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Chapter 110 Lili

During the holidays, Hogwarts College seemed very deserted, with no students running around and noisy and noisy popularity.

The huge castle gives people an empty and profound feeling.

Ke Wen came all the way to the principal's office, where Dumbledore was already waiting. After all, he had contacted him in advance.

"Good morning, Mr. Principal."

Ke Wen greeted politely after entering the room.

Seeing this, Dumbledore smiled and nodded in response: "You too, little Coven."

After saying that, Dumbledore took a special look at Coven's whole body and looked at the high-end boutique clothes all over his body. He couldn't help but continue to laugh: "The Weasley family wrote to me about you. It's unbelievable.

, you actually made so many gold galleons with your friends."

"I just expected to make a lot of money." Ke Wen responded in a Versailles way: "But I didn't expect to make so much in the end. Everyone actually got five million gold galleons."

"Sharing is a virtue, but you must try to exercise moderation and maintain a good attitude." Dumbledore slightly warned with a very satisfied look.

"I will." Ke Wen responded without any resistance. After all, he had lived a wealthy life before time travel, so he didn't have the heart of a nouveau riche and didn't attach much importance to the concept of money.

Not intending to continue this topic, Dumbledore instead said: "Then let's decide on the candidate for the 'Secret Keeper'."

As he spoke, Dumbledore took out a scroll from the drawer, and then let go of his hand, causing the scroll to float automatically in front of Covin.

After Coven took the scroll, Dumbledore said: "The above is the personal contract of all the house elves in the academy. You choose one of them."

"Okay, Mr. Principal." Ke Wen did not open the scroll, but said directly: "Actually, I have a candidate for a long time, and it is..."

"Okay!" Dumbledore interrupted suddenly, and then said kindly: "There is no need to tell me or others who you have chosen. The fewer people who know the identity of the 'Secret Keeper', the better."

Ke Wen heard this and nodded in agreement.

Next, under the guidance of Dumbledore, Corwin entered the nearby lounge alone to choose a house elf.

Just like Ke Wen said just now, he already had a candidate in mind, and it was the elf named Lili.

Every time he went to the kitchen, Lili would serve him meticulously, and Lili was also one of the elves with the most powerful magic power among all the elves.

Following the method told by Dumbledore, Coven opened the scroll, lit Lili's name with his wand, and silently recited the contract spell.

The next moment, the house elf Lili suddenly appeared in front of Kewen with a confused look on her face.

However, after seeing Kewen, Lili immediately became overjoyed and asked immediately: "Mr. Quinn! What do you need to do for you when you summon Lili over?"

"Is such that."

Immediately, Kewen told the other party about the transfer of the contract and the secret keeper.

After listening, Lili was so moved that big tears kept falling from her eyes. She cried and cheered: "Great! Lili has a master! The master actually trusts Lili so much! Lili is lucky enough to be the master's secret."


The elf Lili was crying and rejoicing, while she kept clenching her fist and knocking on her forehead, as if to verify whether she was dreaming.

Seeing this, Ke Wen quickly spoke to stop Lili's self-harm: "Stop Lili! Listen to me!"

"Yes! Master, you can tell Lili anything you want!"

Seeing that the other party completely carried out his orders and stopped self-mutilation, Kewen continued: "There are some things I want to tell you in advance."

Lili immediately looked like she was doing her best and nodded solemnly: "Master, please tell me!"

"That's right, you elves have a custom that you can't accept gifts from your master, right?"

"Yes Master!"

"But I need to prepare some clothes for you in advance." Ke Wen said: "I like clean and hygienic servants, so I need to stipulate what you wear in the future. Does this count as the termination of the contract between us?"

"No, no, no! Master!" Lili shook her head violently and said urgently: "As long as you don't give me gifts for no reason, master, it does not mean the contract is terminated!"

"Very good," Ke Wen nodded with satisfaction.

Next, Kewen asked Lili for her clothing size and prepared to go to the clothing store in Diagon Alley to customize a batch of clothing.

Then, Ke Wen warned: "There is one more thing."

"Master, please give me your orders!" Lili couldn't wait to do things for her master Ke Wen, so she looked full of hope.

"While I am in school, I need you to still work in the college and wear the clothes you are wearing now." In order to confuse possible investigations, Kewen arranged for Lili: "You only need to go home and tidy up every other week.

As long as the house is clean, you can come back to live with me during the holidays."

"Yes! Lili listens to her master!"

"Also, don't behave abnormally when working in the academy." Ke Wen continued to warn: "To prevent other elves from seeing anything, you have to maintain your previous working status, can you do it?"

Lili nodded immediately after hearing this: "I can do it! Lili promises that I can do it!"

"Very good, then go back to the kitchen first and wait for me to call you." Kewen smiled and reached out his hand, gently touching Lili's little head.

Lili had an expression of enjoyment like a pet, curled up her neck, closed her eyes and smiled.

When Ke Wen took back his hand, Lili looked reluctant to leave. Under Ke Wen's urging, she disappeared in an instant and went back to the kitchen.

Corwin walked out of the lounge and returned the contract scroll to Dumbledore.

"Is everything arranged?" Dumbledore asked.

"Yes, Mr. Principal." Ke Wen responded: "Then I will go back first and prepare to add a 'secrecy spell' to the house."

"Okay." Dumbledore smiled cordially and said, "See you at the beginning of school. If you have any difficulties, feel free to write to me."

"Thank you, Mr. Principal. Goodbye then."

In response to Dumbledore, Corwin left the office, walked all the way out of the academy, got into the carriage and headed back home.

More than ten minutes later, Kewen got off the car at the door of the 'Wonderful House', turned the carriage back into stone, and then called out: "Lili!"


A slight sound broke through the air, and under the influence of Cheng Yue, the elf Lili appeared in front of Ke Wen again.

"Master! Lili is waiting for your orders!"

Ke Wen raised his hand and pointed at the 'Wonderful House': "Go ahead and cast the 'Bold Loyalty Curse' on the house, including the entire courtyard."

"Follow your orders!"

Lili bowed in response with a very serious look, straightened up and respectfully asked for instructions: "Master, please give Lili the wand to use."

Corwin took out his wand and handed it over.

Lili took the wand with both hands respectfully, then turned around solemnly, facing the courtyard...

This chapter has been completed!
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