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Chapter 86 Siege

The reason was found.

Urgot's ambition is not small, he actually wants to rule Zaun!

That's right, since he was betrayed by his own country, he must never want to experience betrayal again.

And only when he sits in the highest position, no one above him can decide his life or death!

So Urgot wants to become the ruler of Zaun.

He wants to blow up the mine and cause the rift to collapse!

Only in chaos can he find the opportunity to create a world in Zaun with the miners he has conquered over the years.

The ideal is good. If you think about it from his perspective, Urgot's plan is not wrong.

But it's a pity that he doesn't have that life.

In the original destiny line, Urgot only became a force in Zaun after tossing and turning, and he was simply unable to take over the entire Zaun.

And now?

Coven and Camille are eyeing it!

After hearing the reason why Urgot was willing to cooperate with his enemies, Coven and Camille were ready to take action.

Corwin pointed at the Noxian who was preparing the solution, and then at the men who were carrying the explosives.

Camille's eyes instantly changed to scanning mode, and she fixed her gaze on Urgot.

She frowned a little.

Because Urgot is a bit difficult to deal with.

You can tell by looking at the opponent's figure that Urgot's strength and defense are very strong.

Looking at the two iron chains still left on a pair of wrists by Urgot, it is obvious that the opponent's melee range is not small.

The most dangerous thing is the construct of Urgot's lower body!

Although the danger of the construct could not be seen from the outside, Camille could understand the general mechanical structure.

From the few holes and gaps in the construct, we can guess that there must be something dangerous hidden inside!

Seeing this, Camille raised his hand and pointed to the cave.

She pointed at the other minions, and finally pointed at Ke Wen.

Ke Wen doesn't matter.

He nodded, indicating that he would deal with all the minions together, allowing Camille to concentrate on dealing with Urgot.

After the silent and tacit discussion, Camille began to lower his body and prepare to charge.

She wants to find the most suitable time to attack!

The time comes quickly!

A miner's attempt to widen the cracks was initially successful. After he went down with a hoe, the cracks in the rock wall suddenly branched out into more crack branches, making the wall look like it was about to collapse.

The sight and sound attracted everyone's attention.

Not only the other miners, but Urgot and the Noxian who was preparing the solution also looked over at the same time.

This is the moment!

Camille didn't even think about whether the cave would collapse. She rushed out of the passage in an instant and launched a rapid charge towards Urgot!

These Noxian miners in the cave are very alert!

They have all been on the battlefield, so they are very sensitive to murderous intentions.

Camille had just charged half the distance when her figure was spotted by most of the miners!

But before the miners could think about how to deal with it, gunshots suddenly rang out!

Bang bang bang bang——

The bullet's beam rushed into the cave one step ahead of the sound.

When blood flowers bloomed from the backs of the miners' heads, gunshots as dense as machine guns began to echo in the cave.

The first one to fall to the ground was the alchemist.

There was still a look of disdain and sarcasm on his face, but the life was taken away by the first bullet.

The alchemist fell on the simple alchemy table, overturned various solutions, and his body began to be sizzled and corroded by the solutions.

The second group of people who fell to the ground were the porters.

They looked stunned and confused, and lost consciousness after their heads were shaken.

Finally, there are the diggers.

They are the farthest from Kewen, but they are also the most unfortunate!

Because they saw the streak of bullets and the process of their colleagues being shot.

These last people, they reacted to the crisis of death!

But unfortunately, they could only watch as the stream of bullets hit their heads.

Before their bodies could make any moves, the remaining miners also had their heads shaken!

But they are different from the first two groups of people who fell to the ground.

The first two groups walked peacefully, but the last group could only face death in fear.

That’s why their expressions after falling to the ground were so unbelievable, and the inertia of the muscles on their faces left them with various expressions of fear after death!

The miners were annihilated in a matter of seconds.

At this time, Camille had also approached Urgot.

Due to the height difference, Camille could only leap into the air and stab Urgot's face with the leg blade of his right leg.

