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Chapter 108 Embarrassment

Jinx's emotions are so obvious, her big eyes can almost speak.

Although that was not malicious, it still made Tucci feel a little creepy.

Twitch even reflexively bared his teeth and hissed at Jinx in a threatening voice.

This certainly doesn't scare Jinx.

Seeing that Twitch was brought here by Coven, Jinx did not take action immediately.

She restrained her impulse and asked: "Is Twitch right? What race are you? A yordle like Heimerdinger?"

"Twitch is Twitch! Twitch doesn't know what a yordle is! Twitch is Miracle's guinea pig!"

"Oh~ White Rat..."

Jinx grinned: "Besides talking, what else do you do?"

"Tucci can remove and tighten screws."

Twitch is very simple, and he answers almost every question, even if the person has bad intentions.

This made Jinx even more interesting.

Seeing that Jinx was about to lay a verbal trap to make Tucci fall for the bait step by step, Coven immediately stopped him.


He said: "Don't worry, Twitch is not some weird thing, let alone a pet. He is a normal Zaunian."


Jinx continued to look at Twitch before his interest disappeared.

She had already met Zach, so she knew what Coven meant by Zaun.

Since it's not easy to have fun with Tucci, then forget it.

At this time, Lenata, as a guest, walked down the stairs to the first floor in the normal way.

"Mr. Quinn."

She greeted Ke Wen politely.

Kewen nodded slightly and asked Jinx: "What equipment are you working on?"

"A special Hex prosthetic leg, and an umbrella shield."

Jinx pouted at Lenata: "This guy has some ideas. After fighting on the battlefield a few times, he wants to change his fighting method, so please ask me to help her."

"Yes Mr. Quinn."

Lenata took over the words: "After several battles, I found that I lacked the ability to fight at medium and long distances, and I was also somewhat weak in defense."

Before Cowen could say anything, Jinx grabbed Cowen's arm and walked upstairs: "Come and see the gadget I made, it just happened to be completed!"

Kewen was forced to start walking, and he did not forget to say hello to Tucci to follow him.

Three people and one mouse quickly arrived on the second floor.

Jinx picked up a mechanical arm from the workbench and pulled it open with a click like a three-section stick.

She showed the precise internal structure to Kewen and said with a smile: "Kewen, look, I made this arm segmented. It can be extended to a distance of about ten meters for grabbing, but the attack is more difficult."

It’s weak, so I’m thinking about adding a few more excitation devices to it so that it can be used to fire bullets.”

"That would become cumbersome."

Kewen gave his opinion: "Since the main function of the arm is to grab in the middle distance, then there is no need to add extra attack capabilities."

"Firstly, it is unnecessary, and secondly, accidents are prone to occur."

Ke Wen pointed at the robotic arm and said: "After the segmentation is extended, if the enemy is caught, there is no need to add any additional attacks. If the enemy is not caught, the arm will be easily targeted by the enemy."

"So, instead of thinking about adding attack methods to it, you might as well consider its safety to prevent the arm from being attacked and damaging the parts and structures inside."

"Is that so?"

Jinx was a little reluctant, because it was too simple and she couldn't show her technical skills on her arms at all.

But what Coven said was right, so Jinx could only curl his lips and said: "Okay, then I will change it as you said, but..."

She looked at the metal umbrella handle on the workbench again.


She was inspired: "I can add an attack device to the umbrella shield!"

As she said that, Jinx threw herself on the workbench with a furious look, and she took a pen to modify the design drawing.

Ke Wen smiled and shook his head, and spotted Tucci's figure in his peripheral vision.

He immediately turned around and saw that Tucci had picked up a wrench from nowhere and was eager to disassemble a cutting equipment.


Ke Wen quickly stopped: "Don't dismantle that thing!"

Hearing the sound, Jinx glanced in Twitch's direction and stopped paying attention.

Tucci, on the other hand, seemed like a child who had done something wrong. He immediately hid the wrench behind his back.


Tucci felt guilty. He glanced at the cutting equipment with longing eyes and said sarcastically: "I'm sorry, sir, I... I just have never seen such equipment."

Coven didn't blame.

