."

Hilko raised his head and responded with a smile: "So I helped you. You see, now Shangcheng is finally afraid of your fangs."


Fandel spattered and roared: "Do you know what you have done?! You have led everyone into the abyss!!!"

"I thought you were going to resist!"

Silko suddenly shouted: "Did I see it wrong?! Fandel! Are you still dreaming about a compromised peace?!"

"That's different!!"

Fandel continued to roar: "We should have had more time to prepare! Manpower! Weapons! Plans! We haven't prepared anything yet!! And your wanton actions have made all our preparations in vain!!"

Unable to help but step forward again, Fandel clenched his trembling hands and shouted: "Hurry and fight! Do you know how many innocent casualties it will cause?!!"

Faced with the roar, Hilko was not angry.

His intact right eye even showed a look of relief.

However, facing the approaching Fander, he could only wave his hand and issue an order: "Let our black alley hound calm down first."

The thugs who received the order immediately rushed towards Fander.

In response, Fandel roared angrily and immediately started a boxing stance to fight.

After a dull sound of fist-to-flesh collision, Fandel knocked down all the thugs with minor injuries!

He calmed down his breathing, and continued to approach Hilko while gritting his teeth and growling: "Hilko! You have let people down again! You will kill countless people!!"


Hilko smiled and said, "I think I have to calm you down first, and then you can listen to what I say."

He raised his right hand and waved it forward slightly.

Silko looked at Fandel and whispered: "Go and let him calm down. By the way, don't let him get hurt too seriously. There will be a war waiting for him to lead."

Hearing this, Fandel immediately stopped on guard and looked at the shadow of the building behind Hilko.

Soon, many purple rays of light appeared in the black shadow.

When a huge black shadow walked into the light, Fandel realized that those glowing lines turned out to be blood vessels.

He couldn't help but widen his eyes, looking at the humanoid monster behind Hilko in shock.

The next moment, the humanoid monster suddenly launched a charge with a low roar.

It's so fast!

At a distance of less than ten meters, the monster crossed over in the blink of an eye.

Fander only had time to raise his arms in front of him.


With a muffled sound, Fandel's strong body suddenly lifted off the ground and flew upside down.

He flew upside down for nearly five meters and fell to the ground with a 'bang'.

When Fandel raised his eyes, he found that the monster was already standing in front of him.

His arms were stinging and unable to move for a moment, and Fandel could only watch helplessly as the monster continued to punch.

The next moment, Fandel's eyes went dark in severe pain.


Hilko stopped the monster from attacking in time.

He frowned and stepped forward, while scolding in a low voice: "Didn't I tell you to be gentle? Without his leadership! How could those two little girls alone be able to command those unruly black alley people?


After the reprimand, Hilko walked to Fandel's side.

Looking down at Fander, he pushed Fander's body with his toes.

After confirming that Fandel was unconscious, Hilko sighed slightly and ordered again: "Take him with you! Go back to the factory at the border market!"

The humanoid monster roared angrily, then bent down and pulled Fander up, then held him on his shoulders.

The other thugs also groaned in pain and stood up one after another.

A group of people left the factory and walked towards the elevator located in the middle-level square.

And dozens of meters behind them, Ike's petite figure kept shuttling in various shadows, and he followed it carefully.

"It's not good! It's not good!!"

In the evening, Ike opened the door of the repair shop in a panic.

He rushed into the front hall and shouted anxiously: "Boss Wei! Boss Blast! Where are you?! Come out quickly!!"

"This voice...is it a little one?"

The sound of banging came from the kitchen, and his figure soon appeared at the door of the kitchen.

Seeing Ike's figure, Babao, who was still chewing a mouth full of food, was suddenly startled because she saw Ike's panicked and tearful look.

Quickly speeding up his chewing and swallowing the food in his mouth, Bao Bao walked towards Ike and called out: "It's the little one! Something seems to have happened! Wei, come and take a look!"

After calling, she came to Ike and asked: "Little one, who bullied you?! Tell me what happened?"

"What's wrong?" Wei Ye walked out while wiping the corners of his mouth with the back of his hand.

"It's Benso and Fander!!"

Ike shouted with a cry: "They were captured by a leader named Hilko! Fandel was knocked unconscious by a monster!!"

Wei and Baobao were both shocked.

"He finally took action? And at this time?"

Ke Wen's voice sounded and he walked out of the kitchen...

This chapter has been completed!
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