Urgot's reaction was very fast. He widened his eyes with small pupils, quickly raised his hand, and faced the attack with the huge shackles on his wrists!


The sound of metal colliding spread!

Urgot's upper body swayed backward slightly, but he also received the attack in time.

The counterattack appears immediately!

Urgot roared and waved his arm outward vigorously.

He pushed Camille's slender body weighing over a hundred kilograms straight away.

At the same time, Urgot used a swing of his arm to forcefully pull the chain connected to the handcuffs towards Camille.

Camille didn't panic. She leaned back in mid-air and let the chain fall from her body.

Immediately afterwards, Camille's left leg lit up with arcane light, and she prepared to release the magic blade.

Urgot also had combos, and his left arm also made a swinging motion, preparing to launch another chain towards Camille.

at this time!

Bang bang bang bang——

Gunfire rang out again!

Corwin stood at the entrance of the passage and fired, shooting a series of bullets into Urgot's head.

This forced Urgot to change his tactics instantly, stopped chasing Camille, and took advantage of the situation to block his face with his left arm.

Dang Dang Dang——

The bullets hit Urgot's handcuffs one after another, causing sparks to fly and ricocheting bullets to be bounced out.

Coven immediately changed the angle of the gun and fired subsequent bullets into Urgot's body.

At the same time, Camille also prepared an attack, kicked up his left leg hard, and struck Urgot with a magic blade!

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Chi!

Yellow pus-like blood splashed out, and a diagonal wound appeared on Urgot's left arm and waist!

The gunfire stopped, and Camille's body landed on the ground after a backflip.

Looking at Urgot's situation, the picture made Camille frown, and Coven raised his eyebrows.

Because facing the siege, Urgot only suffered some minor injuries!

The knife wound on Urgot's body was not deep, and even the muscles were not completely broken.

Although he was bleeding with yellow and red blood, the injury did not cause Urgot to lose his fighting power.

And Coven's bullets also failed to work.

The bullet was embedded in Urgot's body, but the damage caused was not as bad as the magic blade.

If Camille's attack caused minor injuries, then Corwin's bullet only left Urgot with a superficial wound!

The bullet didn't penetrate Urgot's body at all, it just broke through the skin and became embedded in the muscles.

To describe it... bullets are like ticks to Urgot?

This shows how strong Urgot's physical fitness is!

At this moment, the first round of battle has ended.

The only three people left in the cave didn't say anything.

Camille launched another charge. She rushed behind Urgot, intending to test whether the construct's turning movements were cumbersome.

If it's cumbersome, then Camille will find a more powerful way to assassinate!

And Urgot immediately turned around and retreated!

The six metal crab legs were constantly rising and falling, and Urgot was avoiding the angles of being attacked from both sides.

From a distance, Kewen understood Camille's plan.

So he smiled slightly and raised his gun again to complete his auxiliary work.

Bang bang bang bang——

The streamer of light bursts out from the muzzle again!

This time, Coven did not directly attack Urgot's body.

He pinpointed the weak points of the construct under Urgot, and he fired bullets into the joints and gaps of the construct.

Urgot was successfully disrupted!

In the process of retreating, the structure under him suddenly made a "squeaking" sound, and the three metal crab legs in it suddenly experienced mechanical failure.

The movement of the crab legs caused Urgot to lose his balance.

Not only was his turning and retreating movement disrupted, but Urgot's upper body swayed backwards involuntarily.

Camille immediately seized the opportunity!

Her speed suddenly increased and she jumped up from behind Urgot.

The sharp blade on his right leg swept across quickly, and Camille made another wound on Urgot's back.

It was possible that he had injured his spine, which made Urgot unable to help but raise his chest and raise his head to endure the pain.

This made Kewen also seize the opportunity!

Bang bang bang!

There were several gunshots, and the bullets flying from the muzzle hit the city.

The first bullet hit Urgot's throat, which was exposed when he raised his head.

The second bullet hit the first bullet, causing it to continue to penetrate deep into Urgot's throat.

Then came the third bullet, then the fourth bullet!

When Urgot raised his hand to block the subsequent bullets, the first bullet had already penetrated completely into his throat.