He smiled and said: "Singed told me that you like to study machinery?"


Tucci was slightly excited: "Because that's so amazing! Metals and screws! They are all cold things at first, but when combined together they can become all kinds of magical things!"

"Do you want to learn?" Ke Wen asked gently.

"Of course! Of course I want to learn!!"

Tucci immediately replied loudly: "Can I learn sir? Where to start?! Who to learn from?!"


"Don't look for me!"

Jinx refused immediately without waiting for Coven to say the second word.

She said while drawing the design: "I don't have that time. Let him go to Victor or that angry Jace, or Heimerdinger. They are both furry anyway."

, maybe there is some common language.”

"They should be equally busy, right?"

Ke Wen chuckled and said, "Don't forget, you always turn your inspiration into preliminary drawings and then forget about it. The three of them have been helping you improve the design, and they are also responsible for supervising the entire construction process.


"Then let the mouse find the little one."

Jinx continued without raising his head: "The most I can do is lend him my study notes. Anyway, I will never teach him in person. If I have that time, I might as well go to the battlefield to play."

Ke Wen looked at Tucci who looked disappointed, and then sighed helplessly.

"All right."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! He said: "Tucci, I will get you a study plan later. You can first borrow their study notes from everyone, and learn the basics by yourself first."

Hearing this, Tucci immediately became overjoyed and nodded heavily: "Okay sir! I will definitely study hard!"

Coven waved his hand, and then stepped forward to discuss the design on the drawing with Jinx.

More than an hour later, Kewen assisted Jinx in turning the two drawings into finished products.

The material of the mechanical prosthetic limb has been enhanced, but Jinx is still not willing to let the prosthetic limb look ordinary, so she modified the fingers of the prosthetic limb.

Eventually, the prosthetic arm gained the ability to attack, turning the ten fingers into sharp cone-shaped weapons.

The other umbrella shield is a little more complicated.

In addition to its main defensive function, Jinx also adds many dangerous functions to the umbrella shield.

For example, three micro-missiles can be stored in the umbrella handle.

Although the missile is small in size, it uses a 'Hex Crystal' as its core. Once it explodes, its power cannot be underestimated.

In addition, Jinx also shaped the edge of the umbrella into the shape of a circle of flying knives. As long as the mechanism is activated, the circle of flying knives can be launched.

The attack functions are more than these. The most powerful attack of the umbrella shield is that it can shoot energy rays.

If you turn the umbrella shield so that the umbrella handle faces outward, you can shoot a magic ray about the thickness of your arm from the bottom of the umbrella handle.

The penetrating and burning properties of the ray are not weak, and the effective attack distance is more than fifty meters.

The only drawback is that it consumes more energy. The 'Hex Energy Crystal' placed in the umbrella can only be launched three times.

Finally, Jinx also added the function of dying together in the umbrella shield.

If an enemy rushes in and puts his life in danger, the user of the umbrella shield can activate the last function to expose the umbrella shield!

What exploded was not only the fire, but also the arcane energy emitted by the energy crystal. Jinx even added a liquid storage tank to the umbrella shield to increase the power of the explosion, and dangerous alchemical poisons could be placed inside.

Therefore, once the umbrella shield is exposed, the damage caused by the explosion will be the sum of three layers!

Kewen originally disagreed with Jinx adding a self-revelation function.

But as a user, Lenata agreed.

According to her, instead of being killed by a powerful enemy one day, it would be better to make her death more valuable. She would rather drag the enemy to death with her!

In this way, Kewen will no longer be verbose.


With a crisp sound, Jinx put the mechanical prosthesis on Lenata with force.

Jinx doesn't care about gentleness, so her actions are very rough.

This caused Lenata to feel severe pain, and the pain signals transmitted by the link nerves made her whole body tremble violently.

But Lenata held back, she just clenched her teeth and let out a low growl from her throat.

For a while, she moved her brand-new prosthetic arm to adapt, and then picked up the umbrella shield to familiarize herself with its various functions and mechanisms.

But Jinx couldn't wait any longer.

She immediately urged: "If you want to get familiar with it, go to the battlefield! There you can experiment with the various functions of your arms and umbrella shield!"

