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Chapter 158: Negotiation

Noxus's military division system has indeed made them powerful and highly aggressive in foreign affairs.

But this kind of government also has limitations!

For example, the imperial generals work on their own, and the forces under their command are only loyal to their own generals.

Therefore, except for some non-critical things, every general will not disclose the information and intelligence related to huge interests to others!

Just like the Du Kecao family.

Some time ago, Catalina had brought a lot of information back to the country from the Twin Cities.

However, she obviously did not share the information.

This resulted in the other generals still not knowing much about the Twin Cities.

Otherwise, the person in charge sitting in the box watching the fight would not be able to issue such overly confident orders.

Obviously, his intelligence system is not enough for him to know who Jinx is.

At this time, the Noxian leader was unscrupulously despising the Twin Cities, but he didn't know that there was someone standing next to him with his arms folded, and he also sneered and expressed contempt!

That's Lenata.

Under Silko's orders, Lenata will focus on spying on the Noxians these days.

So as soon as today's gladiatorial match started, she followed the Noxian into the box.

Being in the mirror space, Lenata had no scruples. She couldn't even call it eavesdropping, but she clearly heard all the conversations of the Noxians.

Lenata couldn't help but laugh at the Noxian's arrogance.

She stretched out the robotic arm of her left hand, and then made a finger-holding motion on the leader's neck.

Although she didn't touch the phantom, the murderous aura and malice in Lenata's eyes was completely impossible to hide!

In the special box on the other side.

Camille's eyes glanced at Ritz from time to time.

She felt that Ritz's appearance was very timely.

Now that Ryze, an outsider, can enter the mirror space, is it no problem to let the spies in?

Thinking of this, Camille spoke directly: "Everyone, I have a proposal that we need to discuss."

Everyone was slightly stunned.

Everyone was chatting, and no one paid attention to the match between Jinx and Giggs. After all, everyone was already familiar with Jinx's strength.

Therefore, Camille's voice immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"What proposal?" Heimerdinger said, stroking his curving beard: "Just tell everyone."

"It's about the work of a spy."

Camille raised a topic, and then explained that she wanted spies to come to the mirror space to facilitate the collection of intelligence.

Except for the one who reacted slowly, the others, such as Myrdalda, Heimerdinger, and Hilko, immediately thought of the inconvenience!

Heimerdinger and Myrdalda hesitated to speak for various reasons.

But not Hilko.

He immediately pointed out the key: "So what should we do about everyone's privacy security?"

As soon as these words came out, the young people who had just agreed with the idea were immediately shut up.

Regarding this question, Camille, who had already thought of a countermeasure last night, immediately responded: "I will restrain them and not allow anyone to approach your house."

She glanced at everyone: "If you don't believe it, you can also take turns supervising in the mirror world."

"Isn't this something bad?"

Fandel rarely expressed his opinion: "This will cause problems in the trust relationship between us, which is not conducive to unity."

"But intelligence work is more important!"

Camille said calmly: "The outside world is eyeing our Twin Cities, and with the arena, the flow of people in the Twin Cities will become more complicated, so we must have a more efficient intelligence system."

She raised her hand and pointed around: "The mirror space is the perfect environment for establishing an intelligence system."


Grayson echoed.

She first showed an apologetic look to Fandel, then nodded and said: "In the mirror world, spies are the most efficient whether they are gathering intelligence or searching for criminals."

She said: "If you can trust me, I can stay here at night to monitor the scope of the spies' activities for you."

"In this case……"

Heimerdinger also joined in the conversation: "I have a better way."

He touched his pocket, then paused again.

"I forgot, this is not a battlefield."

He patted his forehead and explained: "Through the ability to manifest on the battlefield, I have made many inventions in recent times, including one related to surveillance."

"That invention, I originally wanted to use it to supervise the 'Hex Crystal' or something like that."

"Once an outside force steals the crystal, I can use that invention to see where the crystal is."

"But that invention has limitations. The scope of surveillance is not large. It can barely cover a place as big as the Twin Cities. Once the crystal is taken out of the surveillance range, it is useless, so I did not continue to research on that invention.


"Since everyone is now worried about privacy issues, I can modify the invention."

"I see!"

Victor guessed what Heimerdinger was thinking.

He immediately interrupted and said: "Dean, what do you mean, let all the spies carry a monitoring source, and then change the effect of the monitoring equipment, such as recording the traces of those monitoring sources?"

"That's right."

Heimerdinger was pleased with Victor's tacit understanding.

He smiled and nodded: "You guessed it right! That's what I thought."

Then Heimerdinger looked around at everyone: "In that case, we don't need to supervise you. All traces of the spies' activities will be recorded by the equipment. As long as you look at the records, you will know whether the spies have approached your mansion."

"very good!"

Camille actually smiled rarely.

She didn't expect this result at all.

I thought that her proposal would be difficult to pass.

Camille was ready. Once everyone disagreed, she would use Ritz, an outsider, to make the case.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! She even plans to make Myrdalda and Grayson agree to the proposal through hints.

But unexpectedly, Grayson actually provided an assist on his own initiative, and Heimerdinger also helped score the decisive goal!

With Heimerdinger's invention, everyone should no longer worry about privacy issues.

Thinking of this, Camille couldn't help but look at Ke Wen.

While hiding the joy of victory in her heart, she said: "I would like to help you make more bracelets so that the spies can easily enter and exit the mirror space."

Ke Wen looked at everyone who had no objections, and then nodded: "Okay, give me the amount, and I will give it to you tomorrow."


Camille smiled and said: "I will go back to count the number of people right away. Everyone, please excuse me."