A grunting sound sounded.

Urgot stared at Corwin with wide eyes!

Part of the yellow and red blood gushed out from his throat, and the other part poured into Urgot's lungs!

This injury was not completely fatal to Urgot, but it still made Urgot feel weak.

He could no longer summon up the dangerous strength he had before.

In this way, the overall situation is decided!

Of course Camille will not let go of the opportunity that Coven created for her!

Taking advantage of Urgot's weakness and distraction, the blue light in Camille's eyes suddenly surged.

She jumped onto the crab's legs and stabbed forward with the sharp blade of her right leg.


The sharp blade pierced Urgot's body diagonally, and Camille stirred it up inside Urgot's body!


Urgot couldn't help but roar in pain!

He expelled the remaining air from his lungs and spurted blood into the infusion tube of the breathing mask.

The blood mixed with the green alchemical solution, and the red and green quickly merged into a pus-like yellow.

Just then, gunfire rang out again!

A bullet drew a tricky arc, bypassed Urgot's right hand that was blocking his face, and passed through the membrane of his left eye.

Before Urgot, who was blind in his left eye, could react, Camille behind him assassinated him again!

With a 'chi' sound, Camille's foot blade stabbed Urgot from the side!

The foot blade broke Urgot's neck artery!

She did not take credit for relaxing, but quickly separated her body from Urgot's side.

Avoiding Urgot's reflexive sweeping movement, Camille suddenly stabbed the ground with his leg blade after landing.


The hexagonal magic stand suddenly rose, trapping Urgot's huge body in it.

This made Urgot's movements become heavy and slow.

"Watch out for him."

While looking at Urgot indifferently, Camille reminded Coven: "His injuries are beyond repair. Be careful what mechanism he uses to blow up the cave."

"give it to me."

Coven shifted his gaze from the magical position and looked at the construct under Urgot.

Raising both guns, Coven swung his arms and fired again with a "bang bang bang" sound.

The bullet was fired upwards and drew a huge parabola, bypassing the energy wall of the stand from top to bottom.

Dangdang sounds sounded one after another.

The bullets landed on Urgot's construct, sparks bursting out in different parts.

The structure of the construct is constantly being destroyed.

After a few moments, the construct beneath Urgot suddenly collapsed heavily!

The alchemical solution flowed out from the gaps and holes in the construct, and the entire construct could no longer move.

"No problem."

Ke Wen's voice sounded: "I destroyed his construct, and his lower body no longer poses any threat."

"Then let him wait for death slowly inside."

Camille said cruel words: "He should slowly understand the truth of death."

Corwin shrugged his shoulders indifferently and turned his hand to make the two pistols disappear.

Urgot held on for a long time!

He was not irritable, resisted, or yelled or cursed in any way.

Trapped in the magical position, Urgot just stared at Corwin and Camille who were waiting together with calm eyes.

After nearly half an hour, Urgot's eyes finally completely lost their luster.

His head hung limply, and the alchemical solution flowed out of the breathing mask.

"Is he trying to trick people?"

Camille said quietly: "Keep waiting."

"No need." Ke Wen shook his head slightly: "His fire of life has been completely extinguished."

"Oh? Are you sure?" Camille turned her head and looked at Ke Wen.

"Sure." Ke Wen responded: "You're dead, put your stance aside."

"No need." Camille turned and walked directly to the passage: "That stance is about to dissipate on its own, so just continue to make his coffin for a while."

This nonsense made Ke Wen a little funny.

He shook his head, took one last look at Urgot's body, and then also stepped into the passage.

The two of them returned all the way.

The complicated passages could not let them get lost. After more than 20 minutes, the two walked out of the mine and came to the outside world.

"How is it going?!"

Hilko, who was waiting at the entrance of the cave, immediately came over to ask.

"Kill them all."

Camille replied, and then gave instructions in a habitual commanding tone: "Bring people in to collect the bodies, and pay attention to the bombs."

Silko didn't think much and immediately sent his men into the mine...

This chapter has been completed!
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