"Okay." Lenata nodded: "And thank you."

Jinx waved his hand indifferently: "Just this once, come to me for help next time, unless you have another idea that interests me."

After saying that, Jinx didn't wait for anyone, she just said hello and jumped off the second floor and rushed out of the villa.

"Let's go."

Ke Wen chuckled.

After spending two hours with his daughter, Kewen already felt a great sense of satisfaction.

So he was in a good mood at this time.

After greeting Lenata and Tucci, he led the two of them out of the villa and to the teleportation platform on the edge of the floating island.

After activating the modified teleportation array, the figures of the three people instantly appeared on the stand that had not been cancelled.

As soon as he appeared, Ke Wen was stunned.

He ignored Jinx, who was lying on the edge of the stand and yelling into the battlefield, and instead fixed his gaze on the corner of the stand.

There, Wei was cuddling with a pretty, rosy-faced little girl, just rubbing her ears and temples together!

Wei's posture was completely that of a man. She crossed her legs, hugged the little girl with her left hand, and pinched the tip of the little girl's chin with her right hand to make the two of them look at each other.

The sense of déjà vu of the domineering president is simply overwhelming!

At this time, the little girl who was being 'forced' by Wei had already seen Ke Wen, so her pretty face turned even redder.

She struggled to remind Wei of something.

Wei then turned her head and looked back with a look of displeasure as if she had been interrupted, intending to see who the bold guy dared to watch her enjoy.

As a result, she caught Ke Wen's gaze.

Wei was stunned.

After two seconds, she suddenly retracted her hand and let go of the hug!

Wei became sitting upright, and a rare rosy color appeared on her cheeks.

"Ke... Kewen! Why are you here?!"

Wei, whose thoughts were in confusion, started to find something to say: "Then what...Zach is having a good time these days! Look, he is having fun inside!"


Ke Wen was also a little cautious. He didn't know what kind of appropriate attitude to adopt, so he could only say in a popular way: "Why don't you introduce me?"

"Ah, yes!" Wei quickly stood up, and grabbed the little girl who also stood up and said, "This is Caitlin! Caitlin Giraman, she is the law enforcement officer of Piltover, we are good friends!"


Wei introduced the little girl again: "He is Ke Wen, Bao Bao's adoptive father, as I told you."


Caitlin immediately bowed to Coven: "Nice to meet you, Uncle Quinn!"

"Well, okay, okay..."

Kewen tried his best to smile more kindly.

At the same time, he couldn't help but raise his hand and touch his face. This was the first time he heard someone call him uncle. Are he old?

The atmosphere is still a bit awkward.

Jinx no longer watched the battle at this time, but looked back to watch the show in a joking manner.

Lenata and Tucci had no intention of getting involved.

Lenata quietly retreated a little further, and Tuqi realized what was happening and followed her. They hid on the other side of the stand and became transparent.

In this still awkward atmosphere, Wei kept looking at Kewen, urging Kewen to say something quickly.

Seeing this, Ke Wen immediately calmed down.

He walked over and invited Caitlin to sit down, and then took the initiative to chat with her about some common things.

Ke Wen knows the old tricks of the Chinese elders.

He followed the example and asked Caitlin about her family, work, and life.

Fortunately, he was still sober and took back his question about when to get married in time.

This awkward chat lasted until the end of the battle on the Howling Abyss.

Everyone present was finally saved!

Coven immediately excused himself to go to the battlefield because he had something to do, so he took out a large amount of gold coins from his pocket and asked Vido to take some time to take Caitlin around.

Then Coven pinched the back of Jinx's neck and led the little girl into the battlefield.

Lenata and Tucci also quickly stepped onto the teleportation array in the stands, and followed Kewen into the battlefield.

Kewen waved immediately after landing.

He laid a soundproof barrier between the battlefield and the stands.

Looking at the translucent barrier that appeared for a brief moment and gradually disappeared, Jinx couldn't help but ask: "What did you do?"

Ke Wen replied with the reason: "To prevent you from making noises in the stands and interfering with the battle like you did just now."

Jinx rolled his eyes when he heard this.

She immediately understood that this was an excuse...

This chapter has been completed!
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