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Chapter 116 Teleport

The next afternoon.

After class, Ke Wen immediately came to his own practice classroom.

Not long after, Professor McGonagall and the college's school nurse, Madam Pomfrey, came together.

"Good afternoon, Professor McGonagall, good afternoon, Madam Pomfrey." After hearing the sound of the door opening, Coven greeted the two people who walked in politely.

Professor McGonagall nodded in response, and Madam Pomfrey responded kindly: "Good afternoon to you too, little Covin."

"I would like to trouble you, madam, today." Ke Wen said gratefully.

Madam Pomfrey waved her hand: "Isn't this exactly my job? But I really didn't expect that, little Coven, you would actually have to learn such a dangerous spell now."

Kewen showed a humble smile, then looked at Professor McGonagall and asked: "Professor, is it okay?"

Professor McGonagall nodded: "Mr. Principal has given authorization to this room. Within a week, we can perform 'Apparition' in this room."

"Great, let's start now?" Ke Wen was delighted and seemed a little impatient.

Professor McGonagall looked very serious: "Okay, but before that, I still need to remind you of some things to pay attention to!"

Next, Professor McGonagall dictated the various precautions and key points of the 'Apparition Curse' very seriously and responsibly.

Although Ke Wen had already memorized the theory by heart, he still listened carefully. After all, 'Apparition' was a very dangerous curse, and he did not want to take his own life as a joke.

Professor McGonagall finished the lecture quickly and asked Ke Wen to repeat it.

Coven perfectly retells what Professor McGonagall said word for word.

After listening, Professor McGonagall felt a little more relieved, and then said: "Before learning, I will take you to use 'Apparition' several times to let you feel and get used to the effect of the spell."

"Thank you Professor!"

Kewen was very happy. He had full confidence that as long as Professor McGonagall took him to experience it a few times, he would quickly get used to the feeling of 'teleportation'.

Professor McGonagall was not verbose because she believed that no matter how much she said, it would not be as good as letting Cowen experience the effect of the spell several times in person.

Therefore, Professor McGonagall took Ke Wen to the center of the practice room, and then raised his hand to hold Ke Wen's shoulder.

"Get ready." Professor McGonagall warned at the end: "I'm going to start."

Ke Wen didn't speak, just nodded heavily and paid great attention.

The next moment, Professor McGonagall cast the 'Apparition' spell very familiarly. She and Ke Wen's figures quickly twisted and shrunk to a point, and disappeared in an instant.

During the breath, next to the magic target at the end of the practice room, the space suddenly became distorted, and then the two figures appeared like a piece of rapidly rotating cloth, changing from small to large again in an instant.

As soon as he emerged, Professor McGonagall looked down at Kewen with concern.

Kewen closed his eyes at this time and took the time to experience the teleportation feeling just now.

It was the same feeling as when Dumbledore took him teleporting in the Forbidden Forest. There was a sense of dizziness at the moment when he disappeared and appeared, and the process in between was like flying in a blurry alien space.


However, the distance moved this time was relatively short, so the feeling of flying in the middle was very short.

After thinking about it quietly for a while, Ke Wen opened his eyes and asked Professor McGonagall: "Can you continue a few more times, Professor?"


Professor McGonagall wished she could experience it with Kewen a few more times. In her opinion, with Kewen's talent, that would only greatly increase Kewen's success rate in learning this spell.

Therefore, Professor McGonagall took Kewen to teleport several times.

Every time Ke Wen would close his eyes and reminisce about the feeling of teleportation after appearing, but the time for recollection was getting shorter and shorter.

Finally, after Professor McGonagall took Kewen to experience teleportation for the tenth time, Kewen finally fully adapted to the reaction during teleportation.

"I think it's OK, Professor." Ke Wen said, "Let me try it myself!"

"Okay..." Professor McGonagall agreed after a slight hesitation.

However, Professor McGonagall still couldn't help but remind her again: "Pay attention to the three key points that need to be kept in mind when it comes to 'Apparition'!"

Kewen didn't wait for Professor McGonagall to finish his instructions and immediately responded: "I know, clear goals, firm determination, and a calm mentality."

"Remember!" Professor McGonagall gave the final warning: "Don't be nervous and don't mistake the spells of 'transmigration' and 'appearance'."

"I will pay attention!" Ke Wen nodded heavily and repeated again: "Phanting is used to disappear, and Apparition is used to appear at the target location!"

Hearing this, Professor McGonagall said nothing more and took a step back slightly, leaving the venue to Ke Wen.

On the side, Madam Pomfrey took a step forward and raised the wand in her hand, always ready to treat Coven as soon as possible if something happened to him.

Ke Wen took a deep breath and calmed down.

In order to ensure safety, Kewen did not plan to use silent or wand-less spell casting techniques. Instead, he waved the wand in a textbook manner and recited the spell aloud at the same time.


After letting out a low drink, Kewen kept in mind Professor McGonagall's instructions, instantly determined the direction of the teleportation, firmed up his thoughts, and then calmly turned around.

The next moment, Ke Wen's body suddenly shrank and turned sharply. After a sound like "shaking off the cloth" sounded, Ke Wen's figure disappeared in an instant.

As if entering an alien space, the scene in the practice room became a little blurry.

Ke Wen's body flew forward quickly in the alien space, reaching the target location almost instantly.

Maintaining a calm mind, Ke Wen quickly recited the incantation: "Apparition!"

A huge pulling force appeared and pulled his body out of the alien space.

A brief feeling of dizziness appeared, and then Ke Wen suppressed it instantly.

After regaining control of his body's balance, Kewen had already teleported to the target location.

The first time he looked down, he looked at himself to see if the teleportation had caused any physical damage to him.

Not feeling any pain on his body, Kewen turned around happily and looked at Professor McGonagall.

At the same time, Professor McGonagall and Madam Pomfrey asked almost in unison: "How is it!? Do you feel hurt anywhere in your body!?"

"No injury! I'm fine!" Ke Wen immediately responded with comfort, and then asked expectantly: "Am I successful!?"

Professor McGonagall and Madam Pomfrey walked over quickly and kept looking at Kewen. After they found no wounds on Kewen, they both breathed a sigh of relief at the same time...

This chapter has been completed!
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