After saying goodbye to everyone, Camille directly activated the bracelet to teleport and disappeared.


At this time, Hilko said again: "When will your monitoring equipment be available?"

"It shouldn't take long."

Heimerdinger replied: "As long as we go to the battlefield and experiment a few more times, we should be able to get the complete design drawing soon."

"Then please do it as soon as possible."

Hilko urged: "To be honest, I can trust Camille not to pry into everyone's privacy without authorization, but I can't trust those spies."

He looked around at everyone and said as if to remind: "Those who are secret agents, I think because of the nature of their work, they will become fond of exploring privacy, and they will even do it unknowingly."

"And here."

Hilko pointed to his feet: "As Camille and Grayson said, the mirror space is very suitable for espionage work."

"This will make those spies unscrupulous!"

He emphasized his tone: "If there are not enough restrictions, I'm worried that those spies will become unscrupulous and even obey Camille's orders!"

"That's right!"

Fandel and Hilko are on the same side.

He said in a deep voice: "I have seen too many people like this! They are Zaan people!"

He sighed slightly and said: "After the uprising was successful and Zuan gained independence, many Zaun people changed their temperaments!"

"They are unscrupulous and arrogant. Many of them are arrogant and want to bully the people of Piltover."

Fandel concluded: "This is all caused by changes in the environment that make them lack of fear, so we must prevent those spies from doing the same!"

He looked at Heimerdinger: "So Mr. Dean, please create that kind of monitoring equipment as soon as possible. We must stop the wanton changes of those secret agents in advance!"

"That's it..."

Heimerdinger nodded solemnly: "No problem! Then I will go to the battlefield to research and transform the tools to show their abilities!"

"Victor, Jace." He turned around and said, "You two are here to help."


"Yes! Mr. Dean!"

Victor and Jess Tallis responded at the same time.

Without further ado, Heimerdinger said goodbye and left with his two assistants.

They returned to the academy first, and then started teleportation again to go to the Parliament Floating Island.

As for the few remaining people in the much empty viewing box, they no longer had much interest in watching the game.

Hilko was the first to say goodbye.

"I'm going to find Lenata."

He said: "Zu'an will also provide some manpower for the secret agent work. I plan to leave this aspect of the work to Lenata."

Several people on Zu An's side did not object.

So Hilko nodded to everyone and left the box.

"Then I'll take my leave first."

Grayson also stood up: "I want to go back to the bureau to make arrangements and prepare to gather people to form a team and let them be responsible for handing over intelligence to the spies in the future."


Wei stood up reluctantly: "The work has finally become easy for a while. That guy Camille can really make things happen for others."

She shrugged helplessly, and said with a slightly lazy look: "Then I will go out and talk to Marx and ask him to arrange for a special intelligence department to hand over intelligence to those spies in the future."

After saying that, she greeted Caitlin: "Little cake, will you come with me? Then we will go shopping in the city."

"This..." Caitlin was a little cautious and looked at Grayson.

In response to this, Grayson smiled and waved his hand: "You can compensate Wei, I don't have much work, I can handle the affairs of the bureau myself."

"Ok, deal!"

Wei didn't want to say anything, she directly raised her hand to hold Caitlin's hand, and then they teleported away together.

Grayson smiled helplessly, nodded to the remaining people, and then teleported away as well.

At this time, there were only four people left in the box: Coven, Ruiz, Fandel, and Myrdalda.

No one wants to leave and do things anymore.

Coven and Ryze were free, while Fandel and Myrdalda stayed to watch the game because they had to.

They need to observe the players and look for talents.

This should be Fandel's job. After all, this talent recruitment event started because of Zaun.

But Medalda didn't want to do nothing.

She planned to pick it up.

What if there is any talent that Zaun missed?

Therefore, with this idea in mind, Myrdalda stayed and watched the game carefully.

She opened her personal screen and frequently changed the live broadcast of the competition on it, trying to find any special masters.

The same goes for Fandel. He carefully observes the fighting skills of each player and writes down something in a small notebook at any time.

As for Coven and Ryze, they chatted quietly.

Of course, their topic is not meaningless.

Ryze was asking Kewen about unknown magic systems, and he finally had the opportunity to ask out all the doubts hidden in his heart.

And Kewen didn't find it too annoying. He answered every question from Ritz carefully.

In this way, the time came to the end of the duel match unknowingly.

The atmosphere in today's arena is almost the same as yesterday.

Since watching yesterday's game, the audience remembered the top players from Demacia and Noxus.

The audience also got their wish today and saw the live broadcast of the battles of those masters.

After all, Noxus and Demacia seemed to be competing with each other. They both placed bets on the live broadcast, allowing the battle scenes of their two players to be broadcast live on the field.

They also successfully used live broadcasts to enhance the prestige of their respective countries.

The audience doesn't know about the secret rivalry between Noxus and Demacia. They only know that today's game is still very exciting to watch!

The battle scenes between the players from Noxus and Demacia were enough to make the audience feel that it was worth the price of admission!

As for other matches like street fights, they are just a tonic to relieve the over-excitement of the audience.

All the spectators thought that the focus of the competition was only on the players from Noxus and Demacia.

In fact, their understanding is wrong.

After all, the competition has just begun. After two consecutive days of competition, the players have not even made it out of the bronze group.

As the players' ranks get higher and higher, masters will also emerge in the waves.

In the best-of-five bronze group competition, a large number of players will be eliminated after five days.

The same is true for the subsequent Silver and Gold ranks.

When the event is reduced due to rank, all the masters hidden among the players will have the opportunity to be broadcast live.

At that time! It was the most exciting moment of the entire event...

This chapter has been completed!
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